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<!-- 32 Could not authenticate you: Your call could not be completed as dialed. -->
<string name="error_twitter_32">認証できませんでした。再度ログインしてください。</string>
<!-- 34 Sorry, that page does not exist: Corresponds with HTTP 404 - the specified resource was not found. -->
<string name="error_twitter_34">このツイートかユーザーは存在しません。</string>
<!-- 88 Rate limit exceeded: The request limit for this resource has been reached for the current rate limit window. -->
<string name="error_twitter_88">制限を超えました、後でお試しください。</string>
<!-- 89 Invalid or expired token: The access token used in the request is incorrect or has expired. Used in API v1.1 -->
<string name="error_twitter_89">ログイン情報が正しくないか有効期限切れです。ログインし直してください。</string>
<!-- 64 Your account is suspended and is not permitted to access this feature: Corresponds with an HTTP 403 - the access token being used belongs to a suspended user and they can't complete the action you're trying to take -->
<string name="error_twitter_64">アカウントが凍結されているのでこの機能にはアクセス出来ません。</string>
<!-- 130 Over capacity: Corresponds with HTTP 503 - Twitter is temporarily over capacity. -->
<string name="error_twitter_130">Twitterは一時的に許容範囲をオーバーしました。</string>
<!-- 131 Internal error: Corresponds with HTTP 500 - An unknown internal error occurred. -->
<string name="error_twitter_131">Twitterのサーバーが一時的にダウンしました。後でお試しください。</string>
<!-- 135 Could not authenticate you: Corresponds with HTTP 401 - it means that your oauth_timestamp is either ahead or behind our acceptable range -->
<string name="error_twitter_135">端末の時計があっているか確認してください。</string>
<!-- 136 Blocked by user while retweeting: You have been blocked from retweeting this user's tweets at their request. -->
<string name="error_twitter_136">このユーザーにブロックされています。</string>
<string name="error_twitter_139">すでにこのツイートをお気に入りにしています。</string>
<!-- 144 No status found with that ID. -->
<string name="error_twitter_144">ツイートが見つかりません。おそらく削除されています。</string>
<string name="error_twitter_161">すでにフォローリクエストを送信しています。</string>
<!-- 172 You have been blocked from following this account at the request of the user. -->
<string name="error_twitter_162">このユーザーにブロックされています。</string>
<!-- 172 There was an error creating your search: Corresponds with HTTP 403 - The saved search already exists. -->
<string name="error_twitter_172">この検索はすでに保存済みです。</string>
<!-- 179 Sorry, you are not authorized to see this status: Corresponds with HTTP 403 - thrown when a Tweet cannot be viewed by the authenticating user, usually due to the tweet's author having protected their tweets. -->
<string name="error_twitter_179">この非公開ユーザーのツイートは表示出来ません。</string>
<!-- 187 Status is a duplicate: The status text has been Tweeted already by the authenticated account. -->
<string name="error_twitter_187">同じツイートをすでに送信しています。</string>
<string name="error_twitter_193">アップロードする画像が大きすぎます。</string>
<!-- 215 Bad authentication data: Typically sent with 1.1 responses with HTTP code 400. The method requires authentication but it was not presented or was wholly invalid -->
<string name="error_twitter_215">ログインし直してください。</string>