import json import re from toot import api, cli from toot.entities import Account, Status, from_dict, from_dict_list from uuid import uuid4 def test_instance(app, run): result = run(cli.instance) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert "Mastodon" in result.stdout assert app.instance in result.stdout assert "running Mastodon" in result.stdout def test_instance_json(app, run): result = run(cli.instance, "--json") assert result.exit_code == 0 data = json.loads(result.stdout) assert data["title"] is not None assert data["description"] is not None assert data["version"] is not None def test_instance_anon(app, run_anon, base_url): result = run_anon(cli.instance, base_url) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert "Mastodon" in result.stdout assert app.instance in result.stdout assert "running Mastodon" in result.stdout # Need to specify the instance name when running anon result = run_anon(cli.instance) assert result.exit_code == 1 assert result.stderr == "Error: Please specify an instance.\n" def test_whoami(user, run): result = run(cli.whoami) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert f"@{user.username}" in result.stdout def test_whoami_json(user, run): result = run(cli.whoami, "--json") assert result.exit_code == 0 data = json.loads(result.stdout) account = from_dict(Account, data) assert account.username == user.username assert account.acct == user.username def test_whois(app, friend, run): variants = [ friend.username, f"@{friend.username}", f"{friend.username}@{app.instance}", f"@{friend.username}@{app.instance}", ] for username in variants: result = run(cli.whois, username) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert f"@{friend.username}" in result.stdout def test_whois_json(app, friend, run): result = run(cli.whois, friend.username, "--json") assert result.exit_code == 0 data = json.loads(result.stdout) account = from_dict(Account, data) assert account.username == friend.username assert account.acct == friend.username def test_search_account(friend, run): result = run(, friend.username) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == f"Accounts:\n* @{friend.username}" def test_search_account_json(friend, run): result = run(, friend.username, "--json") assert result.exit_code == 0 data = json.loads(result.stdout) [account] = from_dict_list(Account, data["accounts"]) assert account.acct == friend.username def test_search_hashtag(app, user, run): api.post_status(app, user, "#hashtag_x") api.post_status(app, user, "#hashtag_y") api.post_status(app, user, "#hashtag_z") result = run(, "#hashtag") assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == "Hashtags:\n#hashtag_x, #hashtag_y, #hashtag_z" def test_search_hashtag_json(app, user, run): api.post_status(app, user, "#hashtag_x") api.post_status(app, user, "#hashtag_y") api.post_status(app, user, "#hashtag_z") result = run(, "#hashtag", "--json") assert result.exit_code == 0 data = json.loads(result.stdout) [h1, h2, h3] = sorted(data["hashtags"], key=lambda h: h["name"]) assert h1["name"] == "hashtag_x" assert h2["name"] == "hashtag_y" assert h3["name"] == "hashtag_z" def test_tags(run, base_url): result = run(cli.tags_followed) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == "You're not following any hashtags." result = run(cli.tags_follow, "foo") assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == "✓ You are now following #foo" result = run(cli.tags_followed) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == f"* #foo\t{base_url}/tags/foo" result = run(cli.tags_follow, "bar") assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == "✓ You are now following #bar" result = run(cli.tags_followed) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == "\n".join([ f"* #bar\t{base_url}/tags/bar", f"* #foo\t{base_url}/tags/foo", ]) result = run(cli.tags_unfollow, "foo") assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == "✓ You are no longer following #foo" result = run(cli.tags_followed) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == f"* #bar\t{base_url}/tags/bar" def test_status(app, user, run): uuid = str(uuid4()) status_id = api.post_status(app, user, uuid).json()["id"] result = run(cli.status, status_id) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert uuid in out assert user.username in out assert status_id in out def test_status_json(app, user, run): uuid = str(uuid4()) status_id = api.post_status(app, user, uuid).json()["id"] result = run(cli.status, status_id, "--json") assert result.exit_code == 0 status = from_dict(Status, json.loads(result.stdout)) assert == status_id assert status.account.acct == user.username assert uuid in status.content def test_thread(app, user, run): uuid1 = str(uuid4()) uuid2 = str(uuid4()) uuid3 = str(uuid4()) s1 = api.post_status(app, user, uuid1).json() s2 = api.post_status(app, user, uuid2, in_reply_to_id=s1["id"]).json() s3 = api.post_status(app, user, uuid3, in_reply_to_id=s2["id"]).json() for status in [s1, s2, s3]: result = run(cli.thread, status["id"]) assert result.exit_code == 0 bits = re.split(r"─+", result.stdout.strip()) bits = [b for b in bits if b] assert len(bits) == 3 assert s1["id"] in bits[0] assert s2["id"] in bits[1] assert s3["id"] in bits[2] assert uuid1 in bits[0] assert uuid2 in bits[1] assert uuid3 in bits[2]