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18 KiB

/* Copyright 2022 Tusky Contributors
* This file is a part of Tusky.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not,
* see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>. */
package com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.viewthread
import android.util.Log
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.fold
import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.getOrElse
import com.google.gson.Gson
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.BlockEvent
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.BookmarkEvent
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.EventHub
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.FavoriteEvent
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.PinEvent
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.ReblogEvent
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.StatusComposedEvent
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.StatusDeletedEvent
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline.toViewData
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline.util.ifExpected
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountManager
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AppDatabase
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Filter
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Status
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.network.FilterModel
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.network.MastodonApi
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.usecase.TimelineCases
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.toViewData
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.viewdata.StatusViewData
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.BufferOverflow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableSharedFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.rx3.asFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.rx3.await
import javax.inject.Inject
class ViewThreadViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val api: MastodonApi,
private val filterModel: FilterModel,
private val timelineCases: TimelineCases,
eventHub: EventHub,
accountManager: AccountManager,
private val db: AppDatabase,
private val gson: Gson
) : ViewModel() {
private val _uiState: MutableStateFlow<ThreadUiState> = MutableStateFlow(ThreadUiState.Loading)
val uiState: Flow<ThreadUiState>
get() = _uiState
private val _errors = MutableSharedFlow<Throwable>(replay = 0, extraBufferCapacity = 1, onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST)
val errors: Flow<Throwable>
get() = _errors
var isInitialLoad: Boolean = true
private val alwaysShowSensitiveMedia: Boolean
private val alwaysOpenSpoiler: Boolean
init {
val activeAccount = accountManager.activeAccount
alwaysShowSensitiveMedia = activeAccount?.alwaysShowSensitiveMedia ?: false
alwaysOpenSpoiler = activeAccount?.alwaysOpenSpoiler ?: false
viewModelScope.launch {
.collect { event ->
when (event) {
is FavoriteEvent -> handleFavEvent(event)
is ReblogEvent -> handleReblogEvent(event)
is BookmarkEvent -> handleBookmarkEvent(event)
is PinEvent -> handlePinEvent(event)
is BlockEvent -> removeAllByAccountId(event.accountId)
is StatusComposedEvent -> handleStatusComposedEvent(event)
is StatusDeletedEvent -> handleStatusDeletedEvent(event)
fun loadThread(id: String) {
_uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Loading
viewModelScope.launch {
Log.d(TAG, "Finding status with: $id")
val contextCall = async { api.statusContext(id) }
val timelineStatus = db.timelineDao().getStatus(id)
var detailedStatus = if (timelineStatus != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Loaded status from local timeline")
val viewData = timelineStatus.toViewData(
isDetailed = true
) as StatusViewData.Concrete
// Return the correct status, depending on which one matched. If you do not do
// this the status IDs will be different between the status that's displayed with
// ThreadUiState.LoadingThread and ThreadUiState.Success, even though the apparent
// status content is the same. Then the status flickers as it is drawn twice.
if (viewData.actionableId == id) {
viewData.actionable.toViewData(isDetailed = true)
} else {
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "Loaded status from network")
val result = api.status(id).getOrElse { exception ->
_uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Error(exception)
result.toViewData(isDetailed = true)
_uiState.value = ThreadUiState.LoadingThread(
statusViewDatum = detailedStatus,
revealButton = detailedStatus.getRevealButtonState()
// If the detailedStatus was loaded from the database it might be out-of-date
// compared to the remote one. Now the user has a working UI do a background fetch
// for the status. Ignore errors, the user still has a functioning UI if the fetch
// failed.
if (timelineStatus != null) {
val viewData = api.status(id).getOrNull()?.toViewData(isDetailed = true)
if (viewData != null) { detailedStatus = viewData }
val contextResult = contextCall.await()
contextResult.fold({ statusContext ->
val ancestors = statusContext.ancestors.map { status -> status.toViewData() }.filter()
val descendants = statusContext.descendants.map { status -> status.toViewData() }.filter()
val statuses = ancestors + detailedStatus + descendants
_uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Success(
statusViewData = statuses,
detailedStatusPosition = ancestors.size,
revealButton = statuses.getRevealButtonState()
}, { throwable ->
_uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Success(
statusViewData = listOf(detailedStatus),
detailedStatusPosition = 0,
revealButton = RevealButtonState.NO_BUTTON,
fun retry(id: String) {
_uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Loading
fun refresh(id: String) {
_uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Refreshing
fun detailedStatus(): StatusViewData.Concrete? {
return when (val uiState = _uiState.value) {
is ThreadUiState.Success -> uiState.statusViewData.find { status ->
is ThreadUiState.LoadingThread -> uiState.statusViewDatum
else -> null
fun reblog(reblog: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete): Job = viewModelScope.launch {
try {
timelineCases.reblog(status.actionableId, reblog).await()
} catch (t: Exception) {
ifExpected(t) {
Log.d(TAG, "Failed to reblog status " + status.actionableId, t)
fun favorite(favorite: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete): Job = viewModelScope.launch {
try {
timelineCases.favourite(status.actionableId, favorite).await()
} catch (t: Exception) {
ifExpected(t) {
Log.d(TAG, "Failed to favourite status " + status.actionableId, t)
fun bookmark(bookmark: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete): Job = viewModelScope.launch {
try {
timelineCases.bookmark(status.actionableId, bookmark).await()
} catch (t: Exception) {
ifExpected(t) {
Log.d(TAG, "Failed to bookmark status " + status.actionableId, t)
fun voteInPoll(choices: List<Int>, status: StatusViewData.Concrete): Job = viewModelScope.launch {
val poll = status.status.actionableStatus.poll ?: run {
Log.w(TAG, "No poll on status ${status.id}")
val votedPoll = poll.votedCopy(choices)
updateStatus(status.id) { status ->
status.copy(poll = votedPoll)
try {
timelineCases.voteInPoll(status.actionableId, poll.id, choices).await()
} catch (t: Exception) {
ifExpected(t) {
Log.d(TAG, "Failed to vote in poll: " + status.actionableId, t)
fun removeStatus(statusToRemove: StatusViewData.Concrete) {
updateSuccess { uiState ->
statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.filterNot { status -> status == statusToRemove }
fun changeExpanded(expanded: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete) {
updateSuccess { uiState ->
val statuses = uiState.statusViewData.map { viewData ->
if (viewData.id == status.id) {
viewData.copy(isExpanded = expanded)
} else {
statusViewData = statuses,
revealButton = statuses.getRevealButtonState()
fun changeContentShowing(isShowing: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete) {
updateStatusViewData(status.id) { viewData ->
viewData.copy(isShowingContent = isShowing)
fun changeContentCollapsed(isCollapsed: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete) {
updateStatusViewData(status.id) { viewData ->
viewData.copy(isCollapsed = isCollapsed)
private fun handleFavEvent(event: FavoriteEvent) {
updateStatus(event.statusId) { status ->
status.copy(favourited = event.favourite)
private fun handleReblogEvent(event: ReblogEvent) {
updateStatus(event.statusId) { status ->
status.copy(reblogged = event.reblog)
private fun handleBookmarkEvent(event: BookmarkEvent) {
updateStatus(event.statusId) { status ->
status.copy(bookmarked = event.bookmark)
private fun handlePinEvent(event: PinEvent) {
updateStatus(event.statusId) { status ->
status.copy(pinned = event.pinned)
private fun removeAllByAccountId(accountId: String) {
updateSuccess { uiState ->
statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.filter { viewData ->
viewData.status.account.id != accountId
private fun handleStatusComposedEvent(event: StatusComposedEvent) {
val eventStatus = event.status
updateSuccess { uiState ->
val statuses = uiState.statusViewData
val detailedIndex = statuses.indexOfFirst { status -> status.isDetailed }
val repliedIndex = statuses.indexOfFirst { status -> eventStatus.inReplyToId == status.id }
if (detailedIndex != -1 && repliedIndex >= detailedIndex) {
// there is a new reply to the detailed status or below -> display it
val newStatuses = statuses.subList(0, repliedIndex + 1) +
eventStatus.toViewData() +
statuses.subList(repliedIndex + 1, statuses.size)
uiState.copy(statusViewData = newStatuses)
} else {
private fun handleStatusDeletedEvent(event: StatusDeletedEvent) {
updateSuccess { uiState ->
statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.filter { status ->
status.id != event.statusId
fun toggleRevealButton() {
updateSuccess { uiState ->
when (uiState.revealButton) {
RevealButtonState.HIDE -> uiState.copy(
statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.map { viewData ->
viewData.copy(isExpanded = false)
revealButton = RevealButtonState.REVEAL
RevealButtonState.REVEAL -> uiState.copy(
statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.map { viewData ->
viewData.copy(isExpanded = true)
revealButton = RevealButtonState.HIDE
else -> uiState
private fun StatusViewData.Concrete.getRevealButtonState(): RevealButtonState {
val hasWarnings = status.spoilerText.isNotEmpty()
return if (hasWarnings) {
if (isExpanded) {
} else {
} else {
* Get the reveal button state based on the state of all the statuses in the list.
* - If any status sets it to REVEAL, use REVEAL
* - If no status sets it to REVEAL, but at least one uses HIDE, use HIDE
* - Otherwise use NO_BUTTON
private fun List<StatusViewData.Concrete>.getRevealButtonState(): RevealButtonState {
var seenHide = false
forEach {
when (val state = it.getRevealButtonState()) {
RevealButtonState.NO_BUTTON -> return@forEach
RevealButtonState.REVEAL -> return state
RevealButtonState.HIDE -> seenHide = true
if (seenHide) {
return RevealButtonState.HIDE
return RevealButtonState.NO_BUTTON
private fun loadFilters() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val filters = api.getFilters().getOrElse {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to fetch filters", it)
filters.filter { filter ->
updateSuccess { uiState ->
val statuses = uiState.statusViewData.filter()
statusViewData = statuses,
revealButton = statuses.getRevealButtonState()
private fun List<StatusViewData.Concrete>.filter(): List<StatusViewData.Concrete> {
return filter { status ->
status.isDetailed || !filterModel.shouldFilterStatus(status.status)
private fun Status.toViewData(
isDetailed: Boolean = false
): StatusViewData.Concrete {
val oldStatus = (_uiState.value as? ThreadUiState.Success)?.statusViewData?.find { it.id == this.id }
return toViewData(
isShowingContent = oldStatus?.isShowingContent ?: (alwaysShowSensitiveMedia || !actionableStatus.sensitive),
isExpanded = oldStatus?.isExpanded ?: alwaysOpenSpoiler,
isCollapsed = oldStatus?.isCollapsed ?: !isDetailed,
isDetailed = oldStatus?.isDetailed ?: isDetailed
private inline fun updateSuccess(updater: (ThreadUiState.Success) -> ThreadUiState.Success) {
_uiState.update { uiState ->
if (uiState is ThreadUiState.Success) {
} else {
private fun updateStatusViewData(statusId: String, updater: (StatusViewData.Concrete) -> StatusViewData.Concrete) {
updateSuccess { uiState ->
statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.map { viewData ->
if (viewData.id == statusId) {
} else {
private fun updateStatus(statusId: String, updater: (Status) -> Status) {
updateStatusViewData(statusId) { viewData ->
status = updater(viewData.status)
companion object {
private const val TAG = "ViewThreadViewModel"
sealed interface ThreadUiState {
/** The initial load of the detailed status for this thread */
object Loading : ThreadUiState
/** Loading the detailed status has completed, now loading ancestors/descendants */
data class LoadingThread(
val statusViewDatum: StatusViewData.Concrete?,
val revealButton: RevealButtonState
) : ThreadUiState
/** An error occurred at any point */
class Error(val throwable: Throwable) : ThreadUiState
/** Successfully loaded the full thread */
data class Success(
val statusViewData: List<StatusViewData.Concrete>,
val revealButton: RevealButtonState,
val detailedStatusPosition: Int
) : ThreadUiState
/** Refreshing the thread with a swipe */
object Refreshing : ThreadUiState
enum class RevealButtonState {