from functools import lru_cache from os.path import exists, join from tomlkit import parse from toot.config import get_config_dir from typing import Type TOOT_SETTINGS_FILE_NAME = "settings.toml" def get_settings_path(): return join(get_config_dir(), TOOT_SETTINGS_FILE_NAME) SETTINGS_FILE = get_settings_path() def load_settings() -> dict: if not exists(SETTINGS_FILE): return {} with open(SETTINGS_FILE) as f: return parse( @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_settings(): return load_settings() def get_setting(key: str, type: Type, default=None): """ Get a setting value. The key should be a dot-separated string, e.g. "" which will correspond to the "editor" setting inside the `[]` section. """ settings = get_settings() return _get_setting(settings, key.split("."), type, default) def _get_setting(dct, keys, type: Type, default=None): if len(keys) == 0: if isinstance(dct, type): return dct else: # TODO: warn? cast? both? return default key = keys[0] if isinstance(dct, dict) and key in dct: return _get_setting(dct[key], keys[1:], type, default) return default