/* * Twidere - Twitter client for Android * * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Mariotaku Lee * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package org.mariotaku.twidere; import org.mariotaku.twidere.constant.IntentConstants; import org.mariotaku.twidere.constant.SharedPreferenceConstants; /** * Public constants for both Twidere app and its extensions * * @author mariotaku */ public interface TwidereConstants extends SharedPreferenceConstants, IntentConstants { String TWIDERE_APP_NAME = "Twidere"; String TWIDERE_PACKAGE_NAME = "org.mariotaku.twidere"; String TWIDERE_PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/mariotaku/twidere"; String TWIDERE_PROJECT_EMAIL = "twidere.project@gmail.com"; String LOGTAG = TWIDERE_APP_NAME; String USER_NICKNAME_PREFERENCES_NAME = "user_nicknames"; String USER_COLOR_PREFERENCES_NAME = "user_colors"; String HOST_MAPPING_PREFERENCES_NAME = "host_mapping"; String MESSAGE_DRAFTS_PREFERENCES_NAME = "message_drafts"; String SHARED_PREFERENCES_NAME = "preferences"; String PERMISSION_PREFERENCES_NAME = "app_permissions"; String SILENT_NOTIFICATIONS_PREFERENCE_NAME = "silent_notifications"; String TIMELINE_POSITIONS_PREFERENCES_NAME = "timeline_positions"; String ACCOUNT_PREFERENCES_NAME_PREFIX = "account_preferences_"; String KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_PREFERENCES_NAME = "keyboard_shortcuts_preferences"; String TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY_LEGACY = "uAFVpMhBntJutfVj6abfA"; String TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET_LEGACY = "JARXkJTfxo0F8MyctYy9bUmrLISjo8vXAHsZHYuk2E"; String TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = "YVROlQkXFvkPfH3jcFaR4A"; String TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = "0UnEHDq5IzVK9nstiz2nWOtG5rOMM5JkUpATfM78Do"; String DEFAULT_TWITTER_API_URL_FORMAT = "https://[DOMAIN.]twitter.com/"; String DEFAULT_TWITTER_OAUTH_BASE_URL = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/"; String SCHEME_HTTP = "http"; String SCHEME_HTTPS = "https"; String SCHEME_CONTENT = "content"; String SCHEME_TWIDERE = "twidere"; String SCHEME_DATA = "data"; String SCHEME_FILE = "file"; String PROTOCOL_HTTP = SCHEME_HTTP + "://"; String PROTOCOL_HTTPS = SCHEME_HTTPS + "://"; String PROTOCOL_CONTENT = SCHEME_CONTENT + "://"; String PROTOCOL_TWIDERE = SCHEME_TWIDERE + "://"; String AUTHORITY_USER = "user"; String AUTHORITY_HOME = "home"; String AUTHORITY_MENTIONS = "mentions"; String AUTHORITY_DIRECT_MESSAGES = "direct_messages"; String AUTHORITY_USERS = "users"; String AUTHORITY_USER_TIMELINE = "user_timeline"; String AUTHORITY_USER_MEDIA_TIMELINE = "user_media_timeline"; String AUTHORITY_USER_FAVORITES = "user_favorites"; String AUTHORITY_USER_FOLLOWERS = "user_followers"; String AUTHORITY_USER_FRIENDS = "user_friends"; String AUTHORITY_USER_BLOCKS = "user_blocks"; String AUTHORITY_STATUS = "status"; String AUTHORITY_STATUSES = "statuses"; String AUTHORITY_DIRECT_MESSAGES_CONVERSATION = "direct_messages_conversation"; String AUTHORITY_SEARCH = "search"; String AUTHORITY_MAP = "map"; String AUTHORITY_USER_LIST = "user_list"; String AUTHORITY_USER_LIST_TIMELINE = "user_list_timeline"; String AUTHORITY_USER_LIST_MEMBERS = "user_list_members"; String AUTHORITY_USER_LIST_SUBSCRIBERS = "user_list_subscribers"; String AUTHORITY_USER_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS = "user_list_memberships"; String AUTHORITY_USER_LISTS = "user_lists"; String AUTHORITY_USERS_RETWEETED_STATUS = "users_retweeted_status"; String AUTHORITY_SAVED_SEARCHES = "saved_searches"; String AUTHORITY_SEARCH_USERS = "search_users"; String AUTHORITY_SEARCH_TWEETS = "search_tweets"; String AUTHORITY_TRENDS = "trends"; String AUTHORITY_USER_MENTIONS = "user_mentions"; String AUTHORITY_ACTIVITIES_ABOUT_ME = "activities_about_me"; String AUTHORITY_ACTIVITIES_BY_FRIENDS = "activities_by_friends"; String AUTHORITY_INCOMING_FRIENDSHIPS = "incoming_friendships"; String AUTHORITY_STATUS_RETWEETERS = "status_retweeters"; String AUTHORITY_STATUS_FAVORITERS = "status_favoriters"; String AUTHORITY_STATUS_REPLIES = "status_replies"; String AUTHORITY_RETWEETS_OF_ME = "retweets_of_me"; String AUTHORITY_MUTES_USERS = "mutes_users"; String AUTHORITY_NOTIFICATIONS = "notifications"; String AUTHORITY_ACCOUNTS = "accounts"; String AUTHORITY_DRAFTS = "drafts"; String AUTHORITY_FILTERS = "filters"; String AUTHORITY_PROFILE_EDITOR = "profile_editor"; String QUERY_PARAM_ACCOUNT_ID = "account_id"; String QUERY_PARAM_ACCOUNT_IDS = "account_ids"; String QUERY_PARAM_ACCOUNT_NAME = "account_name"; String QUERY_PARAM_STATUS_ID = "status_id"; String QUERY_PARAM_USER_ID = "user_id"; String QUERY_PARAM_LIST_ID = "list_id"; String QUERY_PARAM_SCREEN_NAME = "screen_name"; String QUERY_PARAM_LIST_NAME = "list_name"; String QUERY_PARAM_QUERY = "query"; String QUERY_PARAM_TYPE = "type"; String QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_USERS = "users"; String QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_TWEETS = "tweets"; String QUERY_PARAM_NOTIFY = "notify"; String QUERY_PARAM_LAT = "lat"; String QUERY_PARAM_LNG = "lng"; String QUERY_PARAM_URL = "url"; String QUERY_PARAM_NAME = "name"; String QUERY_PARAM_FINISH_ONLY = "finish_only"; String QUERY_PARAM_NEW_ITEMS_COUNT = "new_items_count"; String QUERY_PARAM_RECIPIENT_ID = "recipient_id"; String QUERY_PARAM_READ_POSITION = "param_read_position"; String QUERY_PARAM_READ_POSITIONS = "param_read_positions"; String DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = PROTOCOL_HTTPS; String OAUTH_CALLBACK_OOB = "oob"; String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL = PROTOCOL_TWIDERE + "com.twitter.oauth/"; int REQUEST_TAKE_PHOTO = 1; int REQUEST_PICK_IMAGE = 2; int REQUEST_SELECT_ACCOUNT = 3; int REQUEST_COMPOSE = 4; int REQUEST_EDIT_API = 5; int REQUEST_BROWSER_SIGN_IN = 6; int REQUEST_SET_COLOR = 7; int REQUEST_SAVE_FILE = 8; int REQUEST_EDIT_IMAGE = 9; int REQUEST_EXTENSION_COMPOSE = 10; int REQUEST_ADD_TAB = 11; int REQUEST_EDIT_TAB = 12; int REQUEST_PICK_FILE = 13; int REQUEST_PICK_DIRECTORY = 14; int REQUEST_ADD_TO_LIST = 15; int REQUEST_SELECT_USER = 16; int REQUEST_SELECT_USER_LIST = 17; int REQUEST_PICK_ACTIVITY = 18; int REQUEST_SETTINGS = 19; int REQUEST_OPEN_DOCUMENT = 20; int REQUEST_SWIPEBACK_ACTIVITY = 101; int TABLE_ID_ACCOUNTS = 1; int TABLE_ID_STATUSES = 12; int TABLE_ID_MENTIONS = 13; int TABLE_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES = 21; int TABLE_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES_INBOX = 22; int TABLE_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES_OUTBOX = 23; int TABLE_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES_CONVERSATION = 24; int TABLE_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES_CONVERSATION_SCREEN_NAME = 25; int TABLE_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES_CONVERSATIONS_ENTRIES = 26; int TABLE_ID_FILTERED_USERS = 31; int TABLE_ID_FILTERED_KEYWORDS = 32; int TABLE_ID_FILTERED_SOURCES = 33; int TABLE_ID_FILTERED_LINKS = 34; int TABLE_ID_TRENDS_LOCAL = 41; int TABLE_ID_SAVED_SEARCHES = 42; int TABLE_ID_SEARCH_HISTORY = 43; int TABLE_ID_DRAFTS = 51; int TABLE_ID_TABS = 52; int TABLE_ID_CACHED_USERS = 61; int TABLE_ID_CACHED_STATUSES = 62; int TABLE_ID_CACHED_HASHTAGS = 63; int TABLE_ID_CACHED_RELATIONSHIPS = 64; int TABLE_ID_NETWORK_USAGES = 71; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_DATABASE_READY = 100; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_NOTIFICATIONS = 101; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_PREFERENCES = 102; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_ALL_PREFERENCES = 103; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_PERMISSIONS = 104; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_DNS = 105; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_CACHED_IMAGES = 106; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_CACHE_FILES = 107; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_UNREAD_COUNTS = 108; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_UNREAD_COUNTS_BY_TYPE = 109; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_CACHED_USERS_WITH_RELATIONSHIP = 121; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_CACHED_USERS_WITH_SCORE = 122; int VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_DRAFTS_UNSENT = 131; int NOTIFICATION_ID_HOME_TIMELINE = 1; int NOTIFICATION_ID_MENTIONS_TIMELINE = 2; int NOTIFICATION_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES = 3; int NOTIFICATION_ID_DRAFTS = 4; int NOTIFICATION_ID_DATA_PROFILING = 5; int NOTIFICATION_ID_UPDATE_STATUS = 101; int NOTIFICATION_ID_SEND_DIRECT_MESSAGE = 102; String ICON_SPECIAL_TYPE_CUSTOMIZE = "_customize"; String TASK_TAG_GET_HOME_TIMELINE = "get_home_tomeline"; String TASK_TAG_GET_MENTIONS = "get_mentions"; String TASK_TAG_GET_SENT_DIRECT_MESSAGES = "get_sent_direct_messages"; String TASK_TAG_GET_RECEIVED_DIRECT_MESSAGES = "get_received_direct_messages"; String TASK_TAG_GET_TRENDS = "get_trends"; String TASK_TAG_STORE_TRENDS = "store_trends"; String SERVICE_COMMAND_REFRESH_ALL = "refresh_all"; String SERVICE_COMMAND_GET_HOME_TIMELINE = "get_home_timeline"; String SERVICE_COMMAND_GET_MENTIONS = "get_mentions"; String SERVICE_COMMAND_GET_SENT_DIRECT_MESSAGES = "get_sent_direct_messages"; String SERVICE_COMMAND_GET_RECEIVED_DIRECT_MESSAGES = "get_received_direct_messages"; String METADATA_KEY_EXTENSION = "org.mariotaku.twidere.extension"; String METADATA_KEY_EXTENSION_PERMISSIONS = "org.mariotaku.twidere.extension.permissions"; String METADATA_KEY_EXTENSION_SETTINGS = "org.mariotaku.twidere.extension.settings"; String METADATA_KEY_EXTENSION_ICON = "org.mariotaku.twidere.extension.icon"; String METADATA_KEY_EXTENSION_USE_JSON = "org.mariotaku.twidere.extension.use_json"; char SEPARATOR_PERMISSION = '|'; String SEPARATOR_PERMISSION_REGEX = "\\" + SEPARATOR_PERMISSION; String PERMISSION_DENIED = "denied"; String PERMISSION_REFRESH = "refresh"; String PERMISSION_READ = "read"; String PERMISSION_WRITE = "write"; String PERMISSION_DIRECT_MESSAGES = "direct_messages"; String PERMISSION_ACCOUNTS = "accounts"; String PERMISSION_PREFERENCES = "preferences"; String TAB_TYPE_HOME_TIMELINE = "home_timeline"; String TAB_TYPE_MENTIONS_TIMELINE = "mentions_timeline"; String TAB_TYPE_TRENDS_SUGGESTIONS = "trends_suggestions"; String TAB_TYPE_DIRECT_MESSAGES = "direct_messages"; String TAB_TYPE_FAVORITES = "favorites"; String TAB_TYPE_USER_TIMELINE = "user_timeline"; String TAB_TYPE_SEARCH_STATUSES = "search_statuses"; String TAB_TYPE_LIST_TIMELINE = "list_timeline"; String TAB_TYPE_ACTIVITIES_ABOUT_ME = "activities_about_me"; String TAB_TYPE_ACTIVITIES_BY_FRIENDS = "activities_by_friends"; String TAB_TYPE_RETWEETS_OF_ME = "retweets_of_me"; int TAB_CODE_HOME_TIMELINE = 1; int TAB_CODE_MENTIONS_TIMELINE = 2; int TAB_CODE_DIRECT_MESSAGES = 4; int TWITTER_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = 3145728; int TWITTER_MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH = 1024; int TWITTER_MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 2048; }