# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import webbrowser
from builtins import input
from getpass import getpass
from toot import api, config, DEFAULT_INSTANCE, User, App
from toot.exceptions import ApiError, ConsoleError
from toot.output import print_out
def register_app(domain, scheme='https'):
print_out("Looking up instance info...")
instance = api.get_instance(domain, scheme)
print_out("Found instance {} running Mastodon version {}".format(
instance['title'], instance['version']))
print_out("Registering application...")
response = api.create_app(domain, scheme)
except ApiError:
raise ConsoleError("Registration failed.")
base_url = scheme + '://' + domain
app = App(domain, base_url, response['client_id'], response['client_secret'])
print_out("Application tokens saved.")
return app
def create_app_interactive(instance=None, scheme='https'):
if not instance:
print_out("Choose an instance [{}]: ".format(DEFAULT_INSTANCE), end="")
instance = input()
if not instance:
return config.load_app(instance) or register_app(instance, scheme)
def create_user(app, access_token):
# Username is not yet known at this point, so fetch it from Mastodon
user = User(app.instance, None, access_token)
creds = api.verify_credentials(app, user)
user = User(app.instance, creds['username'], access_token)
config.save_user(user, activate=True)
print_out("Access token saved to config at: {}".format(
return user
def login_interactive(app, email=None):
print_out("Log in to {}".format(app.instance))
if email:
print_out("Email: {}".format(email))
while not email:
email = input('Email: ')
# Accept password piped from stdin, useful for testing purposes but not
# documented so people won't get ideas. Otherwise prompt for password.
if sys.stdin.isatty():
password = getpass('Password: ')
password = sys.stdin.read().strip()
print_out("Password: read from stdin")
response = api.login(app, email, password)
except ApiError:
raise ConsoleError("Login failed")
return create_user(app, response['access_token'])
This authentication method requires you to log into your Mastodon instance
in your browser, where you will be asked to authorize toot to access
your account. When you do, you will be given an authorization code
which you need to paste here.
def login_browser_interactive(app):
url = api.get_browser_login_url(app)
print_out("This is the login URL:")
yesno = input("Open link in default browser? [Y/n]")
if not yesno or yesno.lower() == 'y':
authorization_code = ""
while not authorization_code:
authorization_code = input("Authorization code: ")
print_out("\nRequesting access token...")
response = api.request_access_token(app, authorization_code)
return create_user(app, response['access_token'])