# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import re import socket import subprocess import tempfile import unicodedata import warnings from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from toot.exceptions import ConsoleError def str_bool(b): """Convert boolean to string, in the way expected by the API.""" return "true" if b else "false" def get_text(html): """Converts html to text, strips all tags.""" # Ignore warnings made by BeautifulSoup, if passed something that looks like # a file (e.g. a dot which matches current dict), it will warn that the file # should be opened instead of passing a filename. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") text = BeautifulSoup(html.replace(''', "'"), "html.parser").get_text() return unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', text) def parse_html(html): """Attempt to convert html to plain text while keeping line breaks. Returns a list of paragraphs, each being a list of lines. """ paragraphs = re.split("]*>", html) # Convert
s to line breaks and remove empty paragraphs paragraphs = [re.split("
", p) for p in paragraphs if p] # Convert each line in each paragraph to plain text: return [[get_text(l) for l in p] for p in paragraphs] def format_content(content): """Given a Status contents in HTML, converts it into lines of plain text. Returns a generator yielding lines of content. """ paragraphs = parse_html(content) first = True for paragraph in paragraphs: if not first: yield "" for line in paragraph: yield line first = False def domain_exists(name): try: socket.gethostbyname(name) return True except OSError: return False def assert_domain_exists(domain): if not domain_exists(domain): raise ConsoleError("Domain {} not found".format(domain)) EOF_KEY = "Ctrl-Z" if os.name == 'nt' else "Ctrl-D" def multiline_input(): """Lets user input multiple lines of text, terminated by EOF.""" lines = [] while True: try: lines.append(input()) except EOFError: break return "\n".join(lines).strip() EDITOR_DIVIDER = "------------------------ >8 ------------------------" EDITOR_INPUT_INSTRUCTIONS = f""" {EDITOR_DIVIDER} Do not modify or remove the line above. Enter your toot above it. Everything below it will be ignored. """ def editor_input(editor, initial_text): """Lets user input text using an editor.""" initial_text = (initial_text or "") + EDITOR_INPUT_INSTRUCTIONS with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.toot') as f: f.write(initial_text.encode()) f.flush() subprocess.run([editor, f.name]) f.seek(0) text = f.read().decode() return text.split(EDITOR_DIVIDER)[0].strip()