import logging import subprocess import urwid from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from typing import NamedTuple, Optional from datetime import datetime, timezone from toot import api, config, __version__, settings from toot import App, User from toot.cli import get_default_visibility from toot.exceptions import ApiError from toot.utils.datetime import parse_datetime from .compose import StatusComposer from .constants import PALETTE from .entities import Status from .images import TuiScreen, load_image from .overlays import ExceptionStackTrace, GotoMenu, Help, StatusSource, StatusLinks, StatusZoom from .overlays import StatusDeleteConfirmation, Account from .poll import Poll from .timeline import Timeline from .utils import get_max_toot_chars, parse_content_links, copy_to_clipboard, LRUCache from .widgets import ModalBox, RoundedLineBox logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) urwid.set_encoding('UTF-8') DEFAULT_MAX_TOOT_CHARS = 500 class TuiOptions(NamedTuple): colors: int media_viewer: Optional[str] always_show_sensitive: bool relative_datetimes: bool cache_size: int default_visibility: Optional[str] image_format: Optional[str] class Header(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, app, user): = app self.user = user self.text = urwid.Text("") self.cols = urwid.Columns([ ("pack", urwid.Text(('header_bold', 'toot'))), ("pack", urwid.Text(('header', ' | {}@{}'.format(user.username, app.instance)))), ("pack", self.text), ]) widget = urwid.AttrMap(self.cols, 'header') widget = urwid.Padding(widget) self._wrapped_widget = widget def clear_text(self, text): self.text.set_text("") def set_text(self, text): self.text.set_text(" | " + text) class Footer(urwid.Pile): def __init__(self): self.status = urwid.Text("") self.message = urwid.Text("") return super().__init__([ urwid.AttrMap(self.status, "footer_status"), urwid.AttrMap(self.message, "footer_message"), ]) def set_status(self, text): self.status.set_text(text) def clear_status(self, text): self.status.set_text("") def set_message(self, text): self.message.set_text(text) def set_error_message(self, text): self.message.set_text(("footer_message_error", text)) def clear_message(self): self.message.set_text("") class TUI(urwid.Frame): """Main TUI frame.""" loop: urwid.MainLoop screen: urwid.BaseScreen @staticmethod def create(app: App, user: User, args: TuiOptions): """Factory method, sets up TUI and an event loop.""" screen = TuiScreen() screen.set_terminal_properties(args.colors) tui = TUI(app, user, screen, args) palette = PALETTE.copy() overrides = settings.get_setting("tui.palette", dict, {}) for name, styles in overrides.items(): palette.append(tuple([name] + styles)) loop = urwid.MainLoop( tui, palette=palette, event_loop=urwid.AsyncioEventLoop(), unhandled_input=tui.unhandled_input, screen=screen, ) tui.loop = loop return tui def __init__(self, app, user, screen, options: TuiOptions): = app self.user = user self.config = config.load_config() self.options = options self.loop = None # late init, set in `create` self.screen = screen self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self.timeline_generator = api.home_timeline_generator(app, user, limit=40) # Show intro screen while toots are being loaded self.body = self.build_intro() self.header = Header(app, user) self.footer = Footer() self.footer.set_status("Loading...") # Default max status length, updated on startup self.max_toot_chars = DEFAULT_MAX_TOOT_CHARS self.timeline = None self.overlay = None self.exception = None self.can_translate = False self.account = None self.followed_accounts = [] self.preferences = {} if self.options.cache_size: self.cache_max = 1024 * 1024 * self.options.cache_size else: self.cache_max = 1024 * 1024 * 10 # default 10MB super().__init__(self.body, header=self.header, footer=self.footer) def run(self): self.loop.set_alarm_in(0, lambda *args: self.async_load_instance()) self.loop.set_alarm_in(0, lambda *args: self.async_load_preferences()) self.loop.set_alarm_in(0, lambda *args: self.async_load_timeline( is_initial=True, timeline_name="home")) self.loop.set_alarm_in(0, lambda *args: self.async_load_followed_accounts()) self.executor.shutdown(wait=False) def build_intro(self): font = urwid.font.Thin6x6Font() # NB: Padding with width="clip" will convert the fixed BigText widget # to a flow widget so it can be used in a Pile. big_text = "Toot {}".format(__version__) big_text = urwid.BigText(("intro_bigtext", big_text), font) big_text = urwid.Padding(big_text, align="center", width="clip") intro = urwid.Pile([ big_text, urwid.Divider(), urwid.Text([ "Maintained by ", ("intro_smalltext", "@ihabunek"), " and contributors" ], align="center"), urwid.Divider(), urwid.Text(("intro_smalltext", "Loading toots..."), align="center"), ]) return urwid.Filler(intro) def run_in_thread(self, fn, done_callback=None, error_callback=None): """Runs `fn` asynchronously in a separate thread. On completion calls `done_callback` if `fn` exited cleanly, or `error_callback` if an exception was caught. Callback methods are invoked in the main thread, not the thread in which `fn` is executed. """ def _default_error_callback(ex): self.exception = ex self.footer.set_error_message("An exception occurred, press X to view") _error_callback = error_callback or _default_error_callback def _done(future): try: result = future.result() if done_callback: # Use alarm to invoke callback in main thread self.loop.set_alarm_in(0, lambda *args: done_callback(result)) except Exception as ex: exception = ex logger.exception(exception) self.loop.set_alarm_in(0, lambda *args: _error_callback(exception)) # TODO: replace by `self.loop.event_loop.run_in_executor` at some point # Added in # Not yet released at the time of this comment future = self.loop.event_loop._loop.run_in_executor(self.executor, fn) future.add_done_callback(_done) return future def connect_default_timeline_signals(self, timeline): urwid.connect_signal(timeline, "focus", self.refresh_footer) def build_timeline(self, name, statuses, local): def _close(*args): raise urwid.ExitMainLoop() def _next(*args): self.async_load_timeline(is_initial=False) def _toggle_save(timeline, status): if not"#"): return hashtag =[1:] assert isinstance(local, bool), local timelines = self.config.setdefault("timelines", {}) if hashtag in timelines: del timelines[hashtag] self.footer.set_message("#{} unpinned".format(hashtag)) else: timelines[hashtag] = {"local": local} self.footer.set_message("#{} pinned".format(hashtag)) self.loop.set_alarm_in(5, lambda *args: self.footer.clear_message()) config.save_config(self.config) timeline = Timeline(self, name, statuses) self.connect_default_timeline_signals(timeline) urwid.connect_signal(timeline, "next", _next) urwid.connect_signal(timeline, "close", _close) urwid.connect_signal(timeline, "save", _toggle_save) return timeline def make_status(self, status_data): is_mine = self.user.username == status_data["account"]["acct"] return Status(status_data, is_mine, def show_thread(self, status): def _close(*args): """When thread is closed, go back to the main timeline.""" self.body = self.timeline self.body.refresh_status_details() self.refresh_footer(self.timeline) # This is pretty fast, so it's probably ok to block while context is # loaded, can be made async later if needed context = api.context(, self.user, ancestors = [self.make_status(s) for s in context["ancestors"]] descendants = [self.make_status(s) for s in context["descendants"]] statuses = ancestors + [status] + descendants focus = len(ancestors) timeline = Timeline(self, "thread", statuses, focus=focus, is_thread=True) self.connect_default_timeline_signals(timeline) urwid.connect_signal(timeline, "close", _close) self.body = timeline timeline.refresh_status_details() self.refresh_footer(timeline) def async_load_timeline(self, is_initial, timeline_name=None, local=None): """Asynchronously load a list of statuses.""" def _load_statuses(): self.footer.set_message("Loading statuses...") try: data = next(self.timeline_generator) except StopIteration: return [] finally: self.footer.clear_message() return [self.make_status(s) for s in data] def _done_initial(statuses): """Process initial batch of statuses, construct a Timeline.""" self.timeline = self.build_timeline(timeline_name, statuses, local) self.timeline.refresh_status_details() # Draw first status self.refresh_footer(self.timeline) self.body = self.timeline def _done_next(statuses): """Process sequential batch of statuses, adds statuses to the existing timeline.""" self.timeline.append_statuses(statuses) return self.run_in_thread(_load_statuses, done_callback=_done_initial if is_initial else _done_next) def async_load_instance(self): """ Attempt to update max_toot_chars from instance data. Does not work on vanilla Mastodon, works on Pleroma. See: Also attempt to update translation flag from instance data. Translation is only present on Mastodon 4+ servers where the administrator has enabled this feature. See: """ def _load_instance(): return api.get_instance( def _done(instance): self.max_toot_chars = get_max_toot_chars(instance, DEFAULT_MAX_TOOT_CHARS)"Max toot chars set to: {self.max_toot_chars}") if "translation" in instance: # instance is advertising translation service self.can_translate = instance["translation"]["enabled"] elif "version" in instance: # fallback check: # get the major version number of the server # this works for Mastodon and Pleroma version strings # Mastodon versions < 4 do not have translation service # If the version is missing, assume 0 as a fallback # Revisit this logic if Pleroma implements translation version = instance["version"] ch = "0" if not version else version[0] self.can_translate = int(ch) > 3 if ch.isnumeric() else False return self.run_in_thread(_load_instance, done_callback=_done) def async_load_preferences(self): """ Attempt to update user preferences from instance. """ def _load_preferences(): return api.get_preferences(, self.user).json() def _done(preferences): self.preferences = preferences return self.run_in_thread(_load_preferences, done_callback=_done) def async_load_followed_accounts(self): def _load_accounts(): try: acct = f'@{self.user.username}@{self.user.instance}' self.account = api.find_account(, self.user, acct) return api.following(, self.user, self.account["id"]) except ApiError: # not supported by all Mastodon servers so fail silently if necessary return [] def _done_accounts(accounts): self.followed_accounts = {a["acct"] for a in accounts} self.run_in_thread(_load_accounts, done_callback=_done_accounts) def refresh_footer(self, timeline): """Show status details in footer.""" status, index, count = timeline.get_focused_status_with_counts() self.footer.set_status([ ("footer_status_bold", "[{}] ".format(, ] + ([, " - status ", str(index + 1), " of ", str(count)] if status else ["no focused status"])) def show_status_source(self, status): self.open_overlay( widget=StatusSource(status), title="Status source", ) def clear_screen(self): self.screen.clear() def show_links(self, status): links = parse_content_links(["content"]) if status else [] post_attachments =["media_attachments"] or [] reblog_attachments = (["reblog"]["media_attachments"] if["reblog"] else None) or [] for a in post_attachments + reblog_attachments: url = a["remote_url"] or a["url"] links.append((url, a["description"] if a["description"] else url)) def _clear(*args): self.clear_screen() if links: links = list(set(links)) # deduplicate links links = sorted(links, key=lambda link: link[0]) # sort alphabetically by URL sl_widget = StatusLinks(links) urwid.connect_signal(sl_widget, "clear-screen", _clear) self.open_overlay( widget=sl_widget, title="Status links", options={"height": len(links) + 2}, ) def show_status_zoom(self, status_details): self.open_overlay( widget=StatusZoom(status_details), title="Status zoom", ) def show_exception(self, exception): self.open_overlay( widget=ExceptionStackTrace(exception), title="Unhandled Exception", ) def show_compose(self, in_reply_to=None): def _close(*args): self.close_overlay() def _post(timeline, *args): self.post_status(*args) # If the user specified --default-visibility, use that; otherwise, # try to use the server-side default visibility. If that fails, fall # back to get_default_visibility(). visibility = (self.options.default_visibility or self.preferences.get('posting:default:visibility', get_default_visibility())) composer = StatusComposer(self.max_toot_chars, self.user.username, visibility, in_reply_to) urwid.connect_signal(composer, "close", _close) urwid.connect_signal(composer, "post", _post) self.open_overlay(composer, title="Compose status") def async_edit(self, status): def _fetch_source(): return api.fetch_status_source(, self.user, def _done(source): self.close_overlay() self.show_edit(status, source) please_wait = ModalBox("Loading status...") self.open_overlay(please_wait) self.run_in_thread(_fetch_source, done_callback=_done) def show_edit(self, status, source): def _close(*args): self.close_overlay() def _edit(timeline, *args): self.edit_status(status, *args) composer = StatusComposer(self.max_toot_chars, self.user.username, visibility=None, edit=status, source=source) urwid.connect_signal(composer, "close", _close) urwid.connect_signal(composer, "post", _edit) self.open_overlay(composer, title="Edit status") def show_goto_menu(self): user_timelines = self.config.get("timelines", {}) user_lists = api.get_lists(, self.user) or [] menu = GotoMenu(user_timelines, user_lists) urwid.connect_signal(menu, "home_timeline", lambda x: self.goto_home_timeline()) urwid.connect_signal(menu, "public_timeline", lambda x, local: self.goto_public_timeline(local)) urwid.connect_signal(menu, "bookmark_timeline", lambda x, local: self.goto_bookmarks()) urwid.connect_signal(menu, "notification_timeline", lambda x, local: self.goto_notifications()) urwid.connect_signal(menu, "conversation_timeline", lambda x, local: self.goto_conversations()) urwid.connect_signal(menu, "personal_timeline", lambda x, local: self.goto_personal_timeline()) urwid.connect_signal(menu, "hashtag_timeline", lambda x, tag, local: self.goto_tag_timeline(tag, local=local)) urwid.connect_signal(menu, "list_timeline", lambda x, list_item: self.goto_list_timeline(list_item)) self.open_overlay(menu, title="Go to", options=dict( align="center", width=("relative", 60), valign="middle", height=18 + len(user_timelines) + len(user_lists), )) def show_help(self): self.open_overlay(Help(), title="Help") def show_poll(self, status): self.open_overlay( widget=Poll(, self.user, status), title="Poll", ) def goto_home_timeline(self): self.timeline_generator = api.home_timeline_generator(, self.user, limit=40) promise = self.async_load_timeline(is_initial=True, timeline_name="home") promise.add_done_callback(lambda *args: self.close_overlay()) def goto_public_timeline(self, local): self.timeline_generator = api.public_timeline_generator(, self.user, local=local, limit=40) timeline_name = "local public" if local else "global public" promise = self.async_load_timeline(is_initial=True, timeline_name=timeline_name) promise.add_done_callback(lambda *args: self.close_overlay()) def goto_bookmarks(self): self.timeline_generator = api.bookmark_timeline_generator(, self.user, limit=40) promise = self.async_load_timeline(is_initial=True, timeline_name="bookmarks") promise.add_done_callback(lambda *args: self.close_overlay()) def goto_notifications(self): self.timeline_generator = api.notification_timeline_generator(, self.user, limit=40) promise = self.async_load_timeline(is_initial=True, timeline_name="notifications") promise.add_done_callback(lambda *args: self.close_overlay()) def goto_conversations(self): self.timeline_generator = api.conversation_timeline_generator(, self.user, limit=40 ) promise = self.async_load_timeline( is_initial=True, timeline_name="conversations" ) promise.add_done_callback(lambda *args: self.close_overlay()) def goto_tag_timeline(self, tag, local): self.timeline_generator = api.tag_timeline_generator(, self.user, tag, local=local, limit=40) promise = self.async_load_timeline( is_initial=True, timeline_name="#{}".format(tag), local=local, ) promise.add_done_callback(lambda *args: self.close_overlay()) def goto_personal_timeline(self): account_name = f"{self.user.username}@{self.user.instance}" self.timeline_generator = api.account_timeline_generator(, self.user, account_name, reblogs=True, limit=40) promise = self.async_load_timeline(is_initial=True, timeline_name=f"personal {account_name}") promise.add_done_callback(lambda *args: self.close_overlay()) def goto_list_timeline(self, list_item): self.timeline_generator = api.timeline_list_generator(, self.user, list_item['id'], limit=40) promise = self.async_load_timeline( is_initial=True, timeline_name=f"\N{clipboard}{list_item['title']}") promise.add_done_callback(lambda *args: self.close_overlay()) def show_media(self, status): urls = [m["url"] for m in["media_attachments"]] if not urls: return media_viewer = self.options.media_viewer if media_viewer: try:[media_viewer] + urls) except FileNotFoundError: self.footer.set_error_message(f"Media viewer not found: '{media_viewer}'") except Exception as ex: self.exception = ex self.footer.set_error_message("Failed invoking media viewer. Press X to see exception.") else: self.footer.set_error_message("Media viewer not configured") def show_context_menu(self, status): # TODO: show context menu pass def show_delete_confirmation(self, status): def _delete(widget): promise = self.async_delete_status(self.timeline, status) promise.add_done_callback(lambda *args: self.close_overlay()) def _close(widget): self.close_overlay() widget = StatusDeleteConfirmation(status) urwid.connect_signal(widget, "close", _close) urwid.connect_signal(widget, "delete", _delete) self.open_overlay(widget, title="Delete status?", options=dict( align="center", width=30, valign="middle", height=4, )) def post_status(self, content, warning, visibility, in_reply_to_id): data = api.post_status(, self.user, content, spoiler_text=warning, visibility=visibility, in_reply_to_id=in_reply_to_id ).json() status = self.make_status(data) # TODO: fetch new items from the timeline? self.footer.set_message("Status posted {} \\o/".format( self.close_overlay() def edit_status(self, status, content, warning, visibility, in_reply_to_id): # We don't support editing polls (yet), so to avoid losing the poll # data from the original toot, copy it to the edit request. poll_args = {} poll ='poll', None) if poll is not None: poll_args['poll_options'] = [o['title'] for o in poll['options']] poll_args['poll_multiple'] = poll['multiple'] # Convert absolute expiry time into seconds from now. expires_at = parse_datetime(poll['expires_at']) expires_in = int((expires_at - poll_args['poll_expires_in'] = expires_in if 'hide_totals' in poll: poll_args['poll_hide_totals'] = poll['hide_totals'] data = api.edit_status(, self.user,, content, spoiler_text=warning, visibility=visibility, **poll_args ).json() new_status = self.make_status(data) self.footer.set_message("Status edited {} \\o/".format( self.close_overlay() if self.timeline is not None: self.timeline.update_status(new_status) def show_account(self, account_id): account = api.whois(, self.user, account_id) relationship = api.get_relationship(, self.user, account_id) self.open_overlay( widget=Account(, self.user, account, relationship, self.options), title="Account", ) def async_toggle_favourite(self, timeline, status): def _favourite(): api.favourite(, self.user, def _unfavourite(): api.unfavourite(, self.user, def _done(loop): # Create a new Status with flipped favourited flag new_data = new_data["favourited"] = not status.favourited new_status = self.make_status(new_data) timeline.update_status(new_status) self.run_in_thread( _unfavourite if status.favourited else _favourite, done_callback=_done ) def async_toggle_reblog(self, timeline, status): def _reblog(): api.reblog(, self.user,, visibility=get_default_visibility()) def _unreblog(): api.unreblog(, self.user, def _done(loop): # Create a new Status with flipped reblogged flag new_data = new_status = self.make_status(new_data) new_status.original.reblogged = not status.original.reblogged timeline.update_status(new_status) # Check if status is rebloggable no_reblog_because_private = status.visibility == "private" and not status.is_mine no_reblog_because_direct = status.visibility == "direct" if no_reblog_because_private or no_reblog_because_direct: self.footer.set_error_message("You may not reblog this {} status".format(status.visibility)) return self.run_in_thread( _unreblog if status.original.reblogged else _reblog, done_callback=_done ) def async_translate(self, timeline, status): def _translate(): self.footer.set_message("Translating status {}".format( try: response = api.translate(, self.user, if response["content"]: self.footer.set_message("Status translated") else: self.footer.set_error_message("Server returned empty translation") response = None except Exception: response = None self.footer.set_error_message("Translate server error") self.loop.set_alarm_in(3, lambda *args: self.footer.clear_message()) return response def _done(response): if response is not None: status.original.translation = response["content"] status.original.translated_from = response["detected_source_language"] status.original.show_translation = True timeline.update_status(status) # If already translated, toggle showing translation if status.original.translation: status.original.show_translation = not status.original.show_translation timeline.update_status(status) else: self.run_in_thread(_translate, done_callback=_done) def async_toggle_bookmark(self, timeline, status): def _bookmark(): api.bookmark(, self.user, def _unbookmark(): api.unbookmark(, self.user, def _done(loop): # Create a new Status with flipped bookmarked flag new_data = new_data["bookmarked"] = not status.bookmarked new_status = self.make_status(new_data) timeline.update_status(new_status) self.run_in_thread( _unbookmark if status.bookmarked else _bookmark, done_callback=_done ) def async_delete_status(self, timeline, status): def _delete(): api.delete_status(, self.user, def _done(loop): timeline.remove_status(status) return self.run_in_thread(_delete, done_callback=_done) def async_load_image(self, timeline, status, path, placeholder_index): def _load(): # don't bother loading images for statuses we are not viewing now if timeline.get_focused_status().id != return if not hasattr(timeline, "images"): timeline.images = LRUCache(cache_max_bytes=self.cache_max) img = load_image(path) if img: timeline.images[str(hash(path))] = img def _done(loop): # don't bother loading images for statuses we are not viewing now if timeline.get_focused_status().id != return timeline.update_status_image(status, path, placeholder_index) return self.run_in_thread(_load, done_callback=_done) def copy_status(self, status): # TODO: copy a better version of status content # including URLs copy_to_clipboard(self.screen,["content"]) self.footer.set_message(f"Status {} copied") # --- Overlay handling ----------------------------------------------------- default_overlay_options = dict( align="center", width=("relative", 80), valign="middle", height=("relative", 80), ) def open_overlay(self, widget, options={}, title=""): top_widget = RoundedLineBox(widget, title=title) bottom_widget = self.body _options = self.default_overlay_options.copy() _options.update(options) self.overlay = urwid.Overlay( top_widget, bottom_widget, **_options ) self.body = self.overlay def close_overlay(self): self.body = self.overlay.bottom_w self.overlay = None if self.timeline: self.timeline.refresh_status_details() def refresh_timeline(self): # No point in refreshing the bookmarks timeline # and we don't have a good way to refresh a # list timeline yet (no reference to list ID kept) if (not self.timeline or == 'bookmarks' or"\N{clipboard}")): return if"#"): self.timeline_generator = api.tag_timeline_generator(, self.user,[1:], limit=40) elif"\N{clipboard}"): self.timeline_generator = api.tag_timeline_generator(, self.user,[1:], limit=40) else: if"public"): self.timeline_generator = api.public_timeline_generator(, self.user,"local"), limit=40) elif == "notifications": self.timeline_generator = api.notification_timeline_generator(, self.user, limit=40) elif == "conversations": self.timeline_generator = api.conversation_timeline_generator(, self.user, limit=40) else: # default to home timeline self.timeline_generator = api.home_timeline_generator(, self.user, limit=40) self.async_load_timeline(is_initial=True, # --- Keys ----------------------------------------------------------------- def unhandled_input(self, key): # TODO: this should not be in unhandled input if key in ('x', 'X'): if self.exception: self.show_exception(self.exception) elif key in ('g', 'G'): if not self.overlay: self.show_goto_menu() elif key == '?': if not self.overlay: self.show_help() elif key == ',': if not self.overlay: self.refresh_timeline() elif key == 'esc': if self.overlay: self.close_overlay() elif != "home": # similar to goto_home_timeline() but without handling overlay (absent here) self.timeline_generator = api.home_timeline_generator(, self.user, limit=40) self.async_load_timeline(is_initial=True, timeline_name="home") elif key in ('q', 'Q'): if self.overlay: self.close_overlay() else: raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()