mirror of https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky synced 2025-02-04 07:47:30 +01:00

195 lines
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Raw Normal View History

plugins {
Replace Dagger-Android with Hilt and remove Kapt (#4423) Hilt is an annotation processor built on top of Dagger which allows to remove all the Android dependency injection boilerplate code (currently around 900 lines) by writing it for us. Hilt can use KSP instead of Kapt so Kapt can be completely removed from the project. Kapt is slow, deprecated and has a few compatibility issues. Removing Kapt will improve build times since no Java stubs have to be generated for Kotlin classes anymore (Note that KSP also processes annotations in Java classes so it can completely replace Kapt). - Remove all modules related to manual dependency injection configuration. - Rename `AppModule` to `StorageModule` since it now only contains configuration to retrieve the DataBase and SharedPreferences. - Annotate all entry points (Activities, Fragments, BroadcastReceivers and Services) with `@AndroidEntryPoint`. - Annotate all injected ViewModels with `@HiltViewModel` and replace the custom ViewModel Factory with the default one (which integrates with the one generated by Hilt). - Add a public field to allow overriding the default ViewModelProvider.Factory in `BaseActivity` in tests. - Annotate tested Activities with `@OptionalInject` since Activity tests currently rely on the Activities not being injected automatically. - Annotate injected `Context` arguments with `@ApplicationContext`. Hilt provides the `Context` binding automatically but requires to specify if the Application or Activity Context is wanted. - Add WorkManager Hilt integration so all Workers are injected by Hilt automatically using `HiltWorkerFactory`. - Lazily initialize WorkManager in `TuskyApplication`. - Remove Kapt and Kapt workarounds. - ~~Remove toolchain configuration for Java 21. Toolchains force the Java bytecode to match the JDK version used to build the project, and apparently Hilt doesn't run inside the toolchain so cannot process the source code if the JDK version of the toolchain is higher than the JDK used to run Gradle. [And configuring a toolchain for an older Java version causes other issues](https://jakewharton.com/gradle-toolchains-are-rarely-a-good-idea/). **Removing toolchains configuration doesn't prevent the project from being built using JDK 21** or more recent versions but allows to build the project using older JDKs as well.~~ Added a fix to allow Hilt to properly use the JDK toolchain. - ~~Set the Java and Kotlin bytecode target to Java 17. The standard bytecode target for Android projects is usually Java 8 or 11 (any higher version doesn't provide any benefit but may cause compatibility issues). However, since the app currently uses a library built against Java 17 bytecode (`networkresult-calladapter`), it needs to target at least Java 17 bytecode as well.~~ - Update the Dagger 2 URL in the licenses screen. Hilt is part of Dagger 2 so the label wasn't changed.
2024-05-10 15:55:07 +02:00
apply from: 'getGitSha.gradle'
final def gitSha = ext.getGitSha()
// The app name
final def APP_NAME = "Tusky"
// The application id. Must be unique, e.g. based on your domain
final def APP_ID = "com.keylesspalace.tusky"
// url of a custom app logo. Recommended size at least 600x600. Keep empty to use the Tusky elephant friend.
final def CUSTOM_LOGO_URL = ""
// e.g. mastodon.social. Keep empty to not suggest any instance on the signup screen
final def CUSTOM_INSTANCE = ""
// link to your support account. Will be linked on the about page when not empty.
final def SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_URL = "https://mastodon.social/@Tusky"
2017-01-02 18:30:27 -05:00
android {
compileSdk 34
namespace "com.keylesspalace.tusky"
2017-01-02 18:30:27 -05:00
defaultConfig {
applicationId APP_ID
namespace "com.keylesspalace.tusky"
minSdk 24
targetSdk 34
2024-08-21 19:48:46 +02:00
versionCode 124
versionName "26.1"
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
2018-09-25 19:04:57 +02:00
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
2018-12-25 20:06:28 +01:00
resValue "string", "app_name", APP_NAME
buildConfigField("String", "CUSTOM_LOGO_URL", "\"$CUSTOM_LOGO_URL\"")
buildConfigField("String", "CUSTOM_INSTANCE", "\"$CUSTOM_INSTANCE\"")
buildConfigField("String", "SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_URL", "\"$SUPPORT_ACCOUNT_URL\"")
2017-01-02 18:30:27 -05:00
buildTypes {
debug {
isDefault true
2017-01-02 18:30:27 -05:00
release {
2017-04-08 00:08:51 +02:00
minifyEnabled true
shrinkResources true
proguardFiles 'proguard-rules.pro'
kotlinOptions {
freeCompilerArgs = [
2017-01-02 18:30:27 -05:00
flavorDimensions += "color"
productFlavors {
blue {}
green {
resValue "string", "app_name", APP_NAME + " Test"
applicationIdSuffix ".test"
versionNameSuffix "-" + gitSha
isDefault true
2017-01-02 18:30:27 -05:00
lint {
lintConfig file("lint.xml")
// Regenerate by deleting the file and running `./gradlew app:lintGreenDebug`
baseline = file("lint-baseline.xml")
buildFeatures {
buildConfig true
resValues true
viewBinding true
Replace Dagger-Android with Hilt and remove Kapt (#4423) Hilt is an annotation processor built on top of Dagger which allows to remove all the Android dependency injection boilerplate code (currently around 900 lines) by writing it for us. Hilt can use KSP instead of Kapt so Kapt can be completely removed from the project. Kapt is slow, deprecated and has a few compatibility issues. Removing Kapt will improve build times since no Java stubs have to be generated for Kotlin classes anymore (Note that KSP also processes annotations in Java classes so it can completely replace Kapt). - Remove all modules related to manual dependency injection configuration. - Rename `AppModule` to `StorageModule` since it now only contains configuration to retrieve the DataBase and SharedPreferences. - Annotate all entry points (Activities, Fragments, BroadcastReceivers and Services) with `@AndroidEntryPoint`. - Annotate all injected ViewModels with `@HiltViewModel` and replace the custom ViewModel Factory with the default one (which integrates with the one generated by Hilt). - Add a public field to allow overriding the default ViewModelProvider.Factory in `BaseActivity` in tests. - Annotate tested Activities with `@OptionalInject` since Activity tests currently rely on the Activities not being injected automatically. - Annotate injected `Context` arguments with `@ApplicationContext`. Hilt provides the `Context` binding automatically but requires to specify if the Application or Activity Context is wanted. - Add WorkManager Hilt integration so all Workers are injected by Hilt automatically using `HiltWorkerFactory`. - Lazily initialize WorkManager in `TuskyApplication`. - Remove Kapt and Kapt workarounds. - ~~Remove toolchain configuration for Java 21. Toolchains force the Java bytecode to match the JDK version used to build the project, and apparently Hilt doesn't run inside the toolchain so cannot process the source code if the JDK version of the toolchain is higher than the JDK used to run Gradle. [And configuring a toolchain for an older Java version causes other issues](https://jakewharton.com/gradle-toolchains-are-rarely-a-good-idea/). **Removing toolchains configuration doesn't prevent the project from being built using JDK 21** or more recent versions but allows to build the project using older JDKs as well.~~ Added a fix to allow Hilt to properly use the JDK toolchain. - ~~Set the Java and Kotlin bytecode target to Java 17. The standard bytecode target for Android projects is usually Java 8 or 11 (any higher version doesn't provide any benefit but may cause compatibility issues). However, since the app currently uses a library built against Java 17 bytecode (`networkresult-calladapter`), it needs to target at least Java 17 bytecode as well.~~ - Update the Dagger 2 URL in the licenses screen. Hilt is part of Dagger 2 so the label wasn't changed.
2024-05-10 15:55:07 +02:00
testOptions {
unitTests {
returnDefaultValues = true
includeAndroidResources = true
unitTests.all {
systemProperty 'robolectric.logging.enabled', 'true'
systemProperty 'robolectric.lazyload', 'ON'
2018-12-25 20:06:28 +01:00
sourceSets {
androidTest.assets.srcDirs += files("$projectDir/schemas".toString())
// Exclude unneeded files added by libraries
packagingOptions.resources.excludes += [
bundle {
language {
// bundle all languages in every apk so the dynamic language switching works
enableSplit = false
dependenciesInfo {
includeInApk false
includeInBundle false
applicationVariants.configureEach { variant ->
variant.outputs.configureEach {
outputFileName = "Tusky_${variant.versionName}_${variant.versionCode}_${gitSha}_" +
ksp {
arg("room.schemaLocation", "$projectDir/schemas")
arg("room.generateKotlin", "true")
arg("room.incremental", "true")
2019-05-18 08:06:30 +02:00
2023-03-13 10:18:41 +01:00
configurations {
// JNI-only libraries don't play nicely with Robolectric
// see https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/pull/3367
testImplementation.exclude group: "org.conscrypt", module: "conscrypt-android"
testRuntime.exclude group: "org.conscrypt", module: "conscrypt-android"
// library versions are in PROJECT_ROOT/gradle/libs.versions.toml
2017-01-02 18:30:27 -05:00
dependencies {
implementation libs.kotlinx.coroutines.android
implementation libs.bundles.androidx
implementation libs.bundles.room
ksp libs.androidx.room.compiler
implementation libs.android.material
Replace Gson library with Moshi (#4309) **! ! Warning**: Do not merge before testing every API call and database read involving JSON ! **Gson** is obsolete and has been superseded by **Moshi**. But more importantly, parsing Kotlin objects using Gson is _dangerous_ because Gson uses Java serialization and is **not Kotlin-aware**. This has two main consequences: - Fields of non-null types may end up null at runtime. Parsing will succeed, but the code may crash later with a `NullPointerException` when trying to access a field member; - Default values of constructor parameters are always ignored. When absent, reference types will be null, booleans will be false and integers will be zero. On the other hand, Kotlin-aware parsers like **Moshi** or **Kotlin Serialization** will validate at parsing time that all received fields comply with the Kotlin contract and avoid errors at runtime, making apps more stable and schema mismatches easier to detect (as long as logs are accessible): - Receiving a null value for a non-null type will generate a parsing error; - Optional types are declared explicitly by adding a default value. **A missing value with no default value declaration will generate a parsing error.** Migrating the entity declarations from Gson to Moshi will make the code more robust but is not an easy task because of the semantic differences. With Gson, both nullable and optional fields are represented with a null value. After converting to Moshi, some nullable entities can become non-null with a default value (if they are optional and not nullable), others can stay nullable with no default value (if they are mandatory and nullable), and others can become **nullable with a default value of null** (if they are optional _or_ nullable _or_ both). That third option is the safest bet when it's not clear if a field is optional or not, except for lists which can usually be declared as non-null with a default value of an empty list (I have yet to see a nullable array type in the Mastodon API). Fields that are currently declared as non-null present another challenge. In theory, they should remain as-is and everything will work fine. In practice, **because Gson is not aware of nullable types at all**, it's possible that some non-null fields currently hold a null value in some cases but the app does not report any error because the field is not accessed by Kotlin code in that scenario. After migrating to Moshi however, parsing such a field will now fail early if a null value or no value is received. These fields will have to be identified by heavily testing the app and looking for parsing errors (`JsonDataException`) and/or by going through the Mastodon documentation. A default value needs to be added for missing optional fields, and their type could optionally be changed to nullable, depending on the case. Gson is also currently used to serialize and deserialize objects to and from the local database, which is also challenging because backwards compatibility needs to be preserved. Fortunately, by default Gson omits writing null fields, so a field of type `List<T>?` could be replaced with a field of type `List<T>` with a default value of `emptyList()` and reading back the old data should still work. However, nullable lists that are written directly (not as a field of another object) will still be serialized to JSON as `"null"` so the deserializing code must still be handling null properly. Finally, changing the database schema is out of scope for this pull request, so database entities that also happen to be serialized with Gson will keep their original types even if they could be made non-null as an improvement. In the end this is all for the best, because the app will be more reliable and errors will be easier to detect by showing up earlier with a clear error message. Not to mention the performance benefits of using Moshi compared to Gson. - Replace Gson reflection with Moshi Kotlin codegen to generate all parsers at compile time. - Replace custom `Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter` with the one provided by moshi-adapters. - Replace custom `JsonDeserializer` classes for Enum types with `EnumJsonAdapter.create(T).withUnknownFallback()` from moshi-adapters to support fallback values. - Replace `GuardedBooleanAdapter` with the more generic `GuardedAdapter` which works with any type. Any nullable field may now be annotated with `@Guarded`. - Remove Proguard rules related to Json entities. Each Json entity needs to be annotated with `@JsonClass` with no exception, and adding this annotation will ensure that R8/Proguard will handle the entities properly. - Replace some nullable Boolean fields with non-null Boolean fields with a default value where possible. - Replace some nullable list fields with non-null list fields with a default value of `emptyList()` where possible. - Update `TimelineDao` to perform all Json conversions internally using `Converters` so no Gson or Moshi instance has to be passed to its methods. - ~~Create a custom `DraftAttachmentJsonAdapter` to serialize and deserialize `DraftAttachment` which is a special entity that supports more than one json name per field. A custom adapter is necessary because there is not direct equivalent of `@SerializedName(alternate = [...])` in Moshi.~~ Remove alternate names for some `DraftAttachment` fields which were used as a workaround to deserialize local data in 2-years old builds of Tusky. - Update tests to make them work with Moshi. - Simplify a few `equals()` implementations. - Change a few functions to `val`s - Turn `NetworkModule` into an `object` (since it contains no abstract methods). Please test the app thoroughly before merging. There may be some fields currently declared as mandatory that are actually optional.
2024-04-02 21:01:04 +02:00
implementation libs.bundles.moshi
ksp libs.moshi.kotlin.codegen
implementation libs.bundles.retrofit
implementation libs.networkresult.calladapter
implementation libs.bundles.okhttp
implementation libs.okio
implementation libs.conscrypt.android
implementation libs.bundles.glide
2023-07-11 21:34:14 +08:00
ksp libs.glide.compiler
Replace Dagger-Android with Hilt and remove Kapt (#4423) Hilt is an annotation processor built on top of Dagger which allows to remove all the Android dependency injection boilerplate code (currently around 900 lines) by writing it for us. Hilt can use KSP instead of Kapt so Kapt can be completely removed from the project. Kapt is slow, deprecated and has a few compatibility issues. Removing Kapt will improve build times since no Java stubs have to be generated for Kotlin classes anymore (Note that KSP also processes annotations in Java classes so it can completely replace Kapt). - Remove all modules related to manual dependency injection configuration. - Rename `AppModule` to `StorageModule` since it now only contains configuration to retrieve the DataBase and SharedPreferences. - Annotate all entry points (Activities, Fragments, BroadcastReceivers and Services) with `@AndroidEntryPoint`. - Annotate all injected ViewModels with `@HiltViewModel` and replace the custom ViewModel Factory with the default one (which integrates with the one generated by Hilt). - Add a public field to allow overriding the default ViewModelProvider.Factory in `BaseActivity` in tests. - Annotate tested Activities with `@OptionalInject` since Activity tests currently rely on the Activities not being injected automatically. - Annotate injected `Context` arguments with `@ApplicationContext`. Hilt provides the `Context` binding automatically but requires to specify if the Application or Activity Context is wanted. - Add WorkManager Hilt integration so all Workers are injected by Hilt automatically using `HiltWorkerFactory`. - Lazily initialize WorkManager in `TuskyApplication`. - Remove Kapt and Kapt workarounds. - ~~Remove toolchain configuration for Java 21. Toolchains force the Java bytecode to match the JDK version used to build the project, and apparently Hilt doesn't run inside the toolchain so cannot process the source code if the JDK version of the toolchain is higher than the JDK used to run Gradle. [And configuring a toolchain for an older Java version causes other issues](https://jakewharton.com/gradle-toolchains-are-rarely-a-good-idea/). **Removing toolchains configuration doesn't prevent the project from being built using JDK 21** or more recent versions but allows to build the project using older JDKs as well.~~ Added a fix to allow Hilt to properly use the JDK toolchain. - ~~Set the Java and Kotlin bytecode target to Java 17. The standard bytecode target for Android projects is usually Java 8 or 11 (any higher version doesn't provide any benefit but may cause compatibility issues). However, since the app currently uses a library built against Java 17 bytecode (`networkresult-calladapter`), it needs to target at least Java 17 bytecode as well.~~ - Update the Dagger 2 URL in the licenses screen. Hilt is part of Dagger 2 so the label wasn't changed.
2024-05-10 15:55:07 +02:00
implementation libs.hilt.android
ksp libs.hilt.compiler
implementation libs.androidx.hilt.work
ksp libs.androidx.hilt.compiler
implementation libs.sparkbutton
implementation libs.touchimageview
implementation libs.bundles.material.drawer
implementation libs.material.typeface
implementation libs.image.cropper
implementation libs.bundles.filemojicompat
implementation libs.bouncycastle
implementation libs.unified.push
implementation libs.bundles.xmldiff
testImplementation libs.androidx.test.junit
testImplementation libs.robolectric
testImplementation libs.bundles.mockito
testImplementation libs.mockwebserver
testImplementation libs.androidx.core.testing
testImplementation libs.kotlinx.coroutines.test
testImplementation libs.androidx.work.testing
Convert NotificationsFragment and related code to Kotlin, use the Paging library (#3159) * Unmodified output from "Convert Java to Kotlin" on NotificationsFragment.java * Bare minimum changes to get this to compile and run - Use `lateinit` for `eventhub`, `adapter`, `preferences`, and `scrolllistener` - Removed override for accountManager, it can be used from the superclass - Add `?.` where non-nullity could not (yet) be guaranteed - Remove `?` from type lists where non-nullity is guaranteed - Explicitly convert lists to mutable where necessary - Delete unused function `findReplyPosition` * Remove all unnecessary non-null (!!) assertions The previous change meant some values are no longer nullable. Remove the non-null assertions. * Lint ListStatusAccessibilityDelegate call - Remove redundant constructor - Move block outside of `()` * Use `let` when handling compose button visibility on scroll * Replace a `requireNonNull` with `!!` * Remove redundant return values * Remove or rename unused lambda parameters * Remove unnecessary type parameters * Remove unnecessary null checks * Replace cascading-if statement with `when` * Simplify calculation of `topId` * Use more appropriate list properties and methods - Access the last value with `.last()` - Access the last index with `.lastIndex` - Replace logical-chain with `asRightOrNull` and `?.` - `.isNotEmpty()`, not `!...isEmpty()` * Inline unnecessary variable * Use PrefKeys constants instead of bare strings * Use `requireContext()` instead of `context!!` * Replace deprecated `onActivityCreated()` with `onViewCreated()` * Remove unnecessary variable setting * Replace `size == 0` check with `isEmpty()` * Format with ktlint, no functionality changes * Convert NotifcationsAdapter to Kotlin Does not compile, this is the unchanged output of the "Convert to Kotlin" function * Minimum changes to get NotificationsAdapter to compile * Remove unnecessary visibility modifiers * Use `isNotEmpty()` * Remove unused lambda parameters * Convert cascading-if to `when` * Simplifiy assignment op * Use explicit argument names with `copy()` * Use `.firstOrNull()` instead of `if` * Mark as lateinit to avoid unnecessary null checks * Format with ktlint, whitespace changes only * Bare minimum necessary to demonstrate paging in notifications Create `NotificationsPagingSource`. This uses a new `notifications2()` API call, which will exist until all the code has been adapted. Instead of using placeholders, Create `NotificationsPagingAdapter` (will replace `NotificationsAdapater`) to consume this data. Expose the paging source view a new `NotificationsViewModel` `flow`, and submit new pages to the adapter as they are available in `NotificationsFragment`. Comment out any other code in `NotificationsFragment` that deals with loading data from the network. This will be updated as necessary, either here, or in the view model. Lots of functionality is missing, including: - Different views for different notification types - Starting at the remembered notification position - Interacting with notifications - Adjusting the UI state to match the loading state These will be added incrementally. * Migrate StatusNotificationViewHolder impl. to NotificationsPagingAdapter With this change `NotificationsPagingAdapter` shows notifications about a status correctly. - Introduce a `ViewHolder` abstract class that all Notification view holders derive from. Modify the fallback view holder to use this. - Implement `StatusNotificationViewHolder`. Much of the code is from the existing implementation in the `NotificationAdapater`. - The original code split the code that binds values to views between the adapter's `bindViewHolder` method and the view holder's methods. In this code, all of the binding code is in the view holder, in a `bind` method. This is called by the adapter's `bindViewHolder` method. This keeps all the binding logic in the view holder, where it belongs. - The new `StatusNotificationViewHolder` uses view binding to access its views instead of `findViewById`. - Logically, information about whether to show sensitive media, or open content warnings should be part of the `StatusDisplayOptions`. So add those as fields, and populate them appropriately. This affects code outside notification handling, which will be adjusted later. * Note some TODOs to complete before the PR is finished * Extract StatusNotificationViewHolder to a new file * Add TODO for NotificationViewData.Concrete * Convert the adapter to take NotificationViewData.Concrete * Add a view holder for regular status notifications * Migrate Follow and FollowRequest notifications * Migrate report notifications * Convert onViewThread to use the adapter data * Convert onViewMedia to use the adapter data * Convert onMore to use the adapter data * Convert onReply to use the adapter data * Convert NotificationViewData to Kotlin * Re-implement the reblog functionality - Move reblogging in to the view model - Update the UI via the adapter's `snapshot()` and `notifyItemChanged()` methods * Re-implement the favourite functionality Same approach as reblog * Re-implement the bookmark functionality Same approach as reblog * Add TODO re StatusActionListener interface * Add TODO re event handling * Re-implementing the voting functionality * Re-implement viewing hidden content - Hidden media - Content behind a content warning * Add a TODO re pinning * Re-implement "Show more" / "Show less" * Delete unused updateStatus() function * Comment out the scroll listener for the moment * Re-implement applying filters to notifications Introduce `NotificationsRepository`, to provide access to the notifications stream. When changing the filters the flow is as follows: - User clicks "Apply" in the fragment. - Fragment calls `viewModel.accept()` with a `UiAction.ApplyFilter` (new class). - View model maintains a private flow of incoming UI actions. The new action is emitted to that flow. - In view model, `notificationFilter` waits for `.ApplyFilter` actions, and ensures the filter is saved, then emits it. - In view model, `pagingDataFlow` waits for new items from `notificationsFilter` and fetches the notifications from the repository in response. The repository provides `Notification`, so the model maps them to `NotificationViewData.Concrete` for display by the adapter. - In view model the UI state also waits for new items from `notificationsFilter` and emits a new `UiState` every time the filter is changed. When opening the fragment for the first time: - All of the above machinery, but `notificationFilter` also fetches the filter from the active account and emits that first. This triggers the first fetch and the first update of `uiState`. Also: - Add TODOs for functionality that is not implemented yet - Delete a lot of dead code from NotificationsFragment * Include important preference values in `uiState` Listen to the flow of eventHub events, filtered to preference changes that are relevant to the notification view. When preferences change (or when the view model starts), fetch the current values, and include them in `uiState`. Remove preference handling from `NotificationsFragment`, and just use the values from `uiState`. Adjust how the `useAbsoluteTime` preference is handled. The previous code loaded new content (via a diffutil) in to the adapter, which would trigger a re-binding of the timestamp. As the adapter content is immutable, the new code simply triggers a re-binding of the views that are currently visible on screen. * Update UI in response to different load states Notifications can be loaded at the top and bottom of the timeline. Add a new layout to show the progress of these loads, and any errors that can occur. Catch network errors in `NotificationsPagingSource` and convert to `LoadState.Error`. Add a header/footer to the notifications list to show the load state. Collect the load state from the adapter, use this to drive the visibility of different views. * Save and restore the last read notification ID Use this when fetching notifications, to centre the list around the notification that was last read. * Call notifyItemRangeChanged with the correct parameters * Don't try and save list position if there are no items in the list * Show/hide the "Nothing to see" view appropriately * Update comments * Handle the case where the notification key no longer exists * Re-implement support for showMediaPreview and other settings * Re-implement "hide FAB when scrolling" preference * Delete dead code * Delete Notifications Adapater and Placeholder types * Remove NotificationViewData.Concrete subclass Now there's no Placeholder, everything is a NotificationViewData. * Improve how notification pages are loaded if the first notification is missing or filtered * Re-implement clear notifications, show errors * s/default/from/ * Add missing headers * Don't process bookmarking via EventHub - Initiating a bookmark is triggered by the fragment sending a StatusUiAction.Bookmark - View model receives this, makes API call, waits for response, emits either a success or failure state - Fragment collects success/failure states, updates the UI accordingly * Don't process favourites via EventHub * Don't process reblog via EventHub * Don't process poll votes with EventHub This removes EventHub from the fragment * Respond to follow requests via the view model * Docs and cleanup * Typo and editing pass * Minor edits for clarity * Remove newline in diagram * Reorder sequence diagram * s/authorize/accept/ * s/pagingDataFlow/pagingData/ * Add brief KDoc * Try and fetch a full first page of notifications * Call the API method `notifications` again * Log UI errors at the point of handling * Remove unused variable * Replace String.format() with interpolation * Convert NotificationViewData to data class * Rename copy() to make(), to avoid confusion with default copy() method * Lint * Update app/src/main/res/layout/simple_list_item_1.xml * Update app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/components/notifications/NotificationsPagingAdapter.kt * Update app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/components/notifications/NotificationsViewModel.kt * Update app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/fragment/NotificationsFragment.kt * Update app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/viewdata/NotificationViewData.kt * Initial NotificationsViewModel tests * Add missing import * More tests, some cleanup * Comments, re-order some code * Set StateRestorationPolicy.PREVENT_WHEN_EMPTY * Mark clearNotifications() as "suspend" * Catch exceptions from clearNotifications and emit * Update TODOs with explanations * Ensure initial fetch uses a null ID * Stop/start collecting pagingData based on the lifecycle * Don't hide the list while refreshing * Refresh notifications on mutes and blocks * Update tests now clearNotifications is a suspend fun * Add "Refresh" menu to NotificationsFragment * Use account.name over account.displayName * Update app/src/main/java/com/keylesspalace/tusky/fragment/NotificationsFragment.kt Co-authored-by: Konrad Pozniak <connyduck@users.noreply.github.com> * Mark layoutmanager as lateinit * Mark layoutmanager as lateinit * Refactor generating UI text * Add Copyright header * Correctly apply notification filters * Show follow request header in notifications * Wait for follow request actions to complete, so the reqeuest is sent * Remove duplicate copyright header * Revert copyright change in unmodified file * Null check response body * Move NotificationsFragment to component.notifications * Use viewlifecycleowner.lifecyclescope * Show notification filter as a dialog rather than a popup window The popup window: - Is inconsistent UI - Requires a custom layout - Didn't play nicely with viewbinding * Refresh adapter on block/mute * Scroll up slightly when new content is loaded * Restore progressbar * Lint * Update app/src/main/res/layout/simple_list_item_1.xml --------- Co-authored-by: Konrad Pozniak <connyduck@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-03-10 20:12:33 +01:00
testImplementation libs.truth
testImplementation libs.turbine
androidTestImplementation libs.espresso.core
androidTestImplementation libs.androidx.room.testing
androidTestImplementation libs.androidx.test.junit
2017-11-05 23:32:36 +02:00