Make urwidgets optional - if not available, use urwid.Text

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Schwarz 2023-09-22 18:11:06 -04:00
parent f45dfa1480
commit 5d6d916f1f
9 changed files with 487 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import unicodedata
from .constants import PALETTE
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import NavigableString, Tag
from urwidgets import TextEmbed, Hyperlink, parse_text
from .stubs.urwidgets import TextEmbed, Hyperlink, parse_text, has_urwidgets
from urwid.util import decompose_tagmarkup
from toot.utils import urlencode_url
@ -101,7 +101,10 @@ class ContentParser:
return markups
def text_to_widget(self, attr, markup) -> TextEmbed:
def text_to_widget(self, attr, markup) -> urwid.Widget:
if not has_urwidgets:
return urwid.Text((attr, markup))
# convert http[s] URLs to Hyperlink widgets for nesting in a TextEmbed widget
re.compile(r"(^.+)\x03(.+$)"): lambda g: (
@ -232,7 +235,8 @@ class ContentParser:
title, attrib_list = decompose_tagmarkup(markups)
if not attrib_list:
attrib_list = [tag]
if href:
if href and has_urwidgets:
# only if we have urwidgets loaded for OCS 8 hyperlinks:
# urlencode the path and query portions of the URL
href = urlencode_url(href)
# use ASCII ETX (end of record) as a

toot/tui/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
__all__ = ("Hyperlink",)
from typing import Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import urwid
# NOTE: Any new "private" attribute of any subclass of an urwid class should be
# prepended with "_uw" to avoid clashes with names used by urwid itself.
ESC = "\033"
OSC = f"{ESC}]"
ST = f"{ESC}\\"
START = f"{OSC}8;id=%d;%s{ST}".encode()
END = f"{OSC}8;;{ST}".encode()
valid_byte_range = range(32, 127)
class Hyperlink(urwid.WidgetWrap):
"""A widget containing hyperlinked text.
uri: The target of the hyperlink in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)-encoded
May be a web address (``http://...`` or ``https://...``), FTP address
(``ftp://...``), local file (``file://...``), e-mail address (``mailto:``),
Every byte of this string, after being encoded, must be within the range
``32`` to ``126`` (both inclusive).
attr: Display attribute of the hyperlink text.
text: Alternative hyperlink text. If not given or ``None``, the URI itself is
used. Must be a single-line string.
TypeError: An argument is of an unexpected type.
ValueError: An argument is of an expected type but of an unexpected value
This widget always renders a single line. If the widget is rendered with a width
less than the length of the hyperlink text, it is clipped at the right end with an
ellipsis (\u2026) appended. On the other hand, if rendered with a width greater,
it is padded with spaces on the right end.
This widget is intended to be embedded in a :py:class:`~urwidgets.TextEmbed` widget
to combine it with pure text or other widgets but may also be used otherwise.
This widget utilizes the ``OSC 8`` escape sequence implemented by a sizable number
of mainstream terminal emulators. It utilizes the escape sequence in such a way that
hyperlinks right next to one another should be detected, highlighted and treated as
separate by any terminal emulator that correctly implements the feature. Also, if a
hyperlink is wrapped or clipped, it shouldn't break.
.. seealso::
- `OSC 8 Specification
- `OSC 8 adoption in terminal emulators
no_cache = ["render"]
def __init__(
uri: str,
attr: Union[None, str, bytes, urwid.AttrSpec] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(urwid.Text((attr, ""), "left", "ellipsis"))
self._uw_set_text(text or uri)
def render(self, size: Tuple[int, ], focus: bool = False):
return None
def _uw_set_text(self, text: str):
if not isinstance(text, str):
raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for 'text' (got: {type(text).__name__!r})")
if "\n" in text:
raise ValueError(f"Multi-line text (got: {text!r})")
self._w.set_text(((self._w.attrib or [(None, 0)])[0][0], text))
def _uw_set_uri(self, uri: str):
if not isinstance(uri, str):
raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for 'uri' (got: {type(uri).__name__!r})")
if not uri:
raise ValueError("URI is empty")
invalid_bytes = frozenset(uri.encode()).difference(valid_byte_range)
if invalid_bytes:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid byte '\\x{tuple(invalid_bytes)[0]:02x}' found in URI: {uri!r}"
self._uw_uri = uri
attrib = property(
lambda self: (self._w.attrib or [(None, 0)])[0][0],
lambda self, attrib: self._w.set_text((attrib, self._w.text)),
doc="""The display attirbute of the hyperlink.
:type: Union[None, str, bytes, urwid.AttrSpec]
Returns the display attirbute.
Sets the display attirbute.
text = property(
lambda self: self._w.text,
doc="""The alternate text of the hyperlink.
:type: str
Returns the alternate text.
Sets the alternate text.
uri = property(
lambda self: self._uw_uri,
doc="""The target of the hyperlink.
:type: str
Returns the target.
Sets the target.
class HyperlinkCanvas(urwid.Canvas):
cacheable = False
_uw_next_id = 0
_uw_free_ids = set()
def __init__(self, uri: str, text_canv: urwid.TextCanvas) -> None:
self._uw_text_canv = text_canv
self._uw_uri = uri.encode()
self._uw_id = self._uw_get_id()
def __del__(self):
def cols(self):
return self._uw_text_canv.cols()
def content(
self, *args, **kwargs
) -> Generator[
List[Tuple[Union[None, str, bytes, urwid.AttrSpec], Optional[str], bytes]],
yield [
(None, "U", START % (self._uw_id, self._uw_uri)),
# There can be only one line since wrap="ellipsis" and the text was checked
# to not contain "\n".
# There can be only one run since there was only one display attribute.
next(self._uw_text_canv.content(*args, **kwargs))[0],
(None, "U", END),
def rows(self):
return self._uw_text_canv.rows()
def _uw_get_id():
if __class__._uw_free_ids:
return __class__._uw_free_ids.pop()
__class__._uw_next_id += 1
return __class__._uw_next_id - 1

toot/tui/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
__all__ = (
# Type Aliases
import re
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Tuple, Union
import urwid
# NOTE: Any new "private" attribute of any subclass of an urwid class should be
# prepended with "_uw" to avoid clashes with names used by urwid itself.
# I really hope these are correct :D
Markup = Union["StringMarkup", "ListMarkup", "TupleMarkup"]
StringMarkup = Union[str, bytes]
ListMarkup = List["Markup"]
TupleMarkup = Union["NormalTupleMarkup", "WidgetTupleMarkup"]
NormalTupleMarkup = Tuple["DisplayAttribute", Union["StringMarkup", "ListMarkup"]]
DisplayAttribute = Union[None, str, bytes, urwid.AttrSpec]
WidgetTupleMarkup = Tuple[int, Union[urwid.Widget, "WidgetListMarkup"]]
WidgetListMarkup = List[Union[urwid.Widget, "Markup", "WidgetListMarkup"]]
class TextEmbed(urwid.Text):
"""A text widget within which other widgets may be embedded.
This is an extension of the :py:class:`urwid.Text` widget. Every feature and
interface of :py:class:`~urwid.Text` is supported and works essentially the same,
**except for the "ellipsis" wrap mode** which is currently not implemented.
Text markup format is essentially the same, except when embedding widgets.
**Embedding Widgets**
A widget is embedded by specifying it as a markup element with an **integer
display attribute**, where the display attribute is the number of screen
columns the widget should occupy.
>>> # w1 spans 2 columns
>>> TextEmbed(["This widget (", (2, w1), ") spans two columns"])
>>> # w1 and w2 span 2 columns
>>> TextEmbed(["These widgets (", (2, [w1, w2]), ") span two columns each"])
>>> # w1 and w2 span 2 columns, the text in-between has no display attribute
>>> TextEmbed([(2, [w1, (None, "and"), w2]), " span two columns each"])
>>> # w1 and w2 span 2 columns, text in the middle is red
>>> TextEmbed((2, [w1, ("red", " i am red "), w2]))
>>> # w1 and w3 span 2 columns, w2 spans 5 columns
>>> TextEmbed((2, [w1, (5, w2), w3]))
Visible embedded widgets are always rendered (may be cached) whenever the
``TextEmbed`` widget is re-rendered (i.e an uncached render). Hence, this
allows for dynamic parts of text without updating the entire widget.
Going a step further, embeddded widgets can be swapped by using
``urwid.WidgetPlaceholder`` but their widths will remain the same.
- Every embedded widget must be a box widget and is always rendered with
size ``(width, 1)``. :py:class:`urwid.Filler` can be used to wrap flow
- Each embedded widgets are treated as a single WORD (i.e containing no
whitespace). Therefore, consecutive embedded widgets are also treated as
a single WORD. This affects the "space" wrap mode.
- After updating or swapping an embedded widget, this widget's canvases
should be invalidated to ensure it re-renders.
TypeError: A widget markup element has a non-integer display attribute.
ValueError: A widget doesn't support box sizing.
ValueError: A widget has a non-positive width (display attribute).
def get_text(
) -> Tuple[str, List[Tuple[Union[DisplayAttribute, int], int]]]:
"""Returns a representation of the widget's content.
A tuple ``(text, attrib)``, where
- *text* is the raw text content of the widget.
Each embedded widget is represented by a substring starting with a
``"\\x00"`` character followed by zero or more ``"\\x01"`` characters,
with length equal to the widget's width.
- *attrib* is the run-length encoding of display attributes.
Any entry containing a display attribute of the ``int`` type (e.g
``(1, 4)``) denotes an embedded widget, where the display attirbute is
the index of the widget within the :py:attr:`embedded` widgets list and
the run length is the width of the widget.
return super().get_text()
def render(
self, size: Tuple[int, ], focus: bool = False
) -> Union[urwid.TextCanvas, urwid.CompositeCanvas]:
return None
def set_text(self, markup: Markup) -> None:
"""Sets the widget's content.
Also supports widget markup elements. See the class description.
def set_wrap_mode(self, mode: str) -> None:
if mode == "ellipsis":
raise NotImplementedError("Wrap mode 'ellipsis' is not implemented.")
def parse_text(
text: str,
patterns: Iterable[re.Pattern],
*repl_args: Any,
**repl_kwargs: Any,
) -> Markup:
r"""Parses a string into a text/widget markup list.
text: The string to parse.
patterns: An iterable of RegEx pattern objects.
repl: A callable to replace a substring of *text* matched by any of the given
RegEx patterns.
repl_args: Additional positional arguments to be passed to *repl* whenever it's
repl_kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to *repl* whenever it's called.
A text/widget markup (see :py:data:`Markup`) that should be compatible with
:py:class:`TextEmbed` and/or :py:class:`urwid.Text`, depending on the values
returned by *repl*.
TypeError: An argument is of an unexpected type.
ValueError: *patterns* is empty.
ValueError: A given pattern object was not compiled from a :py:class:`str`
Whenever any of the given RegEx patterns matches a **non-empty** substring of
*text*, *repl* is called with the following arguments (in the given order):
- the :py:class:`re.Pattern` object that matched the substring
- a tuple containing the match groups
- starting with the whole match,
- followed by the all the subgroups of the match, from 1 up to however many
groups are in the pattern, if any (``None`` for each group that didn't
participate in the match)
- a tuple containing the indexes of the start and end of the substring
- *repl_args* unpacked
- *repl_kwargs* unpacked
and *should* return a valid text/widget markup (see :py:data:`Markup`). If the
value returned is *false* (such as ``None`` or an empty string), it is omitted
from the result.
import re
from urwid import Filler
from urwidgets import Hyperlink, TextEmbed, parse_text
re.compile(r"\*\*(.+?)\*\*"): lambda g: ("bold", g[1]),
re.compile("https://[^ ]+"): (
lambda g: (min(len(g[0]), 14), Filler(Hyperlink(g[0], "blue")))
re.compile(r"\[(.+)\]\((.+)\)"): (
lambda g: (len(g[1]), Filler(Hyperlink(g[2], "blue", g[1])))
link = ""
text = f"[This]({link}) is a **link** to {link}"
# Output: [This]( is a **link** to
markup = parse_text(
text, MARKDOWN, lambda pattern, groups, span: MARKDOWN[pattern](groups)
# Output:
# [
# (4, <Filler box widget <Hyperlink flow widget>>),
# ' is a ',
# ('bold', 'link'),
# ' to ',
# (14, <Filler box widget <Hyperlink flow widget>>),
# ]
text_widget = TextEmbed(markup)
canv = text_widget.render(text_widget.pack()[:1])
# Output: This is a link to https://urwid…
# The hyperlinks will be clickable if supported
In the case of overlapping matches, the substring that occurs first is matched
and if they start at the same index, the pattern that appears first in
*patterns* takes precedence.
return text

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
__all__ = ("Hyperlink",)
import urwid
class Hyperlink(urwid.WidgetWrap):
def __init__(
def render(self, size, focus):
return None
class HyperlinkCanvas(urwid.Canvas):
def __init__(self, uri: str, text_canv: urwid.TextCanvas):
def cols(self):
return 0
def content(self, *args, **kwargs):
yield [None]
def rows(self):
return 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
__all__ = ("parse_text", "TextEmbed")
import urwid
class TextEmbed(urwid.Text):
def get_text(
return None
def render(self, size, focus):
return None
def set_text(self, markup):
def set_wrap_mode(self, mode):
def parse_text(
return None

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# If urwidgets is loaded use it; otherwise use our stubs
from urwidgets import Hyperlink, TextEmbed, parse_text
has_urwidgets = True
except ImportError:
from .stub_hyperlink import Hyperlink
from .stub_text_embed import TextEmbed, parse_text
has_urwidgets = False

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from import app
from import time_ago
from toot.utils.language import language_name
from toot.utils import urlencode_url
from urwidgets import Hyperlink, TextEmbed, parse_text
from .stubs.urwidgets import Hyperlink, TextEmbed, parse_text, has_urwidgets
logger = logging.getLogger("toot")
@ -322,6 +322,8 @@ class StatusDetails(urwid.Pile):
return super().__init__(widget_list)
def linkify_content(self, text) -> urwid.Widget:
if not has_urwidgets:
return urwid.Text(("link", text))
# convert http[s] URLs to Hyperlink widgets for nesting in a TextEmbed widget

toot/tui/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# If urwidgets is loaded use it; otherwise use our stubs
from urwidgets import Hyperlink, TextEmbed, parse_text # noqa: F401
has_urwidgets = True
except ImportError:
from .stub_hyperlink import Hyperlink # noqa: F401
from .stub_text_embed import TextEmbed, parse_text # noqa: F401
has_urwidgets = False