
328 lines
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* Twidere - Twitter client for Android
* Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Mariotaku Lee <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import android.content.Context
import android.content.SharedPreferences
import android.util.Log
import android.util.TimingLogger
import okhttp3.Dns
import org.mariotaku.ktextension.toIntOr
import org.mariotaku.twidere.BuildConfig
import org.mariotaku.twidere.TwidereConstants.HOST_MAPPING_PREFERENCES_NAME
import org.mariotaku.twidere.constant.SharedPreferenceConstants.*
import org.xbill.DNS.*
import java.util.*
import javax.inject.Singleton
class TwidereDns(val context: Context, private val preferences: SharedPreferences) : Dns {
private val hostMapping = context.getSharedPreferences(HOST_MAPPING_PREFERENCES_NAME,
private val systemHosts = SystemHosts()
private var resolver: Resolver? = null
private var useResolver: Boolean = false
init {
override fun lookup(hostname: String): List<InetAddress> {
try {
return resolveInternal(hostname, hostname, 0, useResolver)
} catch (e: IOException) {
if (e is UnknownHostException) throw e
throw UnknownHostException("Unable to resolve address " + e.message)
} catch (e: SecurityException) {
throw UnknownHostException("Security exception" + e.message)
fun lookupResolver(hostname: String): List<InetAddress> {
try {
return resolveInternal(hostname, hostname, 0, true)
} catch (e: IOException) {
if (e is UnknownHostException) throw e
throw UnknownHostException("Unable to resolve address " + e.message)
} catch (e: SecurityException) {
throw UnknownHostException("Security exception" + e.message)
fun reloadDnsSettings() {
this.resolver = null
useResolver = preferences.getBoolean(KEY_BUILTIN_DNS_RESOLVER, false)
fun putMapping(host: String, address: String) {
beginMappingTransaction {
this[host] = address
fun beginMappingTransaction(action: MappingTransaction.() -> Unit) {
hostMapping.edit().apply { action(MappingTransaction(this)) }.apply()
@Throws(IOException::class, SecurityException::class)
private fun resolveInternal(originalHost: String, host: String, depth: Int,
useResolver: Boolean): List<InetAddress> {
val logger = TimingLogger(RESOLVER_LOGTAG, "resolve")
// Return if host is an address
val fromAddressString = fromAddressString(originalHost, host)
if (fromAddressString != null) {
addLogSplit(logger, host, "valid ip address", depth)
dumpLog(logger, fromAddressString)
return fromAddressString
// Load from custom mapping
addLogSplit(logger, host, "start custom mapping resolve", depth)
val fromMapping = getFromMapping(host)
addLogSplit(logger, host, "end custom mapping resolve", depth)
if (fromMapping != null) {
dumpLog(logger, fromMapping)
return fromMapping
if (useResolver) {
// Load from /etc/hosts, since Dnsjava doesn't support hosts entry lookup
addLogSplit(logger, host, "start /etc/hosts resolve", depth)
val fromSystemHosts = fromSystemHosts(host)
addLogSplit(logger, host, "end /etc/hosts resolve", depth)
if (fromSystemHosts != null) {
dumpLog(logger, fromSystemHosts)
return fromSystemHosts
// Use DNS resolver
addLogSplit(logger, host, "start resolver resolve", depth)
val fromResolver = fromResolver(originalHost, host)
addLogSplit(logger, host, "end resolver resolve", depth)
if (fromResolver != null) {
dumpLog(logger, fromResolver)
return fromResolver
addLogSplit(logger, host, "start system default resolve", depth)
val fromDefault = Arrays.asList(*InetAddress.getAllByName(host))
addLogSplit(logger, host, "end system default resolve", depth)
dumpLog(logger, fromDefault)
return fromDefault
private fun dumpLog(logger: TimingLogger, addresses: List<InetAddress>) {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) return
Log.v(RESOLVER_LOGTAG, "Resolved " + addresses)
private fun addLogSplit(logger: TimingLogger, host: String, message: String, depth: Int) {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) return
val sb = StringBuilder()
for (i in 0 until depth) {
sb.append(" ")
sb.append(": ")
private fun fromSystemHosts(host: String): List<InetAddress>? {
try {
return systemHosts.resolve(host)
} catch (e: IOException) {
return null
private fun fromResolver(originalHost: String, host: String): List<InetAddress>? {
val resolver = this.getResolver()
val records = lookupHostName(resolver, host, true)
val addrs = ArrayList<InetAddress>(records.size)
for (record in records) {
addrs.add(addrFromRecord(originalHost, record))
if (addrs.isEmpty()) return null
return addrs
private fun getFromMapping(host: String): List<InetAddress>? {
return getFromMappingInternal(host, host, false)
private fun getFromMappingInternal(host: String, origHost: String, checkRecursive: Boolean): List<InetAddress>? {
if (checkRecursive && hostMatches(host, origHost)) {
// Recursive resolution, stop this call
return null
for ((key, value1) in hostMapping.all) {
if (hostMatches(host, key)) {
val value = value1 as String
val resolved = getResolvedIPAddress(origHost, value) ?: // Maybe another hostname
return getFromMappingInternal(value, origHost, true)
return listOf(resolved)
return null
private fun getResolver(): Resolver {
return this.resolver ?: run {
val tcp = preferences.getBoolean(KEY_TCP_DNS_QUERY, false)
val servers = preferences.getString(KEY_DNS_SERVER, null)?.split(';', ',', ' ') ?:
val resolvers = servers?.mapNotNull {
val segs = it.split("#", limit = 2)
if (segs.isEmpty()) return@mapNotNull null
if (!isValidIpAddress(segs[0])) return@mapNotNull null
return@mapNotNull SimpleResolver(segs[0]).apply {
if (segs.size == 2) {
val port = segs[1].toIntOr(-1)
if (port in 0..65535) {
val resolver: Resolver
resolver = if (resolvers != null && resolvers.isNotEmpty()) {
} else {
this.resolver = resolver
return@run resolver
private fun fromAddressString(host: String, address: String): List<InetAddress>? {
val resolved = getResolvedIPAddress(host, address) ?: return null
return listOf(resolved)
companion object {
private val RESOLVER_LOGTAG = "TwidereDns"
private fun hostMatches(host: String?, rule: String?): Boolean {
if (rule == null || host == null) return false
if (rule.startsWith(".")) return host.endsWith(rule, ignoreCase = true)
return host.equals(rule, ignoreCase = true)
fun getResolvedIPAddress(host: String,
address: String): InetAddress? {
var bytes = Address.toByteArray(address, Address.IPv4)
if (bytes != null)
return InetAddress.getByAddress(host, bytes)
bytes = Address.toByteArray(address, Address.IPv6)
if (bytes != null)
return InetAddress.getByAddress(host, bytes)
return null
private fun getInetAddressType(address: String): Int {
var bytes = Address.toByteArray(address, Address.IPv4)
if (bytes != null)
return Address.IPv4
bytes = Address.toByteArray(address, Address.IPv6)
if (bytes != null)
return Address.IPv6
return 0
fun isValidIpAddress(address: String): Boolean {
return getInetAddressType(address) != 0
private fun lookupHostName(resolver: Resolver, name: String, all: Boolean): Array<Record> {
try {
val lookup = newLookup(resolver, name, Type.A)
val a =
if (a == null) {
if (lookup.result == Lookup.TYPE_NOT_FOUND) {
// val aaaa = newLookup(resolver, name, Type.AAAA).run()
// if (aaaa != null) return aaaa
throw UnknownHostException("unknown host")
if (!all)
return a
// val aaaa = newLookup(resolver, name, Type.AAAA).run() ?: return a
// return a + aaaa
return a
} catch (e: TextParseException) {
throw UnknownHostException("invalid name")
private fun newLookup(resolver: Resolver, name: String, type: Int): Lookup {
val lookup = Lookup(name, type)
return lookup
private fun addrFromRecord(name: String, r: Record): InetAddress {
val addr: InetAddress
if (r is ARecord) {
addr = r.address
} else {
addr = (r as AAAARecord).address
return InetAddress.getByAddress(name, addr.address)
class MappingTransaction(private val editor: SharedPreferences.Editor) {
operator fun set(host: String, address: String) {
editor.putString(host, address)
fun remove(host: String) {