
519 lines
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Dataclasses which represent entities returned by the Mastodon API.
Data classes my have an optional static method named `__toot_prepare__` which is
used when constructing the data class using `from_dict`. The method will be
called with the dict and may modify it and return a modified dict. This is used
to implement any pre-processing which may be required, e.g. to support
different versions of the Mastodon API.
import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass, is_dataclass
from datetime import date, datetime
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
from typing import get_type_hints
from toot.typing_compat import get_args, get_origin
from toot.utils import get_text
from toot.utils.datetime import parse_datetime
class AccountField:
name: str
value: str
verified_at: Optional[datetime]
class CustomEmoji:
shortcode: str
url: str
static_url: str
visible_in_picker: bool
category: str
class Account:
id: str
username: str
acct: str
url: str
display_name: str
note: str
avatar: str
avatar_static: str
header: str
header_static: str
locked: bool
fields: List[AccountField]
emojis: List[CustomEmoji]
bot: bool
group: bool
discoverable: Optional[bool]
noindex: Optional[bool]
moved: Optional["Account"]
suspended: Optional[bool]
limited: Optional[bool]
created_at: datetime
last_status_at: Optional[date]
statuses_count: int
followers_count: int
following_count: int
source: Optional[dict]
def __toot_prepare__(obj: Dict) -> Dict:
# Pleroma has not yet converted last_status_at from datetime to date
# so trim it here so it doesn't break when converting to date.
# See:
last_status_at = obj.get("last_status_at")
if last_status_at:
return obj
def note_plaintext(self) -> str:
return get_text(self.note)
class Application:
name: str
website: Optional[str]
class MediaAttachment:
id: str
type: str
url: str
preview_url: str
remote_url: Optional[str]
meta: dict
description: str
blurhash: str
class StatusMention:
id: str
username: str
url: str
acct: str
class StatusTag:
name: str
url: str
class PollOption:
title: str
votes_count: Optional[int]
class Poll:
id: str
expires_at: Optional[datetime]
expired: bool
multiple: bool
votes_count: int
voters_count: Optional[int]
options: List[PollOption]
emojis: List[CustomEmoji]
voted: Optional[bool]
own_votes: Optional[List[int]]
class PreviewCard:
url: str
title: str
description: str
type: str
author_name: str
author_url: str
provider_name: str
provider_url: str
html: str
width: int
height: int
image: Optional[str]
embed_url: str
blurhash: Optional[str]
class FilterKeyword:
id: str
keyword: str
whole_word: str
class FilterStatus:
id: str
status_id: str
class Filter:
id: str
title: str
context: List[str]
expires_at: Optional[datetime]
filter_action: str
keywords: List[FilterKeyword]
statuses: List[FilterStatus]
class FilterResult:
filter: Filter
keyword_matches: Optional[List[str]]
status_matches: Optional[str]
class Status:
id: str
uri: str
created_at: datetime
account: Account
content: str
visibility: str
sensitive: bool
spoiler_text: str
media_attachments: List[MediaAttachment]
application: Optional[Application]
mentions: List[StatusMention]
tags: List[StatusTag]
emojis: List[CustomEmoji]
reblogs_count: int
favourites_count: int
replies_count: int
url: Optional[str]
in_reply_to_id: Optional[str]
in_reply_to_account_id: Optional[str]
reblog: Optional["Status"]
poll: Optional[Poll]
card: Optional[PreviewCard]
language: Optional[str]
text: Optional[str]
edited_at: Optional[datetime]
favourited: Optional[bool]
reblogged: Optional[bool]
muted: Optional[bool]
bookmarked: Optional[bool]
pinned: Optional[bool]
filtered: Optional[List[FilterResult]]
def original(self) -> "Status":
return self.reblog or self
def __toot_prepare__(obj: Dict) -> Dict:
# Pleroma has a bug where created_at is set to an empty string.
# To avoid marking created_at as optional, which would require work
# because we count on it always existing, set it to current datetime.
# Possible underlying issue:
if not obj["created_at"]:
obj["created_at"] =
return obj
class Report:
id: str
action_taken: bool
action_taken_at: Optional[datetime]
category: str
comment: str
forwarded: bool
created_at: datetime
status_ids: Optional[List[str]]
rule_ids: Optional[List[str]]
target_account: Account
class Notification:
id: str
type: str
created_at: datetime
account: Account
status: Optional[Status]
report: Optional[Report]
class InstanceUrls:
streaming_api: str
class InstanceStats:
user_count: int
status_count: int
domain_count: int
class InstanceConfigurationStatuses:
max_characters: int
max_media_attachments: int
characters_reserved_per_url: int
class InstanceConfigurationMediaAttachments:
supported_mime_types: List[str]
image_size_limit: int
image_matrix_limit: int
video_size_limit: int
video_frame_rate_limit: int
video_matrix_limit: int
class InstanceConfigurationPolls:
max_options: int
max_characters_per_option: int
min_expiration: int
max_expiration: int
class InstanceConfiguration:
statuses: InstanceConfigurationStatuses
media_attachments: InstanceConfigurationMediaAttachments
polls: InstanceConfigurationPolls
class Rule:
id: str
text: str
class Instance:
uri: str
title: str
short_description: str
description: str
email: str
version: str
urls: InstanceUrls
stats: InstanceStats
thumbnail: Optional[str]
languages: List[str]
registrations: bool
approval_required: bool
invites_enabled: bool
configuration: InstanceConfiguration
contact_account: Optional[Account]
rules: List[Rule]
class Relationship:
Represents the relationship between accounts, such as following / blocking /
muting / etc.
id: str
following: bool
showing_reblogs: bool
notifying: bool
languages: List[str]
followed_by: bool
blocking: bool
blocked_by: bool
muting: bool
muting_notifications: bool
requested: bool
domain_blocking: bool
endorsed: bool
note: str
# Generic data class instance
T = TypeVar("T")
class ConversionError(Exception):
"""Raised when conversion fails from JSON value to data class field."""
def __init__(
data_class: Type,
field_name: str,
field_type: Type,
field_value: Optional[str]
f"Failed converting field `{data_class.__name__}.{field_name}` "
+ f"of type `{field_type.__name__}` from value {field_value!r}"
def from_dict(cls: Type[T], data: Dict) -> T:
"""Convert a nested dict into an instance of `cls`."""
# Apply __toot_prepare__ if it exists
prepare = getattr(cls, '__toot_prepare__', None)
if prepare:
data = prepare(data)
def _fields():
for name, type, default in get_fields(cls):
value = data.get(name, default)
converted = _convert_with_error_handling(cls, name, type, value)
yield name, converted
return cls(**dict(_fields()))
def get_fields(cls: Type) -> List[Tuple[str, Type, Any]]:
hints = get_type_hints(cls)
return [
for field in dataclasses.fields(cls)
def from_dict_list(cls: Type[T], data: List[Dict]) -> List[T]:
return [from_dict(cls, x) for x in data]
def _get_default_value(field):
if field.default is not dataclasses.MISSING:
return field.default
if field.default_factory is not dataclasses.MISSING:
return field.default_factory()
return None
def _convert_with_error_handling(
data_class: Type,
field_name: str,
field_type: Type,
field_value: Optional[str]
return _convert(field_type, field_value)
except ConversionError:
except Exception:
raise ConversionError(data_class, field_name, field_type, field_value)
def _convert(field_type, value):
if value is None:
return None
if field_type in [str, int, bool, dict]:
return value
if field_type == datetime:
return parse_datetime(value)
if field_type == date:
return date.fromisoformat(value)
if get_origin(field_type) == list:
(inner_type,) = get_args(field_type)
return [_convert(inner_type, x) for x in value]
if is_dataclass(field_type):
return from_dict(field_type, value)
raise ValueError(f"Not implemented for type '{field_type}'")
def _prune_optional(field_type: Type) -> Type:
"""For `Optional[<type>]` returns the encapsulated `<type>`."""
if get_origin(field_type) == Union:
args = get_args(field_type)
if len(args) == 2 and args[1] == type(None): # noqa
return args[0]
return field_type