import re import uuid from typing import List from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode, quote from toot import http, CLIENT_NAME, CLIENT_WEBSITE from toot.exceptions import AuthenticationError from toot.utils import str_bool, str_bool_nullable SCOPES = 'read write follow' def _account_action(app, user, account, action): url = f"/api/v1/accounts/{account}/{action}" return, user, url).json() def _status_action(app, user, status_id, action, data=None): url = f"/api/v1/statuses/{status_id}/{action}" return, user, url, data=data).json() def _tag_action(app, user, tag_name, action): url = f"/api/v1/tags/{tag_name}/{action}" return, user, url).json() def create_app(domain, scheme='https'): url = f"{scheme}://{domain}/api/v1/apps" json = { 'client_name': CLIENT_NAME, 'redirect_uris': 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', 'scopes': SCOPES, 'website': CLIENT_WEBSITE, } return http.anon_post(url, json=json).json() def get_muted_accounts(app, user): return http.get(app, user, "/api/v1/mutes").json() def get_blocked_accounts(app, user): return http.get(app, user, "/api/v1/blocks").json() def register_account(app, username, email, password, locale="en", agreement=True): """ Register an account """ token = fetch_app_token(app)["access_token"] url = f"{app.base_url}/api/v1/accounts" headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} json = { "username": username, "email": email, "password": password, "agreement": agreement, "locale": locale } return http.anon_post(url, json=json, headers=headers).json() def update_account( app, user, display_name=None, note=None, avatar=None, header=None, bot=None, discoverable=None, locked=None, privacy=None, sensitive=None, language=None ): """ Update account credentials """ files = {"avatar": avatar, "header": header} files = {k: v for k, v in files.items() if v is not None} data = { "bot": str_bool_nullable(bot), "discoverable": str_bool_nullable(discoverable), "display_name": display_name, "locked": str_bool_nullable(locked), "note": note, "source[language]": language, "source[privacy]": privacy, "source[sensitive]": str_bool_nullable(sensitive), } data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not None} return http.patch(app, user, "/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", files=files, data=data) def fetch_app_token(app): json = { "client_id": app.client_id, "client_secret": app.client_secret, "grant_type": "client_credentials", "redirect_uri": "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", "scope": "read write" } return http.anon_post(f"{app.base_url}/oauth/token", json=json).json() def login(app, username, password): url = app.base_url + '/oauth/token' data = { 'grant_type': 'password', 'client_id': app.client_id, 'client_secret': app.client_secret, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'scope': SCOPES, } response = http.anon_post(url, data=data, allow_redirects=False) # If auth fails, it redirects to the login page if response.is_redirect: raise AuthenticationError() return response.json() def get_browser_login_url(app): """Returns the URL for manual log in via browser""" return "{}/oauth/authorize/?{}".format(app.base_url, urlencode({ "response_type": "code", "redirect_uri": "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", "scope": SCOPES, "client_id": app.client_id, })) def request_access_token(app, authorization_code): url = app.base_url + '/oauth/token' data = { 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'client_id': app.client_id, 'client_secret': app.client_secret, 'code': authorization_code, 'redirect_uri': 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', } return http.anon_post(url, data=data, allow_redirects=False).json() def post_status( app, user, status, visibility='public', media_ids=None, sensitive=False, spoiler_text=None, in_reply_to_id=None, language=None, scheduled_at=None, content_type=None, ): """ Publish a new status. """ # Idempotency key assures the same status is not posted multiple times # if the request is retried. headers = {"Idempotency-Key": uuid.uuid4().hex} json = { 'status': status, 'media_ids': media_ids, 'visibility': visibility, 'sensitive': sensitive, 'in_reply_to_id': in_reply_to_id, 'language': language, 'scheduled_at': scheduled_at, 'content_type': content_type, 'spoiler_text': spoiler_text } # Strip keys for which value is None # Sending null values doesn't bother Mastodon, but it breaks Pleroma json = {k: v for k, v in json.items() if v is not None} return, user, '/api/v1/statuses', json=json, headers=headers).json() def fetch_status(app, user, id): """ Fetch a single status """ return http.get(app, user, f"/api/v1/statuses/{id}").json() def scheduled_statuses(app, user): """ List scheduled statuses """ return http.get(app, user, "/api/v1/scheduled_statuses").json() def delete_status(app, user, status_id): """ Deletes a status with given ID. """ return http.delete(app, user, f"/api/v1/statuses/{status_id}") def favourite(app, user, status_id): return _status_action(app, user, status_id, 'favourite') def unfavourite(app, user, status_id): return _status_action(app, user, status_id, 'unfavourite') def reblog(app, user, status_id, visibility="public"): return _status_action(app, user, status_id, 'reblog', data={"visibility": visibility}) def unreblog(app, user, status_id): return _status_action(app, user, status_id, 'unreblog') def pin(app, user, status_id): return _status_action(app, user, status_id, 'pin') def unpin(app, user, status_id): return _status_action(app, user, status_id, 'unpin') def bookmark(app, user, status_id): return _status_action(app, user, status_id, 'bookmark') def unbookmark(app, user, status_id): return _status_action(app, user, status_id, 'unbookmark') def translate(app, user, status_id): return _status_action(app, user, status_id, 'translate') def context(app, user, status_id): url = f"/api/v1/statuses/{status_id}/context" return http.get(app, user, url).json() def reblogged_by(app, user, status_id): url = f"/api/v1/statuses/{status_id}/reblogged_by" return http.get(app, user, url).json() def _get_next_path(headers): """Given timeline response headers, returns the path to the next batch""" links = headers.get('Link', '') matches = re.match('<([^>]+)>; rel="next"', links) if matches: parsed = urlparse( return "?".join([parsed.path, parsed.query]) def _timeline_generator(app, user, path, params=None): while path: response = http.get(app, user, path, params) yield response.json() path = _get_next_path(response.headers) def _notification_timeline_generator(app, user, path, params=None): while path: response = http.get(app, user, path, params) notification = response.json() yield [n["status"] for n in notification if n["status"]] path = _get_next_path(response.headers) def home_timeline_generator(app, user, limit=20): path = "/api/v1/timelines/home" params = {"limit": limit} return _timeline_generator(app, user, path, params) def public_timeline_generator(app, user, local=False, limit=20): path = '/api/v1/timelines/public' params = {'local': str_bool(local), 'limit': limit} return _timeline_generator(app, user, path, params) def tag_timeline_generator(app, user, hashtag, local=False, limit=20): path = f"/api/v1/timelines/tag/{quote(hashtag)}" params = {'local': str_bool(local), 'limit': limit} return _timeline_generator(app, user, path, params) def bookmark_timeline_generator(app, user, limit=20): path = '/api/v1/bookmarks' params = {'limit': limit} return _timeline_generator(app, user, path, params) def notification_timeline_generator(app, user, limit=20): # exclude all but mentions and statuses exclude_types = ["follow", "favourite", "reblog", "poll", "follow_request"] params = {"exclude_types[]": exclude_types, "limit": limit} return _notification_timeline_generator(app, user, "/api/v1/notifications", params) def timeline_list_generator(app, user, list_id, limit=20): path = f"/api/v1/timelines/list/{list_id}" return _timeline_generator(app, user, path, {'limit': limit}) def _anon_timeline_generator(instance, path, params=None): while path: url = f"https://{instance}{path}" response = http.anon_get(url, params) yield response.json() path = _get_next_path(response.headers) def anon_public_timeline_generator(instance, local=False, limit=20): path = '/api/v1/timelines/public' params = {'local': str_bool(local), 'limit': limit} return _anon_timeline_generator(instance, path, params) def anon_tag_timeline_generator(instance, hashtag, local=False, limit=20): path = f"/api/v1/timelines/tag/{quote(hashtag)}" params = {'local': str_bool(local), 'limit': limit} return _anon_timeline_generator(instance, path, params) def upload_media(app, user, file, description=None): return, user, '/api/v1/media', data={'description': description}, files={'file': file} ).json() def search(app, user, query, resolve=False, type=None): """ Perform a search. """ return http.get(app, user, "/api/v2/search", { "q": query, "resolve": resolve, "type": type }).json() def follow(app, user, account): return _account_action(app, user, account, 'follow') def unfollow(app, user, account): return _account_action(app, user, account, 'unfollow') def follow_tag(app, user, tag_name): return _tag_action(app, user, tag_name, 'follow') def unfollow_tag(app, user, tag_name): return _tag_action(app, user, tag_name, 'unfollow') def _get_response_list(app, user, path): items = [] while path: response = http.get(app, user, path) items += response.json() path = _get_next_path(response.headers) return items def following(app, user, account): path = f"/api/v1/accounts/{account}/following" return _get_response_list(app, user, path) def followers(app, user, account): path = f"/api/v1/accounts/{account}/followers" return _get_response_list(app, user, path) def followed_tags(app, user): path = '/api/v1/followed_tags' return _get_response_list(app, user, path) def whois(app, user, account): return http.get(app, user, f'/api/v1/accounts/{account}').json() def vote(app, user, poll_id, choices: List[int]): url = f"/api/v1/polls/{poll_id}/votes" json = {'choices': choices} return, user, url, json=json).json() def get_relationship(app, user, account): params = {"id[]": account} return http.get(app, user, '/api/v1/accounts/relationships', params).json()[0] def mute(app, user, account): return _account_action(app, user, account, 'mute') def unmute(app, user, account): return _account_action(app, user, account, 'unmute') def block(app, user, account): return _account_action(app, user, account, 'block') def unblock(app, user, account): return _account_action(app, user, account, 'unblock') def verify_credentials(app, user): return http.get(app, user, '/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials').json() def single_status(app, user, status_id): url = f"/api/v1/statuses/{status_id}" return http.get(app, user, url).json() def get_notifications(app, user, exclude_types=[], limit=20): params = {"exclude_types[]": exclude_types, "limit": limit} return http.get(app, user, '/api/v1/notifications', params).json() def clear_notifications(app, user):, user, '/api/v1/notifications/clear') def get_instance(domain, scheme="https"): url = f"{scheme}://{domain}/api/v1/instance" return http.anon_get(url).json()