# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import platform from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from toot import api, config, __version__ from toot.auth import login_interactive, login_browser_interactive, create_app_interactive from toot.exceptions import ApiError, ConsoleError from toot.output import (print_out, print_instance, print_account, print_acct_list, print_search_results, print_timeline, print_notifications, print_tag_list) from toot.tui.utils import parse_datetime from toot.utils import editor_input, multiline_input, EOF_KEY def get_timeline_generator(app, user, args): # Make sure tag, list and public are not used simultaneously if len([arg for arg in [args.tag, args.list, args.public] if arg]) > 1: raise ConsoleError("Only one of --public, --tag, or --list can be used at one time.") if args.local and not (args.public or args.tag): raise ConsoleError("The --local option is only valid alongside --public or --tag.") if args.instance and not (args.public or args.tag): raise ConsoleError("The --instance option is only valid alongside --public or --tag.") if args.public: if args.instance: return api.anon_public_timeline_generator(args.instance, local=args.local, limit=args.count) else: return api.public_timeline_generator(app, user, local=args.local, limit=args.count) elif args.tag: if args.instance: return api.anon_tag_timeline_generator(args.instance, args.tag, limit=args.count) else: return api.tag_timeline_generator(app, user, args.tag, local=args.local, limit=args.count) elif args.list: return api.timeline_list_generator(app, user, args.list, limit=args.count) else: return api.home_timeline_generator(app, user, limit=args.count) def timeline(app, user, args): generator = get_timeline_generator(app, user, args) while True: try: items = next(generator) except StopIteration: print_out("That's all folks.") return if args.reverse: items = reversed(items) print_timeline(items) if args.once or not sys.stdout.isatty(): break char = input("\nContinue? [Y/n] ") if char.lower() == "n": break def thread(app, user, args): toot = api.single_status(app, user, args.status_id) context = api.context(app, user, args.status_id) thread = [] for item in context['ancestors']: thread.append(item) thread.append(toot) for item in context['descendants']: thread.append(item) print_timeline(thread) def post(app, user, args): if args.editor and not sys.stdin.isatty(): raise ConsoleError("Cannot run editor if not in tty.") if args.media and len(args.media) > 4: raise ConsoleError("Cannot attach more than 4 files.") media_ids = _upload_media(app, user, args) status_text = _get_status_text(args.text, args.editor) scheduled_at = _get_scheduled_at(args.scheduled_at, args.scheduled_in) if not status_text and not media_ids: raise ConsoleError("You must specify either text or media to post.") response = api.post_status( app, user, status_text, visibility=args.visibility, media_ids=media_ids, sensitive=args.sensitive, spoiler_text=args.spoiler_text, in_reply_to_id=args.reply_to, language=args.language, scheduled_at=scheduled_at, content_type=args.content_type ) if "scheduled_at" in response: scheduled_at = parse_datetime(response["scheduled_at"]) scheduled_at = datetime.strftime(scheduled_at, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z") print_out(f"Toot scheduled for: {scheduled_at}") else: print_out(f"Toot posted: {response['url']}") def _get_status_text(text, editor): isatty = sys.stdin.isatty() if not text and not isatty: text = sys.stdin.read().rstrip() if isatty: if editor: text = editor_input(editor, text) elif not text: print_out("Write or paste your toot. Press {} to post it.".format(EOF_KEY)) text = multiline_input() return text def _get_scheduled_at(scheduled_at, scheduled_in): if scheduled_at: return scheduled_at if scheduled_in: scheduled_at = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(seconds=scheduled_in) return scheduled_at.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() return None def _upload_media(app, user, args): # Match media to corresponding description and upload media = args.media or [] descriptions = args.description or [] uploaded_media = [] for idx, file in enumerate(media): description = descriptions[idx].strip() if idx < len(descriptions) else None result = _do_upload(app, user, file, description) uploaded_media.append(result) return [m["id"] for m in uploaded_media] def delete(app, user, args): api.delete_status(app, user, args.status_id) print_out("✓ Status deleted") def favourite(app, user, args): api.favourite(app, user, args.status_id) print_out("✓ Status favourited") def unfavourite(app, user, args): api.unfavourite(app, user, args.status_id) print_out("✓ Status unfavourited") def reblog(app, user, args): api.reblog(app, user, args.status_id, visibility=args.visibility) print_out("✓ Status reblogged") def unreblog(app, user, args): api.unreblog(app, user, args.status_id) print_out("✓ Status unreblogged") def pin(app, user, args): api.pin(app, user, args.status_id) print_out("✓ Status pinned") def unpin(app, user, args): api.unpin(app, user, args.status_id) print_out("✓ Status unpinned") def bookmark(app, user, args): api.bookmark(app, user, args.status_id) print_out("✓ Status bookmarked") def unbookmark(app, user, args): api.unbookmark(app, user, args.status_id) print_out("✓ Status unbookmarked") def reblogged_by(app, user, args): for account in api.reblogged_by(app, user, args.status_id): print_out("{}\n @{}".format(account['display_name'], account['acct'])) def auth(app, user, args): config_data = config.load_config() if not config_data["users"]: print_out("You are not logged in to any accounts") return active_user = config_data["active_user"] print_out("Authenticated accounts:") for uid, u in config_data["users"].items(): active_label = "ACTIVE" if active_user == uid else "" print_out("* {} {}".format(uid, active_label)) path = config.get_config_file_path() print_out("\nAuth tokens are stored in: {}".format(path)) def env(app, user, args): print_out(f"toot {__version__}") print_out(f"Python {sys.version}") print_out(platform.platform()) def login_cli(app, user, args): app = create_app_interactive(instance=args.instance, scheme=args.scheme) login_interactive(app, args.email) print_out() print_out("✓ Successfully logged in.") def login(app, user, args): app = create_app_interactive(instance=args.instance, scheme=args.scheme) login_browser_interactive(app) print_out() print_out("✓ Successfully logged in.") def logout(app, user, args): user = config.load_user(args.account, throw=True) config.delete_user(user) print_out("✓ User {} logged out".format(config.user_id(user))) def activate(app, user, args): user = config.load_user(args.account, throw=True) config.activate_user(user) print_out("✓ User {} active".format(config.user_id(user))) def upload(app, user, args): response = _do_upload(app, user, args.file, args.description) msg = "Successfully uploaded media ID {}, type '{}'" print_out() print_out(msg.format(response['id'], response['type'])) print_out("URL: {}".format(response['url'])) print_out("Preview URL: {}".format(response['preview_url'])) def search(app, user, args): response = api.search(app, user, args.query, args.resolve) print_search_results(response) def _do_upload(app, user, file, description): print_out("Uploading media: {}".format(file.name)) return api.upload_media(app, user, file, description=description) def _find_account(app, user, account_name): if not account_name: raise ConsoleError("Empty account name given") normalized_name = account_name.lstrip("@").lower() # Strip @ from accounts on the local instance. The `acct` # field in account object contains the qualified name for users of other # instances, but only the username for users of the local instance. This is # required in order to match the account name below. if "@" in normalized_name: [username, instance] = normalized_name.split("@", maxsplit=1) if instance == app.instance: normalized_name = username response = api.search(app, user, account_name, type="accounts", resolve=True) for account in response["accounts"]: if account["acct"].lower() == normalized_name: return account raise ConsoleError("Account not found") def follow(app, user, args): account = _find_account(app, user, args.account) api.follow(app, user, account['id']) print_out("✓ You are now following {}".format(args.account)) def unfollow(app, user, args): account = _find_account(app, user, args.account) api.unfollow(app, user, account['id']) print_out("✓ You are no longer following {}".format(args.account)) def following(app, user, args): account = _find_account(app, user, args.account) response = api.following(app, user, account['id']) print_acct_list(response) def followers(app, user, args): account = _find_account(app, user, args.account) response = api.followers(app, user, account['id']) print_acct_list(response) def follow_tag(app, user, args): tn = args.tag_name if not args.tag_name.startswith("#") else args.tag_name[1:] api.follow_tag(app, user, tn) print_out("✓ You are now following #{}".format(tn)) def unfollow_tag(app, user, args): tn = args.tag_name if not args.tag_name.startswith("#") else args.tag_name[1:] api.unfollow_tag(app, user, tn) print_out("✓ You are no longer following #{}".format(tn)) def followed_tags(app, user, args): response = api.followed_tags(app, user) print_tag_list(response) def mute(app, user, args): account = _find_account(app, user, args.account) api.mute(app, user, account['id']) print_out("✓ You have muted {}".format(args.account)) def unmute(app, user, args): account = _find_account(app, user, args.account) api.unmute(app, user, account['id']) print_out("✓ {} is no longer muted".format(args.account)) def block(app, user, args): account = _find_account(app, user, args.account) api.block(app, user, account['id']) print_out("✓ You are now blocking {}".format(args.account)) def unblock(app, user, args): account = _find_account(app, user, args.account) api.unblock(app, user, account['id']) print_out("✓ {} is no longer blocked".format(args.account)) def whoami(app, user, args): account = api.verify_credentials(app, user) print_account(account) def whois(app, user, args): account = _find_account(app, user, args.account) print_account(account) def instance(app, user, args): name = args.instance or (app and app.instance) if not name: raise ConsoleError("Please specify instance name.") try: instance = api.get_instance(name, args.scheme) print_instance(instance) except ApiError: raise ConsoleError( "Instance not found at {}.\n" "The given domain probably does not host a Mastodon instance.".format(name) ) def notifications(app, user, args): if args.clear: api.clear_notifications(app, user) print_out("Cleared notifications") return exclude = [] if args.mentions: # Filter everything except mentions # https://docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/notifications/ exclude = ["follow", "favourite", "reblog", "poll", "follow_request"] notifications = api.get_notifications(app, user, exclude_types=exclude) if not notifications: print_out("No notification") return if args.reverse: notifications = reversed(notifications) print_notifications(notifications) def tui(app, user, args): from .tui.app import TUI TUI.create(app, user).run()