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Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
/* Copyright 2018 Conny Duck
* This file is a part of Tusky.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not,
* see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>. */
package com.keylesspalace.tusky
import android.animation.ArgbEvaluator
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.graphics.Color
import android.graphics.PorterDuff
import android.os.Bundle
import android.preference.PreferenceManager
import android.view.Menu
import android.view.MenuItem
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import androidx.annotation.AttrRes
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt
import androidx.annotation.Px
import androidx.appcompat.app.AlertDialog
import androidx.core.app.ActivityOptionsCompat
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat
import androidx.emoji.text.EmojiCompat
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
import androidx.lifecycle.Observer
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProviders
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager
import com.google.android.material.appbar.AppBarLayout
import com.google.android.material.appbar.CollapsingToolbarLayout
import com.google.android.material.floatingactionbutton.FloatingActionButton
import com.google.android.material.snackbar.Snackbar
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.adapter.AccountFieldAdapter
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.di.ViewModelFactory
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Account
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Relationship
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.interfaces.ActionButtonActivity
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.interfaces.LinkListener
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.pager.AccountPagerAdapter
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.*
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.viewmodel.AccountViewModel
import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
import dagger.android.AndroidInjector
import dagger.android.DispatchingAndroidInjector
import dagger.android.support.HasSupportFragmentInjector
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_account.*
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.view_account_moved.*
import java.text.NumberFormat
import javax.inject.Inject
class AccountActivity : BottomSheetActivity(), ActionButtonActivity, HasSupportFragmentInjector, LinkListener {
lateinit var dispatchingAndroidInjector: DispatchingAndroidInjector<androidx.fragment.app.Fragment>
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
lateinit var viewModelFactory: ViewModelFactory
private lateinit var viewModel: AccountViewModel
private val accountFieldAdapter = AccountFieldAdapter(this)
private lateinit var accountId: String
private var followState: FollowState = FollowState.NOT_FOLLOWING
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
private var blocking: Boolean = false
private var muting: Boolean = false
private var showingReblogs: Boolean = false
private var isSelf: Boolean = false
private var loadedAccount: Account? = null
// fields for scroll animation
private var hideFab: Boolean = false
private var oldOffset: Int = 0
private var toolbarColor: Int = 0
private var backgroundColor: Int = 0
private var statusBarColorTransparent: Int = 0
private var statusBarColorOpaque: Int = 0
private var textColorPrimary: Int = 0
private var textColorSecondary: Int = 0
private var avatarSize: Float = 0f
private var titleVisibleHeight: Int = 0
private enum class FollowState {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory)[AccountViewModel::class.java]
viewModel.accountData.observe(this, Observer<Resource<Account>> {
when (it) {
is Success -> onAccountChanged(it.data)
is Error -> {
Snackbar.make(accountCoordinatorLayout, R.string.error_generic, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
.setAction(R.string.action_retry) { reload() }
viewModel.relationshipData.observe(this, Observer<Resource<Relationship>> {
val relation = it?.data
if (relation != null) {
if (it is Error) {
Snackbar.make(accountCoordinatorLayout, R.string.error_generic, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
.setAction(R.string.action_retry) { reload() }
val decorView = window.decorView
decorView.systemUiVisibility = decorView.systemUiVisibility or View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE or View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN
window.statusBarColor = Color.TRANSPARENT
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
val intent = intent
accountId = intent.getStringExtra(KEY_ACCOUNT_ID)
// set toolbar top margin according to system window insets
2018-12-03 11:22:57 +01:00
accountCoordinatorLayout.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener { _, insets ->
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
val top = insets.systemWindowInsetTop
val toolbarParams = accountToolbar.layoutParams as CollapsingToolbarLayout.LayoutParams
toolbarParams.topMargin = top
// Setup the toolbar.
supportActionBar?.title = null
hideFab = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).getBoolean("fabHide", false)
toolbarColor = ThemeUtils.getColor(this, R.attr.toolbar_background_color)
backgroundColor = ThemeUtils.getColor(this, android.R.attr.colorBackground)
statusBarColorTransparent = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.header_background_filter)
statusBarColorOpaque = ThemeUtils.getColor(this, R.attr.colorPrimaryDark)
textColorPrimary = ThemeUtils.getColor(this, android.R.attr.textColorPrimary)
textColorSecondary = ThemeUtils.getColor(this, android.R.attr.textColorSecondary)
avatarSize = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.account_activity_avatar_size).toFloat()
titleVisibleHeight = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.account_activity_scroll_title_visible_height)
ThemeUtils.setDrawableTint(this, accountToolbar.navigationIcon, R.attr.account_toolbar_icon_tint_uncollapsed)
ThemeUtils.setDrawableTint(this, accountToolbar.overflowIcon, R.attr.account_toolbar_icon_tint_uncollapsed)
// Add a listener to change the toolbar icon color when it enters/exits its collapsed state.
accountAppBarLayout.addOnOffsetChangedListener(object : AppBarLayout.OnOffsetChangedListener {
@AttrRes var priorAttribute = R.attr.account_toolbar_icon_tint_uncollapsed
override fun onOffsetChanged(appBarLayout: AppBarLayout, verticalOffset: Int) {
@AttrRes val attribute = if (titleVisibleHeight + verticalOffset < 0) {
} else {
if (attribute != priorAttribute) {
priorAttribute = attribute
val context = accountToolbar.context
ThemeUtils.setDrawableTint(context, accountToolbar.navigationIcon, attribute)
ThemeUtils.setDrawableTint(context, accountToolbar.overflowIcon, attribute)
if (hideFab && !isSelf && !blocking) {
if (verticalOffset > oldOffset) {
if (verticalOffset < oldOffset) {
oldOffset = verticalOffset
val scaledAvatarSize = (avatarSize + verticalOffset) / avatarSize
accountAvatarImageView.scaleX = scaledAvatarSize
accountAvatarImageView.scaleY = scaledAvatarSize
accountAvatarImageView.visible(scaledAvatarSize > 0)
var transparencyPercent = Math.abs(verticalOffset) / titleVisibleHeight.toFloat()
if (transparencyPercent > 1) transparencyPercent = 1f
window.statusBarColor = argbEvaluator.evaluate(transparencyPercent, statusBarColorTransparent, statusBarColorOpaque) as Int
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
val evaluatedToolbarColor = argbEvaluator.evaluate(transparencyPercent, Color.TRANSPARENT, toolbarColor) as Int
val evaluatedTabBarColor = argbEvaluator.evaluate(transparencyPercent, backgroundColor, toolbarColor) as Int
// Initialise the default UI states.
// Obtain information to fill out the profile.
val activeAccount = accountManager.activeAccount
if (accountId == activeAccount?.accountId) {
isSelf = true
} else {
isSelf = false
// setup the RecyclerView for the account fields
accountFieldList.isNestedScrollingEnabled = false
accountFieldList.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
accountFieldList.adapter = accountFieldAdapter
// Setup the tabs and timeline pager.
val adapter = AccountPagerAdapter(supportFragmentManager, accountId)
val pageTitles = arrayOf(getString(R.string.title_statuses), getString(R.string.title_statuses_with_replies), getString(R.string.title_statuses_pinned), getString(R.string.title_media))
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
accountFragmentViewPager.pageMargin = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.tab_page_margin)
val pageMarginDrawable = ThemeUtils.getDrawable(this, R.attr.tab_page_margin_drawable,
accountFragmentViewPager.adapter = adapter
accountFragmentViewPager.offscreenPageLimit = 2
val accountListClickListener = { v: View ->
val type = when (v.id) {
R.id.accountFollowers-> AccountListActivity.Type.FOLLOWERS
R.id.accountFollowing -> AccountListActivity.Type.FOLLOWS
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
else -> throw AssertionError()
val accountListIntent = AccountListActivity.newIntent(this, type, accountId)
2018-07-31 21:25:25 +02:00
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
accountStatuses.setOnClickListener {
// Make nice ripple effect on tab
val poorTabView = (accountTabLayout.getChildAt(0) as ViewGroup).getChildAt(0)
poorTabView.isPressed = true
accountTabLayout.postDelayed({ poorTabView.isPressed = false }, 300)
private fun onAccountChanged(account: Account?) {
if (account != null) {
loadedAccount = account
val usernameFormatted = getString(R.string.status_username_format, account.username)
accountUsernameTextView.text = usernameFormatted
accountDisplayNameTextView.text = CustomEmojiHelper.emojifyString(account.name, account.emojis, accountDisplayNameTextView)
if (supportActionBar != null) {
try {
supportActionBar?.title = EmojiCompat.get().process(account.name)
} catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
supportActionBar?.title = account.name
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
val subtitle = String.format(getString(R.string.status_username_format),
supportActionBar?.subtitle = subtitle
val emojifiedNote = CustomEmojiHelper.emojifyText(account.note, account.emojis, accountNoteTextView)
LinkHelper.setClickableText(accountNoteTextView, emojifiedNote, null, this)
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
.fit() // prevents crash with large header images
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
accountAvatarImageView.setOnClickListener { avatarView ->
val intent = ViewMediaActivity.newAvatarIntent(avatarView.context, account.avatar)
2018-12-03 11:22:57 +01:00
avatarView.transitionName = account.avatar
val options = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(this, avatarView, account.avatar)
startActivity(intent, options.toBundle())
2018-07-01 13:33:16 +02:00
accountFieldAdapter.fields = account.fields ?: emptyList()
accountFieldAdapter.emojis = account.emojis ?: emptyList()
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
if (account.moved != null) {
val movedAccount = account.moved
// necessary because accountMovedView is now replaced in layout hierachy
findViewById<View>(R.id.accountMovedView).setOnClickListener {
accountMovedDisplayName.text = movedAccount.name
accountMovedUsername.text = getString(R.string.status_username_format, movedAccount.username)
accountMovedText.text = getString(R.string.account_moved_description, movedAccount.displayName)
// this is necessary because API 19 can't handle vector compound drawables
val movedIcon = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.ic_briefcase)?.mutate()
val textColor = ThemeUtils.getColor(this, android.R.attr.textColorTertiary)
movedIcon?.setColorFilter(textColor, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)
2018-12-03 11:22:57 +01:00
accountMovedText.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(movedIcon, null, null, null)
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
if (account.isRemote()) {
accountRemoveView.setOnClickListener {
LinkHelper.openLink(account.url, this)
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
val numberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance()
accountFollowersTextView.text = numberFormat.format(account.followersCount)
accountFollowingTextView.text = numberFormat.format(account.followingCount)
accountStatusesTextView.text = numberFormat.format(account.statusesCount)
2018-11-16 13:31:03 +01:00
accountFloatingActionButton.setOnClickListener { mention() }
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
2018-11-16 13:31:03 +01:00
accountFollowButton.setOnClickListener {
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
if (isSelf) {
val intent = Intent(this@AccountActivity, EditProfileActivity::class.java)
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
when (followState) {
AccountActivity.FollowState.NOT_FOLLOWING -> {
AccountActivity.FollowState.REQUESTED -> {
AccountActivity.FollowState.FOLLOWING -> {
override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) {
outState.putString(KEY_ACCOUNT_ID, accountId)
private fun onRelationshipChanged(relation: Relationship) {
followState = when {
relation.following -> FollowState.FOLLOWING
relation.requested -> FollowState.REQUESTED
else -> FollowState.NOT_FOLLOWING
blocking = relation.blocking
muting = relation.muting
showingReblogs = relation.showingReblogs
private fun reload() {
viewModel.obtainAccount(accountId, true)
private fun updateFollowButton() {
if(isSelf) {
when (followState) {
AccountActivity.FollowState.NOT_FOLLOWING -> {
AccountActivity.FollowState.REQUESTED -> {
AccountActivity.FollowState.FOLLOWING -> {
private fun updateButtons() {
if (!blocking && loadedAccount?.moved == null) {
if(isSelf) {
} else {
} else {
override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean {
menuInflater.inflate(R.menu.account_toolbar, menu)
return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu)
override fun onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean {
if (!isSelf) {
val follow = menu.findItem(R.id.action_follow)
follow.title = if (followState == FollowState.NOT_FOLLOWING) {
} else {
follow.isVisible = followState != FollowState.REQUESTED
val block = menu.findItem(R.id.action_block)
block.title = if (blocking) {
} else {
val mute = menu.findItem(R.id.action_mute)
mute.title = if (muting) {
} else {
if (followState == FollowState.FOLLOWING) {
val showReblogs = menu.findItem(R.id.action_show_reblogs)
showReblogs.title = if (showingReblogs) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
// It shouldn't be possible to block or follow yourself.
return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu)
private fun showFollowRequestPendingDialog() {
.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok) { _, _ -> viewModel.changeFollowState(accountId) }
.setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null)
private fun showUnfollowWarningDialog() {
.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok) { _, _ -> viewModel.changeFollowState(accountId) }
.setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null)
private fun mention() {
loadedAccount?.let {
val intent = ComposeActivity.IntentBuilder()
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
override fun onViewTag(tag: String) {
val intent = Intent(this, ViewTagActivity::class.java)
intent.putExtra("hashtag", tag)
2018-07-31 21:25:25 +02:00
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
override fun onViewAccount(id: String) {
val intent = Intent(this, AccountActivity::class.java)
intent.putExtra("id", id)
2018-07-31 21:25:25 +02:00
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
override fun onViewUrl(url: String) {
override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
when (item.itemId) {
android.R.id.home -> {
return true
R.id.action_mention -> {
return true
R.id.action_open_in_web -> {
// If the account isn't loaded yet, eat the input.
if (loadedAccount != null) {
LinkHelper.openLink(loadedAccount?.url, this)
Account activity redesign (#662) * Refactor-all-the-things version of the fix for issue #573 * Migrate SpanUtils to kotlin because why not * Minimal fix for issue #573 * Add tests for compose spanning * Clean up code suggestions * Make FakeSpannable.getSpans implementation less awkward * Add secondary validation pass for urls * Address code review feedback * Fixup type filtering in FakeSpannable again * Make all mentions in compose activity use the default link color * new layout for AccountActivity * fix the light theme * convert AccountActivity to Kotlin * introduce AccountViewModel * Merge branch 'master' into account-activity-redesign # Conflicts: # app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/AccountActivity.java * add Bot badge to profile * parse custom emojis in usernames * add possibility to cancel follow request * add third tab on profiles * add account fields to profile * add support for moved accounts * set click listener on account moved view * fix tests * use 24dp as statusbar size * add ability to hide reblogs from followed accounts * add button to edit own account to AccountActivity * set toolbar top margin programmatically * fix crash * add shadow behind statusbar * introduce ViewExtensions to clean up code * move code out of offsetChangedListener for perf reasons * clean up stuff * add error handling * improve type safety * fix ConstraintLayout warning * remove unneeded ressources * fix event dispatching * fix crash in event handling * set correct emoji on title * improve some things * wrap follower/foillowing/status views
2018-06-18 13:26:18 +02:00
return true
R.id.action_follow -> {
return true
R.id.action_block -> {
return true
R.id.action_mute -> {
return true
R.id.action_show_reblogs -> {
return true
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)
override fun getActionButton(): FloatingActionButton? {
return if (!isSelf && !blocking) {
} else null
override fun supportFragmentInjector(): AndroidInjector<Fragment> {
return dispatchingAndroidInjector
companion object {
private const val KEY_ACCOUNT_ID = "id"
private val argbEvaluator = ArgbEvaluator()
fun getIntent(context: Context, accountId: String): Intent {
val intent = Intent(context, AccountActivity::class.java)
intent.putExtra(KEY_ACCOUNT_ID, accountId)
return intent