Poll view/vote functionality in an overlay

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Schwarz 2023-02-10 21:45:15 -05:00
parent b50fb9d9fd
commit 44c8460a53
1 changed files with 98 additions and 0 deletions

toot/tui/poll.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
import urwid
from toot import api
from toot.exceptions import ApiError
from toot.utils import format_content
from .utils import highlight_hashtags, parse_datetime
from .widgets import Button
class Poll(urwid.ListBox):
"""View and vote on a poll"""
def __init__(self, app, user, status):
self.status = status
self.app = app
self.user = user
self.poll = status.data.get("poll")
self.button_group = []
def setup_listbox(self):
actions = list(self.generate_contents(self.status))
walker = urwid.SimpleListWalker(actions)
def build_linebox(self, contents):
contents = urwid.Pile(list(contents))
contents = urwid.Padding(contents, left=1, right=1)
return urwid.LineBox(contents)
def vote(self, button):
poll = self.status.data.get("poll")
choices = []
for idx, b in enumerate(self.button_group):
if b.state:
if len(choices):
response = api.vote(self.app, self.user, poll["id"], choices=choices)
self.status.data["poll"] = response
self.poll["voted"] = True
self.poll["own_votes"] = choices
except ApiError:
pass # FIXME error reporting?
def generate_poll_detail(self, status):
poll = self.poll
if poll:
self.button_group = [] # button group
for idx, option in enumerate(poll["options"]):
voted_for = (
poll["voted"] and poll["own_votes"] and idx in poll["own_votes"]
if poll["voted"] or poll["expired"]:
prefix = "" if voted_for else " "
yield urwid.Text(("gray", prefix + f'{option["title"]}'))
if poll["multiple"]:
cb = urwid.CheckBox(f'{option["title"]}')
yield cb
yield urwid.RadioButton(self.button_group, f'{option["title"]}')
yield urwid.Divider()
poll_detail = "Poll · {} votes".format(poll["votes_count"])
if poll["expired"]:
poll_detail += " · Closed"
if poll["expires_at"]:
expires_at = parse_datetime(poll["expires_at"]).strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
poll_detail += " · Closes on {}".format(expires_at)
yield urwid.Text(("gray", poll_detail))
def generate_contents(self, status):
yield urwid.Divider()
for line in format_content(status.data["content"]):
yield (urwid.Text(highlight_hashtags(line, set())))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield (self.build_linebox(self.generate_poll_detail(status)))
yield urwid.Divider()
if self.poll["voted"]:
yield urwid.Text(("grey", "< Already Voted >"))
elif not self.poll["expired"]:
yield Button("Vote", on_press=self.vote)