/* Copyright 2019 Tusky Contributors * * This file is a part of Tusky. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not, * see . */ package com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.compose import android.net.Uri import android.util.Log import androidx.core.net.toUri import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import androidx.lifecycle.Observer import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import com.keylesspalace.tusky.adapter.ComposeAutoCompleteAdapter import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.compose.ComposeActivity.QueuedMedia import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.search.SearchType import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountManager import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AppDatabase import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.InstanceEntity import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.* import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Status import com.keylesspalace.tusky.network.MastodonApi import com.keylesspalace.tusky.service.ServiceClient import com.keylesspalace.tusky.service.TootToSend import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.* import io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable import io.reactivex.rxkotlin.Singles import java.util.* import javax.inject.Inject open class RxAwareViewModel : ViewModel() { private val disposables = CompositeDisposable() fun Disposable.autoDispose() = disposables.add(this) override fun onCleared() { super.onCleared() disposables.clear() } } /** * Throw when trying to add an image when video is already present or the other way around */ class VideoOrImageException : Exception() class ComposeViewModel @Inject constructor( private val api: MastodonApi, private val accountManager: AccountManager, private val mediaUploader: MediaUploader, private val serviceClient: ServiceClient, private val saveTootHelper: SaveTootHelper, private val db: AppDatabase ) : RxAwareViewModel() { private var replyingStatusAuthor: String? = null private var replyingStatusContent: String? = null internal var startingText: String? = null private var savedTootUid: Int = 0 private var startingContentWarning: String? = null private var inReplyToId: String? = null private var startingVisibility: Status.Visibility = Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN private val instance: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val instanceParams: LiveData = instance.map { instance -> ComposeInstanceParams( maxChars = instance?.maximumTootCharacters ?: DEFAULT_CHARACTER_LIMIT, pollMaxOptions = instance?.maxPollOptions ?: DEFAULT_MAX_OPTION_COUNT, pollMaxLength = instance?.maxPollOptionLength ?: DEFAULT_MAX_OPTION_LENGTH, supportsScheduled = instance?.version?.let { VersionUtils(it).supportsScheduledToots() } ?: false ) } val emoji: MutableLiveData?> = MutableLiveData() val markMediaAsSensitive = mutableLiveData(accountManager.activeAccount?.defaultMediaSensitivity ?: false) fun toggleMarkSensitive() { this.markMediaAsSensitive.value = !this.markMediaAsSensitive.value!! } val statusVisibility = mutableLiveData(Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN) val showContentWarning = mutableLiveData(false) val poll: MutableLiveData = mutableLiveData(null) val scheduledAt: MutableLiveData = mutableLiveData(null) val media = mutableLiveData>(listOf()) val uploadError = MutableLiveData() private val mediaToDisposable = mutableMapOf() init { Singles.zip(api.getCustomEmojis(), api.getInstance()) { emojis, instance -> InstanceEntity( instance = accountManager.activeAccount?.domain!!, emojiList = emojis, maximumTootCharacters = instance.maxTootChars, maxPollOptions = instance.pollLimits?.maxOptions, maxPollOptionLength = instance.pollLimits?.maxOptionChars, version = instance.version ) } .doOnSuccess { db.instanceDao().insertOrReplace(it) } .onErrorResumeNext( db.instanceDao().loadMetadataForInstance(accountManager.activeAccount?.domain!!) ) .subscribe ({ instanceEntity -> emoji.postValue(instanceEntity.emojiList) instance.postValue(instanceEntity) }, { throwable -> // this can happen on network error when no cached data is available Log.w(TAG, "error loading instance data", throwable) }) .autoDispose() } fun pickMedia(uri: Uri): LiveData> { // We are not calling .toLiveData() here because we don't want to stop the process when // the Activity goes away temporarily (like on screen rotation). val liveData = MutableLiveData>() mediaUploader.prepareMedia(uri) .map { (type, uri, size) -> val mediaItems = media.value!! if (type == QueuedMedia.Type.VIDEO && mediaItems.isNotEmpty() && mediaItems[0].type == QueuedMedia.Type.IMAGE) { throw VideoOrImageException() } else { addMediaToQueue(type, uri, size) } } .subscribe({ queuedMedia -> liveData.postValue(Either.Right(queuedMedia)) }, { error -> liveData.postValue(Either.Left(error)) }) .autoDispose() return liveData } private fun addMediaToQueue(type: QueuedMedia.Type, uri: Uri, mediaSize: Long): QueuedMedia { val mediaItem = QueuedMedia(System.currentTimeMillis(), uri, type, mediaSize) media.value = media.value!! + mediaItem mediaToDisposable[mediaItem.localId] = mediaUploader .uploadMedia(mediaItem) .subscribe ({ event -> val item = media.value?.find { it.localId == mediaItem.localId } ?: return@subscribe val newMediaItem = when (event) { is UploadEvent.ProgressEvent -> item.copy(uploadPercent = event.percentage) is UploadEvent.FinishedEvent -> item.copy(id = event.attachment.id, uploadPercent = -1) } synchronized(media) { val mediaValue = media.value!! val index = mediaValue.indexOfFirst { it.localId == newMediaItem.localId } media.postValue(if (index == -1) { mediaValue + newMediaItem } else { mediaValue.toMutableList().also { it[index] = newMediaItem } }) } }, { error -> media.postValue(media.value?.filter { it.localId != mediaItem.localId } ?: emptyList()) uploadError.postValue(error) }) return mediaItem } private fun addUploadedMedia(id: String, type: QueuedMedia.Type, uri: Uri, description: String?) { val mediaItem = QueuedMedia(System.currentTimeMillis(), uri, type, 0, -1, id, description) media.value = media.value!! + mediaItem } fun removeMediaFromQueue(item: QueuedMedia) { mediaToDisposable[item.localId]?.dispose() media.value = media.value!!.withoutFirstWhich { it.localId == item.localId } } fun didChange(content: String?, contentWarning: String?): Boolean { val textChanged = !(content.isNullOrEmpty() || startingText?.startsWith(content.toString()) ?: false) val contentWarningChanged = showContentWarning.value!! && !contentWarning.isNullOrEmpty() && !startingContentWarning!!.startsWith(contentWarning.toString()) val mediaChanged = media.value!!.isNotEmpty() val pollChanged = poll.value != null return textChanged || contentWarningChanged || mediaChanged || pollChanged } fun deleteDraft() { saveTootHelper.deleteDraft(this.savedTootUid) } fun saveDraft(content: String, contentWarning: String) { val mediaUris = mutableListOf() val mediaDescriptions = mutableListOf() for (item in media.value!!) { mediaUris.add(item.uri.toString()) mediaDescriptions.add(item.description) } saveTootHelper.saveToot( content, contentWarning, null, mediaUris, mediaDescriptions, savedTootUid, inReplyToId, replyingStatusContent, replyingStatusAuthor, statusVisibility.value!!, poll.value ) } /** * Send status to the server. * Uses current state plus provided arguments. * @return LiveData which will signal once the screen can be closed or null if there are errors */ fun sendStatus( content: String, spoilerText: String ): LiveData { return media .filter { items -> items.all { it.uploadPercent == -1 } } .map { val mediaIds = ArrayList() val mediaUris = ArrayList() val mediaDescriptions = ArrayList() for (item in media.value!!) { mediaIds.add(item.id!!) mediaUris.add(item.uri) mediaDescriptions.add(item.description ?: "") } val tootToSend = TootToSend( content, spoilerText, statusVisibility.value!!.serverString(), mediaUris.isNotEmpty() && markMediaAsSensitive.value!!, mediaIds, mediaUris.map { it.toString() }, mediaDescriptions, scheduledAt = scheduledAt.value, inReplyToId = inReplyToId, poll = poll.value, replyingStatusContent = null, replyingStatusAuthorUsername = null, savedJsonUrls = null, accountId = accountManager.activeAccount!!.id, savedTootUid = 0, idempotencyKey = randomAlphanumericString(16), retries = 0 ) serviceClient.sendToot(tootToSend) } } fun updateDescription(localId: Long, description: String): LiveData { val newList = media.value!!.toMutableList() val index = newList.indexOfFirst { it.localId == localId } if (index != -1) { newList[index] = newList[index].copy(description = description) } media.value = newList val completedCaptioningLiveData = MutableLiveData() media.observeForever(object : Observer> { override fun onChanged(mediaItems: List) { val updatedItem = mediaItems.find { it.localId == localId } if (updatedItem == null) { media.removeObserver(this) } else if (updatedItem.id != null) { api.updateMedia(updatedItem.id, description) .subscribe({ completedCaptioningLiveData.postValue(true) }, { completedCaptioningLiveData.postValue(false) }) .autoDispose() media.removeObserver(this) } } }) return completedCaptioningLiveData } fun searchAutocompleteSuggestions(token: String): List { when (token[0]) { '@' -> { return try { api.searchAccounts(query = token.substring(1), limit = 10) .blockingGet() .map { ComposeAutoCompleteAdapter.AccountResult(it) } } catch (e: Throwable) { Log.e(TAG, String.format("Autocomplete search for %s failed.", token), e) emptyList() } } '#' -> { return try { api.searchObservable(query = token, type = SearchType.Hashtag.apiParameter, limit = 10) .blockingGet() .hashtags .map { ComposeAutoCompleteAdapter.HashtagResult(it) } } catch (e: Throwable) { Log.e(TAG, String.format("Autocomplete search for %s failed.", token), e) emptyList() } } ':' -> { val emojiList = emoji.value ?: return emptyList() val incomplete = token.substring(1).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) val results = ArrayList() val resultsInside = ArrayList() for (emoji in emojiList) { val shortcode = emoji.shortcode.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) if (shortcode.startsWith(incomplete)) { results.add(ComposeAutoCompleteAdapter.EmojiResult(emoji)) } else if (shortcode.indexOf(incomplete, 1) != -1) { resultsInside.add(ComposeAutoCompleteAdapter.EmojiResult(emoji)) } } if (results.isNotEmpty() && resultsInside.isNotEmpty()) { results.add(ComposeAutoCompleteAdapter.ResultSeparator()) } results.addAll(resultsInside) return results } else -> { Log.w(TAG, "Unexpected autocompletion token: $token") return emptyList() } } } override fun onCleared() { for (uploadDisposable in mediaToDisposable.values) { uploadDisposable.dispose() } super.onCleared() } fun setup(composeOptions: ComposeActivity.ComposeOptions?) { val preferredVisibility = accountManager.activeAccount!!.defaultPostPrivacy val replyVisibility = composeOptions?.replyVisibility ?: Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN startingVisibility = Status.Visibility.byNum( preferredVisibility.num.coerceAtLeast(replyVisibility.num)) statusVisibility.value = startingVisibility inReplyToId = composeOptions?.inReplyToId val contentWarning = composeOptions?.contentWarning if (contentWarning != null) { startingContentWarning = contentWarning } // recreate media list // when coming from SavedTootActivity val loadedDraftMediaUris = composeOptions?.mediaUrls val loadedDraftMediaDescriptions: List? = composeOptions?.mediaDescriptions if (loadedDraftMediaUris != null && loadedDraftMediaDescriptions != null) { loadedDraftMediaUris.zip(loadedDraftMediaDescriptions) .forEach { (uri, description) -> pickMedia(uri.toUri()).observeForever { errorOrItem -> if (errorOrItem.isRight() && description != null) { updateDescription(errorOrItem.asRight().localId, description) } } } } else composeOptions?.mediaAttachments?.forEach { a -> // when coming from redraft val mediaType = when (a.type) { Attachment.Type.VIDEO, Attachment.Type.GIFV -> QueuedMedia.Type.VIDEO Attachment.Type.UNKNOWN, Attachment.Type.IMAGE -> QueuedMedia.Type.IMAGE else -> QueuedMedia.Type.IMAGE } addUploadedMedia(a.id, mediaType, a.url.toUri(), a.description) } savedTootUid = composeOptions?.savedTootUid ?: 0 startingText = composeOptions?.tootText val tootVisibility = composeOptions?.visibility ?: Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN if (tootVisibility.num != Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN.num) { startingVisibility = tootVisibility } val mentionedUsernames = composeOptions?.mentionedUsernames if (mentionedUsernames != null) { val builder = StringBuilder() for (name in mentionedUsernames) { builder.append('@') builder.append(name) builder.append(' ') } startingText = builder.toString() } scheduledAt.value = composeOptions?.scheduledAt composeOptions?.sensitive?.let { markMediaAsSensitive.value = it } val poll = composeOptions?.poll if (poll != null && composeOptions.mediaAttachments.isNullOrEmpty()) { this.poll.value = poll } replyingStatusContent = composeOptions?.replyingStatusContent replyingStatusAuthor = composeOptions?.replyingStatusAuthor } fun updatePoll(newPoll: NewPoll) { poll.value = newPoll } fun updateScheduledAt(newScheduledAt: String?) { scheduledAt.value = newScheduledAt } private companion object { const val TAG = "ComposeViewModel" } } fun mutableLiveData(default: T) = MutableLiveData().apply { value = default } const val DEFAULT_CHARACTER_LIMIT = 500 private const val DEFAULT_MAX_OPTION_COUNT = 4 private const val DEFAULT_MAX_OPTION_LENGTH = 25 data class ComposeInstanceParams( val maxChars: Int, val pollMaxOptions: Int, val pollMaxLength: Int, val supportsScheduled: Boolean )