
575 lines
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/* Copyright 2017 Andrew Dawson
* This file is a part of Tusky.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not,
* see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>. */
package com.keylesspalace.tusky.fragment
import android.Manifest
import android.app.DownloadManager
import android.content.ClipData
import android.content.ClipboardManager
import android.content.Context
import android.content.DialogInterface
import android.content.Intent
import android.content.pm.PackageManager
import android.net.Uri
import android.os.Build
import android.os.Environment
import android.util.Log
import android.view.MenuItem
import android.view.View
import android.widget.Toast
import androidx.appcompat.app.AlertDialog
import androidx.appcompat.widget.PopupMenu
import androidx.core.app.ActivityOptionsCompat
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope
import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.fold
import at.connyduck.calladapter.networkresult.onFailure
import com.google.android.material.snackbar.Snackbar
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.BaseActivity
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.BottomSheetActivity
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.PostLookupFallbackBehavior
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.R
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.StatusListActivity.Companion.newHashtagIntent
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.ViewMediaActivity.Companion.newIntent
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.compose.ComposeActivity
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.compose.ComposeActivity.Companion.startIntent
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.compose.ComposeActivity.ComposeOptions
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.instanceinfo.InstanceInfoRepository
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.report.ReportActivity.Companion.getIntent
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountEntity
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.db.AccountManager
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.di.Injectable
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Attachment
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Status
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Translation
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.interfaces.AccountSelectionListener
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.network.MastodonApi
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.usecase.TimelineCases
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.openLink
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.parseAsMastodonHtml
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.startActivityWithSlideInAnimation
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.view.showMuteAccountDialog
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.viewdata.AttachmentViewData
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
import java.util.Locale
import javax.inject.Inject
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
/* Note from Andrew on Jan. 22, 2017: This class is a design problem for me, so I left it with an
* awkward name. TimelineFragment and NotificationFragment have significant overlap but the nature
* of that is complicated by how they're coupled with Status and Notification and the corresponding
* adapters. I feel like the profile pages and thread viewer, which I haven't made yet, will also
* overlap functionality. So, I'm momentarily leaving it and hopefully working on those will clear
* up what needs to be where. */
abstract class SFragment : Fragment(), Injectable {
protected abstract fun removeItem(position: Int)
protected abstract fun onReblog(reblog: Boolean, position: Int)
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
/** `null` if translation is not supported on this screen */
protected abstract val onMoreTranslate: ((translate: Boolean, position: Int) -> Unit)?
private lateinit var bottomSheetActivity: BottomSheetActivity
lateinit var mastodonApi: MastodonApi
lateinit var accountManager: AccountManager
lateinit var timelineCases: TimelineCases
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
lateinit var instanceInfoRepository: InstanceInfoRepository
override fun startActivity(intent: Intent) {
override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
bottomSheetActivity = if (context is BottomSheetActivity) {
} else {
throw IllegalStateException("Fragment must be attached to a BottomSheetActivity!")
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
override fun onResume() {
// make sure we have instance info for when we'll need it
protected fun openReblog(status: Status?) {
if (status == null) return
protected fun viewThread(statusId: String?, statusUrl: String?) {
bottomSheetActivity.viewThread(statusId!!, statusUrl)
protected fun viewAccount(accountId: String?) {
open fun onViewUrl(url: String) {
bottomSheetActivity.viewUrl(url, PostLookupFallbackBehavior.OPEN_IN_BROWSER)
protected fun reply(status: Status) {
val actionableStatus = status.actionableStatus
val account = actionableStatus.account
var loggedInUsername: String? = null
val activeAccount = accountManager.activeAccount
if (activeAccount != null) {
loggedInUsername = activeAccount.username
val mentionedUsernames = LinkedHashSet(
listOf(account.username) + actionableStatus.mentions.map { it.username }
).apply { remove(loggedInUsername) }
val composeOptions = ComposeOptions(
inReplyToId = status.actionableId,
replyVisibility = actionableStatus.visibility,
contentWarning = actionableStatus.spoilerText,
mentionedUsernames = mentionedUsernames,
replyingStatusAuthor = account.localUsername,
replyingStatusContent = actionableStatus.content.parseAsMastodonHtml().toString(),
language = actionableStatus.language,
kind = ComposeActivity.ComposeKind.NEW
val intent = startIntent(requireContext(), composeOptions)
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
protected fun more(status: Status, view: View, position: Int, translation: Translation?) {
val id = status.actionableId
val accountId = status.actionableStatus.account.id
val accountUsername = status.actionableStatus.account.username
val statusUrl = status.actionableStatus.url
var loggedInAccountId: String? = null
val activeAccount = accountManager.activeAccount
if (activeAccount != null) {
loggedInAccountId = activeAccount.accountId
val popup = PopupMenu(requireContext(), view)
// Give a different menu depending on whether this is the user's own toot or not.
val statusIsByCurrentUser = loggedInAccountId != null && loggedInAccountId == accountId
if (statusIsByCurrentUser) {
val menu = popup.menu
when (status.visibility) {
Status.Visibility.PUBLIC, Status.Visibility.UNLISTED -> {
Replace Gson library with Moshi (#4309) **! ! Warning**: Do not merge before testing every API call and database read involving JSON ! **Gson** is obsolete and has been superseded by **Moshi**. But more importantly, parsing Kotlin objects using Gson is _dangerous_ because Gson uses Java serialization and is **not Kotlin-aware**. This has two main consequences: - Fields of non-null types may end up null at runtime. Parsing will succeed, but the code may crash later with a `NullPointerException` when trying to access a field member; - Default values of constructor parameters are always ignored. When absent, reference types will be null, booleans will be false and integers will be zero. On the other hand, Kotlin-aware parsers like **Moshi** or **Kotlin Serialization** will validate at parsing time that all received fields comply with the Kotlin contract and avoid errors at runtime, making apps more stable and schema mismatches easier to detect (as long as logs are accessible): - Receiving a null value for a non-null type will generate a parsing error; - Optional types are declared explicitly by adding a default value. **A missing value with no default value declaration will generate a parsing error.** Migrating the entity declarations from Gson to Moshi will make the code more robust but is not an easy task because of the semantic differences. With Gson, both nullable and optional fields are represented with a null value. After converting to Moshi, some nullable entities can become non-null with a default value (if they are optional and not nullable), others can stay nullable with no default value (if they are mandatory and nullable), and others can become **nullable with a default value of null** (if they are optional _or_ nullable _or_ both). That third option is the safest bet when it's not clear if a field is optional or not, except for lists which can usually be declared as non-null with a default value of an empty list (I have yet to see a nullable array type in the Mastodon API). Fields that are currently declared as non-null present another challenge. In theory, they should remain as-is and everything will work fine. In practice, **because Gson is not aware of nullable types at all**, it's possible that some non-null fields currently hold a null value in some cases but the app does not report any error because the field is not accessed by Kotlin code in that scenario. After migrating to Moshi however, parsing such a field will now fail early if a null value or no value is received. These fields will have to be identified by heavily testing the app and looking for parsing errors (`JsonDataException`) and/or by going through the Mastodon documentation. A default value needs to be added for missing optional fields, and their type could optionally be changed to nullable, depending on the case. Gson is also currently used to serialize and deserialize objects to and from the local database, which is also challenging because backwards compatibility needs to be preserved. Fortunately, by default Gson omits writing null fields, so a field of type `List<T>?` could be replaced with a field of type `List<T>` with a default value of `emptyList()` and reading back the old data should still work. However, nullable lists that are written directly (not as a field of another object) will still be serialized to JSON as `"null"` so the deserializing code must still be handling null properly. Finally, changing the database schema is out of scope for this pull request, so database entities that also happen to be serialized with Gson will keep their original types even if they could be made non-null as an improvement. In the end this is all for the best, because the app will be more reliable and errors will be easier to detect by showing up earlier with a clear error message. Not to mention the performance benefits of using Moshi compared to Gson. - Replace Gson reflection with Moshi Kotlin codegen to generate all parsers at compile time. - Replace custom `Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter` with the one provided by moshi-adapters. - Replace custom `JsonDeserializer` classes for Enum types with `EnumJsonAdapter.create(T).withUnknownFallback()` from moshi-adapters to support fallback values. - Replace `GuardedBooleanAdapter` with the more generic `GuardedAdapter` which works with any type. Any nullable field may now be annotated with `@Guarded`. - Remove Proguard rules related to Json entities. Each Json entity needs to be annotated with `@JsonClass` with no exception, and adding this annotation will ensure that R8/Proguard will handle the entities properly. - Replace some nullable Boolean fields with non-null Boolean fields with a default value where possible. - Replace some nullable list fields with non-null list fields with a default value of `emptyList()` where possible. - Update `TimelineDao` to perform all Json conversions internally using `Converters` so no Gson or Moshi instance has to be passed to its methods. - ~~Create a custom `DraftAttachmentJsonAdapter` to serialize and deserialize `DraftAttachment` which is a special entity that supports more than one json name per field. A custom adapter is necessary because there is not direct equivalent of `@SerializedName(alternate = [...])` in Moshi.~~ Remove alternate names for some `DraftAttachment` fields which were used as a workaround to deserialize local data in 2-years old builds of Tusky. - Update tests to make them work with Moshi. - Simplify a few `equals()` implementations. - Change a few functions to `val`s - Turn `NetworkModule` into an `object` (since it contains no abstract methods). Please test the app thoroughly before merging. There may be some fields currently declared as mandatory that are actually optional.
2024-04-02 21:01:04 +02:00
if (status.pinned) R.string.unpin_action else R.string.pin_action
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
Status.Visibility.PRIVATE -> {
val reblogged = status.reblog?.reblogged ?: status.reblogged
menu.findItem(R.id.status_reblog_private).isVisible = !reblogged
menu.findItem(R.id.status_unreblog_private).isVisible = reblogged
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
else -> {}
} else {
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.status_download_media).isVisible =
val menu = popup.menu
val openAsItem = menu.findItem(R.id.status_open_as)
val openAsText = (activity as BaseActivity?)?.openAsText
if (openAsText == null) {
openAsItem.isVisible = false
} else {
openAsItem.title = openAsText
val muteConversationItem = menu.findItem(R.id.status_mute_conversation)
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
val mutable =
statusIsByCurrentUser || accountIsInMentions(activeAccount, status.mentions)
muteConversationItem.isVisible = mutable
if (mutable) {
Replace Gson library with Moshi (#4309) **! ! Warning**: Do not merge before testing every API call and database read involving JSON ! **Gson** is obsolete and has been superseded by **Moshi**. But more importantly, parsing Kotlin objects using Gson is _dangerous_ because Gson uses Java serialization and is **not Kotlin-aware**. This has two main consequences: - Fields of non-null types may end up null at runtime. Parsing will succeed, but the code may crash later with a `NullPointerException` when trying to access a field member; - Default values of constructor parameters are always ignored. When absent, reference types will be null, booleans will be false and integers will be zero. On the other hand, Kotlin-aware parsers like **Moshi** or **Kotlin Serialization** will validate at parsing time that all received fields comply with the Kotlin contract and avoid errors at runtime, making apps more stable and schema mismatches easier to detect (as long as logs are accessible): - Receiving a null value for a non-null type will generate a parsing error; - Optional types are declared explicitly by adding a default value. **A missing value with no default value declaration will generate a parsing error.** Migrating the entity declarations from Gson to Moshi will make the code more robust but is not an easy task because of the semantic differences. With Gson, both nullable and optional fields are represented with a null value. After converting to Moshi, some nullable entities can become non-null with a default value (if they are optional and not nullable), others can stay nullable with no default value (if they are mandatory and nullable), and others can become **nullable with a default value of null** (if they are optional _or_ nullable _or_ both). That third option is the safest bet when it's not clear if a field is optional or not, except for lists which can usually be declared as non-null with a default value of an empty list (I have yet to see a nullable array type in the Mastodon API). Fields that are currently declared as non-null present another challenge. In theory, they should remain as-is and everything will work fine. In practice, **because Gson is not aware of nullable types at all**, it's possible that some non-null fields currently hold a null value in some cases but the app does not report any error because the field is not accessed by Kotlin code in that scenario. After migrating to Moshi however, parsing such a field will now fail early if a null value or no value is received. These fields will have to be identified by heavily testing the app and looking for parsing errors (`JsonDataException`) and/or by going through the Mastodon documentation. A default value needs to be added for missing optional fields, and their type could optionally be changed to nullable, depending on the case. Gson is also currently used to serialize and deserialize objects to and from the local database, which is also challenging because backwards compatibility needs to be preserved. Fortunately, by default Gson omits writing null fields, so a field of type `List<T>?` could be replaced with a field of type `List<T>` with a default value of `emptyList()` and reading back the old data should still work. However, nullable lists that are written directly (not as a field of another object) will still be serialized to JSON as `"null"` so the deserializing code must still be handling null properly. Finally, changing the database schema is out of scope for this pull request, so database entities that also happen to be serialized with Gson will keep their original types even if they could be made non-null as an improvement. In the end this is all for the best, because the app will be more reliable and errors will be easier to detect by showing up earlier with a clear error message. Not to mention the performance benefits of using Moshi compared to Gson. - Replace Gson reflection with Moshi Kotlin codegen to generate all parsers at compile time. - Replace custom `Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter` with the one provided by moshi-adapters. - Replace custom `JsonDeserializer` classes for Enum types with `EnumJsonAdapter.create(T).withUnknownFallback()` from moshi-adapters to support fallback values. - Replace `GuardedBooleanAdapter` with the more generic `GuardedAdapter` which works with any type. Any nullable field may now be annotated with `@Guarded`. - Remove Proguard rules related to Json entities. Each Json entity needs to be annotated with `@JsonClass` with no exception, and adding this annotation will ensure that R8/Proguard will handle the entities properly. - Replace some nullable Boolean fields with non-null Boolean fields with a default value where possible. - Replace some nullable list fields with non-null list fields with a default value of `emptyList()` where possible. - Update `TimelineDao` to perform all Json conversions internally using `Converters` so no Gson or Moshi instance has to be passed to its methods. - ~~Create a custom `DraftAttachmentJsonAdapter` to serialize and deserialize `DraftAttachment` which is a special entity that supports more than one json name per field. A custom adapter is necessary because there is not direct equivalent of `@SerializedName(alternate = [...])` in Moshi.~~ Remove alternate names for some `DraftAttachment` fields which were used as a workaround to deserialize local data in 2-years old builds of Tusky. - Update tests to make them work with Moshi. - Simplify a few `equals()` implementations. - Change a few functions to `val`s - Turn `NetworkModule` into an `object` (since it contains no abstract methods). Please test the app thoroughly before merging. There may be some fields currently declared as mandatory that are actually optional.
2024-04-02 21:01:04 +02:00
if (!status.muted) {
} else {
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
// translation not there for your own posts
menu.findItem(R.id.status_translate)?.let { translateItem ->
translateItem.isVisible = onMoreTranslate != null &&
!status.language.equals(Locale.getDefault().language, ignoreCase = true) &&
instanceInfoRepository.cachedInstanceInfoOrFallback.translationEnabled == true
translateItem.setTitle(if (translation != null) R.string.action_show_original else R.string.action_translate)
popup.setOnMenuItemClickListener { item: MenuItem ->
when (item.itemId) {
R.id.post_share_content -> {
val statusToShare = status.reblog ?: status
val sendIntent = Intent().apply {
action = Intent.ACTION_SEND
type = "text/plain"
"${statusToShare.account.username} - ${statusToShare.content.parseAsMastodonHtml()}"
putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, statusUrl)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.post_share_link -> {
val sendIntent = Intent().apply {
action = Intent.ACTION_SEND
putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, statusUrl)
type = "text/plain"
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_copy_link -> {
) as ClipboardManager
).apply {
setPrimaryClip(ClipData.newPlainText(null, statusUrl))
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_open_as -> {
showOpenAsDialog(statusUrl, item.title)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_download_media -> {
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_mute -> {
onMute(accountId, accountUsername)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_block -> {
onBlock(accountId, accountUsername)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_report -> {
openReportPage(accountId, accountUsername, id)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_unreblog_private -> {
onReblog(false, position)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_reblog_private -> {
onReblog(true, position)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_delete -> {
showConfirmDeleteDialog(id, position)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_delete_and_redraft -> {
showConfirmEditDialog(id, position, status)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_edit -> {
editStatus(id, status)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.pin -> {
lifecycleScope.launch {
Replace Gson library with Moshi (#4309) **! ! Warning**: Do not merge before testing every API call and database read involving JSON ! **Gson** is obsolete and has been superseded by **Moshi**. But more importantly, parsing Kotlin objects using Gson is _dangerous_ because Gson uses Java serialization and is **not Kotlin-aware**. This has two main consequences: - Fields of non-null types may end up null at runtime. Parsing will succeed, but the code may crash later with a `NullPointerException` when trying to access a field member; - Default values of constructor parameters are always ignored. When absent, reference types will be null, booleans will be false and integers will be zero. On the other hand, Kotlin-aware parsers like **Moshi** or **Kotlin Serialization** will validate at parsing time that all received fields comply with the Kotlin contract and avoid errors at runtime, making apps more stable and schema mismatches easier to detect (as long as logs are accessible): - Receiving a null value for a non-null type will generate a parsing error; - Optional types are declared explicitly by adding a default value. **A missing value with no default value declaration will generate a parsing error.** Migrating the entity declarations from Gson to Moshi will make the code more robust but is not an easy task because of the semantic differences. With Gson, both nullable and optional fields are represented with a null value. After converting to Moshi, some nullable entities can become non-null with a default value (if they are optional and not nullable), others can stay nullable with no default value (if they are mandatory and nullable), and others can become **nullable with a default value of null** (if they are optional _or_ nullable _or_ both). That third option is the safest bet when it's not clear if a field is optional or not, except for lists which can usually be declared as non-null with a default value of an empty list (I have yet to see a nullable array type in the Mastodon API). Fields that are currently declared as non-null present another challenge. In theory, they should remain as-is and everything will work fine. In practice, **because Gson is not aware of nullable types at all**, it's possible that some non-null fields currently hold a null value in some cases but the app does not report any error because the field is not accessed by Kotlin code in that scenario. After migrating to Moshi however, parsing such a field will now fail early if a null value or no value is received. These fields will have to be identified by heavily testing the app and looking for parsing errors (`JsonDataException`) and/or by going through the Mastodon documentation. A default value needs to be added for missing optional fields, and their type could optionally be changed to nullable, depending on the case. Gson is also currently used to serialize and deserialize objects to and from the local database, which is also challenging because backwards compatibility needs to be preserved. Fortunately, by default Gson omits writing null fields, so a field of type `List<T>?` could be replaced with a field of type `List<T>` with a default value of `emptyList()` and reading back the old data should still work. However, nullable lists that are written directly (not as a field of another object) will still be serialized to JSON as `"null"` so the deserializing code must still be handling null properly. Finally, changing the database schema is out of scope for this pull request, so database entities that also happen to be serialized with Gson will keep their original types even if they could be made non-null as an improvement. In the end this is all for the best, because the app will be more reliable and errors will be easier to detect by showing up earlier with a clear error message. Not to mention the performance benefits of using Moshi compared to Gson. - Replace Gson reflection with Moshi Kotlin codegen to generate all parsers at compile time. - Replace custom `Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter` with the one provided by moshi-adapters. - Replace custom `JsonDeserializer` classes for Enum types with `EnumJsonAdapter.create(T).withUnknownFallback()` from moshi-adapters to support fallback values. - Replace `GuardedBooleanAdapter` with the more generic `GuardedAdapter` which works with any type. Any nullable field may now be annotated with `@Guarded`. - Remove Proguard rules related to Json entities. Each Json entity needs to be annotated with `@JsonClass` with no exception, and adding this annotation will ensure that R8/Proguard will handle the entities properly. - Replace some nullable Boolean fields with non-null Boolean fields with a default value where possible. - Replace some nullable list fields with non-null list fields with a default value of `emptyList()` where possible. - Update `TimelineDao` to perform all Json conversions internally using `Converters` so no Gson or Moshi instance has to be passed to its methods. - ~~Create a custom `DraftAttachmentJsonAdapter` to serialize and deserialize `DraftAttachment` which is a special entity that supports more than one json name per field. A custom adapter is necessary because there is not direct equivalent of `@SerializedName(alternate = [...])` in Moshi.~~ Remove alternate names for some `DraftAttachment` fields which were used as a workaround to deserialize local data in 2-years old builds of Tusky. - Update tests to make them work with Moshi. - Simplify a few `equals()` implementations. - Change a few functions to `val`s - Turn `NetworkModule` into an `object` (since it contains no abstract methods). Please test the app thoroughly before merging. There may be some fields currently declared as mandatory that are actually optional.
2024-04-02 21:01:04 +02:00
timelineCases.pin(status.id, !status.pinned)
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
.onFailure { e: Throwable ->
val message = e.message
Replace Gson library with Moshi (#4309) **! ! Warning**: Do not merge before testing every API call and database read involving JSON ! **Gson** is obsolete and has been superseded by **Moshi**. But more importantly, parsing Kotlin objects using Gson is _dangerous_ because Gson uses Java serialization and is **not Kotlin-aware**. This has two main consequences: - Fields of non-null types may end up null at runtime. Parsing will succeed, but the code may crash later with a `NullPointerException` when trying to access a field member; - Default values of constructor parameters are always ignored. When absent, reference types will be null, booleans will be false and integers will be zero. On the other hand, Kotlin-aware parsers like **Moshi** or **Kotlin Serialization** will validate at parsing time that all received fields comply with the Kotlin contract and avoid errors at runtime, making apps more stable and schema mismatches easier to detect (as long as logs are accessible): - Receiving a null value for a non-null type will generate a parsing error; - Optional types are declared explicitly by adding a default value. **A missing value with no default value declaration will generate a parsing error.** Migrating the entity declarations from Gson to Moshi will make the code more robust but is not an easy task because of the semantic differences. With Gson, both nullable and optional fields are represented with a null value. After converting to Moshi, some nullable entities can become non-null with a default value (if they are optional and not nullable), others can stay nullable with no default value (if they are mandatory and nullable), and others can become **nullable with a default value of null** (if they are optional _or_ nullable _or_ both). That third option is the safest bet when it's not clear if a field is optional or not, except for lists which can usually be declared as non-null with a default value of an empty list (I have yet to see a nullable array type in the Mastodon API). Fields that are currently declared as non-null present another challenge. In theory, they should remain as-is and everything will work fine. In practice, **because Gson is not aware of nullable types at all**, it's possible that some non-null fields currently hold a null value in some cases but the app does not report any error because the field is not accessed by Kotlin code in that scenario. After migrating to Moshi however, parsing such a field will now fail early if a null value or no value is received. These fields will have to be identified by heavily testing the app and looking for parsing errors (`JsonDataException`) and/or by going through the Mastodon documentation. A default value needs to be added for missing optional fields, and their type could optionally be changed to nullable, depending on the case. Gson is also currently used to serialize and deserialize objects to and from the local database, which is also challenging because backwards compatibility needs to be preserved. Fortunately, by default Gson omits writing null fields, so a field of type `List<T>?` could be replaced with a field of type `List<T>` with a default value of `emptyList()` and reading back the old data should still work. However, nullable lists that are written directly (not as a field of another object) will still be serialized to JSON as `"null"` so the deserializing code must still be handling null properly. Finally, changing the database schema is out of scope for this pull request, so database entities that also happen to be serialized with Gson will keep their original types even if they could be made non-null as an improvement. In the end this is all for the best, because the app will be more reliable and errors will be easier to detect by showing up earlier with a clear error message. Not to mention the performance benefits of using Moshi compared to Gson. - Replace Gson reflection with Moshi Kotlin codegen to generate all parsers at compile time. - Replace custom `Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter` with the one provided by moshi-adapters. - Replace custom `JsonDeserializer` classes for Enum types with `EnumJsonAdapter.create(T).withUnknownFallback()` from moshi-adapters to support fallback values. - Replace `GuardedBooleanAdapter` with the more generic `GuardedAdapter` which works with any type. Any nullable field may now be annotated with `@Guarded`. - Remove Proguard rules related to Json entities. Each Json entity needs to be annotated with `@JsonClass` with no exception, and adding this annotation will ensure that R8/Proguard will handle the entities properly. - Replace some nullable Boolean fields with non-null Boolean fields with a default value where possible. - Replace some nullable list fields with non-null list fields with a default value of `emptyList()` where possible. - Update `TimelineDao` to perform all Json conversions internally using `Converters` so no Gson or Moshi instance has to be passed to its methods. - ~~Create a custom `DraftAttachmentJsonAdapter` to serialize and deserialize `DraftAttachment` which is a special entity that supports more than one json name per field. A custom adapter is necessary because there is not direct equivalent of `@SerializedName(alternate = [...])` in Moshi.~~ Remove alternate names for some `DraftAttachment` fields which were used as a workaround to deserialize local data in 2-years old builds of Tusky. - Update tests to make them work with Moshi. - Simplify a few `equals()` implementations. - Change a few functions to `val`s - Turn `NetworkModule` into an `object` (since it contains no abstract methods). Please test the app thoroughly before merging. There may be some fields currently declared as mandatory that are actually optional.
2024-04-02 21:01:04 +02:00
?: getString(if (status.pinned) R.string.failed_to_unpin else R.string.failed_to_pin)
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
Snackbar.make(requireView(), message, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_mute_conversation -> {
lifecycleScope.launch {
Replace Gson library with Moshi (#4309) **! ! Warning**: Do not merge before testing every API call and database read involving JSON ! **Gson** is obsolete and has been superseded by **Moshi**. But more importantly, parsing Kotlin objects using Gson is _dangerous_ because Gson uses Java serialization and is **not Kotlin-aware**. This has two main consequences: - Fields of non-null types may end up null at runtime. Parsing will succeed, but the code may crash later with a `NullPointerException` when trying to access a field member; - Default values of constructor parameters are always ignored. When absent, reference types will be null, booleans will be false and integers will be zero. On the other hand, Kotlin-aware parsers like **Moshi** or **Kotlin Serialization** will validate at parsing time that all received fields comply with the Kotlin contract and avoid errors at runtime, making apps more stable and schema mismatches easier to detect (as long as logs are accessible): - Receiving a null value for a non-null type will generate a parsing error; - Optional types are declared explicitly by adding a default value. **A missing value with no default value declaration will generate a parsing error.** Migrating the entity declarations from Gson to Moshi will make the code more robust but is not an easy task because of the semantic differences. With Gson, both nullable and optional fields are represented with a null value. After converting to Moshi, some nullable entities can become non-null with a default value (if they are optional and not nullable), others can stay nullable with no default value (if they are mandatory and nullable), and others can become **nullable with a default value of null** (if they are optional _or_ nullable _or_ both). That third option is the safest bet when it's not clear if a field is optional or not, except for lists which can usually be declared as non-null with a default value of an empty list (I have yet to see a nullable array type in the Mastodon API). Fields that are currently declared as non-null present another challenge. In theory, they should remain as-is and everything will work fine. In practice, **because Gson is not aware of nullable types at all**, it's possible that some non-null fields currently hold a null value in some cases but the app does not report any error because the field is not accessed by Kotlin code in that scenario. After migrating to Moshi however, parsing such a field will now fail early if a null value or no value is received. These fields will have to be identified by heavily testing the app and looking for parsing errors (`JsonDataException`) and/or by going through the Mastodon documentation. A default value needs to be added for missing optional fields, and their type could optionally be changed to nullable, depending on the case. Gson is also currently used to serialize and deserialize objects to and from the local database, which is also challenging because backwards compatibility needs to be preserved. Fortunately, by default Gson omits writing null fields, so a field of type `List<T>?` could be replaced with a field of type `List<T>` with a default value of `emptyList()` and reading back the old data should still work. However, nullable lists that are written directly (not as a field of another object) will still be serialized to JSON as `"null"` so the deserializing code must still be handling null properly. Finally, changing the database schema is out of scope for this pull request, so database entities that also happen to be serialized with Gson will keep their original types even if they could be made non-null as an improvement. In the end this is all for the best, because the app will be more reliable and errors will be easier to detect by showing up earlier with a clear error message. Not to mention the performance benefits of using Moshi compared to Gson. - Replace Gson reflection with Moshi Kotlin codegen to generate all parsers at compile time. - Replace custom `Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter` with the one provided by moshi-adapters. - Replace custom `JsonDeserializer` classes for Enum types with `EnumJsonAdapter.create(T).withUnknownFallback()` from moshi-adapters to support fallback values. - Replace `GuardedBooleanAdapter` with the more generic `GuardedAdapter` which works with any type. Any nullable field may now be annotated with `@Guarded`. - Remove Proguard rules related to Json entities. Each Json entity needs to be annotated with `@JsonClass` with no exception, and adding this annotation will ensure that R8/Proguard will handle the entities properly. - Replace some nullable Boolean fields with non-null Boolean fields with a default value where possible. - Replace some nullable list fields with non-null list fields with a default value of `emptyList()` where possible. - Update `TimelineDao` to perform all Json conversions internally using `Converters` so no Gson or Moshi instance has to be passed to its methods. - ~~Create a custom `DraftAttachmentJsonAdapter` to serialize and deserialize `DraftAttachment` which is a special entity that supports more than one json name per field. A custom adapter is necessary because there is not direct equivalent of `@SerializedName(alternate = [...])` in Moshi.~~ Remove alternate names for some `DraftAttachment` fields which were used as a workaround to deserialize local data in 2-years old builds of Tusky. - Update tests to make them work with Moshi. - Simplify a few `equals()` implementations. - Change a few functions to `val`s - Turn `NetworkModule` into an `object` (since it contains no abstract methods). Please test the app thoroughly before merging. There may be some fields currently declared as mandatory that are actually optional.
2024-04-02 21:01:04 +02:00
timelineCases.muteConversation(status.id, !status.muted)
return@setOnMenuItemClickListener true
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
R.id.status_translate -> {
onMoreTranslate?.invoke(translation == null, position)
private fun onMute(accountId: String, accountUsername: String) {
) { notifications: Boolean?, duration: Int? ->
lifecycleScope.launch {
timelineCases.mute(accountId, notifications == true, duration)
private fun onBlock(accountId: String, accountUsername: String) {
.setMessage(getString(R.string.dialog_block_warning, accountUsername))
.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok) { _: DialogInterface?, _: Int ->
lifecycleScope.launch {
.setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null)
protected fun viewMedia(urlIndex: Int, attachments: List<AttachmentViewData>, view: View?) {
val (attachment) = attachments[urlIndex]
when (attachment.type) {
Attachment.Type.GIFV, Attachment.Type.VIDEO, Attachment.Type.IMAGE, Attachment.Type.AUDIO -> {
val intent = newIntent(context, attachments, urlIndex)
if (view != null) {
val url = attachment.url
view.transitionName = url
val options = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(
startActivity(intent, options.toBundle())
} else {
2024-03-09 16:12:18 +01:00
Attachment.Type.UNKNOWN -> {
protected fun viewTag(tag: String) {
startActivity(newHashtagIntent(requireContext(), tag))
private fun openReportPage(accountId: String, accountUsername: String, statusId: String) {
startActivity(getIntent(requireContext(), accountId, accountUsername, statusId))
private fun showConfirmDeleteDialog(id: String, position: Int) {
.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok) { _: DialogInterface?, _: Int ->
lifecycleScope.launch {
val result = timelineCases.delete(id).exceptionOrNull()
if (result != null) {
Log.w("SFragment", "error deleting status", result)
Toast.makeText(context, R.string.error_generic, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
// XXX: Removes the item even if there was an error. This is probably not
// correct (see similar code in showConfirmEditDialog() which only
// removes the item if the timelineCases.delete() call succeeded.
// Either way, this logic should be in the view model.
.setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null)
private fun showConfirmEditDialog(id: String, position: Int, status: Status) {
if (activity == null) {
.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok) { _: DialogInterface?, _: Int ->
lifecycleScope.launch {
{ deletedStatus ->
Replace Gson library with Moshi (#4309) **! ! Warning**: Do not merge before testing every API call and database read involving JSON ! **Gson** is obsolete and has been superseded by **Moshi**. But more importantly, parsing Kotlin objects using Gson is _dangerous_ because Gson uses Java serialization and is **not Kotlin-aware**. This has two main consequences: - Fields of non-null types may end up null at runtime. Parsing will succeed, but the code may crash later with a `NullPointerException` when trying to access a field member; - Default values of constructor parameters are always ignored. When absent, reference types will be null, booleans will be false and integers will be zero. On the other hand, Kotlin-aware parsers like **Moshi** or **Kotlin Serialization** will validate at parsing time that all received fields comply with the Kotlin contract and avoid errors at runtime, making apps more stable and schema mismatches easier to detect (as long as logs are accessible): - Receiving a null value for a non-null type will generate a parsing error; - Optional types are declared explicitly by adding a default value. **A missing value with no default value declaration will generate a parsing error.** Migrating the entity declarations from Gson to Moshi will make the code more robust but is not an easy task because of the semantic differences. With Gson, both nullable and optional fields are represented with a null value. After converting to Moshi, some nullable entities can become non-null with a default value (if they are optional and not nullable), others can stay nullable with no default value (if they are mandatory and nullable), and others can become **nullable with a default value of null** (if they are optional _or_ nullable _or_ both). That third option is the safest bet when it's not clear if a field is optional or not, except for lists which can usually be declared as non-null with a default value of an empty list (I have yet to see a nullable array type in the Mastodon API). Fields that are currently declared as non-null present another challenge. In theory, they should remain as-is and everything will work fine. In practice, **because Gson is not aware of nullable types at all**, it's possible that some non-null fields currently hold a null value in some cases but the app does not report any error because the field is not accessed by Kotlin code in that scenario. After migrating to Moshi however, parsing such a field will now fail early if a null value or no value is received. These fields will have to be identified by heavily testing the app and looking for parsing errors (`JsonDataException`) and/or by going through the Mastodon documentation. A default value needs to be added for missing optional fields, and their type could optionally be changed to nullable, depending on the case. Gson is also currently used to serialize and deserialize objects to and from the local database, which is also challenging because backwards compatibility needs to be preserved. Fortunately, by default Gson omits writing null fields, so a field of type `List<T>?` could be replaced with a field of type `List<T>` with a default value of `emptyList()` and reading back the old data should still work. However, nullable lists that are written directly (not as a field of another object) will still be serialized to JSON as `"null"` so the deserializing code must still be handling null properly. Finally, changing the database schema is out of scope for this pull request, so database entities that also happen to be serialized with Gson will keep their original types even if they could be made non-null as an improvement. In the end this is all for the best, because the app will be more reliable and errors will be easier to detect by showing up earlier with a clear error message. Not to mention the performance benefits of using Moshi compared to Gson. - Replace Gson reflection with Moshi Kotlin codegen to generate all parsers at compile time. - Replace custom `Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter` with the one provided by moshi-adapters. - Replace custom `JsonDeserializer` classes for Enum types with `EnumJsonAdapter.create(T).withUnknownFallback()` from moshi-adapters to support fallback values. - Replace `GuardedBooleanAdapter` with the more generic `GuardedAdapter` which works with any type. Any nullable field may now be annotated with `@Guarded`. - Remove Proguard rules related to Json entities. Each Json entity needs to be annotated with `@JsonClass` with no exception, and adding this annotation will ensure that R8/Proguard will handle the entities properly. - Replace some nullable Boolean fields with non-null Boolean fields with a default value where possible. - Replace some nullable list fields with non-null list fields with a default value of `emptyList()` where possible. - Update `TimelineDao` to perform all Json conversions internally using `Converters` so no Gson or Moshi instance has to be passed to its methods. - ~~Create a custom `DraftAttachmentJsonAdapter` to serialize and deserialize `DraftAttachment` which is a special entity that supports more than one json name per field. A custom adapter is necessary because there is not direct equivalent of `@SerializedName(alternate = [...])` in Moshi.~~ Remove alternate names for some `DraftAttachment` fields which were used as a workaround to deserialize local data in 2-years old builds of Tusky. - Update tests to make them work with Moshi. - Simplify a few `equals()` implementations. - Change a few functions to `val`s - Turn `NetworkModule` into an `object` (since it contains no abstract methods). Please test the app thoroughly before merging. There may be some fields currently declared as mandatory that are actually optional.
2024-04-02 21:01:04 +02:00
val sourceStatus = if (deletedStatus.isEmpty) {
} else {
val composeOptions = ComposeOptions(
content = sourceStatus.text,
inReplyToId = sourceStatus.inReplyToId,
visibility = sourceStatus.visibility,
contentWarning = sourceStatus.spoilerText,
mediaAttachments = sourceStatus.attachments,
sensitive = sourceStatus.sensitive,
modifiedInitialState = true,
language = sourceStatus.language,
poll = sourceStatus.poll?.toNewPoll(sourceStatus.createdAt),
kind = ComposeActivity.ComposeKind.NEW
startActivity(startIntent(requireContext(), composeOptions))
{ error: Throwable? ->
Log.w("SFragment", "error deleting status", error)
Toast.makeText(context, R.string.error_generic, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
.setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null)
private fun editStatus(id: String, status: Status) {
lifecycleScope.launch {
{ source ->
val composeOptions = ComposeOptions(
content = source.text,
inReplyToId = status.inReplyToId,
visibility = status.visibility,
contentWarning = source.spoilerText,
mediaAttachments = status.attachments,
sensitive = status.sensitive,
language = status.language,
statusId = source.id,
poll = status.poll?.toNewPoll(status.createdAt),
kind = ComposeActivity.ComposeKind.EDIT_POSTED
startActivity(startIntent(requireContext(), composeOptions))
private fun showOpenAsDialog(statusUrl: String?, dialogTitle: CharSequence?) {
if (statusUrl == null) {
(activity as BaseActivity).apply {
object : AccountSelectionListener {
override fun onAccountSelected(account: AccountEntity) {
openAsAccount(statusUrl, account)
private fun downloadAllMedia(status: Status) {
Toast.makeText(context, R.string.downloading_media, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
val downloadManager = requireActivity().getSystemService(
) as DownloadManager
for ((_, url) in status.attachments) {
val uri = Uri.parse(url)
DownloadManager.Request(uri).apply {
private fun requestDownloadAllMedia(status: Status) {
val permissions = arrayOf(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)
(activity as BaseActivity).requestPermissions(permissions) { _, grantResults ->
if (grantResults.isNotEmpty() && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
} else {
} else {
companion object {
private const val TAG = "SFragment"
private fun accountIsInMentions(
account: AccountEntity?,
mentions: List<Status.Mention>
): Boolean {
return mentions.any { mention ->
account?.username == mention.username && account.domain == Uri.parse(mention.url)?.host