plugins { alias( alias( alias( alias( alias(libs.plugins.kotlin.parcelize) } apply from: 'getGitSha.gradle' final def gitSha = ext.getGitSha() // The app name final def APP_NAME = "Tusky" // The application id. Must be unique, e.g. based on your domain final def APP_ID = "com.keylesspalace.tusky" // url of a custom app logo. Recommended size at least 600x600. Keep empty to use the Tusky elephant friend. final def CUSTOM_LOGO_URL = "" // e.g. Keep empty to not suggest any instance on the signup screen final def CUSTOM_INSTANCE = "" // link to your support account. Will be linked on the about page when not empty. final def SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_URL = "" android { compileSdk 34 namespace "com.keylesspalace.tusky" defaultConfig { applicationId APP_ID namespace "com.keylesspalace.tusky" minSdk 24 targetSdk 34 versionCode 125 versionName "26.2" testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true resValue "string", "app_name", APP_NAME buildConfigField("String", "CUSTOM_LOGO_URL", "\"$CUSTOM_LOGO_URL\"") buildConfigField("String", "CUSTOM_INSTANCE", "\"$CUSTOM_INSTANCE\"") buildConfigField("String", "SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_URL", "\"$SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_URL\"") } buildTypes { debug { isDefault true } release { minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true proguardFiles '' kotlinOptions { freeCompilerArgs = [ "-Xno-param-assertions", "-Xno-call-assertions", "-Xno-receiver-assertions" ] } } } flavorDimensions += "color" productFlavors { blue {} green { resValue "string", "app_name", APP_NAME + " Test" applicationIdSuffix ".test" versionNameSuffix "-" + gitSha isDefault true } } lint { lintConfig file("lint.xml") // Regenerate by deleting the file and running `./gradlew app:lintGreenDebug` baseline = file("lint-baseline.xml") } buildFeatures { buildConfig true resValues true viewBinding true } testOptions { unitTests { returnDefaultValues = true includeAndroidResources = true } unitTests.all { systemProperty 'robolectric.logging.enabled', 'true' systemProperty 'robolectric.lazyload', 'ON' } } sourceSets { androidTest.assets.srcDirs += files("$projectDir/schemas".toString()) } // Exclude unneeded files added by libraries packagingOptions.resources.excludes += [ 'LICENSE_OFL', 'LICENSE_UNICODE', ] bundle { language { // bundle all languages in every apk so the dynamic language switching works enableSplit = false } } dependenciesInfo { includeInApk false includeInBundle false } applicationVariants.configureEach { variant -> variant.outputs.configureEach { outputFileName = "Tusky_${variant.versionName}_${variant.versionCode}_${gitSha}_" + "${variant.flavorName}_${}.apk" } } } ksp { arg("room.schemaLocation", "$projectDir/schemas") arg("room.generateKotlin", "true") arg("room.incremental", "true") } configurations { // JNI-only libraries don't play nicely with Robolectric // see testImplementation.exclude group: "org.conscrypt", module: "conscrypt-android" testRuntime.exclude group: "org.conscrypt", module: "conscrypt-android" } // library versions are in PROJECT_ROOT/gradle/libs.versions.toml dependencies { implementation implementation libs.bundles.androidx implementation ksp implementation implementation libs.bundles.moshi ksp libs.moshi.kotlin.codegen implementation libs.bundles.retrofit implementation libs.networkresult.calladapter implementation libs.bundles.okhttp implementation libs.okio implementation implementation libs.bundles.glide ksp libs.glide.compiler implementation ksp libs.hilt.compiler implementation ksp libs.androidx.hilt.compiler implementation libs.sparkbutton implementation libs.touchimageview implementation libs.bundles.material.drawer implementation libs.material.typeface implementation libs.image.cropper implementation libs.bundles.filemojicompat implementation libs.bouncycastle implementation libs.unified.push implementation libs.bundles.xmldiff testImplementation libs.androidx.test.junit testImplementation libs.robolectric testImplementation libs.bundles.mockito testImplementation libs.mockwebserver testImplementation libs.androidx.core.testing testImplementation libs.kotlinx.coroutines.test testImplementation testImplementation libs.truth testImplementation libs.turbine androidTestImplementation libs.espresso.core androidTestImplementation androidTestImplementation libs.androidx.test.junit }