Konrad Pozniak a445c12094
Upgrade to AndroidX, move to MaterialComponents theme (#953)
* upgrade to AndroidX, upgrade libraries

* move to MaterialComponents theme

* make sure the compose button looks good everywhere

* fix tollbar title/button alignment on tablet

* move to new material color theming, consolidate colors and themes

* fix build, fix imports

* set error on TextInputLayout instead of EditText

* fix imports, TootButton when

* improve snackbar style

* fix task description color
2018-12-17 15:25:35 +01:00

18 lines
569 B

# Project-wide Gradle settings.
# IDE (e.g. Android Studio) users:
# Gradle settings configured through the IDE *will override*
# any settings specified in this file.
# For more details on how to configure your build environment visit
# http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/build_environment.html
# Specifies the JVM arguments used for the daemon process.
# The setting is particularly useful for tweaking memory settings.
# org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4096m
# use parallel execution