import click import json as pyjson from typing import BinaryIO, Optional from toot import api from toot.cli import PRIVACY_CHOICES, cli, json_option, Context, pass_context from toot.cli.validators import validate_language from toot.output import print_acct_list @cli.command(name="update_account") @click.option("--display-name", help="The display name to use for the profile.") @click.option("--note", help="The account bio.") @click.option( "--avatar", type=click.File(mode="rb"), help="Path to the avatar image to set.", ) @click.option( "--header", type=click.File(mode="rb"), help="Path to the header image to set.", ) @click.option( "--bot/--no-bot", default=None, help="Whether the account has a bot flag.", ) @click.option( "--discoverable/--no-discoverable", default=None, help="Whether the account should be shown in the profile directory.", ) @click.option( "--locked/--no-locked", default=None, help="Whether manual approval of follow requests is required.", ) @click.option( "--privacy", type=click.Choice(PRIVACY_CHOICES), help="Default post privacy for authored statuses.", ) @click.option( "--sensitive/--no-sensitive", default=None, help="Whether to mark authored statuses as sensitive by default.", ) @click.option( "--language", callback=validate_language, help="Default language to use for authored statuses (ISO 639-1).", ) @json_option @pass_context def update_account( ctx: Context, display_name: Optional[str], note: Optional[str], avatar: Optional[BinaryIO], header: Optional[BinaryIO], bot: Optional[bool], discoverable: Optional[bool], locked: Optional[bool], privacy: Optional[bool], sensitive: Optional[bool], language: Optional[bool], json: bool, ): """Update your account details""" options = [ avatar, bot, discoverable, display_name, header, language, locked, note, privacy, sensitive, ] if all(option is None for option in options): raise click.ClickException("Please specify at least one option to update the account") response = api.update_account(, ctx.user, avatar=avatar, bot=bot, discoverable=discoverable, display_name=display_name, header=header, language=language, locked=locked, note=note, privacy=privacy, sensitive=sensitive, ) if json: click.echo(response.text) else: click.secho("✓ Account updated", fg="green") @cli.command() @click.argument("account") @json_option @pass_context def follow(ctx: Context, account: str, json: bool): """Follow an account""" found_account = api.find_account(, ctx.user, account) response = api.follow(, ctx.user, found_account["id"]) if json: click.echo(response.text) else: click.secho(f"✓ You are now following {account}", fg="green") @cli.command() @click.argument("account") @json_option @pass_context def unfollow(ctx: Context, account: str, json: bool): """Unfollow an account""" found_account = api.find_account(, ctx.user, account) response = api.unfollow(, ctx.user, found_account["id"]) if json: click.echo(response.text) else: click.secho(f"✓ You are no longer following {account}", fg="green") @cli.command() @click.argument("account", required=False) @json_option @pass_context def following(ctx: Context, account: Optional[str], json: bool): """List accounts followed by an account. If no account is given list accounts followed by you. """ account = account or ctx.user.username found_account = api.find_account(, ctx.user, account) accounts = api.following(, ctx.user, found_account["id"]) if json: click.echo(pyjson.dumps(accounts)) else: print_acct_list(accounts) @cli.command() @click.argument("account", required=False) @json_option @pass_context def followers(ctx: Context, account: Optional[str], json: bool): """List accounts following an account. If no account given list accounts following you.""" account = account or ctx.user.username found_account = api.find_account(, ctx.user, account) accounts = api.followers(, ctx.user, found_account["id"]) if json: click.echo(pyjson.dumps(accounts)) else: print_acct_list(accounts) @cli.command() @click.argument("account") @json_option @pass_context def mute(ctx: Context, account: str, json: bool): """Mute an account""" found_account = api.find_account(, ctx.user, account) response = api.mute(, ctx.user, found_account["id"]) if json: click.echo(response.text) else: click.secho(f"✓ You have muted {account}", fg="green") @cli.command() @click.argument("account") @json_option @pass_context def unmute(ctx: Context, account: str, json: bool): """Unmute an account""" found_account = api.find_account(, ctx.user, account) response = api.unmute(, ctx.user, found_account["id"]) if json: click.echo(response.text) else: click.secho(f"✓ {account} is no longer muted", fg="green") @cli.command() @json_option @pass_context def muted(ctx: Context, json: bool): """List muted accounts""" response = api.muted(, ctx.user) if json: click.echo(pyjson.dumps(response)) else: if len(response) > 0: click.echo("Muted accounts:") print_acct_list(response) else: click.echo("No accounts muted") @cli.command() @click.argument("account") @json_option @pass_context def block(ctx: Context, account: str, json: bool): """Block an account""" found_account = api.find_account(, ctx.user, account) response = api.block(, ctx.user, found_account["id"]) if json: click.echo(response.text) else: click.secho(f"✓ You are now blocking {account}", fg="green") @cli.command() @click.argument("account") @json_option @pass_context def unblock(ctx: Context, account: str, json: bool): """Unblock an account""" found_account = api.find_account(, ctx.user, account) response = api.unblock(, ctx.user, found_account["id"]) if json: click.echo(response.text) else: click.secho(f"✓ {account} is no longer blocked", fg="green") @cli.command() @json_option @pass_context def blocked(ctx: Context, json: bool): """List blocked accounts""" response = api.blocked(, ctx.user) if json: click.echo(pyjson.dumps(response)) else: if len(response) > 0: click.echo("Blocked accounts:") print_acct_list(response) else: click.echo("No accounts blocked")