/* Copyright 2022 Tusky Contributors * * This file is a part of Tusky. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not, * see . */ package com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.viewthread import android.util.Log import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.NetworkResult import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.fold import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.getOrElse import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.getOrThrow import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.map import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.onFailure import com.google.gson.Gson import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.BlockEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.EventHub import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.StatusChangedEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.StatusComposedEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.StatusDeletedEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline.toViewData import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.timeline.util.ifExpected import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountManager import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AppDatabase import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Filter import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.FilterV1 import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Status import com.keylesspalace.tusky.network.FilterModel import com.keylesspalace.tusky.network.MastodonApi import com.keylesspalace.tusky.usecase.TimelineCases import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.isHttpNotFound import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.toViewData import com.keylesspalace.tusky.viewdata.StatusViewData import com.keylesspalace.tusky.viewdata.TranslationViewData import javax.inject.Inject import kotlinx.coroutines.Job import kotlinx.coroutines.async import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.BufferOverflow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableSharedFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update import kotlinx.coroutines.launch class ViewThreadViewModel @Inject constructor( private val api: MastodonApi, private val filterModel: FilterModel, private val timelineCases: TimelineCases, eventHub: EventHub, private val accountManager: AccountManager, private val db: AppDatabase, private val gson: Gson ) : ViewModel() { private val _uiState = MutableStateFlow(ThreadUiState.Loading as ThreadUiState) val uiState: Flow = _uiState.asStateFlow() private val _errors = MutableSharedFlow( replay = 0, extraBufferCapacity = 1, onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST ) val errors: Flow get() = _errors var isInitialLoad: Boolean = true private val alwaysShowSensitiveMedia: Boolean private val alwaysOpenSpoiler: Boolean init { val activeAccount = accountManager.activeAccount alwaysShowSensitiveMedia = activeAccount?.alwaysShowSensitiveMedia ?: false alwaysOpenSpoiler = activeAccount?.alwaysOpenSpoiler ?: false viewModelScope.launch { eventHub.events .collect { event -> when (event) { is StatusChangedEvent -> handleStatusChangedEvent(event.status) is BlockEvent -> removeAllByAccountId(event.accountId) is StatusComposedEvent -> handleStatusComposedEvent(event) is StatusDeletedEvent -> handleStatusDeletedEvent(event) } } } loadFilters() } fun loadThread(id: String) { _uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Loading viewModelScope.launch { Log.d(TAG, "Finding status with: $id") val contextCall = async { api.statusContext(id) } val timelineStatus = db.timelineDao().getStatus(accountManager.activeAccount!!.id, id) var detailedStatus = if (timelineStatus != null) { Log.d(TAG, "Loaded status from local timeline") val viewData = timelineStatus.toViewData( gson, isDetailed = true, ) as StatusViewData.Concrete // Return the correct status, depending on which one matched. If you do not do // this the status IDs will be different between the status that's displayed with // ThreadUiState.LoadingThread and ThreadUiState.Success, even though the apparent // status content is the same. Then the status flickers as it is drawn twice. if (viewData.actionableId == id) { viewData.actionable.toViewData(isDetailed = true) } else { viewData } } else { Log.d(TAG, "Loaded status from network") val result = api.status(id).getOrElse { exception -> _uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Error(exception) return@launch } result.toViewData(isDetailed = true) } _uiState.value = ThreadUiState.LoadingThread( statusViewDatum = detailedStatus, revealButton = detailedStatus.getRevealButtonState() ) // If the detailedStatus was loaded from the database it might be out-of-date // compared to the remote one. Now the user has a working UI do a background fetch // for the status. Ignore errors, the user still has a functioning UI if the fetch // failed. if (timelineStatus != null) { api.status(id).getOrNull()?.let { result -> db.timelineDao().update( accountId = accountManager.activeAccount!!.id, status = result, gson = gson ) detailedStatus = result.toViewData(isDetailed = true) } } val contextResult = contextCall.await() contextResult.fold({ statusContext -> val ancestors = statusContext.ancestors.map { status -> status.toViewData() }.filter() val descendants = statusContext.descendants.map { status -> status.toViewData() }.filter() val statuses = ancestors + detailedStatus + descendants _uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Success( statusViewData = statuses, detailedStatusPosition = ancestors.size, revealButton = statuses.getRevealButtonState() ) }, { throwable -> _errors.emit(throwable) _uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Success( statusViewData = listOf(detailedStatus), detailedStatusPosition = 0, revealButton = RevealButtonState.NO_BUTTON ) }) } } fun retry(id: String) { _uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Loading loadThread(id) } fun refresh(id: String) { _uiState.value = ThreadUiState.Refreshing loadThread(id) } fun detailedStatus(): StatusViewData.Concrete? { return when (val uiState = _uiState.value) { is ThreadUiState.Success -> uiState.statusViewData.find { status -> status.isDetailed } is ThreadUiState.LoadingThread -> uiState.statusViewDatum else -> null } } fun reblog(reblog: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete): Job = viewModelScope.launch { try { timelineCases.reblog(status.actionableId, reblog).getOrThrow() } catch (t: Exception) { ifExpected(t) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to reblog status " + status.actionableId, t) } } } fun favorite(favorite: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete): Job = viewModelScope.launch { try { timelineCases.favourite(status.actionableId, favorite).getOrThrow() } catch (t: Exception) { ifExpected(t) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to favourite status " + status.actionableId, t) } } } fun bookmark(bookmark: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete): Job = viewModelScope.launch { try { timelineCases.bookmark(status.actionableId, bookmark).getOrThrow() } catch (t: Exception) { ifExpected(t) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to bookmark status " + status.actionableId, t) } } } fun voteInPoll(choices: List, status: StatusViewData.Concrete): Job = viewModelScope.launch { val poll = status.status.actionableStatus.poll ?: run { Log.w(TAG, "No poll on status ${status.id}") return@launch } val votedPoll = poll.votedCopy(choices) updateStatus(status.id) { status -> status.copy(poll = votedPoll) } try { timelineCases.voteInPoll(status.actionableId, poll.id, choices).getOrThrow() } catch (t: Exception) { ifExpected(t) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to vote in poll: " + status.actionableId, t) } } } fun removeStatus(statusToRemove: StatusViewData.Concrete) { updateSuccess { uiState -> uiState.copy( statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.filterNot { status -> status == statusToRemove } ) } } fun changeExpanded(expanded: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete) { updateSuccess { uiState -> val statuses = uiState.statusViewData.map { viewData -> if (viewData.id == status.id) { viewData.copy(isExpanded = expanded) } else { viewData } } uiState.copy( statusViewData = statuses, revealButton = statuses.getRevealButtonState() ) } } fun changeContentShowing(isShowing: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete) { updateStatusViewData(status.id) { viewData -> viewData.copy(isShowingContent = isShowing) } } fun changeContentCollapsed(isCollapsed: Boolean, status: StatusViewData.Concrete) { updateStatusViewData(status.id) { viewData -> viewData.copy(isCollapsed = isCollapsed) } } suspend fun translate(status: StatusViewData.Concrete): NetworkResult { updateStatusViewData(status.id) { viewData -> viewData.copy(translation = TranslationViewData.Loading) } return timelineCases.translate(status.actionableId) .map { translation -> updateStatusViewData(status.id) { viewData -> viewData.copy(translation = TranslationViewData.Loaded(translation)) } } .onFailure { updateStatusViewData(status.id) { viewData -> viewData.copy(translation = null) } } } fun untranslate(status: StatusViewData.Concrete) { updateStatusViewData(status.id) { viewData -> viewData.copy(translation = null) } } private fun handleStatusChangedEvent(status: Status) { updateStatusViewData(status.id) { viewData -> status.toViewData( isShowingContent = viewData.isShowingContent, isExpanded = viewData.isExpanded, isCollapsed = viewData.isCollapsed, isDetailed = viewData.isDetailed, translation = viewData.translation, ) } } private fun removeAllByAccountId(accountId: String) { updateSuccess { uiState -> uiState.copy( statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.filter { viewData -> viewData.status.account.id != accountId } ) } } private fun handleStatusComposedEvent(event: StatusComposedEvent) { val eventStatus = event.status updateSuccess { uiState -> val statuses = uiState.statusViewData val detailedIndex = statuses.indexOfFirst { status -> status.isDetailed } val repliedIndex = statuses.indexOfFirst { status -> eventStatus.inReplyToId == status.id } if (detailedIndex != -1 && repliedIndex >= detailedIndex) { // there is a new reply to the detailed status or below -> display it val newStatuses = statuses.subList(0, repliedIndex + 1) + eventStatus.toViewData() + statuses.subList(repliedIndex + 1, statuses.size) uiState.copy(statusViewData = newStatuses) } else { uiState } } } private fun handleStatusDeletedEvent(event: StatusDeletedEvent) { updateSuccess { uiState -> uiState.copy( statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.filter { status -> status.id != event.statusId } ) } } fun toggleRevealButton() { updateSuccess { uiState -> when (uiState.revealButton) { RevealButtonState.HIDE -> uiState.copy( statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.map { viewData -> viewData.copy(isExpanded = false) }, revealButton = RevealButtonState.REVEAL ) RevealButtonState.REVEAL -> uiState.copy( statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.map { viewData -> viewData.copy(isExpanded = true) }, revealButton = RevealButtonState.HIDE ) else -> uiState } } } private fun StatusViewData.Concrete.getRevealButtonState(): RevealButtonState { val hasWarnings = status.spoilerText.isNotEmpty() return if (hasWarnings) { if (isExpanded) { RevealButtonState.HIDE } else { RevealButtonState.REVEAL } } else { RevealButtonState.NO_BUTTON } } /** * Get the reveal button state based on the state of all the statuses in the list. * * - If any status sets it to REVEAL, use REVEAL * - If no status sets it to REVEAL, but at least one uses HIDE, use HIDE * - Otherwise use NO_BUTTON */ private fun List.getRevealButtonState(): RevealButtonState { var seenHide = false forEach { when (val state = it.getRevealButtonState()) { RevealButtonState.NO_BUTTON -> return@forEach RevealButtonState.REVEAL -> return state RevealButtonState.HIDE -> seenHide = true } } if (seenHide) { return RevealButtonState.HIDE } return RevealButtonState.NO_BUTTON } private fun loadFilters() { viewModelScope.launch { api.getFilters().fold( { filterModel.kind = Filter.Kind.THREAD updateStatuses() }, { throwable -> if (throwable.isHttpNotFound()) { val filters = api.getFiltersV1().getOrElse { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to fetch filters", it) return@launch } filterModel.initWithFilters( filters.filter { filter -> filter.context.contains(FilterV1.THREAD) } ) updateStatuses() } else { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting filters", throwable) } } ) } } private fun updateStatuses() { updateSuccess { uiState -> val statuses = uiState.statusViewData.filter() uiState.copy( statusViewData = statuses, revealButton = statuses.getRevealButtonState() ) } } private fun List.filter(): List { return filter { status -> if (status.isDetailed) { true } else { status.filterAction = filterModel.shouldFilterStatus(status.status) status.filterAction != Filter.Action.HIDE } } } private fun Status.toViewData(isDetailed: Boolean = false): StatusViewData.Concrete { val oldStatus = (_uiState.value as? ThreadUiState.Success)?.statusViewData?.find { it.id == this.id } return toViewData( isShowingContent = oldStatus?.isShowingContent ?: (alwaysShowSensitiveMedia || !actionableStatus.sensitive), isExpanded = oldStatus?.isExpanded ?: alwaysOpenSpoiler, isCollapsed = oldStatus?.isCollapsed ?: !isDetailed, isDetailed = oldStatus?.isDetailed ?: isDetailed ) } private inline fun updateSuccess(updater: (ThreadUiState.Success) -> ThreadUiState.Success) { _uiState.update { uiState -> if (uiState is ThreadUiState.Success) { updater(uiState) } else { uiState } } } private fun updateStatusViewData( statusId: String, updater: (StatusViewData.Concrete) -> StatusViewData.Concrete ) { updateSuccess { uiState -> uiState.copy( statusViewData = uiState.statusViewData.map { viewData -> if (viewData.id == statusId) { updater(viewData) } else { viewData } } ) } } private fun updateStatus(statusId: String, updater: (Status) -> Status) { updateStatusViewData(statusId) { viewData -> viewData.copy( status = updater(viewData.status) ) } } fun clearWarning(viewData: StatusViewData.Concrete) { updateStatus(viewData.id) { status -> status.copy(filtered = null) } } companion object { private const val TAG = "ViewThreadViewModel" } } sealed interface ThreadUiState { /** The initial load of the detailed status for this thread */ data object Loading : ThreadUiState /** Loading the detailed status has completed, now loading ancestors/descendants */ data class LoadingThread( val statusViewDatum: StatusViewData.Concrete?, val revealButton: RevealButtonState ) : ThreadUiState /** An error occurred at any point */ class Error(val throwable: Throwable) : ThreadUiState /** Successfully loaded the full thread */ data class Success( val statusViewData: List, val revealButton: RevealButtonState, val detailedStatusPosition: Int ) : ThreadUiState /** Refreshing the thread with a swipe */ data object Refreshing : ThreadUiState } enum class RevealButtonState { NO_BUTTON, REVEAL, HIDE }