package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity import android.content.Context import android.text.Spannable import android.text.SpannableString import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.R import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootParser import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.DecodeOptions import jp.juggler.util.* enum class TootPollsType { Mastodon, // Mastodon 2.8 Misskey, // Misskey FriendsNico, // API Notestock, // notestock } class TootPollsChoice( val text : String, val decoded_text : Spannable, var isVoted : Boolean = false, // misskey var votes : Int? = 0, // misskey var checked : Boolean = false // Mastodon ) class TootPolls ( parser : TootParser, val pollType : TootPollsType, status : TootStatus, list_attachment : ArrayList?, src : JsonObject, srcArray: JsonArray? = null ) { // one of enquete,enquete_result val type : String? val question : String? // HTML text val decoded_question : Spannable // 表示用にデコードしてしまうのでNonNullになる // array of text with emoji val items : ArrayList? // 結果の数値 // null or array of number var ratios : MutableList? = null // 結果の数値のテキスト // null or array of string private var ratios_text : MutableList? = null // 以下はJSONには存在しないが内部で使う val time_start : Long val status_id : EntityId // Mastodon poll API var expired_at = Long.MAX_VALUE var expired = false var multiple = false var votes_count : Int? = null var maxVotesCount : Int? = null var pollId : EntityId? = null var ownVoted : Boolean init { this.time_start = status.time_created_at this.status_id = when(pollType) { TootPollsType.Misskey -> { this.items = parseChoiceListMisskey( src.jsonArray("choices") ) val votesList = ArrayList() var votesMax = 1 var ownVoted = false items?.forEach { choice -> if(choice.isVoted) ownVoted = true val votes = choice.votes ?: 0 votesList.add(votes) if(votes > votesMax) votesMax = votes } this.ownVoted = ownVoted if(votesList.isNotEmpty()) { this.ratios = { (it.toFloat() / votesMax.toFloat()) }.toMutableList() this.ratios_text = { parser.context.getString(R.string.vote_count_text, it) } .toMutableList() } else { this.ratios = null this.ratios_text = null } this.type = TYPE_ENQUETE this.question = status.content this.decoded_question = DecodeOptions( parser.context, parser.linkHelper, short = true, decodeEmoji = true, attachmentList = list_attachment, linkTag = status, emojiMapCustom = status.custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = status.profile_emojis, mentions = status.mentions, mentionDefaultHostDomain = status.account ).decodeHTML(this.question ?: "?") } TootPollsType.Mastodon -> { this.type = "enquete" this.question = status.content this.decoded_question = DecodeOptions( parser.context, parser.linkHelper, short = true, decodeEmoji = true, attachmentList = list_attachment, linkTag = status, emojiMapCustom = status.custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = status.profile_emojis, mentions = status.mentions, mentionDefaultHostDomain = status.account ).decodeHTML(this.question ?: "?") this.items = parseChoiceListMastodon( parser.context, status, src.jsonArray("options")?.objectList() ) this.pollId = EntityId.mayNull(src.string("id")) this.expired_at = TootStatus.parseTime(src.string("expires_at")).notZero() ?: Long.MAX_VALUE this.expired = src.optBoolean("expired", false) this.multiple = src.optBoolean("multiple", false) this.votes_count ="votes_count") var ownVoted = src.optBoolean("voted", false) src.jsonArray("own_votes")?.forEach { if(it is Number) { val i = it.toInt() items?.get(i)?.isVoted = true ownVoted = true } } this.ownVoted = ownVoted when { this.items == null -> maxVotesCount = null this.multiple -> { var max : Int? = null for(item in items) { val v = item.votes if(v != null && (max == null || v > max)) max = v } maxVotesCount = max } else -> { var sum : Int? = null for(item in items) { val v = item.votes if(v != null) sum = (sum ?: 0) + v } maxVotesCount = sum } } } TootPollsType.FriendsNico -> { this.type = src.string("type") this.question = src.string("question") this.decoded_question = DecodeOptions( parser.context, parser.linkHelper, short = true, decodeEmoji = true, attachmentList = list_attachment, linkTag = status, emojiMapCustom = status.custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = status.profile_emojis, mentions = status.mentions, mentionDefaultHostDomain = status.account ).decodeHTML(this.question ?: "?") this.items = parseChoiceListFriendsNico( parser.context, status, src.stringArrayList("items") ) this.ratios = src.floatArrayList("ratios") this.ratios_text = src.stringArrayList("ratios_text") this.ownVoted = false } TootPollsType.Notestock->{ this.type = "enquete" this.question = status.content this.decoded_question = DecodeOptions( parser.context, parser.linkHelper, short = true, decodeEmoji = true, attachmentList = list_attachment, linkTag = status, emojiMapCustom = status.custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = status.profile_emojis, mentions = status.mentions, mentionDefaultHostDomain = status.account, unwrapEmojiImageTag = true, // notestockはカスタム絵文字がimageタグになってる ).decodeHTML(this.question ?: "?") this.items = parseChoiceListNotestock( parser.context, status, srcArray?.objectList() ) this.pollId = EntityId.DEFAULT this.expired_at = TootStatus.parseTime(src.string("endTime")).notZero() ?: Long.MAX_VALUE this.expired = expired_at >= System.currentTimeMillis() this.multiple = src.containsKey("anyOf") this.votes_count = items?.sumOf{ it.votes ?: 0 }?.notZero() this.ownVoted = false when { this.items == null -> maxVotesCount = null this.multiple -> { var max : Int? = null for(item in items) { val v = item.votes if(v != null && (max == null || v > max)) max = v } maxVotesCount = max } else -> { var sum : Int? = null for(item in items) { val v = item.votes if(v != null) sum = (sum ?: 0) + v } maxVotesCount = sum } } } } } companion object { internal val log = LogCategory("TootPolls") const val ENQUETE_EXPIRE = 30000L const val TYPE_ENQUETE = "enquete" @Suppress("unused") const val TYPE_ENQUETE_RESULT = "enquete_result" @Suppress("HasPlatformType") private val reWhitespace = """[\s\t\x0d\x0a]+""".asciiPattern() fun parse( parser : TootParser, pollType : TootPollsType, status : TootStatus, list_attachment : ArrayList?, src : JsonObject?, ) : TootPolls? { src ?: return null return try { TootPolls( parser, pollType, status, list_attachment, src ) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) null } } private fun parseChoiceListMastodon( context : Context, status : TootStatus, objectArray : List? ) : ArrayList? { if(objectArray != null) { val size = objectArray.size val items = ArrayList(size) val options = DecodeOptions( context, emojiMapCustom = status.custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = status.profile_emojis, decodeEmoji = true, mentionDefaultHostDomain = status.account ) for(o in objectArray) { val text = reWhitespace .matcher((o.string("title") ?: "?").sanitizeBDI()) .replaceAll(" ") val decoded_text = options.decodeEmoji(text) items.add( TootPollsChoice( text, decoded_text, votes ="votes_count") // may null ) ) } if(items.isNotEmpty()) return items } return null } private fun parseChoiceListNotestock( context : Context, status : TootStatus, objectArray : List? ) : ArrayList? { if(objectArray != null) { val size = objectArray.size val items = ArrayList(size) val options = DecodeOptions( context, emojiMapCustom = status.custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = status.profile_emojis, decodeEmoji = true, mentionDefaultHostDomain = status.account ) for(o in objectArray) { val text = reWhitespace .matcher((o.string("name") ?: "?").sanitizeBDI()) .replaceAll(" ") val decoded_text = options.decodeEmoji(text) items.add( TootPollsChoice( text, decoded_text, votes = o.jsonObject("replies")?.int("totalItems") // may null ) ) } if(items.isNotEmpty()) return items } return null } private fun parseChoiceListFriendsNico( context : Context, status : TootStatus, stringArray : ArrayList? ) : ArrayList? { if(stringArray != null) { val size = stringArray.size val items = ArrayList(size) val options = DecodeOptions( context, emojiMapCustom = status.custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = status.profile_emojis, decodeEmoji = true, mentionDefaultHostDomain = status.account ) for(i in 0 until size) { val text = reWhitespace .matcher(stringArray[i].sanitizeBDI()) .replaceAll(" ") val decoded_text = options.decodeHTML(text) items.add( TootPollsChoice( text, decoded_text ) ) } if(items.isNotEmpty()) return items } return null } private fun parseChoiceListMisskey( choices : JsonArray? ) : ArrayList? { if(choices != null) { val items = ArrayList() choices.forEach { it.cast()?.let { src -> val text = reWhitespace .matcher(src.string("text")?.sanitizeBDI() ?: "") .replaceAll(" ") val decoded_text = SpannableString(text) // misskey ではマークダウン不可で絵文字もない val dst = TootPollsChoice( text = text, decoded_text = decoded_text, // 配列インデクスと同じだった id = EntityId.mayNull(src.long("id")), votes ="votes") ?: 0, isVoted = src.optBoolean("isVoted") ) items.add(dst) } } if(items.isNotEmpty()) return items } return null } } // misskey用 fun increaseVote(context : Context, argChoice : Int?, isMyVoted : Boolean) : Boolean { argChoice ?: return false synchronized(this) { try { // 既に投票済み状態なら何もしない if(ownVoted) return false val item = this.items?.get(argChoice) ?: return false item.votes = (item.votes ?: 0) + 1 if(isMyVoted) item.isVoted = true // update ratios val votesList = ArrayList() var votesMax = 1 items.forEach { choice -> if(choice.isVoted) ownVoted = true val votes = choice.votes ?: 0 votesList.add(votes) if(votes > votesMax) votesMax = votes } if(votesList.isNotEmpty()) { this.ratios = votesList.asSequence() .map { (it.toFloat() / votesMax.toFloat()) } .toMutableList() this.ratios_text = votesList.asSequence() .map { context.getString(R.string.vote_count_text, it) } .toMutableList() } else { this.ratios = null this.ratios_text = null } return true } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.e(ex, "increaseVote failed") return false } } } }