import logging import urwid import webbrowser from toot.utils import format_content from toot.utils.language import language_name from .utils import highlight_hashtags, parse_datetime, highlight_keys from .widgets import SelectableText, SelectableColumns logger = logging.getLogger("toot") class Timeline(urwid.Columns): """ Displays a list of statuses to the left, and status details on the right. """ signals = [ "close", # Close thread "compose", # Compose a new toot "delete", # Delete own status "favourite", # Favourite status "focus", # Focus changed "bookmark", # Bookmark status "media", # Display media attachments "menu", # Show a context menu "next", # Fetch more statuses "reblog", # Reblog status "reply", # Compose a reply to a status "source", # Show status source "links", # Show status links "thread", # Show thread for status "translate", # Translate status "save", # Save current timeline "zoom", # Open status in scrollable popup window ] def __init__(self, name, statuses, can_translate, focus=0, is_thread=False): = name self.is_thread = is_thread self.statuses = statuses self.can_translate = can_translate self.status_list = self.build_status_list(statuses, focus=focus) try: self.status_details = StatusDetails(statuses[focus], is_thread, can_translate) except IndexError: self.status_details = StatusDetails(None, is_thread, can_translate) super().__init__([ ("weight", 40, self.status_list), ("weight", 0, urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.SolidFill("│"), "blue_selected")), ("weight", 60, urwid.Padding(self.status_details, left=1)), ]) def build_status_list(self, statuses, focus): items = [self.build_list_item(status) for status in statuses] walker = urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(items) walker.set_focus(focus) urwid.connect_signal(walker, "modified", self.modified) return urwid.ListBox(walker) def build_list_item(self, status): item = StatusListItem(status) urwid.connect_signal(item, "click", lambda *args: self._emit("menu", status)) return urwid.AttrMap(item, None, focus_map={ "blue": "green_selected", "green": "green_selected", "yellow": "green_selected", "cyan": "green_selected", "red": "green_selected", None: "green_selected", }) def get_focused_status(self): try: return self.statuses[self.status_list.body.focus] except TypeError: return None def get_focused_status_with_counts(self): """Returns a tuple of: * focused status * focused status' index in the status list * length of the status list """ return ( self.get_focused_status(), self.status_list.body.focus, len(self.statuses), ) def modified(self): """Called when the list focus switches to a new status""" status, index, count = self.get_focused_status_with_counts() self.draw_status_details(status) self._emit("focus") def refresh_status_details(self): """Redraws the details of the focused status.""" status = self.get_focused_status() self.draw_status_details(status) def draw_status_details(self, status): self.status_details = StatusDetails(status, self.is_thread, self.can_translate) self.contents[2] = urwid.Padding(self.status_details, left=1), ("weight", 60, False) def keypress(self, size, key): status = self.get_focused_status() command = self._command_map[key] if not status: return super().keypress(size, key) # If down is pressed on last status in list emit a signal to load more. # TODO: Consider pre-loading statuses earlier if command in [urwid.CURSOR_DOWN, urwid.CURSOR_PAGE_DOWN] \ and self.status_list.body.focus: index = self.status_list.body.focus + 1 count = len(self.statuses) if index >= count: self._emit("next") if key in ("b", "B"): self._emit("reblog", status) return if key in ("c", "C"): self._emit("compose") return if key in ("d", "D"): self._emit("delete", status) return if key in ("f", "F"): self._emit("favourite", status) return if key in ("m", "M"): self._emit("media", status) return if key in ("q", "Q"): self._emit("close") return if key == "esc" and self.is_thread: self._emit("close") return if key in ("r", "R"): self._emit("reply", status) return if key in ("s", "S"): status.original.show_sensitive = True self.refresh_status_details() return if key in ("o", "O"): self._emit("bookmark", status) return if key in ("l", "L"): self._emit("links", status) return if key in ("n", "N"): if self.can_translate: self._emit("translate", status) return if key in ("t", "T"): self._emit("thread", status) return if key in ("u", "U"): self._emit("source", status) return if key in ("v", "V"): if status.original.url: return if key in ("p", "P"): self._emit("save", status) return if key in ("z", "Z"): self._emit("zoom", self.status_details) return return super().keypress(size, key) def append_status(self, status): self.statuses.append(status) self.status_list.body.append(self.build_list_item(status)) def prepend_status(self, status): self.statuses.insert(0, status) self.status_list.body.insert(0, self.build_list_item(status)) def append_statuses(self, statuses): for status in statuses: self.append_status(status) def get_status_index(self, id): # TODO: This is suboptimal, consider a better way for n, status in enumerate(self.statuses): if == id: return n raise ValueError("Status with ID {} not found".format(id)) def focus_status(self, status): index = self.get_status_index( self.status_list.body.set_focus(index) def update_status(self, status): """Overwrite status in list with the new instance and redraw.""" index = self.get_status_index( assert self.statuses[index].id == # Sanity check # Update internal status list self.statuses[index] = status # Redraw list item self.status_list.body[index] = self.build_list_item(status) # Redraw status details if status is focused if index == self.status_list.body.focus: self.draw_status_details(status) def remove_status(self, status): index = self.get_status_index( assert self.statuses[index].id == # Sanity check del self.statuses[index] del self.status_list.body[index] self.refresh_status_details() class StatusDetails(urwid.Pile): def __init__(self, status, in_thread, can_translate=False): """ Parameters ---------- status : Status The status to render. in_thread : bool Whether the status is rendered from a thread status list. """ self.in_thread = in_thread self.can_translate = can_translate reblogged_by = if status and status.reblog else None widget_list = list(self.content_generator(status.original, reblogged_by) if status else ()) return super().__init__(widget_list) def content_generator(self, status, reblogged_by): if reblogged_by: text = "♺ {} boosted".format(reblogged_by.display_name or reblogged_by.username) yield ("pack", urwid.Text(("gray", text))) yield ("pack", urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Divider("-"), "gray")) if yield ("pack", urwid.Text(("green", yield ("pack", urwid.Text(("yellow", yield ("pack", urwid.Divider()) if["spoiler_text"]: yield ("pack", urwid.Text(["spoiler_text"])) yield ("pack", urwid.Divider()) # Show content warning if["spoiler_text"] and not status.show_sensitive: yield ("pack", urwid.Text(("content_warning", "Marked as sensitive. Press S to view."))) else: content = status.translation if status.show_translation else["content"] for line in format_content(content): yield ("pack", urwid.Text(highlight_hashtags(line))) media =["media_attachments"] if media: for m in media: yield ("pack", urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Divider("-"), "gray")) yield ("pack", urwid.Text([("bold", "Media attachment"), " (", m["type"], ")"])) if m["description"]: yield ("pack", urwid.Text(m["description"])) yield ("pack", urwid.Text(("link", m["url"]))) poll ="poll") if poll: yield ("pack", urwid.Divider()) yield ("pack", self.build_linebox(self.poll_generator(poll))) card ="card") if card: yield ("pack", urwid.Divider()) yield ("pack", self.build_linebox(self.card_generator(card))) application ="application") or {} application = application.get("name") yield ("pack", urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Divider("-"), "gray")) translated_from = ( language_name(status.translated_from) if status.show_translation and status.translated_from else None ) visibility_colors = { "public": "gray", "unlisted": "white", "private": "cyan", "direct": "yellow" } visibility = status.visibility.title() visibility_color = visibility_colors.get(status.visibility, "gray") yield ("pack", urwid.Text([ ("red", "🠷 ") if status.bookmarked else "", ("gray", f"⤶ {['replies_count']} "), ("yellow" if status.reblogged else "gray", f"♺ {['reblogs_count']} "), ("yellow" if status.favourited else "gray", f"★ {['favourites_count']}"), (visibility_color, f" · {visibility}"), ("yellow", f" · Translated from {translated_from} ") if translated_from else "", ("gray", f" · {application}" if application else ""), ])) # Push things to bottom yield ("weight", 1, urwid.SolidFill(" ")) options = [ "[B]oost", "[D]elete" if status.is_mine else "", "[F]avourite", "B[o]okmark", "[V]iew", "[T]hread" if not self.in_thread else "", "[L]inks", "[R]eply", "So[u]rce", "[Z]oom", "Tra[n]slate" if self.can_translate else "", "[H]elp", ] options = " ".join(o for o in options if o) options = highlight_keys(options, "cyan_bold", "cyan") yield ("pack", urwid.Text(options)) def build_linebox(self, contents): contents = urwid.Pile(list(contents)) contents = urwid.Padding(contents, left=1, right=1) return urwid.LineBox(contents) def card_generator(self, card): yield urwid.Text(("green", card["title"].strip())) if card.get("author_name"): yield urwid.Text(["by ", ("yellow", card["author_name"].strip())]) yield urwid.Text("") if card["description"]: yield urwid.Text(card["description"].strip()) yield urwid.Text("") yield urwid.Text(("link", card["url"])) def poll_generator(self, poll): for idx, option in enumerate(poll["options"]): perc = (round(100 * option["votes_count"] / poll["votes_count"]) if poll["votes_count"] else 0) if poll["voted"] and poll["own_votes"] and idx in poll["own_votes"]: voted_for = " ✓" else: voted_for = "" yield urwid.Text(option["title"] + voted_for) yield urwid.ProgressBar("", "poll_bar", perc) status = "Poll · {} votes".format(poll["votes_count"]) if poll["expired"]: status += " · Closed" if poll["expires_at"]: expires_at = parse_datetime(poll["expires_at"]).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") status += " · Closes on {}".format(expires_at) yield urwid.Text(("gray", status)) class StatusListItem(SelectableColumns): def __init__(self, status): created_at = status.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") favourited = ("yellow", "★") if status.original.favourited else " " reblogged = ("yellow", "♺") if status.original.reblogged else " " is_reblog = ("cyan", "♺") if status.reblog else " " is_reply = ("cyan", "⤶") if status.original.in_reply_to else " " return super().__init__([ ("pack", SelectableText(("blue", created_at), wrap="clip")), ("pack", urwid.Text(" ")), ("pack", urwid.Text(favourited)), ("pack", urwid.Text(" ")), ("pack", urwid.Text(reblogged)), ("pack", urwid.Text(" ")), urwid.Text(("green", status.original.account), wrap="clip"), ("pack", urwid.Text(is_reply)), ("pack", urwid.Text(is_reblog)), ("pack", urwid.Text(" ")), ])