Commit Graph

186 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Eliot Lash 9883bfa7c2
Add option for default reply privacy set to unlisted by default (#4496)
This PR fixes and is
mostly based on and supersedes but I have fixed all merge
conflicts and unit tests.

I tested the changes locally and the setting takes effect immediately
for replies, and persists across killing the app.


Co-authored-by: Eva Tatarka <>
Co-authored-by: Konrad Pozniak <>
2024-06-09 20:25:03 +02:00
Konrad Pozniak 8aaca3bb2c
improve span highlighting (#4480)
At first I thought simply changing the regex might help, but then I
found more and more differences between Mastodon and Tusky, so I decided
to reimplement the thing. I added 74 testcases that I all compared to
Mastodon to make sure they are correct.

On an Fairphone 4 the new implementation is faster, on an Samsung Galaxy
Tab S3 slower.

Testcases for the benchmark:
test of a status with #one hashtag http
http:// #hashtag
this is a #test
and this is a @test
``` Just your ordinary mention with a hashtag
``` Just your ordinary mention with a url

       11.159   ns          15 allocs    Benchmark.new_1
      119.701   ns          43 allocs    Benchmark.new_2
       21.895   ns          24 allocs    Benchmark.new_3
       87.512   ns          32 allocs    Benchmark.new_4

       16.592   ns          46 allocs    Benchmark.old_1
      134.381   ns         169 allocs    Benchmark.old_2
       28.355   ns          68 allocs    Benchmark.old_3
       45.221   ns          77 allocs    Benchmark.old_4

       43,785   ns          18 allocs    Benchmark.new_1
      446,074   ns          43 allocs    Benchmark.new_2
       78,802   ns          26 allocs    Benchmark.new_3
      315,478   ns          32 allocs    Benchmark.new_4

       42,186   ns          45 allocs    Benchmark.old_1
      353,570   ns         157 allocs    Benchmark.old_2
       72,376   ns          66 allocs    Benchmark.old_3
      122,985   ns          74 allocs    Benchmark.old_4

benchmark code is here:

2024-06-02 16:32:58 +02:00
Konrad Pozniak d554d71958
inject SharedPreferences (#4441)
(this one is for @charlag)

Calling `PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences()` will read the
preference file from disk every time. This PR makes `SharedPreferences`
a singleton so they will only be created once at appstart (with a few
exceptions where it is hard to inject, e.g. in the `openLink` helper)
which should help getting our ANRs down.

StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=285 ms: android.os.strictmode.DiskReadViolation
    at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(
    at android.content.ContextWrapper.getSharedPreferences(
    at android.content.ContextWrapper.getSharedPreferences(
    at androidx.preference.PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(
    at com.keylesspalace.tusky.BaseActivity.onCreate(
2024-05-24 08:05:09 +02:00
Christophe Beyls dc4ca06551
Replace Dagger-Android with Hilt and remove Kapt (#4423)
Hilt is an annotation processor built on top of Dagger which allows to
remove all the Android dependency injection boilerplate code (currently
around 900 lines) by writing it for us.

Hilt can use KSP instead of Kapt so Kapt can be completely removed from
the project. Kapt is slow, deprecated and has a few compatibility
issues. Removing Kapt will improve build times since no Java stubs have
to be generated for Kotlin classes anymore (Note that KSP also processes
annotations in Java classes so it can completely replace Kapt).

- Remove all modules related to manual dependency injection
- Rename `AppModule` to `StorageModule` since it now only contains
configuration to retrieve the DataBase and SharedPreferences.
- Annotate all entry points (Activities, Fragments, BroadcastReceivers
and Services) with `@AndroidEntryPoint`.
- Annotate all injected ViewModels with `@HiltViewModel` and replace the
custom ViewModel Factory with the default one (which integrates with the
one generated by Hilt).
- Add a public field to allow overriding the default
ViewModelProvider.Factory in `BaseActivity` in tests.
- Annotate tested Activities with `@OptionalInject` since Activity tests
currently rely on the Activities not being injected automatically.
- Annotate injected `Context` arguments with `@ApplicationContext`. Hilt
provides the `Context` binding automatically but requires to specify if
the Application or Activity Context is wanted.
- Add WorkManager Hilt integration so all Workers are injected by Hilt
automatically using `HiltWorkerFactory`.
- Lazily initialize WorkManager in `TuskyApplication`.
- Remove Kapt and Kapt workarounds.
- ~~Remove toolchain configuration for Java 21. Toolchains force the
Java bytecode to match the JDK version used to build the project, and
apparently Hilt doesn't run inside the toolchain so cannot process the
source code if the JDK version of the toolchain is higher than the JDK
used to run Gradle. [And configuring a toolchain for an older Java
version causes other
**Removing toolchains configuration doesn't prevent the project from
being built using JDK 21** or more recent versions but allows to build
the project using older JDKs as well.~~
Added a fix to allow Hilt to properly use the JDK toolchain.
- ~~Set the Java and Kotlin bytecode target to Java 17. The standard
bytecode target for Android projects is usually Java 8 or 11 (any higher
version doesn't provide any benefit but may cause compatibility issues).
However, since the app currently uses a library built against Java 17
bytecode (`networkresult-calladapter`), it needs to target at least Java
17 bytecode as well.~~
- Update the Dagger 2 URL in the licenses screen. Hilt is part of Dagger
2 so the label wasn't changed.
2024-05-10 15:55:07 +02:00
Konrad Pozniak b2c0b18c8e
Refactor notifications to Kotlin & paging (#4026)
This refactors the NotificationsFragment and related classes to Kotlin &
While trying to preserve as much of the original behavior as possible,
this adds the following improvements as well:
- The "show notifications filter" preference was added again
- The "load more" button now has a background ripple effect when clicked
- The "legal" report category of Mastodon 4.2 is now supported in report
- Unknown notifications now display "unknown notification type" instead
of an empty line

Other code quality improvements:
- All views from xml layouts are now referenced via ViewBindings
- the classes responsible for showing system notifications were moved to
a new package `systemnotifications` while the classes from this
refactoring are in `notifications`
- the id of the local Tusky account is now called `tuskyAccountId` in
all places I could find



Co-authored-by: Zongle Wang <>
2024-05-03 18:27:10 +02:00
Christophe Beyls df7b11afc3
Replace Gson library with Moshi (#4309)
**! ! Warning**: Do not merge before testing every API call and database
read involving JSON !

**Gson** is obsolete and has been superseded by **Moshi**. But more
importantly, parsing Kotlin objects using Gson is _dangerous_ because
Gson uses Java serialization and is **not Kotlin-aware**. This has two
main consequences:

- Fields of non-null types may end up null at runtime. Parsing will
succeed, but the code may crash later with a `NullPointerException` when
trying to access a field member;
- Default values of constructor parameters are always ignored. When
absent, reference types will be null, booleans will be false and
integers will be zero.

On the other hand, Kotlin-aware parsers like **Moshi** or **Kotlin
Serialization** will validate at parsing time that all received fields
comply with the Kotlin contract and avoid errors at runtime, making apps
more stable and schema mismatches easier to detect (as long as logs are

- Receiving a null value for a non-null type will generate a parsing
- Optional types are declared explicitly by adding a default value. **A
missing value with no default value declaration will generate a parsing

Migrating the entity declarations from Gson to Moshi will make the code
more robust but is not an easy task because of the semantic differences.

With Gson, both nullable and optional fields are represented with a null
value. After converting to Moshi, some nullable entities can become
non-null with a default value (if they are optional and not nullable),
others can stay nullable with no default value (if they are mandatory
and nullable), and others can become **nullable with a default value of
null** (if they are optional _or_ nullable _or_ both). That third option
is the safest bet when it's not clear if a field is optional or not,
except for lists which can usually be declared as non-null with a
default value of an empty list (I have yet to see a nullable array type
in the Mastodon API).

Fields that are currently declared as non-null present another
challenge. In theory, they should remain as-is and everything will work
fine. In practice, **because Gson is not aware of nullable types at
all**, it's possible that some non-null fields currently hold a null
value in some cases but the app does not report any error because the
field is not accessed by Kotlin code in that scenario. After migrating
to Moshi however, parsing such a field will now fail early if a null
value or no value is received.

These fields will have to be identified by heavily testing the app and
looking for parsing errors (`JsonDataException`) and/or by going through
the Mastodon documentation. A default value needs to be added for
missing optional fields, and their type could optionally be changed to
nullable, depending on the case.

Gson is also currently used to serialize and deserialize objects to and
from the local database, which is also challenging because backwards
compatibility needs to be preserved. Fortunately, by default Gson omits
writing null fields, so a field of type `List<T>?` could be replaced
with a field of type `List<T>` with a default value of `emptyList()` and
reading back the old data should still work. However, nullable lists
that are written directly (not as a field of another object) will still
be serialized to JSON as `"null"` so the deserializing code must still
be handling null properly.

Finally, changing the database schema is out of scope for this pull
request, so database entities that also happen to be serialized with
Gson will keep their original types even if they could be made non-null
as an improvement.

In the end this is all for the best, because the app will be more
reliable and errors will be easier to detect by showing up earlier with
a clear error message. Not to mention the performance benefits of using
Moshi compared to Gson.

- Replace Gson reflection with Moshi Kotlin codegen to generate all
parsers at compile time.
- Replace custom `Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter` with the one provided by
- Replace custom `JsonDeserializer` classes for Enum types with
`EnumJsonAdapter.create(T).withUnknownFallback()` from moshi-adapters to
support fallback values.
- Replace `GuardedBooleanAdapter` with the more generic `GuardedAdapter`
which works with any type. Any nullable field may now be annotated with
- Remove Proguard rules related to Json entities. Each Json entity needs
to be annotated with `@JsonClass` with no exception, and adding this
annotation will ensure that R8/Proguard will handle the entities
- Replace some nullable Boolean fields with non-null Boolean fields with
a default value where possible.
- Replace some nullable list fields with non-null list fields with a
default value of `emptyList()` where possible.
- Update `TimelineDao` to perform all Json conversions internally using
`Converters` so no Gson or Moshi instance has to be passed to its
- ~~Create a custom `DraftAttachmentJsonAdapter` to serialize and
deserialize `DraftAttachment` which is a special entity that supports
more than one json name per field. A custom adapter is necessary because
there is not direct equivalent of `@SerializedName(alternate = [...])`
in Moshi.~~ Remove alternate names for some `DraftAttachment` fields
which were used as a workaround to deserialize local data in 2-years old
builds of Tusky.
- Update tests to make them work with Moshi.
- Simplify a few `equals()` implementations.
- Change a few functions to `val`s
- Turn `NetworkModule` into an `object` (since it contains no abstract

Please test the app thoroughly before merging. There may be some fields
currently declared as mandatory that are actually optional.
2024-04-02 21:01:04 +02:00
Konrad Pozniak b85ada930b
fix warnings in test runs (#4340)
Found while working on #4026 but not directly related.

Two cases of unmocked methods and one of unclosed resource.
2024-03-28 09:13:05 +01:00
Willow fbb22799dc
Machine translation of posts (#4307) 2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
Christophe Beyls 40fde54e0b
Replace RxJava3 code with coroutines (#4290)
This pull request removes the remaining RxJava code and replaces it with
coroutine-equivalent implementations.

- Remove all duplicate methods in `MastodonApi`:
- Methods returning a RxJava `Single` have been replaced by suspending
methods returning a `NetworkResult` in order to be consistent with the
new code.
- _sync_/_async_ method variants are replaced with the _async_ version
only (suspending method), and `runBlocking{}` is used to make the async
variant synchronous.
- Create a custom coroutine-based implementation of `Single` for usage
in Java code where launching a coroutine is not possible. This class can
be deleted after remaining Java code has been converted to Kotlin.
- `` can subscribe to `EventHub` events by
calling the new lifecycle-aware `EventHub.subscribe()` method. This
allows using the `SharedFlow` as single source of truth for all events.
- Rx Autodispose is replaced by `lifecycleScope.launch()` which will
automatically cancel the coroutine when the Fragment view/Activity is
- Background work is launched in the existing injectable
`externalScope`, since using `GlobalScope` is discouraged.
`externalScope` has been changed to be a `@Singleton` and to use the
main dispatcher by default.
- Transform `ShareShortcutHelper` to an injectable utility class so it
can use the application `Context` and `externalScope` as provided
dependencies to launch a background coroutine.
- Implement a custom Glide extension method
`RequestBuilder.submitAsync()` to do the same thing as
`RequestBuilder.submit().get()` in a non-blocking way. This way there is
no need to switch to a background dispatcher and block a background
thread, and cancellation is supported out-of-the-box.
- An utility method `Fragment.updateRelativeTimePeriodically()` has been
added to remove duplicate logic in `TimelineFragment` and
`NotificationsFragment`, and the logic is now implemented using a simple
coroutine instead of `Observable.interval()`. Note that the periodic
update now happens between onStart and onStop instead of between
onResume and onPause, since the Fragment is not interactive but is still
visible in the started state.
- Rewrite `BottomSheetActivityTest` using coroutines tests.
- Remove all RxJava library dependencies.
2024-02-29 15:28:48 +01:00
Konrad Pozniak b976fe5296
full sdk 34 support (#4224)
builds upon work from #4082 

Additionally fixes some deprecations and adds support for [predictive
I also refactored how the activity transitions work because they are
closely related to predictive back. The awkward
`finishWithoutSlideOutAnimation` is gone, activities that have been
started with slide in will now automatically close with slide out.

To test predictive back you need an emulator or device with Sdk 34
(Android 14) and then enable it in the developer settings.

Predictive back requires the back action to be determined before it
actually occurs so the system can play the right predictive animation,
which made a few reorganisations necessary.

closes #4082 
closes #4005 
unlocks a bunch of dependency upgrades that require sdk 34


Co-authored-by: Goooler <>
2024-02-23 10:27:19 +01:00
Konrad Pozniak 5192fb08a5
upgrade ktlint plugin to 12.0.3 (#4169)
There are some new rules, I think they mostly make sense, except for the
max line length which I had to disable because we are over it in a lot
of places.


Co-authored-by: Goooler <>
2024-01-04 17:00:55 +01:00
Konrad Pozniak ee3760fcc9
correctly count emojis when composing a post (#4152)
Thx to @evant for the help 

closes #4140
2023-12-10 07:38:25 +01:00
Levi Bard 21a4308fef
Fix deserialization of the response from friendica on api/v2/instance (#4103)
Fixes #4100


Co-authored-by: Konrad Pozniak <>
2023-11-13 10:05:28 +01:00
Levi Bard 131ebabe85
Add support for v2/instance (#4062)
…with fallback to v1
2023-10-25 12:53:10 +02:00
UlrichKu 2dc27bca2a
use link icon instead of emoji when showing hidden urls (#4031)
Looks way better imho. Also closes #4028.

Before vs After:


2023-09-26 21:46:05 +02:00
Konrad Pozniak 54e92b2156
improve local status updates (#3480)
The idea here is: Everytime we get hold of a new version of a post, we
update everything about that post everywhere.
This makes the distincion between different event types unnecessary, as
everythng is just a `StatusChangedEvent`.
The main benefit is that posts should be up-to-date more often, which is
important considering there is now editing and #3413
2023-09-26 09:08:58 +02:00
Conny Duck 31ad946e1a use link icon instead of emoji when showing hidden urls 2023-09-24 16:28:53 +02:00
Angelo Suzuki fa80a0123a
Add "Trending posts" (statuses) feed (#4007)
Add "Trending posts" (statuses) feed.

This feed is a good source of interesting accounts to follow and,
personally, a sort of "Front page of the Fediverse".

Since #3908 and #3910 (which would provide a more thorough, albeit
complex, access to trending things) won't get merged, I'd like to
address this missing feed by simply adding another tab/feed.

~~If desired, I can move the second commit (fixing lint) to another

## Screenshots
### Tab
width=320 /> <img
width=320 />

### Activity
width=320 /> <img
width=320 />
2023-09-14 22:37:41 +02:00
Lakoja 4af160853d Remove unneeded code 2023-09-11 21:58:56 +02:00
Levi Bard 02404564e0
Detect Bookwyrm URL formats (#3936)
While helping test an issue with
[Bookwyrm]( I noticed that
the URL formats used by that project aren't checked as possible profile
or post links. They're quite close to a couple of others, so I just
copied close examples and edited a couple of terms.

It's pretty minor, I just used a previous commit as a reference. Let me
know if it needs anything more though. I've only quickly tested it on a
local build with a couple of links against a live Bookwyrm and it picks
them up as expected now.
2023-09-05 09:33:51 +02:00
Nik Clayton 059352f471
Display notification filter/clear actions as menu items (#3877)
Previously the notification filter and clear actions were shown as
buttons in the UI, with a preference that determined whether they were

Remove this preference, and display them as menu items.

- "Filter notifications" is shown as an icon, if possible
- "Clear notifications" is only ever shown as a menu item, to reduce the
chance the user inadvertently selects it

To ensure that the options menu appears correctly, remove the code that
creates a "fake" action bar, and adjust the layouts so that there are
three toolbars;

- mainToolbar -- displays the icons, and the current "location" (Home,
Notifications, etc)
- topNav -- displays the row of tabs at the top
- bottomNav -- displays the row of tabs at the bottom

Only one of them is set as the support action bar (depending on the
user's preferences). This provides the "show a logo" and "show the
options menu" functionality as standard, without needing to re-implement
as the previous code did.
2023-08-19 14:41:10 +02:00
Mike Barnes 83de22950d
Update LinkHelperTest.kt
Remove negative test for a URL that's invalid for Pleroma, but valid for Bookwyrm
2023-08-08 19:10:36 +10:00
Mike Barnes e290df5499
Update LinkHelperTest.kt
Add test URLs for Bookwyrm
2023-08-07 19:43:03 +10:00
Goooler 40bd95d752
Kotlin 1.9.0 (#3835)
Update to Kotlin 1.9.0 and migrate to newer language idioms.

- Remove unnecessary @OptIn for features migrated to mainstream
- Use `data object` where appropriate
- Use new enum `entries` property
2023-08-02 09:04:24 +02:00
Nik Clayton 839d8bcc04
Migrate to AGP 8.0.2 / Android Studio Flamingo / Java 17 (#3541)
- Update AGP in version catalog to 8.0.2
- Set Java version to 17
- Enable non-final resource IDs
2023-07-30 15:50:04 +02:00
SpaceFox 9a7e456edf
Ensures AbsoluteTimeFormatterTest class is not locale-dependant (#3863)
As tests are run against locale JVM and test does not force
a locale to run, so some tests may fail due to a different result only
due to the locale of the JVM used.

Example here with test `same year formatting` in class
`AbsoluteTimeFormatterTest` line 30 on a French JVM. There may be other
lines to fail with other languages.

Fixes #3859
2023-07-19 08:50:41 +02:00
Nik Clayton 5e8a63a046
Throttle UI actions instead of debouncing (#3651)
Introduce Flow<T>.throttleFirst(). In a flow this emits the first value,
and each value afterwards that is > some timeout after the previous

This prevents accidental double-taps on UI elements from generating

The previous code used debounce(). That has a similar effect, but with
debounce() the code has to wait until after the timeout period has
elapsed before it can process the action, leading to an unnecessary
UI delay.

With throttleFirst a value is emitted immediately, there's no need
to wait. It's subsequent values that are potentially throttled.
2023-06-11 13:34:22 +02:00
Nik Clayton 071e00774e
Replace shortNumber() with formatNumber() (#3519)
formatNumber() was existing code to show numbers with suffixes like K, M, etc, so re-use that code and delete shortNumber().

Update the tests to (a) test formatNumber(), and (b) be parameterised.
2023-06-10 16:29:26 +02:00
Nik Clayton 81b15e72f3
Only fetch and display a given notification once (#3626)
When fetching:

- Maintain a marker with the position of the newest fetched notification
- Use the marker to determine which notifications to fetch
- Fetch notifications with min_id to ensure that none are lost
- Update the marker as necessary
- Perform a one-time immediate fetch of notifications on startup

When creating notifications:

- Identify each notification with tag=${MastodonNotificationId}, id=${}
- Remove activeNotifications field, it's no longer necessary
- Use the tag/id tuple to reliably identify existing notifications and avoid creating duplicates
- Cancelling notifications for an account must iterate over all the notifications, and individually remove the notifications that exist for that account.
- Limit notifications to a maximum of 40 (excluding summary notifications)
- Remove notifications (oldest first) to get under this limit
- Rate limit notification creation to 1 per second, so the OS won't drop them

Adjust the summary notification:

- Ensure the summary notification and the child notifications have the same group key
- Dismiss the summary notification if there is only one child notification

NotificationClearBroadcastReceiver is no longer needed, so remove it, and the need for deletePendingIntent.

Fixes #3625, #3539
2023-05-13 16:00:28 +02:00
Konrad Pozniak 11cf93fa55
Remove unused class PairedList (#3602) 2023-04-30 21:49:05 +02:00
Nik Clayton f1b3faf85f
Show the follower's bio/note in a "followed you" notification (#3281)
This makes the notification view for a follow request contain more info about the new follower, and makes the layout (of their name / username) consistent with other notifications that show names/usernames.
2023-04-24 12:09:34 +02:00
Nik Clayton 81f725667e
Show better errors when loading notifications fails (#3448)
* Show better errors with notification loading fails

The errors are returned as a JSON object, parse it, and show the error
message it contains.

Handle the cases where there might be no error message, or the JSON may be

Add tests.

Fixes #3445

* Lint
2023-03-18 10:25:41 +01:00
Konrad Pozniak 321d17f5de
Remove Rx from EventHub and TimelineCases (#3446)
* remove Rx from EventHub and TimelineCases

* fix tests

* fix AccountViewModel.unblockDomain

* remove debug logging
2023-03-18 10:11:47 +01:00
Grigorii Ioffe 75e7b9f1a5
Show toot stat inline (#3413)
* Show toot stat inline

* Correct elements position

* Format stats and show it according to setting

* inline toot statistics setting

* Code formatting

* Use kotlin functions

* Change the statistics setting description

* Use capital letters for all variants

* increase the statistics margin

* Merge fixes

* Code review fixes

* move setReblogsCount and setFavouritedCount to StatusViewHolder

* code cleaning

* code cleaning

* import lexicographical order


Co-authored-by: Grigorii Ioffe <>
Co-authored-by: grigoriiioffe <>
2023-03-18 08:57:26 +01:00
Konrad Pozniak d839f18267
update ktlint plugin to 11.3.1, format code (#3442) 2023-03-13 13:16:39 +01:00
Nik Clayton 6dfdaec425
Ignore "@instance..." part of username when computing status length (#3392)
* Move compose.* tests to own namespace

* Ignore "@instance..." part of username when computing status length

In a status with a mention ("") only the "@foo" part should
be included in the calculated status length. It wasn't, so the app was
prevening people from posting statuses that should have been allowed.

Fix this.

- Lift the length calculation code in to a separate static function (easier
  and faster to test)
- Add a `MentionSpan` type, to reuse existing code for detecting mentions
- Fix a bug in `FakeSpannable.getSpans()` (it was returning the outer type,
  not the wrapped inner span)
- Add additional fast tests

The tests made sense under the `components.compose.ComposeActivity` package,
so I also created that and moved the existing ComposeActivity tests there.


* Static import assertEquals
2023-03-13 10:22:33 +01:00
Levi Bard ff8dd37855
Support the mastodon 4 filter api (#3188)
* Replace "warn"-filtered posts in timelines and thread view with placeholders

* Adapt hashtag muting interface

* Rework filter UI

* Add icon for account preferences

* Clean up UI

* WIP: Use chips instead of a list. Adjust padding

* Scroll the filter edit activity

Nested scrolling views (e.g., an activity that scrolls with an embedded list
that also scrolls) can be difficult UI.

Since the list of contexts is fixed, replace it with a fixed collection of
switches, so there's no need to scroll the list.

Since the list of actions is only two (warn, hide), and are mutually
exclusive, replace the spinner with two radio buttons.

Use the accent colour and title styles on the different heading titles in
the layout, to match the presentation in Preferences.

Add an explicit "Cancel" button.

The layout is a straightforward LinearLayout, so use that instead of
ConstraintLayout, and remove some unncessary IDs.

Update EditFilterActivity to handle the new layout.

* Cleanup

* Add more information to the filter list view

* First pass on code review comments

* Add view model to filters activity

* Add view model to edit filters activity

* Only use the status wrapper for filtered statuses

* Relint


Co-authored-by: Nik Clayton <>
2023-03-11 13:12:50 +01:00
Nik Clayton 4d401c7878
Convert NotificationsFragment and related code to Kotlin, use the Paging library (#3159)
* Unmodified output from "Convert Java to Kotlin" on

* Bare minimum changes to get this to compile and run

- Use `lateinit` for `eventhub`, `adapter`, `preferences`, and `scrolllistener`
- Removed override for accountManager, it can be used from the superclass
- Add `?.` where non-nullity could not (yet) be guaranteed
- Remove `?` from type lists where non-nullity is guaranteed
- Explicitly convert lists to mutable where necessary
- Delete unused function `findReplyPosition`

* Remove all unnecessary non-null (!!) assertions

The previous change meant some values are no longer nullable. Remove the
non-null assertions.

* Lint ListStatusAccessibilityDelegate call

- Remove redundant constructor
- Move block outside of `()`

* Use `let` when handling compose button visibility on scroll

* Replace a `requireNonNull` with `!!`

* Remove redundant return values

* Remove or rename unused lambda parameters

* Remove unnecessary type parameters

* Remove unnecessary null checks

* Replace cascading-if statement with `when`

* Simplify calculation of `topId`

* Use more appropriate list properties and methods

- Access the last value with `.last()`
- Access the last index with `.lastIndex`
- Replace logical-chain with `asRightOrNull` and `?.`
- `.isNotEmpty()`, not `!...isEmpty()`

* Inline unnecessary variable

* Use PrefKeys constants instead of bare strings

* Use `requireContext()` instead of `context!!`

* Replace deprecated `onActivityCreated()` with `onViewCreated()`

* Remove unnecessary variable setting

* Replace `size == 0` check with `isEmpty()`

* Format with ktlint, no functionality changes

* Convert NotifcationsAdapter to Kotlin

Does not compile, this is the unchanged output of the "Convert to Kotlin"

* Minimum changes to get NotificationsAdapter to compile

* Remove unnecessary visibility modifiers

* Use `isNotEmpty()`

* Remove unused lambda parameters

* Convert cascading-if to `when`

* Simplifiy assignment op

* Use explicit argument names with `copy()`

* Use `.firstOrNull()` instead of `if`

* Mark as lateinit to avoid unnecessary null checks

* Format with ktlint, whitespace changes only

* Bare minimum necessary to demonstrate paging in notifications

Create `NotificationsPagingSource`. This uses a new `notifications2()` API
call, which will exist until all the code has been adapted. Instead of
using placeholders,

Create `NotificationsPagingAdapter` (will replace `NotificationsAdapater`)
to consume this data.

Expose the paging source view a new `NotificationsViewModel` `flow`, and
submit new pages to the adapter as they are available in

Comment out any other code in `NotificationsFragment` that deals with
loading data from the network. This will be updated as necessary, either
here, or in the view model.

Lots of functionality is missing, including:

- Different views for different notification types
- Starting at the remembered notification position
- Interacting with notifications
- Adjusting the UI state to match the loading state

These will be added incrementally.

* Migrate StatusNotificationViewHolder impl. to NotificationsPagingAdapter

With this change `NotificationsPagingAdapter` shows notifications about a
status correctly.

- Introduce a `ViewHolder` abstract class that all Notification view holders
  derive from. Modify the fallback view holder to use this.

- Implement `StatusNotificationViewHolder`. Much of the code is from the
  existing implementation in the `NotificationAdapater`.

- The original code split the code that binds values to views between the
  adapter's `bindViewHolder` method and the view holder's methods.

  In this code, all of the binding code is in the view holder, in a `bind`
  method. This is called by the adapter's `bindViewHolder` method. This keeps
  all the binding logic in the view holder, where it belongs.

- The new `StatusNotificationViewHolder` uses view binding to access its views
  instead of `findViewById`.

- Logically, information about whether to show sensitive media, or open
  content warnings should be part of the `StatusDisplayOptions`. So add those
  as fields, and populate them appropriately.

  This affects code outside notification handling, which will be adjusted

* Note some TODOs to complete before the PR is finished

* Extract StatusNotificationViewHolder to a new file

* Add TODO for NotificationViewData.Concrete

* Convert the adapter to take NotificationViewData.Concrete

* Add a view holder for regular status notifications

* Migrate Follow and FollowRequest notifications

* Migrate report notifications

* Convert onViewThread to use the adapter data

* Convert onViewMedia to use the adapter data

* Convert onMore to use the adapter data

* Convert onReply to use the adapter data

* Convert NotificationViewData to Kotlin

* Re-implement the reblog functionality

- Move reblogging in to the view model
- Update the UI via the adapter's `snapshot()` and `notifyItemChanged()`

* Re-implement the favourite functionality

Same approach as reblog

* Re-implement the bookmark functionality

Same approach as reblog

* Add TODO re StatusActionListener interface

* Add TODO re event handling

* Re-implementing the voting functionality

* Re-implement viewing hidden content

- Hidden media
- Content behind a content warning

* Add a TODO re pinning

* Re-implement "Show more" / "Show less"

* Delete unused updateStatus() function

* Comment out the scroll listener for the moment

* Re-implement applying filters to notifications

Introduce `NotificationsRepository`, to provide access to the notifications

When changing the filters the flow is as follows:

- User clicks "Apply" in the fragment.

- Fragment calls `viewModel.accept()` with a `UiAction.ApplyFilter` (new

- View model maintains a private flow of incoming UI actions. The new action
  is emitted to that flow.

- In view model, `notificationFilter` waits for `.ApplyFilter` actions, and
  ensures the filter is saved, then emits it.

- In view model, `pagingDataFlow` waits for new items from
  `notificationsFilter` and fetches the notifications from the repository in
  response. The repository provides `Notification`, so the model maps them to
  `NotificationViewData.Concrete` for display by the adapter.

- In view model the UI state also waits for new items from
  `notificationsFilter` and emits a new `UiState` every time the filter is

When opening the fragment for the first time:

- All of the above machinery, but `notificationFilter` also fetches the filter
  from the active account and emits that first. This triggers the first fetch
  and the first update of `uiState`.


- Add TODOs for functionality that is not implemented yet

- Delete a lot of dead code from NotificationsFragment

* Include important preference values in `uiState`

Listen to the flow of eventHub events, filtered to preference changes that
are relevant to the notification view.

When preferences change (or when the view model starts), fetch the current
values, and include them in `uiState`.

Remove preference handling from `NotificationsFragment`, and just use
the values from `uiState`.

Adjust how the `useAbsoluteTime` preference is handled. The previous code
loaded new content (via a diffutil) in to the adapter, which would trigger
a re-binding of the timestamp.

As the adapter content is immutable, the new code simply triggers a
re-binding of the views that are currently visible on screen.

* Update UI in response to different load states

Notifications can be loaded at the top and bottom of the timeline. Add a
new layout to show the progress of these loads, and any errors that can

Catch network errors in `NotificationsPagingSource` and convert to

Add a header/footer to the notifications list to show the load state.

Collect the load state from the adapter, use this to drive the visibility
of different views.

* Save and restore the last read notification ID

Use this when fetching notifications, to centre the list around the
notification that was last read.

* Call notifyItemRangeChanged with the correct parameters

* Don't try and save list position if there are no items in the list

* Show/hide the "Nothing to see" view appropriately

* Update comments

* Handle the case where the notification key no longer exists

* Re-implement support for showMediaPreview and other settings

* Re-implement "hide FAB when scrolling" preference

* Delete dead code

* Delete Notifications Adapater and Placeholder types

* Remove NotificationViewData.Concrete subclass

Now there's no Placeholder, everything is a NotificationViewData.

* Improve how notification pages are loaded if the first notification is missing or filtered

* Re-implement clear notifications, show errors

* s/default/from/

* Add missing headers

* Don't process bookmarking via EventHub

- Initiating a bookmark is triggered by the fragment sending a
- View model receives this, makes API call, waits for response, emits either
  a success or failure state
- Fragment collects success/failure states, updates the UI accordingly

* Don't process favourites via EventHub

* Don't process reblog via EventHub

* Don't process poll votes with EventHub

This removes EventHub from the fragment

* Respond to follow requests via the view model

* Docs and cleanup

* Typo and editing pass

* Minor edits for clarity

* Remove newline in diagram

* Reorder sequence diagram

* s/authorize/accept/

* s/pagingDataFlow/pagingData/

* Add brief KDoc

* Try and fetch a full first page of notifications

* Call the API method `notifications` again

* Log UI errors at the point of handling

* Remove unused variable

* Replace String.format() with interpolation

* Convert NotificationViewData to data class

* Rename copy() to make(), to avoid confusion with default copy() method

* Lint

* Update app/src/main/res/layout/simple_list_item_1.xml

* Update app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/components/notifications/NotificationsPagingAdapter.kt

* Update app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/components/notifications/NotificationsViewModel.kt

* Update app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/fragment/NotificationsFragment.kt

* Update app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/viewdata/NotificationViewData.kt

* Initial NotificationsViewModel tests

* Add missing import

* More tests, some cleanup

* Comments, re-order some code

* Set StateRestorationPolicy.PREVENT_WHEN_EMPTY

* Mark clearNotifications() as "suspend"

* Catch exceptions from clearNotifications and emit

* Update TODOs with explanations

* Ensure initial fetch uses a null ID

* Stop/start collecting pagingData based on the lifecycle

* Don't hide the list while refreshing

* Refresh notifications on mutes and blocks

* Update tests now clearNotifications is a suspend fun

* Add "Refresh" menu to NotificationsFragment

* Use over account.displayName

* Update app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/fragment/NotificationsFragment.kt

Co-authored-by: Konrad Pozniak <>

* Mark layoutmanager as lateinit

* Mark layoutmanager as lateinit

* Refactor generating UI text

* Add Copyright header

* Correctly apply notification filters

* Show follow request header in notifications

* Wait for follow request actions to complete, so the reqeuest is sent

* Remove duplicate copyright header

* Revert copyright change in unmodified file

* Null check response body

* Move NotificationsFragment to component.notifications

* Use viewlifecycleowner.lifecyclescope

* Show notification filter as a dialog rather than a popup window

The popup window:

- Is inconsistent UI
- Requires a custom layout
- Didn't play nicely with viewbinding

* Refresh adapter on block/mute

* Scroll up slightly when new content is loaded

* Restore progressbar

* Lint

* Update app/src/main/res/layout/simple_list_item_1.xml


Co-authored-by: Konrad Pozniak <>
2023-03-10 20:12:33 +01:00
Goooler ca29ee2b0b
Use more orEmpty extensions (#3399)
2023-03-01 21:06:55 +01:00
Levi Bard 2e189a17dc
When looking up fediverse urls, verify that account results returned match the input query. (#3341)
Fixes #2804
2023-02-25 21:27:26 +01:00
Levi Bard f2b07196e6
Improve language list prioritization. (#3293)
Partially addresses #3277
2023-02-25 21:15:21 +01:00
Goooler cfea5700b0
Code cleanups (#3264)
* Kotlin 1.8.10

* Migrate onActivityCreated to onViewCreated

* More final modifiers

* Java Cleanups

* Kotlin cleanups

* More final modifiers


* Revert
2023-02-20 19:58:37 +01:00
Konrad Pozniak 15ff6191ae
Clean up Account adapters (#3202)
* make BlocksAdapter use viewbinding

* remove LoadingFooterViewHolder

* cleanup code

* move accountlist to component packes

* make FollowRequestsHeaderAdapter use viewbinding

* add license to MutesAdapter

* move accountlist to component packages

* use ConstraintLayout in item_blocked_user.xml

* support the bot badge everywhere

* cleanup code

* cleanup xml files

* ktlint

* ktlint
2023-02-04 20:29:13 +01:00
Konrad Pozniak 006f0de05c
Upgrade AndroidX dependencies (#3169)
* upgrade AndroidX dependencies

* use new @Upsert in InstanceDao

* fix crash because of new Room nullchecks

* make TimelineStatusEntity.reblogAccount a val as well
2023-02-04 20:22:29 +01:00
mcclure b2511d782d
Dialog notifying user of failure when media upload fails (#3135)
* First attempt at user notifications of failure when media upload fails

* Drafts alert displays alert

* ktLint

* Fix defaced 46.json, add 47.json

* Mock draftsNeedUserAlert in MainActivityTest to prevent spurious failure

* Friendlier posts-failed message

* Create DraftsAlert object

* DraftsAlert works

* Not the cleanest, but DraftsAlert works with multiple accounts

* Use plural strings

* KtLint

* Clean up debug prints

* Simplify DraftsAlert per Conny suggestions

* Text change suggested by Conny

* ktLint again

* Back out test changes

* Fix MainActivityTest for new approach

* Tweak debug log

* Do not use GlobalScope for coroutines
2023-01-27 20:50:45 +01:00
Nik Clayton 9cf4882f41
Keep scroll position when loading missing statuses (#3000)
* Change "Load more" to load oldest statuses first in home timeline

Previous behaviour loaded missing statuses by using "since_id" and "max_id".
This loads the most recent N statuses, looking backwards from "max_id".

Change to load the oldest statuses first, assuming the user is scrolling
up through the timeline and will want to load statuses in reverse
chronological order.

* Scroll to the bottom of new entries added by "Load more"

- Remember the position of the "Load more" placeholder
- Check the position of inserted entries
- If they match, scroll to the bottom

* Change "Load more" to load oldest statuses first in home timeline

Previous behaviour loaded missing statuses by using "since_id" and "max_id".
This loads the most recent N statuses, looking backwards from "max_id".

Change to load the oldest statuses first, assuming the user is scrolling
up through the timeline and will want to load statuses in reverse
chronological order.

* Scroll to the bottom of new entries added by "Load more"

- Remember the position of the "Load more" placeholder
- Check the position of inserted entries
- If they match, scroll to the bottom

* Ensure the user can't have two simultaneous "Load more" coroutines

Having two simultanous coroutines would break the calculation used to figure
out which item in the list to scroll to after a "Load more" in the timeline.

Do this by:

- Creating a TimelineUiState and associated flow that tracks the "Load more"
- Updating this in the (Cached|Network)TimelineViewModel
- Listening for changes to it in TimelineFragment, and notifying the adapter
- The adapter will disable any placeholder views while "Load more" is active

* Revert changes that loaded the oldest statuses instead of the newest

* Be more robust about locating the status to scroll to

Weirdness with the PagingData library meant that positionStart could still be
wrong after "Load more" was clicked.

Instead, remember the position of the "Load more" item and the ID of the
status immediately after it.

When new items are added, search for the remembered status at the position of
the "Load more" item. This is quick, testing at most LOAD_AT_ONCE items in
the adapter.

If the remembered status is not visible on screen then scroll to it.

* Lint

* Add a preference to specify the reading order

Default behaviour (oldest first) is for "load more" to load statuses and
stay at the oldest of the new statuses.

Alternative behaviour (if the user is reading from top to bottom) is to
stay at the newest of the new statuses.

* Move ReadingOrder enum construction logic in to the enum

* Jump to top if swipe/refresh while preferring newest-first order

* Show a circular progress spinner during "Load more" operations

Remove a dedicated view, and use an icon on the button instead.

Adjust the placeholder attributes and styles accordingly.

* Remove the "loadMoreActive" property

Complicates the code and doesn't really achieve the desired effect. If the
user wants to tap multiple "Load more" buttons they can.

* Update comments in TimelineFragment

* Respect the user's reading order preference if it changes

* Add developer tools

This is for functionality that makes it easier for developers to interact
with the app, or get it in to a known-state.

These features are for use by users, so are only visible in debug builds.

* Adjust how content is loaded based on preferred reading order

- Add the readingOrder to TimelineViewModel so derived classes can use it.
- Update the homeTimeline API to support the `minId` parameter and update
  calls in NetworkTimelineViewModel

In CachedTimelineViewModel:
- Set the bounds of the load to be the status IDs on either side of the
  placeholder ID (update TimelineDao with a new query for this)
- Load statuses using either minId or sinceId depending on the reading order
- Is there was no overlap then insert the new placeholder at the start/end
  of the list depending on reading order

* Lint

* Rename unused dialog parameter to _

* Update API arguments in tests

* Simplify ReadingOrder preference handling

* Fix bug with Placeholder and the "expanded" property

If a status is a Placeholder the "expanded" propery is used to indicate
whether or not it is loading.

replaceStatusRange() set this property based on the old value, and the user's
alwaysOpenSpoiler preference setting.

This shouldn't have been used if the status is a Placeholder, as it can lead
to incorrect loading states.

Fix this.

While I'm here, introduce an explicit computed property for whether a
TimelineStatusEntity is a placeholder, and use that for code clarity.

* Set the "Load more" button background to transparent

* Fix typo.

* Inline spec, update comment

* Revert 1480c6aa3a

Turns out the behaviour is not desired.

* Remove unnecessary Log call

* Extract function

* Change default to newest first
2023-01-13 19:26:24 +01:00
Nik Clayton c650ca9362
Improve the actual and perceived speed of thread loading (#3118)
* Improve the actual and perceived speed of thread loading

To improve the actual speed, note that if the user has opened a thread from
their home timeline then the initial status is cached in the database. Other
statuses in the same thread may be cached as well.

So try and load the initial status from the database, falling back to the
network if it's not present (e.g., the user has opened a thread from the
local or federated timelines, or a search).

Introduce a new loading state to deal with this case.

In typical cases this allows the UI to display the initial status immediately
with no need to show a progress indicator.

To improve the perceived speed, delay showing the initial loading circular
progress indicators by 500ms. If loading the initial status completes within
that time no spinner is shown and the user will perceive the action as

Additionally, introduce an extra indeterminate progress indicator.

The new indicator is linear, anchored to the bottom of the screen, and shows
progress loading ancestor/descendant statuses. Like the other indicator is
also delayed 500ms from when ancestor/descendant status information is
fetched, and if the fetch completes in that time it will not be shown.

* Mark `getStatus` as suspend so it doesn't run on the main thread

* Save an allocation, use an isDetailed parameter to TimelineStatusWithAccount.toViewData

Rename Status.toViewData's "detailed" parameter to "isDetailed" for
consistency with other uses.

* Ensure suspend functions run to completion when testing

* Delay-load the status from the network even if it's cached

This speeds up the UI while ensuring it will eventually contain accurate data
from the remote.

* Load the network status before updating the list

Avoids excess animations if the network copy has changes

* Fix UI flicker when loading reblogged statuses

* Lint

* Fixup tests
2023-01-09 21:31:31 +01:00
Levi Bard 8ca92d9fde
Add new mastodon status url format to looksLikeMastodonUrl. (#3136)
Fixes #3092
2023-01-09 21:07:22 +01:00
Nik Clayton 22834431ca
Convert util/{HttpHeaderLink,PairedList,TimestampUtils,ThemeUtils} to Kotlin (#3046)
* Fix off-by-one error in HttpHeaderLink

Link headers with multiple URLs with multiple parameters were being parsed

Detected by adding unit tests ahead of converting to Kotlin.

* Convert util/HttpHeaderLink from Java to Kotlin

* Convert util/ThemeUtils from Java to Kotlin

* Convert util/TimestampUtils from Java to Kotlin

* Add tests for PairedList

* Convert util/PairedList from Java to Kotlin

* Implement feedback from PR

* Relicense as GPL
2022-12-31 13:01:35 +01:00
kylegoetz 25443217c2
2952/proxy (#2961)
* replace hard-coded strings with existing constants

* proxy port

* * custom proxy port and hostname inputs
* typesafety, refactor, linting, unit tests

* relocate ProxyConfiguration in app structure

* remove unused editTextPreference fn

* allow preference category to have no title

* refactor proxy prefs hierarchy/dependency
2022-12-07 19:29:18 +01:00