This pull request removes the remaining RxJava code and replaces it with
coroutine-equivalent implementations.
- Remove all duplicate methods in `MastodonApi`:
- Methods returning a RxJava `Single` have been replaced by suspending
methods returning a `NetworkResult` in order to be consistent with the
new code.
- _sync_/_async_ method variants are replaced with the _async_ version
only (suspending method), and `runBlocking{}` is used to make the async
variant synchronous.
- Create a custom coroutine-based implementation of `Single` for usage
in Java code where launching a coroutine is not possible. This class can
be deleted after remaining Java code has been converted to Kotlin.
- `` can subscribe to `EventHub` events by
calling the new lifecycle-aware `EventHub.subscribe()` method. This
allows using the `SharedFlow` as single source of truth for all events.
- Rx Autodispose is replaced by `lifecycleScope.launch()` which will
automatically cancel the coroutine when the Fragment view/Activity is
- Background work is launched in the existing injectable
`externalScope`, since using `GlobalScope` is discouraged.
`externalScope` has been changed to be a `@Singleton` and to use the
main dispatcher by default.
- Transform `ShareShortcutHelper` to an injectable utility class so it
can use the application `Context` and `externalScope` as provided
dependencies to launch a background coroutine.
- Implement a custom Glide extension method
`RequestBuilder.submitAsync()` to do the same thing as
`RequestBuilder.submit().get()` in a non-blocking way. This way there is
no need to switch to a background dispatcher and block a background
thread, and cancellation is supported out-of-the-box.
- An utility method `Fragment.updateRelativeTimePeriodically()` has been
added to remove duplicate logic in `TimelineFragment` and
`NotificationsFragment`, and the logic is now implemented using a simple
coroutine instead of `Observable.interval()`. Note that the periodic
update now happens between onStart and onStop instead of between
onResume and onPause, since the Fragment is not interactive but is still
visible in the started state.
- Rewrite `BottomSheetActivityTest` using coroutines tests.
- Remove all RxJava library dependencies.
This PR contains the following updates:
| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| `1.9.0` -> `1.11.0` |
### Release Notes
### Important
Elevation Overlays within default component styles have been replaced by
the new [Tonal Surface Color
system]( Instead
of blending the Primary color with the Surface color based on an
elevation value, components now use a specific Surface color role that
can be more easily understood and customized.
Documentation for the affected components and which Surface color roles
they use has been updated in
### What's new since 1.10.0
- New [Tonal Surface Color
system](! Check out
the [design
guidance]( and the
[commit with documentation
for more details.
- New Carousel variants! 1.11.0 introduces three new Carousel variants:
center-aligned hero, uncontained, and fullscreen. Check out the
for more details.
#### Dependency Updates
*Note: Earlier versions of 1.11.0 used other versions of the
`androidx.activity` 1.8.0 library dependency, but there is no change in
the dependency from 1.10.0, the last stable MDC library version.*
#### Library Updates
- `Badging`
- Adjusted badge vertical offset for certain components to fit design
- Added note in attachBadgeDrawable method docs about menu item views
being re-used when there is a structural change in the menu. Since
badges are attached to the views, this may change the menu item that the
badge is intended for
- `BottomNavigationView`
- Set badges to be null instead of removing them from the sparse array
so that removing badges before restoring badge states will not override
the current state
- `BottomSheet`
- Fix sheet corners animation
- `Carousel`
- Ensure that extra small size is not larger than the large size
- Fixed crash when recyclerview has a size of zero.
- When navigating with keyboard, scroll focused item to nearest focal
keyline, not the first focal keyline
- Force hero strategy to be start-aligned if there are not enough items
to make it center-aligned
- Add logic for multibrowse strategy to change strategy when number of
items is less than the number of keylines
- Fixed focus order when using keyboard navigation for hero carousels.
- Cleaning up multi-browse strategy and removing compact arrangement
- Disallowing center aligned hero strategy with only 2 items since it
does not make any sense. With only 2 items there can only be a start
state and end state with the hero strategy.
- Fix issue with uncontained carousel not having a proper end scroll
value due to assumption made in end scroll calculation
- Added tests for hero and multibrowse strategies when the carousel
container is very small.
- Update scroll offset to scroll to the estimated position that it was
at upon an initial load
- Fixed strategies crashing when there is not enough available space for
a large and a small item
- Tweak uncontained strategy logic to adjust medium size items to
improve motion
- Fixed formatted for KeylineState and KeylineStateList
- Fixed keyline shifting in RTL for uncontained carousels
- Reduce the number of truncations in intermediate calculations
- Update vertical scroll speed to be faster
- Fix some a11y bugs in Carousel
- Center aligned uncontained carousel
- Add left-aligned uncontained strategy
- Fix orientation not correct in item decoration calculations
- Update mask size on size change if mask x percentage has been set
- Fix issue with next carousel item not being masked properly
- Add a layout listener to recyclerview to refresh keyline state upon
size change
- Remove default list from Carousel catalog demos as it is not an
example of a carousel
- Add carousel alignment attribute
- Fix issue with not refreshing keylines
- Fixed MaskableFrameLayout not updating mask after size change when
setting the mask using setMaskXPercentage.
- Adding docs for fullscreen carousel strategy
- Add fullscreen demo to catalog
- Add full screen strategy
- `Catalog`
- Use BottomSheetDialogFragment
- Update navigation drawer state handling to be more accurate in demo
- Update navigation drawer state handling to be more accurate in custom
drawer demo
- When bottom sheet is collapsed, back callback is enabled
- Update side sheet state handling to be more accurate in demos
- Update bottom sheet state handling to be more accurate in demos
- Fixed demos in RTL
- Make side sheet demo icon easier to see in dark mode
- Remove explicit Catalog dependency on androidx.activity now that
library depends on it
- buid.gradle update.
- Remove edge-to-edge to top app bar demos due to glitches in ActionBar
- Update slider position when carousel is scrolled in uncontained
carousel demo
- Applied edge-to-edge to top app bar demos
- Add uncontained carousel demo to catalog
- Update slider position when carousel is scrolled in catalog demos
- Applied edge-to-edge to bottom sheet in Carousel demo
- Fix fullscreen vertical carousel to use vertical dividers
- Add alignment option to hero carousel
- `Chip`
- Fix a typo in attributes table in documentation
- `CollapsingToolbarLayout`
- Fix issue where expanded text gets ellipsized too aggressively when
using title fade mode and the toolbar has menu items
- Fixed title collapse fade mode color to use a Tonal Surface role
instead of elevation overlay
- `Color`
- Delete unused contrast resources
- Updated focused and pressed state from 0.12 to 0.10 to increase the
contrast ratio with tonal surface color.
- Updated colors of container transform demo
- Add ColorStateListDrawable support
- Removed layered drawable for the background after tonal surface color.
- Upgraded to v0.170 for tonal surface colors.
- Update constructor comments
- `Divider`
- Add RTL support
- `Documentation`
- Add note to clarify that automatic back handling in components is only
for API 33+
- Update Predictive Back doc to recommend 1.10.0 stable version
- Update doc to explain how to allow Top App Bar to grow taller in
response to system font setting
- Fix carousel docs
- Add uncontained variant docs
- Minor code block improvements
- Add guidance in fullscreen strategy docs about portrait orientation
- Update chip documentation to use `setOnCheckedStateChangeListener`
instead of `setOnCheckedChangeListener` which was deprecated in favour
of the former
- Update example in docs to use `colorContainer` and `colorOnContainer`
instead of `colorPrimary` and `colorOnPrimary`.
- Updated Color dev doc with tonal surface colors.
- Updated dev doc for tonal surface colors in affected components.
- Crosslink github docs in javadocs
- Cross-reference and DAC in Github docs
- `Material 3`
- Introduce U color tokens
- Add Meizu to dynamic colors allowlist
- Remove resources loader support for tonal surface update
- Added default framework text colors
- Updated contrast documentation
- Add shift to dynamic colors allowlist
- Expose attr contrastColorThemeOverlay
- Add dynamic contrast support
- `MaterialCardView`
- Support `android:duplicateParentState`.
- `MaterialDatePicker`
- Added builder methods for customizing the positive and negative button
content descriptions
- Fix header layout overlapping
- Fixing the "Column of Days:" announcement causing Talkback verbosity
- `NavigationView`
- Set material drawable background if the background has been set as a
- `Predictive Back`
- Update to use decelerate interpolator
- Fix issue where predictive back is not enabled in NavigationView after
rotating the screen or restarting the activity when the NavigationView
is already opened as a drawer
- Fix issue where modal accessibility is not reset after collapsing
search view predictively, which caused the screen to appear frozen when
using TalkBack
- Fixed IllegalStateException crashes caused by
- Fixed `UnsupportedOperationException` `AnimatorSet` crash in
- `ProgressIndicator`
- Allow extending LinearProgressIndicator and CircularProgressIndicator
- `Search`
- Set the `editable` property within `SearchBar`'s
`AccessibilityNodeInfo` representation.
- Fix issue where predictive back is not enabled in SearchView after
rotating the screen or restarting the activity when the SearchView is
already expanded
- Enforced outline variant to use colorSurface as container color.
- Added support to set a default content description if a content
description is not set explicitly.
- `SideSheet`
- Add left sheet/sheet edge documentation.
- Fix mixed language snippet
- `Switch`
- Fix drawable scaling for API < 23
- Amendments to thumb icon size support
- `Tabs`
- Integrated divider token output into the background drawables.
- `TextInputLayout`
- Fix editText paddings on pre-Lollipop
- Fix onMeasure() infinite loop bug caused by posting requestLayout()
before endLayout is fully rendered.
- Mutate cursor drawable before tinting it.
- `Theming`
- Fix swapped error colors for dynamic contrast theme in light mode
- `TimePicker`
- Fix layout getting cut on narrow screens
- `Tokens`
- Upgraded to v0.175.
- `TopAppBar`
- Simplified logics to animate the container color between lifted state
and the default state.
- Fix dynamic status bar foreground lift on scroll color when using
Tonal Surface Color on API Level 33
- Fix dynamic status bar foreground lift on scroll color when using
Tonal Surface Color
- Fixed that liftOnScrollColor doesn't respect to setLifted when
liftOnScroll is set to false.
- Added liftOnScroll and lifted toggles to the catalog.
- Added getMaterialShapeBackground() to return a MaterialShapeDrawable
object of the background (non-lifted layer).
- Updated the handling of liftOnScrollColor not override
- `Other`
- Cleanup date formats that specify the same field multiple times.
- Update androidx.activity dependency to version 1.8.0
- Update androidx.activity dependency to version 1.8.0-rc01
- Remove android:targetSdk where it's not needed
- Update androidx.activity dependency to version 1.8.0-beta01
- Added a comment before overridden resources.
- Delete BackLayer component
- Stop running Robolectric tests on APIs < 19.
- Fixed corrupt gradle jar file.
- Upgrade Gradle to 7.6.2.
- Consistently use window coordinates to calculate Snackbar offsets. In
one place screen and window coordinates are mixed, which leads to bad
behavior in split screen apps.
- 1.11.0-alpha01 Release.
#### Full list of release notes
#### Full list of changes
### What's new since 1.9.0
- Added Predictive back support for search, bottom sheet, side sheet and
navigation drawer. Check out the [developer
for more details.
- Add `Start-aligned` variant to Carousel component. Check out the
for more details.
- Badge component updates. Check out the [developer
for more details.
- Left & RTL side sheets. Check out the [developer
for more details.
#### Important
##### New minimum requirements for your app's project:
- Update `compileSdkVersion` to `34`
#### Dependency Updates
| Dependency | Previous version | New version |
| - | - | - |
| Gradle | 7.2.0 | 7.4.2 |
| androidx.activity | -- | 1.8.0 |
| androidx.appcompat | 1.5.0 | 1.6.1 |
| androidx.resourceinspection:resourceinspection-annotation | -- | 1.0.1
| androidx.resourceinspection:resourceinspection-processor | -- | 1.0.1
#### Library Updates
- `A11y`
- Do not count headers for accessibility
- `Badging`
- Deprecate bottom badge gravities and update docs and usages in catalog
- Add new attribute for vertical offset when font is large
- Fix table formatting and remove unnecessary badge invalidation
- Fix crash caused by non-ascii strings
- Badge cleanup/fixes:
- Add attribute to automatically adjust badge so that it is within the
anchor view's grandparent view's bounds
- Add getters/setters for vertical and horizontal badge padding
- Allow text strings in badges
- Center badge content more correctly
- Add padding in between top and bottom edges of badge and text
- Integrating tokens
- Add shape appearance for badges
- Update badge images
- `BottomAppBar`
- Fix bug with transparent top app bar when in bottom app bar layout
- Fix issue with pre-21 FAB elevation/shadow sometimes appearing
- `BottomNavigationView`
- Integrate tokens and add shape appearance support
- `BottomSheet`
- Fix sheet corners animation
- Update bottom sheet documentation
- Integrate tokens
- Add method to allow programmatically changing
shouldRemoveExpandedCorners behavior
- Update expanded corner removal to check if sheet view is actually at
top of screen
- Fix for detached from bottom sheet behavior.
- Ignore ACTION_MOVE events in BottomSheetBehavior that weren't preceded
by an ACTION_DOWN event.
- `Carousel`
- Add orientation helper to clean up CarouselLayoutManager orientation
- Update docs to include hero variant
- Add vertical scrolling capability
- Deprecate set/get mask x percentages in Maskable as they are no longer
used anywhere, and is a misleading method due to these methods not
actually having any effect on the Carousel as CarouselLayoutManager
overrides the values.
- Ensure that masks are pushed out beyond the parent bounds if they are
*on* the parent bounds
- Carousel updates and fixes
- Fix contained mask logic to only update masks when it is still in
view, and remove restrictions on mask size with childWidth/2F. The only
restriction is that the right of the mask must be greater than the left
of the mask.
- Fixed multi browse strategy clipping extra small items before being
fully collapsed
- Add Carousel Hero strategy demo
- Add Hero carousel strategy
- Add option for snapping with multi-browse carousel demo
- Add CarouselSnapHelper
- Refactor to reuse logic between different Carousel strategy classes
- Fix item masking for API 21
- Updated MultiBrowseCarouselStrategy to find best arrangments using a
cost function
- Fixed mutli-browse catalog demo crashing due to invalid position
slider values.
- Add support for transitions by forcing canvas clipping when detaching
from the window.
- Updated MaskableFrameLayout to use Outline path clipping on 33+ only.
- Updated setForceCompatClipping visibility for testing.
- Updated MaskableFrameLayout to clip more performantly.
- Changed Maskable.add/removeOnMaskChangedListener to
- Fixed child index bug causing items to be ordered incorrectly.
- `Catalog`
- Update side sheet state handling to be more accurate in demos
- Update bottom sheet state handling to be more accurate in demos
- Update to compileSdkVersion 34 and update catalog to use
- Fixed catalog errors for some demos.
- Fixes context menu are not themed on S
- `Checkbox`
- Fixed checkmark icon not updating color on error correctly in pre 21.
- `Chip`
- Fix hand pointer icon not showing up on whole Chip when using mouse
- Add theme overlays supported on API < 23
- `Color`
- Temporarily remove v34 Android U color references which could be
causing resource NotFoundExceptions
- Fixed lint error.
- Integrate container color token
- Made SearchBar and SearchView's container colors configurable in XML
- Added U color resources for contrast mode support.
- `Dialog`
- Update DialogWhenLarge theme to have correct parent theme
- Made dialog background color configurable in XML styles.
- Made dialog background color configurable in XML styles.
- `Documentation`
- Fix SideSheetDialog class definition and source links
- Revise version guidance for Search usage.
- Formatted tables in the eng doc.
- Fix doc formatting for github
- `ExposedDropdownMenu`
- Added attribute to set dropdown menu's container.
- `FloatingActionButton`
- Correctly handle min touch target size
- `Material 3`
- Remove resources loader support for tonal surface update
- Fix harmonization demo bug
- Updated content-based dynamic colors
- Update Color doc
- Updated content-based dynamic colors
- Adds Search class definition link to Search documentation.
- Added ColorContrast API
- Updated content-based dynamic with contrast levels
- Updated SearchDemoUtils to mark the class and methods as public so
that it can be resued.
- Code style update
- Fix Search view prefix style.
- Updated search styles to set the default style attributes in the
related theme overlay.
- Improve performance by preventing item change notifications during
- Fixed a crash in search components when view attributes inspection dev
setting is turned on.
- Color Component demo update
- Color Component demo update
- `MaterialButton`
- Set up Android Studio resource inspection annotation and annotation
processor, and add [@​Attribute](
annotation to MaterialButton#getIconPadding
- `MaterialDatePicker`
- Allow client app to access user selected inputMode
- Fix crash when clicking OK/Cancel on text input mode due to hiding
- Add getTextColor to DayViewDecorator
- a11y/i18n alignment
- ContentDescription for "DayName" is not properly getting read by
talkback for the German language
- Fix time zone when custom text input format is set
- Update screen width at which days size is 48dp in portrait mode.
- Made dialog container color configurable in xml style.
- Fix hint for Korean
- Integrated tokens.
- Fix keyboard not showing at first in text input mode
- `NavigationRail`
- Added bigger padding in between items on the navigation rail when font
scale is large so there is more room for the badges when they are forced
inside the view bounds
- Integrate tokens and add shapeAppearance attribute
- Added attribute to control the application of start window inset
- Fixed active item focused state color not being visible.
- `NavigationView`
- Updated NavigationView to use ViewOutlineProvider to handle corner
clipping when possible and remove drawerLayoutCornerClippingEnabled
- Removed canvas clipping by default and added an option to
enabled/disable manually
- `Predictive Back`
- Fix issue where modal accessibility is not reset after collapsing
search view predictively, which caused the screen to appear frozen when
using TalkBack
- Fixed IllegalStateException crashes caused by
- Fixed `UnsupportedOperationException` `AnimatorSet` crash in
- Fix custom predictive back implementations and update
androidx.activity dependency to 1.8.0-alpha06.
- Fixed MaterialBackAnimationHelper.onCancelBackProgress being called
- Fixed possible NaN crashes in MaterialBottomContainerBackHelper,
MaterialMainContainerBackHelper and MaterialSideContainerBackHelper.
- Update components to use BackEventCompat
- Make MaterialMainContainerBackHelper collapsedView optional
- Fix issue on Android U where clicking SearchView back button causes
SearchBar to disappear and back arrow animation to not run
- Minor dev doc edits
- Update dev docs
- Fix expand/collapse animation for non-predictive back cases where
rootView bounds are not equal to searchView bounds
- Added updateBackProgress() predictive back support for coplanar side
- Added handleBackInvoked() predictive back support for coplanar side
- Fix subtle detached side sheet glitch where after predictive back the
sheet does not fully slide off screen
- Fix custom nav drawer Catalog demo pre-T crash due to
OnBackAnimationCallback class not found
- Added predictive back support for modal side sheets.
- Added predictive back support for standard side sheets.
- Update side container back helper to support containers with arbitrary
child views
- Only use device corner radius if SearchView reaches edge of screen
- Make back helpers support generified View type
- Add ability to opt-out of back handling
- Update SearchView to support predictive back when set up with
- Fix bug where standard hideable bottom sheets don't stay hidden after
predictive back
- Add top-level developer documentation
- Update Bottom Sheet to support predictive back
### Configuration
📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.
♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.
🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update
- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box
This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
This PR contains the following updates:
| Package | Update | Change |
| [gradle](
([source]( | minor | `8.5` -> `8.6`
### Release Notes
<summary>gradle/gradle (gradle)</summary>
### [`v8.6`](
### Configuration
📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.
♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.
🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update
- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box
This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
This PR contains the following updates:
| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| []( | `1.1.5`
-> `1.4.1` |
### Release Notes
<summary>google/truth (</summary>
### [`v1.4.1`](
This release deprecates `Truth8`.
All its methods have become available on the main `Truth` class. In most
cases, you can migrate your whole project mechanically: `git grep -l
Truth8 | xargs perl -pi -e 's/\bTruth8\b/Truth/g;'`
While we do not plan to delete `Truth8`, we recommend migrating off it,
at least if you static import `assertThat`: If you do not migrate, such
static imports will become ambiguous in Truth 1.4.2, breaking your
### [`v1.4.0`](
In this release, our assertions on Java 8 types continue to move from
the `Truth8` class to the main `Truth` class. This change should not
break compatibility for any supported JDK or Android version, even users
who test under old versions of Android without [API
Additionally, we will never break binary compatibility, though some
users will have to make changes to their source code in order for it to
compile against newer versions.
This release is likely to lead to more **build failures** than
[1.3.0]( did.
However, those failures should be **straightforward to fix**.
#### Example build failure error: reference to assertThat is ambiguous
both method assertThat(@​org.jspecify.nullness.Nullable Path) in
Truth8 and method assertThat(@​org.jspecify.nullness.Nullable
Path) in Truth match
#### Simplest upgrade strategy (if you can update all your code
atomically in the same commit as the Truth upgrade)
In the same commit:
1. Upgrade Truth to 1.4.0.
2. Replace `import static;`
with `import static;`.
- If you use Kotlin, replace `import` with `import`.
3. Replace `import;` with `import;`.
- again, similarly for Kotlin if needed
4. Optionally replace remaining references to `Truth8` with references
to `Truth`.
- For example, replace `Truth8.assertThat(optional).isPresent()` with
If you're feeling lucky, you can try this one-liner for the code
git grep -l Truth8 | xargs perl -pi -e 's/import static;/import static;/g; s/import; s/import; s/\bTruth8[.]/Truth./g;'
In most cases, that can be further simplified to:
git grep -l Truth8 | xargs perl -pi -e 's/\bTruth8\b/Truth/g;'
After that process, it is possible that you'll still see build errors
from ambiguous usages of `assertThat` static imports. If so, you can
find a workaround in the section about overload ambiguity in the release
notes for
Alternatively, you can wait to upgrade until after a future Truth
release, which will eliminate the ambiguity by changing the signatures
of some `Truth.assertThat` overloads.
#### Incremental upgrade strategy
If you have a very large repo or you have other reasons to prefer to
upgrade incrementally, you can use the approach that we used inside
Google. Roughly, that approach was:
1. Make the optional changes discussed in the release notes for
2. For any remaining calls to `Truth8.assertThat`, change them to
*avoid* static import.
- That is, replace `assertThat(optional).isPresent()` with
3. Upgrade Truth to 1.4.0.
4. Optionally replace references to `Truth8` with references to `Truth`
(including restoring static imports if desired), as discussed in section
about the simple upgrade strategy above.
#### Optional additional changes
- If you use `assertWithMessage(...).about(intStreams()).that(...)`,
`expect.about(optionalLongs()).that(...)`, or similar, you can remove
your call to `about`. This change will never be necessary; it is just a
- This is similar to a previous optional change from
[1.3.0](, except
that 1.3.0 solved this problem for `streams` and `optionals`, whereas
1.4.0 solves it for the other `Truth8` types.
#### For help
Please feel welcome to [open an
issue]( to report problems
or request help.
#### Changelog
- Added the remaining `Truth8.assertThat` overloads to the main `Truth`
class. ([`9be8e77`](,
- Added more `that` overloads to make it possible to write type-specific
assertions when using the remaining Java 8 types.
### [`v1.3.0`](
In this release, our assertions on Java 8 types begin to move from the
`truth-java8-extensions` artifact and the `Truth8` class to the main
`truth` artifact and the `Truth` class. This change should not break
compatibility for anyone, even users who test under old versions of
Android without [API
Additionally, we will never break binary compatibility, though some
users will have to make changes to their source code in order for it to
compile against newer versions.
This change will be routine for most users, but we're providing as much
information as we can for any users who do encounter problems.
We will post fuller instructions for migration later on, once we've
learned more from our internal migration efforts. For now, you may find
that you need to make one kind of change, and you may elect to make
others. (If we missed anything, please [open an
issue]( to report problems
or request help.)
The change you might need to make:
- By adding new overloads of `Truth.assertThat`, we cause some code to
fail to compile because of an overload ambiguity. This is rare, but it
can happen if you static import both `Truth.assertThat` and some other
`assertThat` method that includes overloads for `Optional` or `Stream`.
(It does *not* happen for `Truth8.assertThat`, though, except with the
Eclipse compiler. Nor it does *necessarily* happen for other
`assertThat(Stream)` and `assertThat(Optional)` methods.) If this
happens to you, you'll need to remove one of the static imports,
changing the corresponding call sites from "`assertThat`" to
- Alternatively, you may choose to wait until we make further changes to
the new `Truth.assertThat` overloads. Once we make those further
changes, you may be able to simultaneously replace all your imports of
`Truth8.assertThat` with imports of `Truth.assertThat` as you upgrade to
the new version, likely without introducing overload ambiguities.
The changes you might elect to make:
- If you use `Truth8.assertThat(Stream)` or
`Truth8.assertThat(Optional)`, you can migrate to the new overloads in
`Truth`. If you static import `Truth8.assertThat`, you can usually make
this change simply by replacing that static import with a static import
of `Truth.assertThat`—or, if you already have an import of
`Truth.assertThat`, by just removing the import of `Truth8.assertThat`.
(If you additionally use less common assertion methods, like
`assertThat(OptionalInt)`, you'll want to use *both* imports for now.
Later, we'll move `assertThat(OptionalInt)` and friends, too.) We
recommend making this change now, since your calls to
`Truth8.assertThat` will fail to compile against some future version of
Truth, unless you plan to wait to update your Truth dependency until
we've made all our changes for Java 8 types.
- If you use `assertWithMessage(...).about(streams()).that(...)`,
`expect.about(optionals()).that(...)`, or similar, you can remove your
call to `about`. This change will never be necessary; it is just a
- If you depend on `truth-java8-extension`, you may remove it. All its
classes are now part of the main `truth` artifact. This change, too, is
not necessary; it is just a simplification. (OK, if your build system
has a concept of [strict
deps](, there
is a chance that you'll *need* to add deps on `truth` to replace your
deps on `truth-java8-extension`.)
Finally, the changelog for this release:
- Made `StreamSubject` avoid collecting the `Stream` until necessary,
and made its `isEqualTo` and `isNotEqualTo` methods no longer always
throw. ([`f8ecaec`](
- Added `assertThat` overloads for `Optional` and `Stream` to the main
`Truth` class.
- Added `that` overloads to make it possible to write type-specific
assertions when using `expect.that(optional)` and `expect.that(stream)`.
- Moved the `truth-java8-extension` classes into the main `truth`
artifact. There is no longer any need to depend on
`truth-java8-extension`, which is now empty. (We've also removed the
`Truth8` [GWT]( module.)
Again, if you have any problems, please [let us
### [`v1.2.0`](
- Fixed a bug that caused ProtoTruth to ignore the contents of unpacked
`Any` messages. This fix may cause tests to fail, since ProtoTruth will
now check whether the message contents match. If so, you may need to
change the values that your tests expect, or there may be a bug in the
code under test that had been hidden by the Truth bug. Sorry for the
- Added `isWithin().of()` support to `IntegerSubject` and `LongSubject`.
### Configuration
📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.
♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.
🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update
- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
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This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
There are some new rules, I think they mostly make sense, except for the
max line length which I had to disable because we are over it in a lot
of places.
Co-authored-by: Goooler <>
I moved the library from Jitpack to Maven Central and changed the group
id (so renovate won't pick that up), other than that there is only a
dependency upgrade to `androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.1` included