mirror of https://github.com/ihabunek/toot synced 2025-02-09 08:38:39 +01:00

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2023-12-03 07:07:18 +01:00
# flake8: noqa
import click
import logging
import os
import sys
import typing as t
from click.testing import Result
from functools import wraps
from toot import App, User, config, __version__
from toot.settings import get_settings
import typing_extensions as te
P = te.ParamSpec("P")
R = t.TypeVar("R")
T = t.TypeVar("T")
PRIVACY_CHOICES = ["public", "unlisted", "private"]
VISIBILITY_CHOICES = ["public", "unlisted", "private", "direct"]
"1": 1,
"16": 16,
"88": 88,
"256": 256,
"16777216": 16777216,
"24bit": 16777216,
DURATION_EXAMPLES = """e.g. "1 day", "2 hours 30 minutes", "5 minutes 30
seconds" or any combination of above. Shorthand: "1d", "2h30m", "5m30s\""""
# Type alias for run commands
Run = t.Callable[..., Result]
def get_default_visibility() -> str:
return os.getenv("TOOT_POST_VISIBILITY", "public")
def get_default_map():
settings = get_settings()
common = settings.get("common", {})
commands = settings.get("commands", {})
return {**common, **commands}
# Tweak the Click context
# https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.1.x/api/#context
CONTEXT = dict(
# Enable using environment variables to set options
# Add shorthand -h for invoking help
help_option_names=["-h", "--help"],
# Always show default values for options
# Load command defaults from settings
class Context(t.NamedTuple):
app: t.Optional[App]
user: t.Optional[User] = None
color: bool = False
debug: bool = False
quiet: bool = False
class TootObj(t.NamedTuple):
"""Data to add to Click context"""
color: bool = True
debug: bool = False
quiet: bool = False
# Pass a context for testing purposes
test_ctx: t.Optional[Context] = None
def pass_context(f: "t.Callable[te.Concatenate[Context, P], R]") -> "t.Callable[P, R]":
"""Pass the toot Context as first argument."""
def wrapped(*args: "P.args", **kwargs: "P.kwargs") -> R:
return f(_get_context(), *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
def _get_context() -> Context:
click_context = click.get_current_context()
obj: TootObj = click_context.obj
# This is used to pass a context for testing, not used in normal usage
if obj.test_ctx:
return obj.test_ctx
user, app = config.get_active_user_app()
if not user or not app:
raise click.ClickException("This command requires you to be logged in.")
return Context(app, user, obj.color, obj.debug, obj.quiet)
json_option = click.option(
help="Print data as JSON rather than human readable text"
@click.option("-w", "--max-width", type=int, default=80, help="Maximum width for content rendered by toot")
@click.option("--debug/--no-debug", default=False, help="Log debug info to stderr")
@click.option("--color/--no-color", default=sys.stdout.isatty(), help="Use ANSI color in output")
@click.option("--quiet/--no-quiet", default=False, help="Don't print anything to stdout")
@click.version_option(__version__, message="%(prog)s v%(version)s")
def cli(ctx: click.Context, max_width: int, color: bool, debug: bool, quiet: bool):
"""Toot is a Mastodon CLI"""
ctx.obj = TootObj(color, debug, quiet)
ctx.color = color
ctx.max_content_width = max_width
if debug:
2023-11-26 18:00:57 +01:00
from toot.cli import accounts
from toot.cli import auth
from toot.cli import lists
from toot.cli import post
from toot.cli import read
from toot.cli import statuses
from toot.cli import tags
from toot.cli import timelines
from toot.cli import tui