/* * Twidere - Twitter client for Android * * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Mariotaku Lee * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package org.mariotaku.twidere.constant; import org.mariotaku.twidere.TwidereConstants; import org.mariotaku.twidere.annotation.Preference; import org.mariotaku.twidere.provider.TwidereDataStore.Accounts; import static org.mariotaku.twidere.annotation.Preference.Type.BOOLEAN; import static org.mariotaku.twidere.annotation.Preference.Type.INT; import static org.mariotaku.twidere.annotation.Preference.Type.LONG; import static org.mariotaku.twidere.annotation.Preference.Type.STRING; public interface SharedPreferenceConstants { String FORMAT_PATTERN_TITLE = "[TITLE]"; String FORMAT_PATTERN_TEXT = "[TEXT]"; String FORMAT_PATTERN_NAME = "[NAME]"; String FORMAT_PATTERN_LINK = "[LINK]"; String VALUE_NONE = "none"; String VALUE_LINK_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_NONE = VALUE_NONE; String VALUE_LINK_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_HIGHLIGHT = "highlight"; String VALUE_LINK_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_UNDERLINE = "underline"; String VALUE_LINK_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_BOTH = "both"; int VALUE_LINK_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_CODE_NONE = 0x0; int VALUE_LINK_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_CODE_HIGHLIGHT = 0x1; int VALUE_LINK_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_CODE_UNDERLINE = 0x2; int VALUE_LINK_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_CODE_BOTH = VALUE_LINK_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_CODE_HIGHLIGHT | VALUE_LINK_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_CODE_UNDERLINE; String VALUE_MEDIA_PREVIEW_STYLE_CROP = "crop"; String VALUE_MEDIA_PREVIEW_STYLE_SCALE = "scale"; String VALUE_MEDIA_PREVIEW_STYLE_NONE = VALUE_NONE; int VALUE_MEDIA_PREVIEW_STYLE_CODE_CROP = 1; int VALUE_MEDIA_PREVIEW_STYLE_CODE_SCALE = 2; int VALUE_MEDIA_PREVIEW_STYLE_CODE_NONE = 0; String VALUE_THEME_FONT_FAMILY_REGULAR = "sans-serif"; String VALUE_THEME_FONT_FAMILY_CONDENSED = "sans-serif-condensed"; String VALUE_THEME_FONT_FAMILY_LIGHT = "sans-serif-light"; String VALUE_THEME_FONT_FAMILY_THIN = "sans-serif-thin"; int VALUE_NOTIFICATION_FLAG_NONE = 0x0; int VALUE_NOTIFICATION_FLAG_RINGTONE = 0x1; int VALUE_NOTIFICATION_FLAG_VIBRATION = 0x2; int VALUE_NOTIFICATION_FLAG_LIGHT = 0x4; String VALUE_COMPOSE_QUIT_ACTION_ASK = "ask"; String VALUE_COMPOSE_QUIT_ACTION_SAVE = "save"; String VALUE_COMPOSE_QUIT_ACTION_DISCARD = "discard"; String VALUE_TAB_DIPLAY_OPTION_ICON = "icon"; String VALUE_TAB_DIPLAY_OPTION_LABEL = "label"; String VALUE_TAB_DIPLAY_OPTION_BOTH = "both"; int VALUE_TAB_DIPLAY_OPTION_CODE_ICON = 0x1; int VALUE_TAB_DIPLAY_OPTION_CODE_LABEL = 0x2; int VALUE_TAB_DIPLAY_OPTION_CODE_BOTH = VALUE_TAB_DIPLAY_OPTION_CODE_ICON | VALUE_TAB_DIPLAY_OPTION_CODE_LABEL; String VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT = "default"; String VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_SOLID = "solid"; String VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT = "transparent"; String VALUE_THEME_NAME_TWIDERE = "twidere"; String VALUE_THEME_NAME_DARK = "dark"; String VALUE_THEME_NAME_LIGHT = "light"; String VALUE_PROFILE_IMAGE_STYLE_ROUND = "round"; String VALUE_PROFILE_IMAGE_STYLE_SQUARE = "square"; String VALUE_COMPOSE_NOW_ACTION_COMPOSE = "compose"; String VALUE_COMPOSE_NOW_ACTION_TAKE_PHOTO = "take_photo"; String VALUE_COMPOSE_NOW_ACTION_PICK_IMAGE = "pick_image"; String VALUE_CARD_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_NONE = VALUE_NONE; String VALUE_CARD_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_BACKGROUND = "background"; String VALUE_CARD_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_LINE = "line"; int VALUE_CARD_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_CODE_NONE = 0x0; int VALUE_CARD_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_CODE_BACKGROUND = 0x1; int VALUE_CARD_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_CODE_LINE = 0x2; String DEFAULT_THEME = VALUE_THEME_NAME_TWIDERE; String DEFAULT_THEME_BACKGROUND = VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT; String DEFAULT_THEME_FONT_FAMILY = VALUE_THEME_FONT_FAMILY_REGULAR; int DEFAULT_THEME_BACKGROUND_ALPHA = 160; String DEFAULT_QUOTE_FORMAT = "RT @" + FORMAT_PATTERN_NAME + ": " + FORMAT_PATTERN_TEXT; String DEFAULT_SHARE_FORMAT = FORMAT_PATTERN_TITLE + " - " + FORMAT_PATTERN_TEXT; String DEFAULT_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FORMAT = FORMAT_PATTERN_TEXT + " " + FORMAT_PATTERN_LINK; String DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL = "15"; boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_REFRESH = true; boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_REFRESH_HOME_TIMELINE = false; boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_REFRESH_MENTIONS = true; boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_REFRESH_DIRECT_MESSAGES = true; boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_REFRESH_TRENDS = false; boolean DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION = true; int DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_HOME = VALUE_NOTIFICATION_FLAG_NONE; int DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MENTIONS = VALUE_NOTIFICATION_FLAG_VIBRATION | VALUE_NOTIFICATION_FLAG_LIGHT; int DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DIRECT_MESSAGES = VALUE_NOTIFICATION_FLAG_RINGTONE | VALUE_NOTIFICATION_FLAG_VIBRATION | VALUE_NOTIFICATION_FLAG_LIGHT; boolean DEFAULT_HOME_TIMELINE_NOTIFICATION = false; boolean DEFAULT_MENTIONS_NOTIFICATION = true; boolean DEFAULT_DIRECT_MESSAGES_NOTIFICATION = true; int DEFAULT_DATABASE_ITEM_LIMIT = 100; int DEFAULT_LOAD_ITEM_LIMIT = 20; String DEFAULT_CARD_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION = VALUE_CARD_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION_BACKGROUND; @Preference(type = INT, hasDefault = true, defaultInt = DEFAULT_DATABASE_ITEM_LIMIT) String KEY_DATABASE_ITEM_LIMIT = "database_item_limit"; @Preference(type = INT, hasDefault = true, defaultInt = DEFAULT_LOAD_ITEM_LIMIT) String KEY_LOAD_ITEM_LIMIT = "load_item_limit"; @Preference(type = INT, hasDefault = true, defaultInt = 15) String KEY_TEXT_SIZE = "text_size_int"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = true, defaultString = DEFAULT_THEME) String KEY_THEME = "theme"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = true, defaultString = DEFAULT_THEME_BACKGROUND) String KEY_THEME_BACKGROUND = "theme_background"; @Preference(type = INT, hasDefault = true, defaultInt = DEFAULT_THEME_BACKGROUND_ALPHA) String KEY_THEME_BACKGROUND_ALPHA = "theme_background_alpha"; @Preference(type = INT) String KEY_THEME_COLOR = "theme_color"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = true, defaultString = DEFAULT_THEME_FONT_FAMILY) String KEY_THEME_FONT_FAMILY = "theme_font_family"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = true) String KEY_DISPLAY_PROFILE_IMAGE = "display_profile_image"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_LEFTSIDE_COMPOSE_BUTTON = "leftside_compose_button"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, exportable = false, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_ATTACH_LOCATION = "attach_location"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = true) String KEY_GZIP_COMPRESSING = "gzip_compressing"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_IGNORE_SSL_ERROR = "ignore_ssl_error"; @Preference(type = STRING) String KEY_QUOTE_FORMAT = "quote_format"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_REMEMBER_POSITION = "remember_position"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_READ_FROM_BOTTOM = "read_from_bottom"; @Preference(type = INT, exportable = false) String KEY_SAVED_TAB_POSITION = "saved_tab_position"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_ENABLE_PROXY = "enable_proxy"; @Preference(type = STRING) String KEY_PROXY_HOST = "proxy_host"; @Preference(type = STRING) String KEY_PROXY_PORT = "proxy_port"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_REFRESH_ON_START = "refresh_on_start"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_REFRESH_AFTER_TWEET = "refresh_after_tweet"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_AUTO_REFRESH = "auto_refresh"; @Preference(type = STRING) String KEY_REFRESH_INTERVAL = "refresh_interval"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_AUTO_REFRESH_HOME_TIMELINE = "auto_refresh_home_timeline"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_AUTO_REFRESH_MENTIONS = "auto_refresh_mentions"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_AUTO_REFRESH_DIRECT_MESSAGES = "auto_refresh_direct_messages"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_AUTO_REFRESH_TRENDS = "auto_refresh_trends"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_HOME_TIMELINE_NOTIFICATION = "home_timeline_notification"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_MENTIONS_NOTIFICATION = "mentions_notification"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_DIRECT_MESSAGES_NOTIFICATION = "direct_messages_notification"; @Preference(type = INT) String KEY_LOCAL_TRENDS_WOEID = "local_trends_woeid"; String KEY_NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE = "notification_ringtone"; String KEY_NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_COLOR = "notification_light_color"; String KEY_SHARE_FORMAT = "share_format"; String KEY_HOME_REFRESH_MENTIONS = "home_refresh_mentions"; String KEY_HOME_REFRESH_DIRECT_MESSAGES = "home_refresh_direct_messages"; String KEY_HOME_REFRESH_TRENDS = "home_refresh_trends"; String KEY_IMAGE_UPLOAD_FORMAT = "image_upload_format"; String KEY_STATUS_SHORTENER = "status_shortener"; String KEY_MEDIA_UPLOADER = "media_uploader"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_SHOW_ABSOLUTE_TIME = "show_absolute_time"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_QUICK_SEND = "quick_send"; @Preference(type = STRING, exportable = false) String KEY_COMPOSE_ACCOUNTS = "compose_accounts"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_TCP_DNS_QUERY = "tcp_dns_query"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = true, defaultString = "") String KEY_DNS_SERVER = "dns_server"; String KEY_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = "connection_timeout"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = true) String KEY_NAME_FIRST = "name_first"; String KEY_STOP_AUTO_REFRESH_WHEN_BATTERY_LOW = "stop_auto_refresh_when_battery_low"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_DISPLAY_SENSITIVE_CONTENTS = "display_sensitive_contents"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = true) String KEY_PHISHING_LINK_WARNING = "phishing_link_warning"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_FAST_SCROLL_THUMB = "fast_scroll_thumb"; String KEY_LINK_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION = "link_highlight_option"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = true) String KEY_INDICATE_MY_STATUS = "indicate_my_status"; String KEY_PRELOAD_PROFILE_IMAGES = "preload_profile_images"; String KEY_PRELOAD_PREVIEW_IMAGES = "preload_preview_images"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = true) String KEY_PRELOAD_WIFI_ONLY = "preload_wifi_only"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = true) String KEY_LINK_TO_QUOTED_TWEET = "link_to_quoted_tweet"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_BACKGROUND_TOAST_NOTIFICATION = "background_toast_notification"; @Preference(type = STRING) String KEY_COMPOSE_QUIT_ACTION = "compose_quit_action"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_NO_CLOSE_AFTER_TWEET_SENT = "no_close_after_tweet_sent"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN) String KEY_FAST_IMAGE_LOADING = "fast_image_loading"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = false) String KEY_API_URL_FORMAT = "api_url_format"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_SAME_OAUTH_SIGNING_URL = "same_oauth_signing_url"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_NO_VERSION_SUFFIX = "no_version_suffix"; @Preference(type = INT, hasDefault = true, defaultInt = Accounts.AUTH_TYPE_OAUTH) String KEY_AUTH_TYPE = "auth_type"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = true, defaultString = TwidereConstants.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY_3) String KEY_CONSUMER_KEY = "consumer_key"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = true, defaultString = TwidereConstants.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET_3) String KEY_CONSUMER_SECRET = "consumer_secret"; String KEY_SETTINGS_WIZARD_COMPLETED = "settings_wizard_completed"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = true) String KEY_CARD_ANIMATION = "card_animation"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = true) String KEY_UNREAD_COUNT = "unread_count"; String KEY_NOTIFICATION = "notification"; String KEY_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_HOME = "notification_type_home"; String KEY_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MENTIONS = "notification_type_mentions"; String KEY_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DIRECT_MESSAGES = "notification_type_direct_messages"; String KEY_NOTIFICATION_FOLLOWING_ONLY = "notification_following_only"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_PEBBLE_NOTIFICATIONS = "pebble_notifications"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_COMPACT_CARDS = "compact_cards"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_FORCE_USING_PRIVATE_APIS = "force_using_private_apis"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = true, defaultString = "140") String KEY_STATUS_TEXT_LIMIT = "status_text_limit"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = true, defaultString = VALUE_COMPOSE_NOW_ACTION_COMPOSE) String KEY_COMPOSE_NOW_ACTION = "compose_now_action"; String KEY_FALLBACK_TWITTER_LINK_HANDLER = "fallback_twitter_link_handler"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = true, defaultString = VALUE_MEDIA_PREVIEW_STYLE_CROP) String KEY_MEDIA_PREVIEW_STYLE = "media_preview_style"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_MEDIA_PREVIEW = "media_preview"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_SORT_TIMELINE_BY_ID = "sort_timeline_by_id"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = true) String KEY_PROFILE_IMAGE_STYLE = "profile_image_style"; String KEY_QUICK_MENU_EXPANDED = "quick_menu_expanded"; @Preference(type = STRING) String KEY_TRANSLATION_DESTINATION = "translation_destination"; @Preference(type = STRING) String KEY_TAB_DISPLAY_OPTION = "tab_display_option"; @Preference(type = STRING) String KEY_CARD_HIGHLIGHT_OPTION = "card_highlight_option"; @Preference(type = INT, exportable = false) String KEY_LIVE_WALLPAPER_SCALE = "live_wallpaper_scale"; @Preference(type = LONG, exportable = false) String KEY_API_LAST_CHANGE = "api_last_change"; @Preference(type = LONG, exportable = false) String KEY_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID = "default_account_id"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_THUMBOR_ENABLED = "thumbor_enabled"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = false) String KEY_THUMBOR_ADDRESS = "thumbor_address"; @Preference(type = STRING, hasDefault = false) String KEY_THUMBOR_SECURITY_KEY = "thumbor_security_key"; @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, hasDefault = true, defaultBoolean = false) String KEY_HIDE_CARD_ACTIONS = "hide_card_actions"; }