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<!-- 32 Could not authenticate you: Your call could not be completed as dialed. -->
<string name="error_twitter_32">Аутентификация невозможна. Вам потребуется войти заново.</string>
<!-- 34 Sorry, that page does not exist: Corresponds with HTTP 404 - the specified resource was not found. -->
<string name="error_twitter_34">Этот твит, пользователь или страница не существуют.</string>
<!-- 88 Rate limit exceeded: The request limit for this resource has been reached for the current rate limit window. -->
<string name="error_twitter_88">Лимит превышен, попробуйте позже.</string>
<!-- 89 Invalid or expired token: The access token used in the request is incorrect or has expired. Used in API v1.1 -->
<string name="error_twitter_89">Ваши данные для входа неверны или истек их срок действия. Войдите снова.</string>
<!-- 64 Your account is suspended and is not permitted to access this feature: Corresponds with an HTTP 403 - the access token being used belongs to a suspended user and they can't complete the action you're trying to take -->
<string name="error_twitter_64">Ваш аккаунт приостановлен и вы не имеете доступа к этой функции.</string>
<!-- 130 Over capacity: Corresponds with HTTP 503 - Twitter is temporarily over capacity. -->
<string name="error_twitter_130">Твиттер временно перегружен.</string>
<!-- 131 Internal error: Corresponds with HTTP 500 - An unknown internal error occurred. -->
<string name="error_twitter_131">Сервер не доступен, попробуйте позже.</string>
<!-- 135 Could not authenticate you: Corresponds with HTTP 401 - it means that your oauth_timestamp is either ahead or behind our acceptable range -->
<string name="error_twitter_135">Проверьте ваши системные часы на правильность.</string>
<!-- 136 Blocked by user while retweeting: You have been blocked from retweeting this user's tweets at their request. -->
<string name="error_twitter_136">Вы были заблокированы этим пользователем</string>
<string name="error_twitter_139">Вы уже добавили в избранное этот твит</string>
<!-- 144 No status found with that ID. -->
<string name="error_twitter_161">Вы уже отравили запрос этому пользователю.</string>
<!-- 172 You have been blocked from following this account at the request of the user. -->
<string name="error_twitter_162">Вы заблокированы этим пользователем.</string>
<!-- 172 There was an error creating your search: Corresponds with HTTP 403 - The saved search already exists. -->
<string name="error_twitter_172">Вы уже сохранили этот поисковой запрос.</string>
<!-- 179 Sorry, you are not authorized to see this status: Corresponds with HTTP 403 - thrown when a Tweet cannot be viewed by the authenticating user, usually due to the tweet's author having protected their tweets. -->
<string name="error_twitter_179">Вы не можете видеть твиты этого пользователя.</string>
<!-- 187 Status is a duplicate: The status text has been Tweeted already by the authenticated account. -->
<string name="error_twitter_187">Вы уже отправили этот твит.</string>
<string name="error_twitter_193">Фотография слишком большая.</string>
<!-- 215 Bad authentication data: Typically sent with 1.1 responses with HTTP code 400. The method requires authentication but it was not presented or was wholly invalid -->
<string name="error_twitter_215">Вам необходимо войти заново.</string>