# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import os import shutil import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType, ArgumentTypeError from collections import namedtuple from toot import config, commands, CLIENT_NAME, CLIENT_WEBSITE, __version__ from toot.exceptions import ApiError, ConsoleError from toot.output import print_out, print_err VISIBILITY_CHOICES = ['public', 'unlisted', 'private', 'direct'] def language(value): """Validates the language parameter""" if len(value) != 3: raise ArgumentTypeError( "Invalid language specified: '{}'. Expected a 3 letter " "abbreviation according to ISO 639-2 standard.".format(value) ) return value def visibility(value): """Validates the visibility parameter""" if value not in VISIBILITY_CHOICES: raise ValueError("Invalid visibility value") return value def timeline_count(value): n = int(value) if not 0 < n <= 20: raise ArgumentTypeError("Number of toots should be between 1 and 20.") return n def editor(value): if not value: raise ArgumentTypeError( "Editor not specified in --editor option and $EDITOR environment " "variable not set." ) # Check editor executable exists exe = shutil.which(value) if not exe: raise ArgumentTypeError("Editor `{}` not found".format(value)) return exe Command = namedtuple("Command", ["name", "description", "require_auth", "arguments"]) # Arguments added to every command common_args = [ (["--no-color"], { "help": "don't use ANSI colors in output", "action": 'store_true', "default": False, }), (["--quiet"], { "help": "don't write to stdout on success", "action": 'store_true', "default": False, }), (["--debug"], { "help": "show debug log in console", "action": 'store_true', "default": False, }), ] # Arguments added to commands which require authentication common_auth_args = [ (["-u", "--using"], { "help": "the account to use, overrides active account", }), ] account_arg = (["account"], { "help": "account name, e.g. 'Gargron@mastodon.social'", }) instance_arg = (["-i", "--instance"], { "type": str, "help": 'mastodon instance to log into e.g. "mastodon.social"', }) email_arg = (["-e", "--email"], { "type": str, "help": 'email address to log in with', }) scheme_arg = (["--disable-https"], { "help": "disable HTTPS and use insecure HTTP", "dest": "scheme", "default": "https", "action": "store_const", "const": "http", }) status_id_arg = (["status_id"], { "help": "ID of the status", "type": str, }) # Arguments for selecting a timeline (see `toot.commands.get_timeline_generator`) common_timeline_args = [ (["-p", "--public"], { "action": "store_true", "default": False, "help": "show public timeline (does not require auth)", }), (["-t", "--tag"], { "type": str, "help": "show hashtag timeline (does not require auth)", }), (["-l", "--local"], { "action": "store_true", "default": False, "help": "show only statuses from local instance (public and tag timelines only)", }), (["-i", "--instance"], { "type": str, "help": "mastodon instance from which to read (public and tag timelines only)", }), (["--list"], { "type": str, "help": "show timeline for given list.", }), ] timeline_args = common_timeline_args + [ (["-c", "--count"], { "type": timeline_count, "help": "number of toots to show per page (1-20, default 10).", "default": 10, }), (["-r", "--reverse"], { "action": "store_true", "default": False, "help": "Reverse the order of the shown timeline (to new posts at the bottom)", }), (["-1", "--once"], { "action": "store_true", "default": False, "help": "Only show the first toots, do not prompt to continue.", }), ] AUTH_COMMANDS = [ Command( name="login", description="Log into a mastodon instance using your browser (recommended)", arguments=[instance_arg, scheme_arg], require_auth=False, ), Command( name="login_cli", description="Log in from the console, does NOT support two factor authentication", arguments=[instance_arg, email_arg, scheme_arg], require_auth=False, ), Command( name="activate", description="Switch between logged in accounts.", arguments=[account_arg], require_auth=False, ), Command( name="logout", description="Log out, delete stored access keys", arguments=[account_arg], require_auth=False, ), Command( name="auth", description="Show logged in accounts and instances", arguments=[], require_auth=False, ), ] TUI_COMMANDS = [ Command( name="tui", description="Launches the toot terminal user interface", arguments=[], require_auth=True, ), ] READ_COMMANDS = [ Command( name="whoami", description="Display logged in user details", arguments=[], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="whois", description="Display account details", arguments=[ (["account"], { "help": "account name or numeric ID" }), ], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="notifications", description="Notifications for logged in user", arguments=[ (["--clear"], { "help": "delete all notifications from the server", "action": 'store_true', "default": False, }), (["-r", "--reverse"], { "action": "store_true", "default": False, "help": "Reverse the order of the shown notifications (newest on top)", }), ], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="instance", description="Display instance details", arguments=[ (["instance"], { "help": "instance domain (e.g. 'mastodon.social') or blank to use current", "nargs": "?", }), scheme_arg, ], require_auth=False, ), Command( name="search", description="Search for users or hashtags", arguments=[ (["query"], { "help": "the search query", }), (["-r", "--resolve"], { "action": 'store_true', "default": False, "help": "Resolve non-local accounts", }), ], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="thread", description="Show toot thread items", arguments=[ (["status_id"], { "help": "Show thread for toot.", }), ], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="timeline", description="Show recent items in a timeline (home by default)", arguments=timeline_args, require_auth=True, ), ] POST_COMMANDS = [ Command( name="post", description="Post a status text to your timeline", arguments=[ (["text"], { "help": "The status text to post.", "nargs": "?", }), (["-m", "--media"], { "action": "append", "type": FileType("rb"), "help": "path to the media file to attach (specify multiple " "times to attach up to 4 files)" }), (["-v", "--visibility"], { "type": visibility, "default": "public", "help": 'post visibility, one of: %s' % ", ".join(VISIBILITY_CHOICES), }), (["-s", "--sensitive"], { "action": 'store_true', "default": False, "help": "mark the media as NSFW", }), (["-p", "--spoiler-text"], { "type": str, "help": "text to be shown as a warning before the actual content", }), (["-r", "--reply-to"], { "type": str, "help": "local ID of the status you want to reply to", }), (["-l", "--language"], { "type": language, "help": "ISO 639-2 language code of the toot, to skip automatic detection", }), (["-e", "--editor"], { "type": editor, "nargs": "?", "const": os.getenv("EDITOR", ""), # option given without value "help": "Specify an editor to compose your toot, " "defaults to editor defined in $EDITOR env variable.", }), ], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="upload", description="Upload an image or video file", arguments=[ (["file"], { "help": "Path to the file to upload", "type": FileType('rb') }) ], require_auth=True, ), ] STATUS_COMMANDS = [ Command( name="delete", description="Delete a status", arguments=[status_id_arg], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="favourite", description="Favourite a status", arguments=[status_id_arg], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="unfavourite", description="Unfavourite a status", arguments=[status_id_arg], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="reblog", description="Reblog a status", arguments=[status_id_arg], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="unreblog", description="Unreblog a status", arguments=[status_id_arg], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="reblogged_by", description="Show accounts that reblogged the status", arguments=[status_id_arg], require_auth=False, ), Command( name="pin", description="Pin a status", arguments=[status_id_arg], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="unpin", description="Unpin a status", arguments=[status_id_arg], require_auth=True, ), ] ACCOUNTS_COMMANDS = [ Command( name="follow", description="Follow an account", arguments=[ account_arg, ], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="unfollow", description="Unfollow an account", arguments=[ account_arg, ], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="mute", description="Mute an account", arguments=[ account_arg, ], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="unmute", description="Unmute an account", arguments=[ account_arg, ], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="block", description="Block an account", arguments=[ account_arg, ], require_auth=True, ), Command( name="unblock", description="Unblock an account", arguments=[ account_arg, ], require_auth=True, ), ] COMMANDS = AUTH_COMMANDS + READ_COMMANDS + TUI_COMMANDS + POST_COMMANDS + STATUS_COMMANDS + ACCOUNTS_COMMANDS def print_usage(): max_name_len = max(len(command.name) for command in COMMANDS) groups = [ ("Authentication", AUTH_COMMANDS), ("TUI", TUI_COMMANDS), ("Read", READ_COMMANDS), ("Post", POST_COMMANDS), ("Status", STATUS_COMMANDS), ("Accounts", ACCOUNTS_COMMANDS), ] print_out("{}".format(CLIENT_NAME)) print_out("v{}".format(__version__)) for name, cmds in groups: print_out("") print_out(name + ":") for cmd in cmds: cmd_name = cmd.name.ljust(max_name_len + 2) print_out(" toot {} {}".format(cmd_name, cmd.description)) print_out("") print_out("To get help for each command run:") print_out(" toot --help") print_out("") print_out("{}".format(CLIENT_WEBSITE)) def get_argument_parser(name, command): parser = ArgumentParser( prog='toot %s' % name, description=command.description, epilog=CLIENT_WEBSITE) combined_args = command.arguments + common_args if command.require_auth: combined_args += common_auth_args for args, kwargs in combined_args: parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) return parser def run_command(app, user, name, args): command = next((c for c in COMMANDS if c.name == name), None) if not command: print_err("Unknown command '{}'\n".format(name)) print_usage() return parser = get_argument_parser(name, command) parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) # Override the active account if 'using' option is given if command.require_auth and parsed_args.using: user, app = config.get_user_app(parsed_args.using) if not user or not app: raise ConsoleError("User '{}' not found".format(parsed_args.using)) if command.require_auth and (not user or not app): print_err("This command requires that you are logged in.") print_err("Please run `toot login` first.") return fn = commands.__dict__.get(name) if not fn: raise NotImplementedError("Command '{}' does not have an implementation.".format(name)) return fn(app, user, parsed_args) def main(): # Enable debug logging if --debug is in args if "--debug" in sys.argv: filename = os.getenv("TOOT_LOG_FILE") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename=filename) command_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else None args = sys.argv[2:] if not command_name: return print_usage() user, app = config.get_active_user_app() try: run_command(app, user, command_name, args) except (ConsoleError, ApiError) as e: print_err(str(e)) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass