from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse import click from requests import Response from toot import api, config from toot.cli import NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CHOICES, Context, cli, json_option, pass_context from toot.entities import Notification, NotificationPolicy, from_dict, from_dict_list from toot.output import print_notification, print_notifications, print_warning from toot.output import green, red, yellow from toot.utils import drop_empty_values POLICY_CHOICE = click.Choice(["accept", "filter", "drop"]) @click.option("--clear", is_flag=True, help="Dismiss all notifications and exit") @click.option( "--reverse", "-r", is_flag=True, help="Reverse the order of the shown notifications (newest on top)", ) @click.option( "--type", "-t", "types", type=click.Choice(NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CHOICES), multiple=True, help="Types to include in the result, can be specified multiple times", ) @click.option( "--exclude-type", "-e", "exclude_types", type=click.Choice(NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CHOICES), multiple=True, help="Types to exclude in the result, can be specified multiple times", ) @click.option( "--mentions", "-m", is_flag=True, help="Show only mentions (same as --type mention, overrides --type)", ) @click.pass_context @json_option def notifications( ctx: click.Context, clear: bool, reverse: bool, mentions: bool, types: Tuple[str], exclude_types: Tuple[str], json: bool, ): """Display and manage notifications DEPRECATION NOTICE: Running `toot notifications` to list notifications is deprecated in favour of `toot notifications list` and will be removed in a future version of toot. """ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: print_warning( "`toot notifications` is deprecated in favour of `toot notifications list`.\n" + "Run `toot notifications -h` to see other notification-related commands." ) user, app = config.get_active_user_app() if not user or not app: raise click.ClickException("This command requires you to be logged in.") if clear: api.clear_notifications(app, user) click.secho("✓ Notifications cleared", fg="green") return if mentions: types = ("mention",) response = api.get_notifications( app, user, types=types, exclude_types=exclude_types ) if json: if reverse: print_warning("--reverse is not supported alongside --json, ignoring") click.echo(response.text) return notifications = from_dict_list(Notification, response.json()) if reverse: notifications = reversed(notifications) if notifications: print_notifications(notifications) else: click.echo("You have no notifications") @notifications.command() @click.argument("notification_id") @json_option @pass_context def get(ctx: Context, notification_id: str, json: bool): """Show a single notification""" response = api.get_notification(, ctx.user, notification_id) if json: click.echo(response.text) return notification = from_dict(Notification, response.json()) print_notification(notification) @notifications.command() @click.option( "--reverse", "-r", is_flag=True, help="Reverse the order of the shown notifications (newest on top)", ) @click.option( "--type", "-t", "types", type=click.Choice(NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CHOICES), multiple=True, help="Types to include in the result, can be specified multiple times", ) @click.option( "--exclude-type", "-e", "exclude_types", type=click.Choice(NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CHOICES), multiple=True, help="Types to exclude in the result, can be specified multiple times", ) @click.option( "--limit", "-l", type=int, default=10, help="Number of items per page (max 20)", ) @click.option( "--pager", "-p", is_flag=True, help="Offer to print next page of notifications", ) @click.option("--max-id", help="All results returned will be lesser than this ID.") @click.option("--min-id", help="All results returned will be greater than this ID.") @click.option("--since-id", help="All results returned will be newer than this ID.") @json_option @pass_context def list( ctx: Context, reverse: bool, types: Tuple[str], exclude_types: Tuple[str], pager: bool, limit: int, max_id: str, min_id: str, since_id: str, json: bool, ): """Show notifications""" # response = api.get_notifications( #, # ctx.user, # types=types, # exclude_types=exclude_types, # limit=limit, # max_id=max_id, # min_id=min_id, # since_id=since_id, # ) # if json: # if reverse: # print_warning("--reverse is not supported alongside --json, ignoring") # if pager: # print_warning("--pager is not supported alongside --json, ignoring") # click.echo(response.text) # return if pager: npager = notification_pager(ctx, types, exclude_types, limit, max_id, min_id, since_id) for page in npager: print(f"{len(page)=}") return notifications = from_dict_list(Notification, response.json()) if reverse: notifications = reversed(notifications) if notifications: print_notifications(notifications) next_url = api._get_next_url(response.headers) if pager: print(next_url) print(next_url) print(next_url) print(next_url) else: click.secho("There are more notifications, use --pager to iterate", dim=True) else: click.echo("You have no notifications") def notification_pager( ctx: Context, types: Tuple[str], exclude_types: Tuple[str], limit: int, max_id: str, min_id: str, since_id: str, ): while True: print(f"{max_id=}") response = api.get_notifications(, ctx.user, types=types, exclude_types=exclude_types, limit=limit, max_id=max_id, min_id=min_id, since_id=since_id, ) notifications = from_dict_list(Notification, response.json()) if notifications: yield notifications else: break max_id = max( for n in notifications) @notifications.command() @pass_context def clear(ctx: Context): """Dismiss all notifications""" api.clear_notifications(, ctx.user) click.echo("Notifications cleared") @notifications.command() @click.argument("notification_id") @pass_context def dismiss(ctx: Context, notification_id: str): """Dismiss a notification""" api.dismiss_notification(, ctx.user, notification_id) click.echo("Notification dismissed") @notifications.command() @pass_context @json_option def unread_count(ctx: Context, json: bool): """Get the number of unread notifications""" response = api.get_notifications_unread_count(, ctx.user) if json: click.echo(response.text) else: count = response.json()["count"] if count == 0: click.echo("You have no unread notifications") elif count == 1: click.echo("You have 1 unread notification") else: click.echo("You have {count} unread notifications") @notifications.command() @pass_context @json_option def policy(ctx: Context, json: bool): """Get the notifications filtering policy""" response = api.get_notifications_policy(, ctx.user) if json: click.echo(response.text) else: policy = from_dict(NotificationPolicy, response.json()) print_notification_policy(policy) @notifications.command() @click.option( "--for-not-following", type=POLICY_CHOICE, help="Policy for accounts the user is not following", ) @click.option( "--for-not-followers", type=POLICY_CHOICE, help="Policy for accounts that are not following the user", ) @click.option( "--for-new-accounts", type=POLICY_CHOICE, help="Policy for accounts created in the past 30 days", ) @click.option( "--for-private-mentions", type=POLICY_CHOICE, help="Policy for private mentions", ) @click.option( "--for-limited_accounts", type=POLICY_CHOICE, help="Policy for accounts that were limited by a moderator", ) @pass_context @json_option def set_policy( ctx: Context, for_not_following: Optional[str], for_not_followers: Optional[str], for_new_accounts: Optional[str], for_private_mentions: Optional[str], for_limited_accounts: Optional[str], json: bool, ): """Update the filtering policy for notifications Each policy can be set to either `accept`, `filter` or `drop` notifications. \b - `drop` will prevent creation of the notification object altogether - `filter` will cause it to be marked as filtered - `accept` will not affect its processing """ payload = drop_empty_values( { "for_not_following": for_not_following, "for_not_followers": for_not_followers, "for_new_accounts": for_new_accounts, "for_private_mentions": for_private_mentions, "for_limited_accounts": for_limited_accounts, } ) if not payload: raise click.ClickException("At least one policy must be specified") response = api.set_notifications_policy(, ctx.user, payload) if json: click.echo(response.text) else: click.echo("Policy updated!\n") policy = from_dict(NotificationPolicy, response.json()) print_notification_policy(policy) def print_notification_policy(policy: NotificationPolicy): click.echo(f"For not following: {color_policy(policy.for_not_following)}") click.echo(f"For not followers: {color_policy(policy.for_not_followers)}") click.echo(f"For new accounts: {color_policy(policy.for_new_accounts)}") click.echo(f"For private mentions: {color_policy(policy.for_private_mentions)}") click.echo(f"For limited accounts: {color_policy(policy.for_limited_accounts)}") if policy.summary: summary = policy.summary click.echo("") click.echo(f"Pending requests: {summary.pending_requests_count}") click.echo(f"Pending notifications: {summary.pending_notifications_count}") def color_policy(policy): if policy == "accept": return green(policy) if policy == "filter": return yellow(policy) if policy == "drop": return red(policy) return policy