/* * Twidere - Twitter client for Android * * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Mariotaku Lee * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package org.mariotaku.twidere.provider import android.content.ContentProvider import android.content.ContentValues import android.content.SharedPreferences import android.database.Cursor import android.database.MatrixCursor import android.database.SQLException import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteFullException import android.net.Uri import android.os.Binder import android.os.Handler import android.os.Looper import android.os.Process import android.support.v4.text.BidiFormatter import com.squareup.otto.Bus import okhttp3.Dns import org.mariotaku.ktextension.isNullOrEmpty import org.mariotaku.ktextension.toNulls import org.mariotaku.sqliteqb.library.Columns.Column import org.mariotaku.sqliteqb.library.Expression import org.mariotaku.sqliteqb.library.RawItemArray import org.mariotaku.twidere.TwidereConstants.* import org.mariotaku.twidere.annotation.CustomTabType import org.mariotaku.twidere.annotation.ReadPositionTag import org.mariotaku.twidere.app.TwidereApplication import org.mariotaku.twidere.extension.withAppendedPath import org.mariotaku.twidere.model.AccountPreferences import org.mariotaku.twidere.model.UserKey import org.mariotaku.twidere.model.event.UnreadCountUpdatedEvent import org.mariotaku.twidere.provider.TwidereDataStore.* import org.mariotaku.twidere.util.* import org.mariotaku.twidere.util.SQLiteDatabaseWrapper.LazyLoadCallback import org.mariotaku.twidere.util.dagger.GeneralComponent import org.mariotaku.twidere.util.database.CachedUsersQueryBuilder import org.mariotaku.twidere.util.database.SuggestionsCursorCreator import org.mariotaku.twidere.util.notification.ContentNotificationManager import java.util.concurrent.Executor import java.util.concurrent.Executors import javax.inject.Inject class TwidereDataProvider : ContentProvider(), LazyLoadCallback { @Inject internal lateinit var readStateManager: ReadStateManager @Inject internal lateinit var twitterWrapper: AsyncTwitterWrapper @Inject internal lateinit var notificationManager: NotificationManagerWrapper @Inject internal lateinit var preferences: SharedPreferences @Inject internal lateinit var dns: Dns @Inject internal lateinit var bus: Bus @Inject internal lateinit var userColorNameManager: UserColorNameManager @Inject internal lateinit var bidiFormatter: BidiFormatter @Inject internal lateinit var permissionsManager: PermissionsManager @Inject internal lateinit var contentNotificationManager: ContentNotificationManager private lateinit var databaseWrapper: SQLiteDatabaseWrapper private lateinit var backgroundExecutor: Executor private lateinit var handler: Handler override fun onCreate(): Boolean { val context = context!! GeneralComponent.get(context).inject(this) handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) databaseWrapper = SQLiteDatabaseWrapper(this) backgroundExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() // final GetWritableDatabaseTask task = new // GetWritableDatabaseTask(context, helper, mDatabaseWrapper); // task.executeTask(); return true } override fun onCreateSQLiteDatabase(): SQLiteDatabase { val app = TwidereApplication.getInstance(context!!) val helper = app.sqLiteOpenHelper return helper.writableDatabase } override fun insert(uri: Uri, values: ContentValues?): Uri? { try { return insertInternal(uri, values) } catch (e: SQLException) { if (handleSQLException(e)) { try { return insertInternal(uri, values) } catch (e1: SQLException) { throw IllegalStateException(e1) } } throw IllegalStateException(e) } } override fun bulkInsert(uri: Uri, valuesArray: Array): Int { try { return bulkInsertInternal(uri, valuesArray) } catch (e: SQLException) { if (handleSQLException(e)) { try { return bulkInsertInternal(uri, valuesArray) } catch (e1: SQLException) { throw IllegalStateException(e1) } } throw IllegalStateException(e) } } override fun query(uri: Uri, projection: Array?, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array?, sortOrder: String?): Cursor? { try { val tableId = DataStoreUtils.getTableId(uri) val table = DataStoreUtils.getTableNameById(tableId) when (tableId) { VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_DATABASE_PREPARE -> { databaseWrapper.prepare() return MatrixCursor(projection ?: arrayOfNulls(0)) } VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_PERMISSIONS -> { val context = context ?: return null val c = MatrixCursor(Permissions.MATRIX_COLUMNS) val pm = context.packageManager if (Binder.getCallingUid() == Process.myUid()) { val map = permissionsManager.all for ((key, value) in map) { c.addRow(arrayOf(key, value)) } } else { val map = permissionsManager.all val callingPackages = pm.getPackagesForUid(Binder.getCallingUid()) for ((key, value) in map) { if (key in callingPackages) { c.addRow(arrayOf(key, value)) } } } return c } VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_CACHED_USERS_WITH_RELATIONSHIP -> { val accountKey = UserKey.valueOf(uri.lastPathSegment) val accountHost = uri.getQueryParameter(EXTRA_ACCOUNT_HOST) val accountType = uri.getQueryParameter(EXTRA_ACCOUNT_TYPE) val query = CachedUsersQueryBuilder.withRelationship(projection, Expression(selection), selectionArgs, sortOrder, accountKey, accountHost, accountType) val c = databaseWrapper.rawQuery(query.first.sql, query.second) c?.setNotificationUri(context.contentResolver, CachedUsers.CONTENT_URI) return c } VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_CACHED_USERS_WITH_SCORE -> { val accountKey = UserKey.valueOf(uri.lastPathSegment) val accountHost = uri.getQueryParameter(EXTRA_ACCOUNT_HOST) val accountType = uri.getQueryParameter(EXTRA_ACCOUNT_TYPE) val query = CachedUsersQueryBuilder.withScore(projection, Expression(selection), selectionArgs, sortOrder, accountKey, accountHost, accountType, 0) val c = databaseWrapper.rawQuery(query.first.sql, query.second) c?.setNotificationUri(context.contentResolver, CachedUsers.CONTENT_URI) return c } VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_DRAFTS_UNSENT -> { val twitter = twitterWrapper val sendingIds = RawItemArray(twitter.getSendingDraftIds()) val where: Expression if (selection != null) { where = Expression.and(Expression(selection), Expression.notIn(Column(Drafts._ID), sendingIds)) } else { where = Expression.and(Expression.notIn(Column(Drafts._ID), sendingIds)) } val c = databaseWrapper.query(Drafts.TABLE_NAME, projection, where.sql, selectionArgs, null, null, sortOrder) c?.setNotificationUri(context.contentResolver, uri) return c } VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_SUGGESTIONS_AUTO_COMPLETE -> { return SuggestionsCursorCreator.forAutoComplete(databaseWrapper, userColorNameManager, uri, projection) } VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_SUGGESTIONS_SEARCH -> { return SuggestionsCursorCreator.forSearch(databaseWrapper, userColorNameManager, uri, projection) } VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_NULL -> { return null } VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_EMPTY -> { return MatrixCursor(projection ?: arrayOfNulls(0)) } VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_RAW_QUERY -> { if (projection != null || selection != null || sortOrder != null) { throw IllegalArgumentException() } val c = databaseWrapper.rawQuery(uri.lastPathSegment, selectionArgs) uri.getQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_NOTIFY_URI)?.let { c?.setNotificationUri(context.contentResolver, Uri.parse(it)) } return c } } if (table == null) return null val limit = uri.getQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_LIMIT) val c = databaseWrapper.query(table, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, sortOrder, limit) c?.setNotificationUri(context.contentResolver, uri) return c } catch (e: SQLException) { throw IllegalStateException(e) } } override fun update(uri: Uri, values: ContentValues?, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array?): Int { try { return updateInternal(uri, values, selection, selectionArgs) } catch (e: SQLException) { if (handleSQLException(e)) { try { return updateInternal(uri, values, selection, selectionArgs) } catch (e1: SQLException) { throw IllegalStateException(e1) } } throw IllegalStateException(e) } } override fun delete(uri: Uri, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array?): Int { try { return deleteInternal(uri, selection, selectionArgs) } catch (e: SQLException) { if (handleSQLException(e)) { try { return deleteInternal(uri, selection, selectionArgs) } catch (e1: SQLException) { throw IllegalStateException(e1) } } throw IllegalStateException(e) } } override fun getType(uri: Uri): String? { return null } private fun handleSQLException(e: SQLException): Boolean { try { if (e is SQLiteFullException) { // Drop cached databases databaseWrapper.delete(CachedUsers.TABLE_NAME, null, null) databaseWrapper.delete(CachedStatuses.TABLE_NAME, null, null) databaseWrapper.delete(CachedHashtags.TABLE_NAME, null, null) databaseWrapper.execSQL("VACUUM") return true } } catch (ee: SQLException) { throw IllegalStateException(ee) } throw IllegalStateException(e) } private fun bulkInsertInternal(uri: Uri, valuesArray: Array): Int { val tableId = DataStoreUtils.getTableId(uri) val table = DataStoreUtils.getTableNameById(tableId) var result = 0 val newIds = LongArray(valuesArray.size) if (table != null && valuesArray.isNotEmpty()) { databaseWrapper.beginTransaction() if (tableId == TABLE_ID_CACHED_USERS) { for (values in valuesArray) { val where = Expression.equalsArgs(CachedUsers.USER_KEY) databaseWrapper.update(table, values, where.sql, arrayOf(values.getAsString(CachedUsers.USER_KEY))) newIds[result++] = databaseWrapper.insertWithOnConflict(table, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE) } } else if (tableId == TABLE_ID_SEARCH_HISTORY) { for (values in valuesArray) { values.put(SearchHistory.RECENT_QUERY, System.currentTimeMillis()) val where = Expression.equalsArgs(SearchHistory.QUERY) val args = arrayOf(values.getAsString(SearchHistory.QUERY)) databaseWrapper.update(table, values, where.sql, args) newIds[result++] = databaseWrapper.insertWithOnConflict(table, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_IGNORE) } } else { val conflictAlgorithm = getConflictAlgorithm(tableId) if (conflictAlgorithm != SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_NONE) { for (values in valuesArray) { newIds[result++] = databaseWrapper.insertWithOnConflict(table, null, values, conflictAlgorithm) } } else { for (values in valuesArray) { newIds[result++] = databaseWrapper.insert(table, null, values) } } } databaseWrapper.setTransactionSuccessful() databaseWrapper.endTransaction() } if (result > 0) { onDatabaseUpdated(tableId, uri) } onNewItemsInserted(uri, tableId, valuesArray.toNulls()) return result } private fun deleteInternal(uri: Uri, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array?): Int { val tableId = DataStoreUtils.getTableId(uri) when (tableId) { VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_DRAFTS_NOTIFICATIONS -> { notificationManager.cancel(uri.toString(), NOTIFICATION_ID_DRAFTS) return 1 } else -> { val table = DataStoreUtils.getTableNameById(tableId) ?: return 0 val result = databaseWrapper.delete(table, selection, selectionArgs) if (result > 0) { onDatabaseUpdated(tableId, uri) } onItemDeleted(uri, tableId) return result } } } private fun insertInternal(uri: Uri, values: ContentValues?): Uri? { val tableId = DataStoreUtils.getTableId(uri) val table = DataStoreUtils.getTableNameById(tableId) var rowId: Long = -1 when (tableId) { TABLE_ID_CACHED_USERS -> { if (values != null) { val where = Expression.equalsArgs(CachedUsers.USER_KEY) val whereArgs = arrayOf(values.getAsString(CachedUsers.USER_KEY)) databaseWrapper.update(table, values, where.sql, whereArgs) } rowId = databaseWrapper.insertWithOnConflict(table, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_IGNORE) } TABLE_ID_SEARCH_HISTORY -> { if (values != null) { values.put(SearchHistory.RECENT_QUERY, System.currentTimeMillis()) val where = Expression.equalsArgs(SearchHistory.QUERY) val args = arrayOf(values.getAsString(SearchHistory.QUERY)) databaseWrapper.update(table, values, where.sql, args) } rowId = databaseWrapper.insertWithOnConflict(table, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_IGNORE) } TABLE_ID_CACHED_RELATIONSHIPS -> { var updated = false if (values != null) { val accountKey = values.getAsString(CachedRelationships.ACCOUNT_KEY) val userKey = values.getAsString(CachedRelationships.USER_KEY) val where = Expression.and(Expression.equalsArgs(CachedRelationships.ACCOUNT_KEY), Expression.equalsArgs(CachedRelationships.USER_KEY)) if (databaseWrapper.update(table, values, where.sql, arrayOf(accountKey, userKey)) > 0) { val projection = arrayOf(CachedRelationships._ID) val c = databaseWrapper.query(table, projection, where.sql, null, null, null, null) if (c.moveToFirst()) { rowId = c.getLong(0) } c.close() updated = true } } if (!updated) { rowId = databaseWrapper.insertWithOnConflict(table, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_IGNORE) } } VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID_DRAFTS_NOTIFICATIONS -> { rowId = contentNotificationManager.showDraft(uri) } else -> { val conflictAlgorithm = getConflictAlgorithm(tableId) if (conflictAlgorithm != SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_NONE) { rowId = databaseWrapper.insertWithOnConflict(table, null, values, conflictAlgorithm) } else if (table != null) { rowId = databaseWrapper.insert(table, null, values) } else { return null } } } onDatabaseUpdated(tableId, uri) onNewItemsInserted(uri, tableId, arrayOf(values)) return uri.withAppendedPath(rowId.toString()) } private fun updateInternal(uri: Uri, values: ContentValues?, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array?): Int { val tableId = DataStoreUtils.getTableId(uri) val table = DataStoreUtils.getTableNameById(tableId) var result = 0 if (table != null) { result = databaseWrapper.update(table, values, selection, selectionArgs) } if (result > 0) { onDatabaseUpdated(tableId, uri) } return result } private fun notifyContentObserver(uri: Uri) { if (!uri.getBooleanQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_NOTIFY_CHANGE, true)) return handler.post { context?.contentResolver?.notifyChange(uri, null) } } private fun notifyUnreadCountChanged(position: Int) { handler.post { bus.post(UnreadCountUpdatedEvent(position)) } } private fun onDatabaseUpdated(tableId: Int, uri: Uri?) { if (uri == null) return notifyContentObserver(uri) } private fun onItemDeleted(uri: Uri, tableId: Int) { } private fun onNewItemsInserted(uri: Uri, tableId: Int, valuesArray: Array?) { val context = context ?: return if (valuesArray.isNullOrEmpty()) return when (tableId) { TABLE_ID_STATUSES -> { if (!uri.getBooleanQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_SHOW_NOTIFICATION, true)) return backgroundExecutor.execute { val prefs = AccountPreferences.getAccountPreferences(context, preferences, DataStoreUtils.getAccountKeys(context)) prefs.filter { it.isNotificationEnabled && it.isHomeTimelineNotificationEnabled }.forEach { val positionTag = getPositionTag(CustomTabType.HOME_TIMELINE, it.accountKey) contentNotificationManager.showTimeline(it, positionTag) } notifyUnreadCountChanged(NOTIFICATION_ID_HOME_TIMELINE) } } TABLE_ID_ACTIVITIES_ABOUT_ME -> { if (!uri.getBooleanQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_SHOW_NOTIFICATION, true)) return backgroundExecutor.execute { val prefs = AccountPreferences.getAccountPreferences(context, preferences, DataStoreUtils.getAccountKeys(context)) prefs.filter { it.isNotificationEnabled && it.isInteractionsNotificationEnabled }.forEach { val positionTag = getPositionTag(ReadPositionTag.ACTIVITIES_ABOUT_ME, it.accountKey) contentNotificationManager.showInteractions(it, positionTag) } notifyUnreadCountChanged(NOTIFICATION_ID_INTERACTIONS_TIMELINE) } } TABLE_ID_MESSAGES_CONVERSATIONS -> { if (!uri.getBooleanQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_SHOW_NOTIFICATION, true)) return backgroundExecutor.execute { val prefs = AccountPreferences.getAccountPreferences(context, preferences, DataStoreUtils.getAccountKeys(context)) prefs.filter { it.isNotificationEnabled && it.isDirectMessagesNotificationEnabled }.forEach { contentNotificationManager.showMessages(it) } notifyUnreadCountChanged(NOTIFICATION_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES) } } TABLE_ID_DRAFTS -> { } } } private fun getPositionTag(tag: String, accountKey: UserKey): Long { val position = readStateManager.getPosition(Utils.getReadPositionTagWithAccount(tag, accountKey)) if (position != -1L) return position return readStateManager.getPosition(tag) } companion object { private fun getConflictAlgorithm(tableId: Int): Int { when (tableId) { TABLE_ID_CACHED_HASHTAGS, TABLE_ID_CACHED_STATUSES, TABLE_ID_CACHED_USERS, TABLE_ID_CACHED_RELATIONSHIPS, TABLE_ID_SEARCH_HISTORY, TABLE_ID_MESSAGES, TABLE_ID_MESSAGES_CONVERSATIONS -> { return SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE } TABLE_ID_FILTERED_USERS, TABLE_ID_FILTERED_KEYWORDS, TABLE_ID_FILTERED_SOURCES, TABLE_ID_FILTERED_LINKS -> { return SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_IGNORE } } return SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_NONE } } }