mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 20:57:38 +01:00
The old way did not allow for having multiple commands of the same name
364 lines
11 KiB
364 lines
11 KiB
import json
import re
import uuid
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from os import path
from tests.integration.conftest import ASSETS_DIR, posted_status_id
from toot import CLIENT_NAME, CLIENT_WEBSITE, api, cli
from toot.utils import get_text
from unittest import mock
def test_post(app, user, run):
text = "i wish i was a #lumberjack"
result = run(cli.post.post, text)
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
status = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
assert text == get_text(status["content"])
assert status["visibility"] == "public"
assert status["sensitive"] is False
assert status["spoiler_text"] == ""
assert status["poll"] is None
# Pleroma doesn't return the application
if status["application"]:
assert status["application"]["name"] == CLIENT_NAME
assert status["application"]["website"] == CLIENT_WEBSITE
def test_post_no_text(run):
result = run(cli.post.post)
assert result.exit_code == 1
assert result.stderr.strip() == "Error: You must specify either text or media to post."
def test_post_json(run):
content = "i wish i was a #lumberjack"
result = run(cli.post.post, content, "--json")
assert result.exit_code == 0
status = json.loads(result.stdout)
assert get_text(status["content"]) == content
assert status["visibility"] == "public"
assert status["sensitive"] is False
assert status["spoiler_text"] == ""
assert status["poll"] is None
def test_post_visibility(app, user, run):
for visibility in ["public", "unlisted", "private", "direct"]:
result = run(cli.post.post, "foo", "--visibility", visibility)
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
status = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
assert status["visibility"] == visibility
def test_post_scheduled_at(app, user, run):
text = str(uuid.uuid4())
scheduled_at = datetime.now(timezone.utc).replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(minutes=10)
result = run(cli.post.post, text, "--scheduled-at", scheduled_at.isoformat())
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert "Toot scheduled for" in result.stdout
statuses = api.scheduled_statuses(app, user)
[status] = [s for s in statuses if s["params"]["text"] == text]
assert datetime.strptime(status["scheduled_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z") == scheduled_at
def test_post_scheduled_at_error(run):
result = run(cli.post.post, "foo", "--scheduled-at", "banana")
assert result.exit_code == 1
# Stupid error returned by mastodon
assert result.stderr.strip() == "Error: Record invalid"
def test_post_scheduled_in(app, user, run):
text = str(uuid.uuid4())
variants = [
("1 day", timedelta(days=1)),
("1 day 6 hours", timedelta(days=1, hours=6)),
("1 day 6 hours 13 minutes", timedelta(days=1, hours=6, minutes=13)),
("1 day 6 hours 13 minutes 51 second", timedelta(days=1, hours=6, minutes=13, seconds=51)),
("2d", timedelta(days=2)),
("2d6h", timedelta(days=2, hours=6)),
("2d6h13m", timedelta(days=2, hours=6, minutes=13)),
("2d6h13m51s", timedelta(days=2, hours=6, minutes=13, seconds=51)),
datetimes = []
for scheduled_in, delta in variants:
result = run(cli.post.post, text, "--scheduled-in", scheduled_in)
assert result.exit_code == 0
dttm = datetime.utcnow() + delta
assert result.stdout.startswith(f"Toot scheduled for: {str(dttm)[:16]}")
scheduled = api.scheduled_statuses(app, user)
scheduled = [s for s in scheduled if s["params"]["text"] == text]
scheduled = sorted(scheduled, key=lambda s: s["scheduled_at"])
assert len(scheduled) == 8
for expected, status in zip(datetimes, scheduled):
actual = datetime.strptime(status["scheduled_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
delta = expected - actual
assert delta.total_seconds() < 5
def test_post_scheduled_in_invalid_duration(run):
result = run(cli.post.post, "foo", "--scheduled-in", "banana")
assert result.exit_code == 2
assert "Invalid duration: banana" in result.stderr
def test_post_scheduled_in_empty_duration(run):
result = run(cli.post.post, "foo", "--scheduled-in", "0m")
assert result.exit_code == 2
assert "Empty duration" in result.stderr
def test_post_poll(app, user, run):
text = str(uuid.uuid4())
result = run(
cli.post.post, text,
"--poll-option", "foo",
"--poll-option", "bar",
"--poll-option", "baz",
"--poll-option", "qux",
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
status = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
assert status["poll"]["expired"] is False
assert status["poll"]["multiple"] is False
assert status["poll"]["options"] == [
{"title": "foo", "votes_count": 0},
{"title": "bar", "votes_count": 0},
{"title": "baz", "votes_count": 0},
{"title": "qux", "votes_count": 0}
# Test expires_at is 24h by default
actual = datetime.strptime(status["poll"]["expires_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
expected = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(days=1)
delta = actual - expected
assert delta.total_seconds() < 5
def test_post_poll_multiple(app, user, run):
text = str(uuid.uuid4())
result = run(
cli.post.post, text,
"--poll-option", "foo",
"--poll-option", "bar",
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
status = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
assert status["poll"]["multiple"] is True
def test_post_poll_expires_in(app, user, run):
text = str(uuid.uuid4())
result = run(
cli.post.post, text,
"--poll-option", "foo",
"--poll-option", "bar",
"--poll-expires-in", "8h",
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
status = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
actual = datetime.strptime(status["poll"]["expires_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
expected = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(hours=8)
delta = actual - expected
assert delta.total_seconds() < 5
def test_post_poll_hide_totals(app, user, run):
text = str(uuid.uuid4())
result = run(
cli.post.post, text,
"--poll-option", "foo",
"--poll-option", "bar",
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
status = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
# votes_count is None when totals are hidden
assert status["poll"]["options"] == [
{"title": "foo", "votes_count": None},
{"title": "bar", "votes_count": None},
def test_post_language(app, user, run):
result = run(cli.post.post, "test", "--language", "hr")
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
status = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
assert status["language"] == "hr"
result = run(cli.post.post, "test", "--language", "zh")
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
status = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
assert status["language"] == "zh"
def test_post_language_error(run):
result = run(cli.post.post, "test", "--language", "banana")
assert result.exit_code == 2
assert "Language should be a two letter abbreviation." in result.stderr
def test_media_thumbnail(app, user, run):
video_path = path.join(ASSETS_DIR, "small.webm")
thumbnail_path = path.join(ASSETS_DIR, "test1.png")
result = run(
"--media", video_path,
"--thumbnail", thumbnail_path,
"--description", "foo",
"some text"
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
status = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
[media] = status["media_attachments"]
assert media["description"] == "foo"
assert media["type"] == "video"
assert media["url"].endswith(".mp4")
assert media["preview_url"].endswith(".png")
# Video properties
assert int(media["meta"]["original"]["duration"]) == 5
assert media["meta"]["original"]["height"] == 320
assert media["meta"]["original"]["width"] == 560
# Thumbnail properties
assert media["meta"]["small"]["height"] == 50
assert media["meta"]["small"]["width"] == 50
def test_media_attachments(app, user, run):
path1 = path.join(ASSETS_DIR, "test1.png")
path2 = path.join(ASSETS_DIR, "test2.png")
path3 = path.join(ASSETS_DIR, "test3.png")
path4 = path.join(ASSETS_DIR, "test4.png")
result = run(
"--media", path1,
"--media", path2,
"--media", path3,
"--media", path4,
"--description", "Test 1",
"--description", "Test 2",
"--description", "Test 3",
"--description", "Test 4",
"some text"
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
status = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
[a1, a2, a3, a4] = status["media_attachments"]
# Pleroma doesn't send metadata
if "meta" in a1:
assert a1["meta"]["original"]["size"] == "50x50"
assert a2["meta"]["original"]["size"] == "50x60"
assert a3["meta"]["original"]["size"] == "50x70"
assert a4["meta"]["original"]["size"] == "50x80"
assert a1["description"] == "Test 1"
assert a2["description"] == "Test 2"
assert a3["description"] == "Test 3"
assert a4["description"] == "Test 4"
def test_too_many_media(run):
m = path.join(ASSETS_DIR, "test1.png")
result = run(cli.post.post, "-m", m, "-m", m, "-m", m, "-m", m, "-m", m)
assert result.exit_code == 1
assert result.stderr.strip() == "Error: Cannot attach more than 4 files."
def test_media_attachment_without_text(mock_read, mock_ml, app, user, run):
# No status from stdin or readline
mock_read.return_value = ""
mock_ml.return_value = ""
media_path = path.join(ASSETS_DIR, "test1.png")
result = run(cli.post.post, "--media", media_path)
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
status = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
assert status["content"] == ""
[attachment] = status["media_attachments"]
assert not attachment["description"]
# Pleroma doesn't send metadata
if "meta" in attachment:
assert attachment["meta"]["original"]["size"] == "50x50"
def test_reply_thread(app, user, friend, run):
status = api.post_status(app, friend, "This is the status").json()
result = run(cli.post.post, "--reply-to", status["id"], "This is the reply")
assert result.exit_code == 0
status_id = posted_status_id(result.stdout)
reply = api.fetch_status(app, user, status_id).json()
assert reply["in_reply_to_id"] == status["id"]
result = run(cli.read.thread, status["id"])
assert result.exit_code == 0
[s1, s2] = [s.strip() for s in re.split(r"─+", result.stdout) if s.strip()]
assert "This is the status" in s1
assert "This is the reply" in s2
assert friend.username in s1
assert user.username in s2
assert status["id"] in s1
assert reply["id"] in s2