mirror of https://github.com/ihabunek/toot synced 2025-02-02 12:26:51 +01:00
Denis Laxalde 0bf4b2a21a
Fix left column padding in timeline with wide characters
When the left column contains wide characters (which occupy more than
one cell when printed to screen), padding to 30-characters with
"{:30}".format() does not work well. This happens for instance when the
display name contains unicode characters such as emojis.

We fix this by introducing a pad() function in utils module which uses
the wcwidth library (https://pypi.org/project/wcwidth/) to compute the
length of the text for the column. trunc() function is also adjusted to
optionally compute the length of the text to be truncated since, when
called from pad(), we now pre-compute this value.

We update test for timeline rendering so that the display name now
includes an emoji. (Without the fix, the test would not pass as left
column would be misaligned.)
2019-02-14 14:21:53 +01:00

442 lines
14 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import io
import pytest
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from unittest import mock
from toot import console, User, App, http
from toot.exceptions import ConsoleError
from tests.utils import MockResponse
app = App('habunek.com', 'https://habunek.com', 'foo', 'bar')
user = User('habunek.com', 'ivan@habunek.com', 'xxx')
MockUuid = namedtuple("MockUuid", ["hex"])
def uncolorize(text):
"""Remove ANSI color sequences from a string"""
return re.sub(r'\x1b[^m]*m', '', text)
def test_print_usage(capsys):
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "toot - a Mastodon CLI client" in out
def test_post_defaults(mock_post, mock_uuid, capsys):
mock_uuid.return_value = MockUuid("rock-on")
mock_post.return_value = MockResponse({
'url': 'https://habunek.com/@ihabunek/1234567890'
console.run_command(app, user, 'post', ['Hello world'])
mock_post.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/statuses', {
'status': 'Hello world',
'visibility': 'public',
'media_ids[]': None,
'sensitive': "false",
'spoiler_text': None,
'in_reply_to_id': None,
}, headers={"Idempotency-Key": "rock-on"})
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'Toot posted' in out
assert 'https://habunek.com/@ihabunek/1234567890' in out
assert not err
def test_post_with_options(mock_post, mock_uuid, capsys):
mock_uuid.return_value = MockUuid("up-the-irons")
args = [
'Hello world',
'--visibility', 'unlisted',
'--spoiler-text', 'Spoiler!',
'--reply-to', '123'
mock_post.return_value = MockResponse({
'url': 'https://habunek.com/@ihabunek/1234567890'
console.run_command(app, user, 'post', args)
mock_post.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/statuses', {
'status': 'Hello world',
'media_ids[]': None,
'visibility': 'unlisted',
'sensitive': "true",
'spoiler_text': "Spoiler!",
'in_reply_to_id': 123,
}, headers={"Idempotency-Key": "up-the-irons"})
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'Toot posted' in out
assert 'https://habunek.com/@ihabunek/1234567890' in out
assert not err
def test_post_invalid_visibility(capsys):
args = ['Hello world', '--visibility', 'foo']
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
console.run_command(app, user, 'post', args)
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "invalid visibility value: 'foo'" in err
def test_post_invalid_media(capsys):
args = ['Hello world', '--media', 'does_not_exist.jpg']
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
console.run_command(app, user, 'post', args)
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "can't open 'does_not_exist.jpg'" in err
def test_delete(mock_delete, capsys):
console.run_command(app, user, 'delete', ['12321'])
mock_delete.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/statuses/12321')
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert 'Status deleted' in out
assert not err
def test_timeline(mock_get, monkeypatch, capsys):
mock_get.return_value = MockResponse([{
'id': '111111111111111111',
'account': {
'display_name': 'Frank Zappa 🎸',
'username': 'fz'
'created_at': '2017-04-12T15:53:18.174Z',
'content': "<p>The computer can&apos;t tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows.</p>",
'reblog': None,
'in_reply_to_id': None
console.run_command(app, user, 'timeline', ['--once'])
mock_get.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/timelines/home?limit=10', None)
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
expected = (
"Frank Zappa 🎸 │ The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact\n"
"@fz │ mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows.\n"
"2017-04-12 15:53 │ \n"
"id: 111111111111111111 │ \n"
assert out == expected
assert err == ""
def test_timeline_with_re(mock_get, monkeypatch, capsys):
mock_get.return_value = MockResponse([{
'id': '111111111111111111',
'account': {
'display_name': 'Frank Zappa',
'username': 'fz'
'created_at': '2017-04-12T15:53:18.174Z',
'content': "<p>The computer can&apos;t tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows.</p>",
'reblog': None,
'in_reply_to_id': '111111111111111110'
console.run_command(app, user, 'timeline', ['--once'])
mock_get.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/timelines/home?limit=10', None)
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "The computer can't tell you the emotional story." in out
assert "but what's missing is the eyebrows." in out
assert "Frank Zappa" in out
assert "@fz" in out
assert "id: 111111111111111111" in out
assert "[RE]" in out
def test_thread(mock_get, monkeypatch, capsys):
mock_get.side_effect = [
'id': '111111111111111111',
'account': {
'display_name': 'Frank Zappa',
'username': 'fz'
'created_at': '2017-04-12T15:53:18.174Z',
'content': "my response in the middle",
'reblog': None,
'in_reply_to_id': '111111111111111110'
'ancestors': [{
'id': '111111111111111110',
'account': {
'display_name': 'Frank Zappa',
'username': 'fz'
'created_at': '2017-04-12T15:53:18.174Z',
'content': "original content",
'reblog': None,
'in_reply_to_id': None}],
'descendants': [{
'id': '111111111111111112',
'account': {
'display_name': 'Frank Zappa',
'username': 'fz'
'created_at': '2017-04-12T15:53:18.174Z',
'content': "response message",
'reblog': None,
'in_reply_to_id': '111111111111111111'}],
console.run_command(app, user, 'thread', ['111111111111111111'])
calls = [
mock.call(app, user, '/api/v1/statuses/111111111111111111'),
mock.call(app, user, '/api/v1/statuses/111111111111111111/context'),
mock_get.assert_has_calls(calls, any_order=False)
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# Display order
assert out.index('original content') < out.index('my response in the middle')
assert out.index('my response in the middle') < out.index('response message')
assert "original content" in out
assert "my response in the middle" in out
assert "response message" in out
assert "Frank Zappa" in out
assert "@fz" in out
assert "id: 111111111111111111" in out
assert "[RE]" in out
def test_upload(mock_post, capsys):
mock_post.return_value = MockResponse({
'id': 123,
'url': 'https://bigfish.software/123/456',
'preview_url': 'https://bigfish.software/789/012',
'text_url': 'https://bigfish.software/345/678',
'type': 'image',
console.run_command(app, user, 'upload', [__file__])
mock_post.call_count == 1
args, kwargs = http.post.call_args
assert args == (app, user, '/api/v1/media')
assert isinstance(kwargs['files']['file'], io.BufferedReader)
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "Uploading media" in out
assert __file__ in out
def test_search(mock_get, capsys):
mock_get.return_value = MockResponse({
'hashtags': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
'accounts': [{
'acct': 'thequeen',
'display_name': 'Freddy Mercury'
}, {
'acct': 'thequeen@other.instance',
'display_name': 'Mercury Freddy'
'statuses': [],
console.run_command(app, user, 'search', ['freddy'])
mock_get.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/search', {
'q': 'freddy',
'resolve': False,
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "Hashtags:\n\033[32m#foo\033[0m, \033[32m#bar\033[0m, \033[32m#baz\033[0m" in out
assert "Accounts:" in out
assert "\033[32m@thequeen\033[0m Freddy Mercury" in out
assert "\033[32m@thequeen@other.instance\033[0m Mercury Freddy" in out
def test_follow(mock_get, mock_post, capsys):
mock_get.return_value = MockResponse([
{'id': 123, 'acct': 'blixa@other.acc'},
{'id': 321, 'acct': 'blixa'},
mock_post.return_value = MockResponse()
console.run_command(app, user, 'follow', ['blixa'])
mock_get.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/accounts/search', {'q': 'blixa'})
mock_post.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/accounts/321/follow')
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "You are now following blixa" in out
def test_follow_not_found(mock_get, capsys):
mock_get.return_value = MockResponse()
with pytest.raises(ConsoleError) as ex:
console.run_command(app, user, 'follow', ['blixa'])
mock_get.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/accounts/search', {'q': 'blixa'})
assert "Account not found" == str(ex.value)
def test_unfollow(mock_get, mock_post, capsys):
mock_get.return_value = MockResponse([
{'id': 123, 'acct': 'blixa@other.acc'},
{'id': 321, 'acct': 'blixa'},
mock_post.return_value = MockResponse()
console.run_command(app, user, 'unfollow', ['blixa'])
mock_get.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/accounts/search', {'q': 'blixa'})
mock_post.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/accounts/321/unfollow')
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "You are no longer following blixa" in out
def test_unfollow_not_found(mock_get, capsys):
mock_get.return_value = MockResponse([])
with pytest.raises(ConsoleError) as ex:
console.run_command(app, user, 'unfollow', ['blixa'])
mock_get.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/accounts/search', {'q': 'blixa'})
assert "Account not found" == str(ex.value)
def test_whoami(mock_get, capsys):
mock_get.return_value = MockResponse({
'acct': 'ihabunek',
'avatar': 'https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/avatars/000/046/103/original/6a1304e135cac514.jpg?1491312434',
'avatar_static': 'https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/avatars/000/046/103/original/6a1304e135cac514.jpg?1491312434',
'created_at': '2017-04-04T13:23:09.777Z',
'display_name': 'Ivan Habunek',
'followers_count': 5,
'following_count': 9,
'header': '/headers/original/missing.png',
'header_static': '/headers/original/missing.png',
'id': 46103,
'locked': False,
'note': 'A developer.',
'statuses_count': 19,
'url': 'https://mastodon.social/@ihabunek',
'username': 'ihabunek'
console.run_command(app, user, 'whoami', [])
mock_get.assert_called_once_with(app, user, '/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials')
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
out = uncolorize(out)
assert "@ihabunek Ivan Habunek" in out
assert "A developer." in out
assert "https://mastodon.social/@ihabunek" in out
assert "ID: 46103" in out
assert "Since: 2017-04-04 @ 13:23:09" in out
assert "Followers: 5" in out
assert "Following: 9" in out
assert "Statuses: 19" in out
def u(user_id, access_token="abc"):
username, instance = user_id.split("@")
return {
"instance": instance,
"username": username,
"access_token": access_token,
def test_logout(mock_load, mock_save, capsys):
mock_load.return_value = {
"users": {
"king@gizzard.social": u("king@gizzard.social"),
"lizard@wizard.social": u("lizard@wizard.social"),
"active_user": "king@gizzard.social",
console.run_command(app, user, "logout", ["king@gizzard.social"])
'users': {
'lizard@wizard.social': u("lizard@wizard.social")
'active_user': None
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "✓ User king@gizzard.social logged out" in out
def test_activate(mock_load, mock_save, capsys):
mock_load.return_value = {
"users": {
"king@gizzard.social": u("king@gizzard.social"),
"lizard@wizard.social": u("lizard@wizard.social"),
"active_user": "king@gizzard.social",
console.run_command(app, user, "activate", ["lizard@wizard.social"])
'users': {
"king@gizzard.social": u("king@gizzard.social"),
'lizard@wizard.social': u("lizard@wizard.social")
'active_user': "lizard@wizard.social"
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "✓ User lizard@wizard.social active" in out