# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import webbrowser from toot import __version__, api from toot.exceptions import ConsoleError from toot.ui.parsers import parse_status from toot.ui.utils import draw_horizontal_divider, draw_lines, size_as_drawn from toot.wcstring import fit_text # Attempt to load curses, which is not available on windows try: import curses import curses.panel import curses.textpad except ImportError: raise ConsoleError("Curses is not available on this platform") class Color: @classmethod def setup_palette(class_): curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(7, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(8, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.init_pair(9, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_RED) class_.WHITE = curses.color_pair(1) class_.BLUE = curses.color_pair(2) class_.GREEN = curses.color_pair(3) class_.YELLOW = curses.color_pair(4) class_.RED = curses.color_pair(5) class_.CYAN = curses.color_pair(6) class_.MAGENTA = curses.color_pair(7) class_.WHITE_ON_BLUE = curses.color_pair(8) class_.WHITE_ON_RED = curses.color_pair(9) class_.HASHTAG = class_.BLUE | curses.A_BOLD class HeaderWindow: def __init__(self, stdscr, height, width, y, x): self.window = stdscr.subwin(height, width, y, x) self.window.bkgdset(' ', Color.WHITE_ON_BLUE) self.height = height self.width = width def draw(self, user): username = "{}@{}".format(user.username, user.instance) self.window.erase() self.window.addstr(" toot", curses.A_BOLD) self.window.addstr(" | ") self.window.addstr(username) self.window.addstr(" | ") self.window.refresh() class FooterWindow: def __init__(self, stdscr, height, width, y, x): self.window = stdscr.subwin(height, width, y, x) self.height = height self.width = width def draw_status(self, selected, count): text = "Showing toot {} of {}".format(selected + 1, count) text = fit_text(text, self.width) self.window.addstr(0, 0, text, Color.WHITE_ON_BLUE | curses.A_BOLD) self.window.refresh() def draw_message(self, text, color): text = fit_text(text, self.width - 1) self.window.addstr(1, 0, text, color) self.window.refresh() def clear_message(self): self.window.addstr(1, 0, "".ljust(self.width - 1)) self.window.refresh() class StatusListWindow: """Window which shows the scrollable list of statuses (left side).""" def __init__(self, stdscr, height, width, top, left): # Dimensions and position of region in stdscr which will contain the pad self.region_height = height self.region_width = width self.region_top = top self.region_left = left # How many statuses fit on one page (excluding border, at 3 lines per status) self.page_size = (height - 2) // 3 # Initially, size the pad to the dimensions of the region, will be # increased later to accomodate statuses self.pad = curses.newpad(10, width) self.pad.box() # Make curses interpret escape sequences for getch (why is this off by default?) self.pad.keypad(True) self.scroll_pos = 0 def draw_statuses(self, statuses, selected, starting=0): # Resize window to accomodate statuses if required height, width = self.pad.getmaxyx() new_height = len(statuses) * 3 + 1 if new_height > height: self.pad.resize(new_height, width) self.pad.box() last_idx = len(statuses) - 1 for index, status in enumerate(statuses): if index >= starting: highlight = selected == index draw_divider = index < last_idx self.draw_status_row(status, index, highlight, draw_divider) def draw_status_row(self, status, index, highlight=False, draw_divider=True): offset = 3 * index height, width = self.pad.getmaxyx() color = Color.GREEN if highlight else Color.WHITE trunc_width = width - 15 acct = fit_text("@" + status['account']['acct'], trunc_width) display_name = fit_text(status['account']['display_name'], trunc_width) if status['account']['display_name']: self.pad.addstr(offset + 1, 14, display_name, color) self.pad.addstr(offset + 2, 14, acct, color) else: self.pad.addstr(offset + 1, 14, acct, color) if status['in_reply_to_id'] is not None: self.pad.addstr(offset + 1, width - 3, '⤶', Color.CYAN) date, time = status['created_at'] self.pad.addstr(offset + 1, 1, " " + date.ljust(12), color) self.pad.addstr(offset + 2, 1, " " + time.ljust(12), color) if status['favourited']: self.pad.addstr(offset + 2, width - 3, '⭐', Color.YELLOW) if draw_divider: draw_horizontal_divider(self.pad, offset + 3) self.refresh() def refresh(self): self.pad.refresh( self.scroll_pos * 3, # top 0, # left self.region_top, self.region_left, self.region_height + 1, # +1 required to refresh full height, not sure why self.region_width, ) def scroll_to(self, index): self.scroll_pos = index self.refresh() def scroll_up(self): if self.scroll_pos > 0: self.scroll_to(self.scroll_pos - 1) def scroll_down(self): self.scroll_to(self.scroll_pos + 1) def scroll_if_required(self, new_index): if new_index < self.scroll_pos: self.scroll_up() elif new_index >= self.scroll_pos + self.page_size: self.scroll_down() else: self.refresh() class StatusDetailWindow: """Window which shows details of a status (right side)""" def __init__(self, stdscr, height, width, y, x): self.window = stdscr.subwin(height, width, y, x) self.height = height self.width = width def content_lines(self, status): acct = status['account']['acct'] name = status['account']['display_name'] if name: yield name, Color.YELLOW yield "@" + acct, Color.GREEN yield text_width = self.width - 4 if status['sensitive']: for line in status['spoiler_text']: yield line yield if status['sensitive'] and not status['show_sensitive']: yield "Marked as sensitive, press s to view".ljust(text_width), Color.WHITE_ON_RED return for line in status['content']: yield line if status['media_attachments']: yield yield "Media:" for attachment in status['media_attachments']: yield attachment['text_url'] or attachment['url'] def footer_lines(self, status): if status['url'] is not None: yield status['url'] if status['boosted_by']: acct = status['boosted_by']['acct'] yield "Boosted by @{}".format(acct), Color.GREEN if status['reblogged']: yield "↷ Boosted", Color.CYAN yield ( "{replies_count} replies, " "{reblogs_count} reblogs, " "{favourites_count} favourites" ).format(**status), Color.CYAN def draw(self, status): self.window.erase() self.window.box() if not status: return content = self.content_lines(status) footer = self.footer_lines(status) y = draw_lines(self.window, content, 1, 2, Color.WHITE) draw_horizontal_divider(self.window, y) draw_lines(self.window, footer, y + 1, 2, Color.WHITE) self.window.refresh() class Modal: def __init__(self, stdscr): height, width, y, x = self.get_size_pos(stdscr) self.window = curses.newwin(height, width, y, x) self.draw() self.panel = curses.panel.new_panel(self.window) self.panel.hide() def get_content(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_size_pos(self, stdscr): screen_height, screen_width = stdscr.getmaxyx() content = self.get_content() height = len(content) + 2 width = max(len(l) for l in content) + 4 y = (screen_height - height) // 2 x = (screen_width - width) // 2 return height, width, y, x def draw(self): self.window.erase() self.window.box() draw_lines(self.window, self.get_content(), 1, 2, Color.WHITE) def show(self): self.panel.top() self.panel.show() self.window.refresh() curses.panel.update_panels() def hide(self): self.panel.hide() curses.panel.update_panels() def loop(self): self.show() key = None while key != 'q': key = self.window.getkey() self.hide() class HelpModal(Modal): def get_content(self): return [ ("toot v{}".format(__version__), Color.GREEN | curses.A_BOLD), "", "Key bindings:", "", " h - show help", " j or ↓ - move down", " k or ↑ - move up", " v - view current toot in browser", " b - toggle boost status", " f - toggle favourite status", " c - post a new status", " r - reply to status", " q - quit application", " s - show sensitive content" "", "Press q to exit help.", "", ("https://github.com/ihabunek/toot", Color.YELLOW), ] class EntryModal(Modal): def __init__(self, stdscr, title, footer=None, size=(None, None), default=None): self.content = [] if default is None else default.split() self.cursor_pos = 0 self.pad_y, self.pad_x = 2, 2 self.title = title self.footer = footer self.size = size if self.footer: self.pad_y += 1 height, width, y, x = self.get_size_pos(stdscr) self.window = curses.newwin(height, width, y, x) self.text_window = self.window.derwin(height - (self.pad_y * 2), width - (self.pad_x * 2), self.pad_y, self.pad_x) self.text_window.keypad(True) self.draw() self.panel = curses.panel.new_panel(self.window) self.panel.hide() def get_size_pos(self, stdscr): screen_height, screen_width = stdscr.getmaxyx() if self.size[0]: height = self.size[0] + (self.pad_y * 2) + 1 else: height = int(screen_height / 1.33) if self.size[1]: width = self.size[1] + (self.pad_x * 2) + 1 else: width = int(screen_width / 1.25) y = (screen_height - height) // 2 x = (screen_width - width) // 2 return height, width, y, x def draw(self): self.window.erase() self.window.box() draw_lines(self.window, ["{} (^D to confirm):".format(self.title)], 1, 2, Color.WHITE) if self.footer: window_height, window_width = self.window.getmaxyx() draw_lines(self.window, [self.footer], window_height - self.pad_y + 1, 2, Color.WHITE) self.refresh() def refresh(self): text = self.get_content() lines = text.split('\n') draw_lines(self.text_window, lines, 0, 0, Color.WHITE) text_window_height, text_window_width = self.text_window.getmaxyx() text_on_screen = (''.join(self.content)[:self.cursor_pos] + '_').split('\n') y, x = size_as_drawn(text_on_screen, text_window_width) self.text_window.move(y, x) def show(self): super().show() self.refresh() def clear(self): self.content = [] self.cursor_pos = 0 def do_command(self, ch): if curses.ascii.isprint(ch) or ch == curses.ascii.LF: text_window_height, text_window_width = self.text_window.getmaxyx() y, x = size_as_drawn((self.get_content() + chr(ch)).split('\n'), text_window_width) if y < text_window_height - 1 and x < text_window_width: self.content.insert(self.cursor_pos, chr(ch)) self.cursor_pos += 1 else: curses.beep() elif ch == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE: if self.cursor_pos > 0: del self.content[self.cursor_pos - 1] self.cursor_pos -= 1 else: curses.beep() elif ch == curses.KEY_DC: if self.cursor_pos >= 0 and self.cursor_pos < len(self.content): del self.content[self.cursor_pos] else: curses.beep() elif ch == curses.KEY_LEFT: if self.cursor_pos > 0: self.cursor_pos -= 1 else: curses.beep() elif ch == curses.KEY_RIGHT: if self.cursor_pos + 1 <= len(self.content): self.cursor_pos += 1 else: curses.beep() elif ch in (curses.ascii.EOT, curses.ascii.RS): # ^D or (for some terminals) Ctrl+Enter return False, False elif ch == curses.ascii.ESC: self.clear() return False, True self.refresh() return True, False def get_content(self): return ''.join(self.content) def loop(self): self.show() while True: ch = self.text_window.getch() if not ch: continue should_continue, abort_flag = self.do_command(ch) if not should_continue: break self.hide() if abort_flag: return None else: return self.get_content() class ComposeModal(EntryModal): def __init__(self, stdscr, default_cw=None): super().__init__(stdscr, title="Compose a toot", footer="^D to submit, ESC to quit, ^W to mark sensitive (cw)") self.cw = default_cw self.cwmodal = EntryModal(stdscr, title="Content warning", size=(1, 60), default=self.cw) def do_command(self, ch): if ch == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('w')): self.cw = self.cwmodal.loop() or None self.draw() return True, False else: return super().do_command(ch) def loop(self): content = super().loop() return content, self.cw class TimelineApp: def __init__(self, app, user, status_generator): self.app = app self.user = user self.status_generator = status_generator self.statuses = [] self.stdscr = None def run(self): os.environ.setdefault('ESCDELAY', '25') curses.wrapper(self._wrapped_run) def _wrapped_run(self, stdscr): self.stdscr = stdscr Color.setup_palette() self.setup_windows() # Load some data and redraw self.fetch_next() self.selected = 0 self.full_redraw() self.loop() def setup_windows(self): screen_height, screen_width = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() if screen_width < 60: raise ConsoleError("Terminal screen is too narrow, toot curses requires at least 60 columns to display properly.") header_height = 1 footer_height = 2 footer_top = screen_height - footer_height left_width = max(min(screen_width // 3, 60), 30) main_height = screen_height - header_height - footer_height main_width = screen_width - left_width self.header = HeaderWindow(self.stdscr, header_height, screen_width, 0, 0) self.footer = FooterWindow(self.stdscr, footer_height, screen_width, footer_top, 0) self.left = StatusListWindow(self.stdscr, main_height, left_width, header_height, 0) self.right = StatusDetailWindow(self.stdscr, main_height, main_width, header_height, left_width) self.help_modal = HelpModal(self.stdscr) def loop(self): while True: ch = self.left.pad.getch() key = chr(ch).lower() if curses.ascii.isprint(ch) else None if key == 'q': return elif key == 'h': self.help_modal.loop() self.full_redraw() elif key == 'v': status = self.get_selected_status() if status: webbrowser.open(status['url']) elif key == 'j' or ch == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.select_next() elif key == 'k' or ch == curses.KEY_UP: self.select_previous() elif key == 's': self.show_sensitive() elif key == 'b': self.toggle_reblog() elif key == 'f': self.toggle_favourite() elif key == 'c': self.compose() elif key == 'r': self.reply() elif ch == curses.KEY_RESIZE: self.setup_windows() self.full_redraw() def show_sensitive(self): status = self.get_selected_status() if status['sensitive'] and not status['show_sensitive']: status['show_sensitive'] = True self.right.draw(status) def compose(self): """Compose and submit a new status""" app, user = self.app, self.user if not app or not user: self.footer.draw_message("You must be logged in to post", Color.RED) return compose_modal = ComposeModal(self.stdscr) content, cw = compose_modal.loop() self.full_redraw() if content is None: return elif len(content) == 0: self.footer.draw_message("Status must contain content", Color.RED) return self.footer.draw_message("Submitting status...", Color.YELLOW) response = api.post_status(app, user, content, spoiler_text=cw, sensitive=cw is not None) status = parse_status(response) self.statuses.insert(0, status) self.selected += 1 self.left.draw_statuses(self.statuses, self.selected) self.footer.draw_message("✓ Status posted", Color.GREEN) def reply(self): """Reply to the selected status""" status = self.get_selected_status() app, user = self.app, self.user if not app or not user: self.footer.draw_message("You must be logged in to reply", Color.RED) return compose_modal = ComposeModal(self.stdscr, default_cw='\n'.join(status['spoiler_text']) or None) content, cw = compose_modal.loop() self.full_redraw() if content is None: return elif len(content) == 0: self.footer.draw_message("Status must contain content", Color.RED) return self.footer.draw_message("Submitting reply...", Color.YELLOW) response = api.post_status(app, user, content, spoiler_text=cw, sensitive=cw is not None, in_reply_to_id=status['id']) status = parse_status(response) self.statuses.insert(0, status) self.selected += 1 self.left.draw_statuses(self.statuses, self.selected) self.footer.draw_message("✓ Reply posted", Color.GREEN) def toggle_reblog(self): """Reblog or unreblog selected status.""" status = self.get_selected_status() assert status app, user = self.app, self.user if not app or not user: self.footer.draw_message("You must be logged in to reblog", Color.RED) return status_id = status['id'] if status['reblogged']: status['reblogged'] = False self.footer.draw_message("Unboosting status...", Color.YELLOW) api.unreblog(app, user, status_id) self.footer.draw_message("✓ Status unboosted", Color.GREEN) else: status['reblogged'] = True self.footer.draw_message("Boosting status...", Color.YELLOW) api.reblog(app, user, status_id) self.footer.draw_message("✓ Status boosted", Color.GREEN) self.right.draw(status) def toggle_favourite(self): """Favourite or unfavourite selected status.""" status = self.get_selected_status() assert status app, user = self.app, self.user if not app or not user: self.footer.draw_message("You must be logged in to favourite", Color.RED) return status_id = status['id'] if status['favourited']: self.footer.draw_message("Undoing favourite status...", Color.YELLOW) api.unfavourite(app, user, status_id) self.footer.draw_message("✓ Status unfavourited", Color.GREEN) else: self.footer.draw_message("Favourite status...", Color.YELLOW) api.favourite(app, user, status_id) self.footer.draw_message("✓ Status favourited", Color.GREEN) status['favourited'] = not status['favourited'] self.right.draw(status) def select_previous(self): """Move to the previous status in the timeline.""" self.footer.clear_message() if self.selected == 0: self.footer.draw_message("Cannot move beyond first toot.", Color.GREEN) return old_index = self.selected new_index = self.selected - 1 self.selected = new_index self.redraw_after_selection_change(old_index, new_index) def select_next(self): """Move to the next status in the timeline.""" self.footer.clear_message() old_index = self.selected new_index = self.selected + 1 # Load more statuses if no more are available if self.selected + 1 >= len(self.statuses): self.fetch_next() self.left.draw_statuses(self.statuses, self.selected, new_index - 1) self.draw_footer_status() self.selected = new_index self.redraw_after_selection_change(old_index, new_index) def fetch_next(self): try: self.footer.draw_message("Loading toots...", Color.BLUE) statuses = next(self.status_generator) except StopIteration: return None for status in statuses: self.statuses.append(parse_status(status)) self.footer.draw_message("Loaded {} toots".format(len(statuses)), Color.GREEN) return len(statuses) def full_redraw(self): """Perform a full redraw of the UI.""" self.header.draw(self.user) self.draw_footer_status() self.left.draw_statuses(self.statuses, self.selected) self.right.draw(self.get_selected_status()) def redraw_after_selection_change(self, old_index, new_index): old_status = self.statuses[old_index] new_status = self.statuses[new_index] # Perform a partial redraw self.left.draw_status_row(old_status, old_index, highlight=False, draw_divider=False) self.left.draw_status_row(new_status, new_index, highlight=True, draw_divider=False) self.left.scroll_if_required(new_index) self.right.draw(new_status) self.draw_footer_status() def get_selected_status(self): if len(self.statuses) > self.selected: return self.statuses[self.selected] def draw_footer_status(self): self.footer.draw_status(self.selected, len(self.statuses))