
474 lines
20 KiB

* Twidere - Twitter client for Android
* Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Mariotaku Lee <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package org.mariotaku.twidere.util
import android.text.TextUtils
import okhttp3.HttpUrl
import okhttp3.Interceptor
import okhttp3.Response
import org.attoparser.ParseException
import org.attoparser.config.ParseConfiguration
import org.attoparser.simple.AbstractSimpleMarkupHandler
import org.attoparser.simple.SimpleMarkupParser
import org.mariotaku.microblog.library.MicroBlogException
import org.mariotaku.microblog.library.twitter.TwitterOAuth
import org.mariotaku.restfu.RestAPIFactory
import org.mariotaku.restfu.annotation.method.GET
import org.mariotaku.restfu.annotation.method.POST
import org.mariotaku.restfu.http.*
import org.mariotaku.restfu.http.mime.FormBody
import org.mariotaku.restfu.http.mime.SimpleBody
import org.mariotaku.restfu.oauth.OAuthToken
import org.mariotaku.restfu.okhttp3.OkHttpRestClient
import org.mariotaku.twidere.TwidereConstants.OAUTH_CALLBACK_OOB
class OAuthPasswordAuthenticator(
private val oauth: TwitterOAuth,
private val loginVerificationCallback: OAuthPasswordAuthenticator.LoginVerificationCallback,
private val userAgent: String
) {
private val client: RestHttpClient
private val endpoint: Endpoint
init {
val restClient = RestAPIFactory.getRestClient(oauth)
this.endpoint = restClient.endpoint
val oldClient = (restClient.restClient as OkHttpRestClient).client
val builder = oldClient.newBuilder()
this.client = OkHttpRestClient(
fun getOAuthAccessToken(username: String, password: String): OAuthToken {
val requestToken: OAuthToken
try {
requestToken = oauth.getRequestToken(OAUTH_CALLBACK_OOB)
} catch (e: MicroBlogException) {
if (e.isCausedByNetworkIssue) throw AuthenticationException(e)
throw AuthenticityTokenException(e)
try {
val authorizeRequestData = getAuthorizeRequestData(requestToken)
var authorizeResponseData = getAuthorizeResponseData(requestToken,
authorizeRequestData, username, password)
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(authorizeResponseData.oauthPin)) {
// Here we got OAuth PIN, just get access token directly
return oauth.getAccessToken(requestToken, authorizeResponseData.oauthPin)
} else if (authorizeResponseData.challenge == null) {
// No OAuth pin, or verification challenge, so treat as wrong password
throw WrongUserPassException()
// Go to password verification flow
val challengeType = authorizeResponseData.challenge!!.challengeType ?:
throw LoginVerificationException()
val loginVerification = loginVerificationCallback.getLoginVerification(challengeType)
val verificationData = getVerificationData(authorizeResponseData,
authorizeResponseData = getAuthorizeResponseData(requestToken,
verificationData, username, password)
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(authorizeResponseData.oauthPin)) {
throw LoginVerificationException()
return oauth.getAccessToken(requestToken, authorizeResponseData.oauthPin)
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw AuthenticationException(e)
} catch (e: NullPointerException) {
throw AuthenticationException(e)
} catch (e: MicroBlogException) {
throw AuthenticationException(e)
@Throws(IOException::class, LoginVerificationException::class)
private fun getVerificationData(authorizeResponseData: AuthorizeResponseData,
challengeResponse: String?): AuthorizeRequestData {
try {
val params = MultiValueMap<String>()
val verification = authorizeResponseData.challenge!!
params.add("authenticity_token", verification.authenticityToken)
params.add("user_id", verification.userId)
params.add("challenge_id", verification.challengeId)
params.add("challenge_type", verification.challengeType)
params.add("platform", verification.platform)
params.add("redirect_after_login", verification.redirectAfterLogin)
val requestHeaders = MultiValueMap<String>()
requestHeaders.add("User-Agent", userAgent)
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(challengeResponse)) {
params.add("challenge_response", challengeResponse)
val authorizationResultBody = FormBody(params)
val authorizeResultBuilder = HttpRequest.Builder()
return client.newCall( {
val data = AuthorizeRequestData()
parseAuthorizeRequestData(it, data)
if (data.authenticityToken.isNullOrEmpty()) {
throw LoginVerificationException()
return@use data
} catch (e: ParseException) {
throw LoginVerificationException("Login verification challenge failed", e)
@Throws(ParseException::class, IOException::class)
private fun parseAuthorizeRequestData(response: HttpResponse, data: AuthorizeRequestData) {
val handler = object : AbstractSimpleMarkupHandler() {
var isOAuthFormOpened: Boolean = false
override fun handleStandaloneElement(elementName: String, attributes: MutableMap<String, String>?, minimized: Boolean, line: Int, col: Int) {
handleOpenElement(elementName, attributes, line, col)
handleCloseElement(elementName, line, col)
override fun handleOpenElement(elementName: String, attributes: MutableMap<String, String>?, line: Int, col: Int) {
when (elementName) {
"form" -> {
if (attributes != null && "oauth_form" == attributes["id"]) {
isOAuthFormOpened = true
"input" -> {
if (attributes != null && isOAuthFormOpened) {
val name = attributes["name"]
val value = attributes["value"]
if (name == "authenticity_token") {
data.authenticityToken = value
} else if (name == "redirect_after_login") {
data.redirectAfterLogin = value
override fun handleCloseElement(elementName: String, line: Int, col: Int) {
if ("form" == elementName) {
isOAuthFormOpened = false
PARSER.parse(SimpleBody.reader(response.body), handler)
@Throws(IOException::class, AuthenticationException::class)
private fun getAuthorizeResponseData(requestToken: OAuthToken,
authorizeRequestData: AuthorizeRequestData,
username: String, password: String): AuthorizeResponseData {
try {
val data = AuthorizeResponseData()
val params = MultiValueMap<String>()
params.add("oauth_token", requestToken.oauthToken)
params.add("authenticity_token", authorizeRequestData.authenticityToken)
params.add("redirect_after_login", authorizeRequestData.redirectAfterLogin)
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(username) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(password)) {
params.add("session[username_or_email]", username)
params.add("session[password]", password)
val authorizationResultBody = FormBody(params)
val requestHeaders = MultiValueMap<String>()
requestHeaders.add("User-Agent", userAgent)
data.referer = authorizeRequestData.referer
val authorizeResultBuilder = HttpRequest.Builder()
val handler = object : AbstractSimpleMarkupHandler() {
var isOAuthPinDivOpened: Boolean = false
var isChallengeFormOpened: Boolean = false
override fun handleStandaloneElement(elementName: String, attributes: MutableMap<String, String>?,
minimized: Boolean, line: Int, col: Int) {
handleOpenElement(elementName, attributes, line, col)
handleCloseElement(elementName, line, col)
override fun handleCloseElement(elementName: String, line: Int, col: Int) {
when (elementName) {
"div" -> {
isOAuthPinDivOpened = false
"form" -> {
isChallengeFormOpened = false
override fun handleOpenElement(elementName: String, attributes: Map<String, String>?,
line: Int, col: Int) {
when (elementName) {
"div" -> {
if (attributes != null && "oauth_pin" == attributes["id"]) {
isOAuthPinDivOpened = true
"form" -> {
if (attributes != null) when (attributes["id"]) {
"login-verification-form", "login-challenge-form" -> {
isChallengeFormOpened = true
"input" -> {
if (attributes != null && isChallengeFormOpened) {
val name = attributes["name"]
val value = attributes["value"]
when (name) {
"authenticity_token" -> {
data.challenge!!.authenticityToken = value
"challenge_id" -> {
data.challenge!!.challengeId = value
"challenge_type" -> {
data.challenge!!.challengeType = value
"platform" -> {
data.challenge!!.platform = value
"user_id" -> {
data.challenge!!.userId = value
"redirect_after_login" -> {
data.challenge!!.redirectAfterLogin = value
private fun ensureVerification() {
if (data.challenge == null) {
data.challenge = AuthorizeResponseData.Verification()
override fun handleText(buffer: CharArray?, offset: Int, len: Int, line: Int, col: Int) {
if (isOAuthPinDivOpened) {
val s = String(buffer!!, offset, len)
if (TextUtils.isDigitsOnly(s)) {
data.oauthPin = s
client.newCall( {
PARSER.parse(SimpleBody.reader(it.body), handler)
return data
} catch (e: ParseException) {
throw AuthenticationException("Malformed HTML", e)
@Throws(IOException::class, AuthenticationException::class)
private fun getAuthorizeRequestData(requestToken: OAuthToken): AuthorizeRequestData {
try {
val data = AuthorizeRequestData()
val authorizePageBuilder = HttpRequest.Builder()
arrayOf("oauth_token", requestToken.oauthToken)))
data.referer = Endpoint.constructUrl("",
arrayOf("oauth_token", requestToken.oauthToken))
val requestHeaders = MultiValueMap<String>()
requestHeaders.add("User-Agent", userAgent)
val authorizePageRequest =
client.newCall(authorizePageRequest).execute().use {
parseAuthorizeRequestData(it, data)
if (data.authenticityToken.isNullOrEmpty()) {
throw AuthenticationException()
return data
} catch (e: ParseException) {
throw AuthenticationException("Malformed HTML", e)
interface LoginVerificationCallback {
fun getLoginVerification(challengeType: String): String?
open class AuthenticationException : Exception {
constructor(cause: Exception) : super(cause)
constructor(detailMessage: String, throwable: Throwable) : super(detailMessage, throwable)
constructor(message: String) : super(message)
class AuthenticityTokenException(e: Exception) : AuthenticationException(e)
class WrongUserPassException : AuthenticationException {
internal constructor() : super()
internal constructor(cause: Exception) : super(cause)
internal constructor(detailMessage: String, throwable: Throwable) : super(detailMessage, throwable)
internal constructor(message: String) : super(message)
class LoginVerificationException : AuthenticationException {
internal constructor(message: String) : super(message)
internal constructor(detailMessage: String, throwable: Throwable) : super(detailMessage, throwable)
internal constructor(cause: Exception) : super(cause)
internal constructor() : super()
internal class AuthorizeResponseData {
var referer: String? = null
var oauthPin: String? = null
var challenge: Verification? = null
internal class Verification {
var authenticityToken: String? = null
var challengeId: String? = null
var challengeType: String? = null
var platform: String? = null
var userId: String? = null
var redirectAfterLogin: String? = null
internal class AuthorizeRequestData {
var authenticityToken: String? = null
var redirectAfterLogin: String? = null
var referer: String? = null
class OAuthPinData {
var oauthPin: String? = null
private class EndpointInterceptor(private val endpoint: Endpoint) : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
val response = chain.proceed(chain.request())
if (!response.isRedirect) {
return response
val location = response.header("Location")
val builder = response.newBuilder()
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(location) && !endpoint.checkEndpoint(location)) {
val originalLocation = HttpUrl.parse("")?.resolve(location)!!
val locationBuilder = HttpUrl.parse(endpoint.url)!!.newBuilder()
for (pathSegments in originalLocation.pathSegments()) {
for (i in 0 until originalLocation.querySize()) {
val name = originalLocation.queryParameterName(i)
val value = originalLocation.queryParameterValue(i)
locationBuilder.addQueryParameter(name, value)
val encodedFragment = originalLocation.encodedFragment()
if (encodedFragment != null) {
val newLocation =
builder.header("Location", newLocation.toString())
companion object {
private val PARSER = SimpleMarkupParser(ParseConfiguration.htmlConfiguration())
@Throws(ParseException::class, IOException::class)
fun readOAuthPINFromHtml(reader: Reader, data: OAuthPinData) {
val handler = object : AbstractSimpleMarkupHandler() {
var isOAuthPinDivOpened: Boolean = false
override fun handleStandaloneElement(elementName: String,
attributes: MutableMap<String, String>?,
minimized: Boolean, line: Int, col: Int) {
handleOpenElement(elementName, attributes, line, col)
handleCloseElement(elementName, line, col)
override fun handleOpenElement(elementName: String, attributes: Map<String, String>?, line: Int, col: Int) {
when (elementName) {
"div" -> {
if (attributes != null && "oauth_pin" == attributes["id"]) {
isOAuthPinDivOpened = true
override fun handleCloseElement(elementName: String, line: Int, col: Int) {
if ("div" == elementName) {
isOAuthPinDivOpened = false
override fun handleText(buffer: CharArray?, offset: Int, len: Int, line: Int, col: Int) {
if (isOAuthPinDivOpened) {
val s = String(buffer!!, offset, len)
if (TextUtils.isDigitsOnly(s)) {
data.oauthPin = s
PARSER.parse(reader, handler)