package com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.viewthread import android.os.Looper.getMainLooper import androidx.arch.core.executor.testing.InstantTaskExecutorRule import import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4 import import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.NetworkResult import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.EventHub import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.StatusChangedEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline.mockStatus import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline.mockStatusViewData import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountEntity import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountManager import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AppDatabase import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.Converters import com.keylesspalace.tusky.di.NetworkModule import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.StatusContext import import import com.keylesspalace.tusky.usecase.TimelineCases import import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import org.junit.After import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.mockito.kotlin.doReturn import org.mockito.kotlin.mock import org.mockito.kotlin.stub import org.robolectric.Shadows.shadowOf import org.robolectric.annotation.Config @Config(sdk = [28]) @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class ViewThreadViewModelTest { private lateinit var api: MastodonApi private lateinit var eventHub: EventHub private lateinit var viewModel: ViewThreadViewModel private lateinit var db: AppDatabase private val threadId = "1234" private val moshi = NetworkModule.providesMoshi() /** * Execute each task synchronously. * * If you do not do this, and you have code like this under test: * * ``` * fun someFunc() = viewModelScope.launch { * _uiState.value = "initial value" * // ... * call_a_suspend_fun() * // ... * _uiState.value = "new value" * } * ``` * * and a test like: * * ``` * someFunc() * assertEquals("new value", viewModel.uiState.value) * ``` * * The test will fail, because someFunc() yields at the `call_a_suspend_func()` point, * and control returns to the test before `_uiState.value` has been changed. */ @get:Rule val instantTaskRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule() @Before fun setup() { shadowOf(getMainLooper()).idle() api = mock { onBlocking { getFilters() } doReturn NetworkResult.success(emptyList()) } eventHub = EventHub() val filterModel = FilterModel() val timelineCases = TimelineCases(api, eventHub) val accountManager: AccountManager = mock { on { activeAccount } doReturn AccountEntity( id = 1, domain = "mastodon.test", accessToken = "fakeToken", clientId = "fakeId", clientSecret = "fakeSecret", isActive = true ) } val context = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext db = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder(context, .addTypeConverter(Converters(moshi)) .allowMainThreadQueries() .build() viewModel = ViewThreadViewModel(api, filterModel, timelineCases, eventHub, accountManager, db, moshi) } @After fun closeDb() { db.close() } @Test fun `should emit status and context when both load`() { mockSuccessResponses() viewModel.loadThread(threadId) runBlocking { assertEquals( ThreadUiState.Success( statusViewData = listOf( mockStatusViewData(id = "1", spoilerText = "Test"), mockStatusViewData(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", isDetailed = true, spoilerText = "Test"), mockStatusViewData(id = "3", inReplyToId = "2", inReplyToAccountId = "1", spoilerText = "Test") ), detailedStatusPosition = 1, revealButton = RevealButtonState.REVEAL ), viewModel.uiState.first() ) } } @Test fun `should emit status even if context fails to load`() { api.stub { onBlocking { status(threadId) } doReturn NetworkResult.success(mockStatus(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1")) onBlocking { statusContext(threadId) } doReturn NetworkResult.failure(IOException()) } viewModel.loadThread(threadId) runBlocking { assertEquals( ThreadUiState.Success( statusViewData = listOf( mockStatusViewData(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", isDetailed = true) ), detailedStatusPosition = 0, revealButton = RevealButtonState.NO_BUTTON ), viewModel.uiState.first() ) } } @Test fun `should emit error when status and context fail to load`() { api.stub { onBlocking { status(threadId) } doReturn NetworkResult.failure(IOException()) onBlocking { statusContext(threadId) } doReturn NetworkResult.failure(IOException()) } viewModel.loadThread(threadId) runBlocking { assertEquals(, viewModel.uiState.first().javaClass ) } } @Test fun `should emit error when status fails to load`() { api.stub { onBlocking { status(threadId) } doReturn NetworkResult.failure(IOException()) onBlocking { statusContext(threadId) } doReturn NetworkResult.success( StatusContext( ancestors = listOf(mockStatus(id = "1")), descendants = listOf(mockStatus(id = "3", inReplyToId = "2", inReplyToAccountId = "1")) ) ) } viewModel.loadThread(threadId) runBlocking { assertEquals(, viewModel.uiState.first().javaClass ) } } @Test fun `should update state when reveal button is toggled`() { mockSuccessResponses() viewModel.loadThread(threadId) viewModel.toggleRevealButton() runBlocking { assertEquals( ThreadUiState.Success( statusViewData = listOf( mockStatusViewData(id = "1", spoilerText = "Test", isExpanded = true), mockStatusViewData(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", isDetailed = true, spoilerText = "Test", isExpanded = true), mockStatusViewData(id = "3", inReplyToId = "2", inReplyToAccountId = "1", spoilerText = "Test", isExpanded = true) ), detailedStatusPosition = 1, revealButton = RevealButtonState.HIDE ), viewModel.uiState.first() ) } } @Test fun `should handle status changed event`() { mockSuccessResponses() viewModel.loadThread(threadId) runBlocking { eventHub.dispatch(StatusChangedEvent(mockStatus(id = "1", spoilerText = "Test", favourited = false))) assertEquals( ThreadUiState.Success( statusViewData = listOf( mockStatusViewData(id = "1", spoilerText = "Test", favourited = false), mockStatusViewData(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", isDetailed = true, spoilerText = "Test"), mockStatusViewData(id = "3", inReplyToId = "2", inReplyToAccountId = "1", spoilerText = "Test") ), detailedStatusPosition = 1, revealButton = RevealButtonState.REVEAL ), viewModel.uiState.first() ) } } @Test fun `should remove status`() { mockSuccessResponses() viewModel.loadThread(threadId) viewModel.removeStatus(mockStatusViewData(id = "3", inReplyToId = "2", inReplyToAccountId = "1", spoilerText = "Test")) runBlocking { assertEquals( ThreadUiState.Success( statusViewData = listOf( mockStatusViewData(id = "1", spoilerText = "Test"), mockStatusViewData(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", isDetailed = true, spoilerText = "Test") ), detailedStatusPosition = 1, revealButton = RevealButtonState.REVEAL ), viewModel.uiState.first() ) } } @Test fun `should change status expanded state`() { mockSuccessResponses() viewModel.loadThread(threadId) viewModel.changeExpanded( true, mockStatusViewData(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", isDetailed = true, spoilerText = "Test") ) runBlocking { assertEquals( ThreadUiState.Success( statusViewData = listOf( mockStatusViewData(id = "1", spoilerText = "Test"), mockStatusViewData(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", isDetailed = true, spoilerText = "Test", isExpanded = true), mockStatusViewData(id = "3", inReplyToId = "2", inReplyToAccountId = "1", spoilerText = "Test") ), detailedStatusPosition = 1, revealButton = RevealButtonState.REVEAL ), viewModel.uiState.first() ) } } @Test fun `should change content collapsed state`() { mockSuccessResponses() viewModel.loadThread(threadId) viewModel.changeContentCollapsed( true, mockStatusViewData(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", isDetailed = true, spoilerText = "Test") ) runBlocking { assertEquals( ThreadUiState.Success( statusViewData = listOf( mockStatusViewData(id = "1", spoilerText = "Test"), mockStatusViewData(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", isDetailed = true, spoilerText = "Test", isCollapsed = true), mockStatusViewData(id = "3", inReplyToId = "2", inReplyToAccountId = "1", spoilerText = "Test") ), detailedStatusPosition = 1, revealButton = RevealButtonState.REVEAL ), viewModel.uiState.first() ) } } @Test fun `should change content showing state`() { mockSuccessResponses() viewModel.loadThread(threadId) viewModel.changeContentShowing( true, mockStatusViewData(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", isDetailed = true, spoilerText = "Test") ) runBlocking { assertEquals( ThreadUiState.Success( statusViewData = listOf( mockStatusViewData(id = "1", spoilerText = "Test"), mockStatusViewData(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", isDetailed = true, spoilerText = "Test", isShowingContent = true), mockStatusViewData(id = "3", inReplyToId = "2", inReplyToAccountId = "1", spoilerText = "Test") ), detailedStatusPosition = 1, revealButton = RevealButtonState.REVEAL ), viewModel.uiState.first() ) } } private fun mockSuccessResponses() { api.stub { onBlocking { status(threadId) } doReturn NetworkResult.success(mockStatus(id = "2", inReplyToId = "1", inReplyToAccountId = "1", spoilerText = "Test")) onBlocking { statusContext(threadId) } doReturn NetworkResult.success( StatusContext( ancestors = listOf(mockStatus(id = "1", spoilerText = "Test")), descendants = listOf(mockStatus(id = "3", inReplyToId = "2", inReplyToAccountId = "1", spoilerText = "Test")) ) ) } } }