package com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.account import android.util.Log import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.fold import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.BlockEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.DomainMuteEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.EventHub import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.MuteEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.ProfileEditedEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.appstore.UnfollowEvent import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountManager import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Account import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Relationship import import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.Error import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.Loading import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.Resource import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.Success import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.getDomain import javax.inject.Inject import kotlinx.coroutines.Job import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.BufferOverflow import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableSharedFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asSharedFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.launch class AccountViewModel @Inject constructor( private val mastodonApi: MastodonApi, private val eventHub: EventHub, accountManager: AccountManager ) : ViewModel() { private val _accountData = MutableStateFlow(null as Resource?) val accountData: StateFlow?> = _accountData.asStateFlow() private val _relationshipData = MutableStateFlow(null as Resource?) val relationshipData: StateFlow?> = _relationshipData.asStateFlow() private val _noteSaved = MutableStateFlow(false) val noteSaved: StateFlow = _noteSaved.asStateFlow() private val _isRefreshing = MutableSharedFlow(1, onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST) val isRefreshing: SharedFlow = _isRefreshing.asSharedFlow() private var isDataLoading = false lateinit var accountId: String var isSelf = false /** the domain of the viewed account **/ var domain = "" /** True if the viewed account has the same domain as the active account */ var isFromOwnDomain = false private var noteUpdateJob: Job? = null private val activeAccount = accountManager.activeAccount!! init { viewModelScope.launch { { event -> if (event is ProfileEditedEvent && == _accountData.value?.data?.id) { _accountData.value = Success(event.newProfileData) } } } } private fun obtainAccount(reload: Boolean = false) { if (_accountData.value == null || reload) { isDataLoading = true _accountData.value = Loading() viewModelScope.launch { mastodonApi.account(accountId) .fold( { account -> domain = getDomain(account.url) isFromOwnDomain = domain == activeAccount.domain _accountData.value = Success(account) isDataLoading = false _isRefreshing.emit(false) }, { t -> Log.w(TAG, "failed obtaining account", t) _accountData.value = Error(cause = t) isDataLoading = false _isRefreshing.emit(false) } ) } } } private fun obtainRelationship(reload: Boolean = false) { if (_relationshipData.value == null || reload) { _relationshipData.value = Loading() viewModelScope.launch { mastodonApi.relationships(listOf(accountId)) .fold( { relationships -> _relationshipData.value = if (relationships.isNotEmpty()) { Success( relationships[0] ) } else { Error() } }, { t -> Log.w(TAG, "failed obtaining relationships", t) _relationshipData.value = Error(cause = t) } ) } } } fun changeFollowState() { val relationship = _relationshipData.value?.data if (relationship?.following == true || relationship?.requested == true) { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.UNFOLLOW) } else { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.FOLLOW) } } fun changeBlockState() { if (_relationshipData.value?.data?.blocking == true) { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.UNBLOCK) } else { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.BLOCK) } } fun muteAccount(notifications: Boolean, duration: Int?) { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.MUTE, notifications, duration) } fun unmuteAccount() { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.UNMUTE) } fun changeSubscribingState() { val relationship = _relationshipData.value?.data if (relationship?.notifying == true || // Mastodon 3.3.0rc1 relationship?.subscribing == true // Pleroma ) { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.UNSUBSCRIBE) } else { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.SUBSCRIBE) } } fun blockDomain(instance: String) { viewModelScope.launch { mastodonApi.blockDomain(instance).fold({ eventHub.dispatch(DomainMuteEvent(instance)) val relation = _relationshipData.value?.data if (relation != null) { _relationshipData.value = Success(relation.copy(blockingDomain = true)) } }, { e -> Log.e(TAG, "Error muting $instance", e) }) } } fun unblockDomain(instance: String) { viewModelScope.launch { mastodonApi.unblockDomain(instance).fold({ val relation = _relationshipData.value?.data if (relation != null) { _relationshipData.value = Success(relation.copy(blockingDomain = false)) } }, { e -> Log.e(TAG, "Error unmuting $instance", e) }) } } fun changeShowReblogsState() { if (_relationshipData.value?.data?.showingReblogs == true) { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.FOLLOW, false) } else { changeRelationship(RelationShipAction.FOLLOW, true) } } /** * @param parameter showReblogs if RelationShipAction.FOLLOW, notifications if MUTE */ private fun changeRelationship( relationshipAction: RelationShipAction, parameter: Boolean? = null, duration: Int? = null ) = viewModelScope.launch { val relation = _relationshipData.value?.data val account = _accountData.value?.data val isMastodon = _relationshipData.value?.data?.notifying != null if (relation != null && account != null) { // optimistically post new state for faster response val newRelation = when (relationshipAction) { RelationShipAction.FOLLOW -> { if (account.locked) { relation.copy(requested = true) } else { relation.copy(following = true) } } RelationShipAction.UNFOLLOW -> relation.copy(following = false) RelationShipAction.BLOCK -> relation.copy(blocking = true) RelationShipAction.UNBLOCK -> relation.copy(blocking = false) RelationShipAction.MUTE -> relation.copy(muting = true) RelationShipAction.UNMUTE -> relation.copy(muting = false) RelationShipAction.SUBSCRIBE -> { if (isMastodon) { relation.copy(notifying = true) } else { relation.copy(subscribing = true) } } RelationShipAction.UNSUBSCRIBE -> { if (isMastodon) { relation.copy(notifying = false) } else { relation.copy(subscribing = false) } } } _relationshipData.value = Loading(newRelation) } val relationshipCall = when (relationshipAction) { RelationShipAction.FOLLOW -> mastodonApi.followAccount( accountId, showReblogs = parameter ?: true ) RelationShipAction.UNFOLLOW -> mastodonApi.unfollowAccount(accountId) RelationShipAction.BLOCK -> mastodonApi.blockAccount(accountId) RelationShipAction.UNBLOCK -> mastodonApi.unblockAccount(accountId) RelationShipAction.MUTE -> mastodonApi.muteAccount( accountId, parameter ?: true, duration ) RelationShipAction.UNMUTE -> mastodonApi.unmuteAccount(accountId) RelationShipAction.SUBSCRIBE -> { if (isMastodon) { mastodonApi.followAccount(accountId, notify = true) } else { mastodonApi.subscribeAccount(accountId) } } RelationShipAction.UNSUBSCRIBE -> { if (isMastodon) { mastodonApi.followAccount(accountId, notify = false) } else { mastodonApi.unsubscribeAccount(accountId) } } } relationshipCall.fold( { relationship -> _relationshipData.value = Success(relationship) when (relationshipAction) { RelationShipAction.UNFOLLOW -> eventHub.dispatch(UnfollowEvent(accountId)) RelationShipAction.BLOCK -> eventHub.dispatch(BlockEvent(accountId)) RelationShipAction.MUTE -> eventHub.dispatch(MuteEvent(accountId)) else -> { } } }, { t -> Log.w(TAG, "failed loading relationship", t) _relationshipData.value = Error(relation, cause = t) } ) } fun noteChanged(newNote: String) { _noteSaved.value = false noteUpdateJob?.cancel() noteUpdateJob = viewModelScope.launch { delay(1500) mastodonApi.updateAccountNote(accountId, newNote) .fold( { _noteSaved.value = true delay(4000) _noteSaved.value = false }, { t -> Log.w(TAG, "Error updating note", t) } ) } } fun refresh() { reload(true) } private fun reload(isReload: Boolean = false) { if (isDataLoading) { return } accountId.let { obtainAccount(isReload) if (!isSelf) { obtainRelationship(isReload) } } } fun setAccountInfo(accountId: String) { this.accountId = accountId this.isSelf = activeAccount.accountId == accountId reload(false) } enum class RelationShipAction { FOLLOW, UNFOLLOW, BLOCK, UNBLOCK, MUTE, UNMUTE, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE } companion object { const val TAG = "AccountViewModel" } }