package jp.juggler.subwaytooter import android.annotation.SuppressLint import import android.content.Intent import import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Bundle import import android.text.Editable import android.text.TextWatcher import android.view.View import android.widget.EditText import android.widget.TextView import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient import org.hjson.JsonValue import java.util.regex.Pattern import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.* import okhttp3.Request class ActCustomStreamListener : AppCompatActivity(), View.OnClickListener, TextWatcher { companion object { internal val log = LogCategory("ActCustomStreamListener") // internal val EXTRA_ACCT = "acct" fun open(activity : Activity) { val intent = Intent(activity, activity.startActivity(intent) } internal const val STATE_STREAM_CONFIG_JSON = "stream_config_json" internal val reInstanceURL = Pattern.compile("\\Ahttps://[a-z0-9.-_:]+\\z") internal val reUpperCase = Pattern.compile("[A-Z]") internal val reUrl = Pattern.compile("\\Ahttps?://[\\w\\-?&#%~!$'()*+,/:;=@._\\[\\]]+\\z") } private lateinit var etStreamListenerConfigurationUrl : EditText private lateinit var etStreamListenerSecret : EditText private lateinit var tvLog : TextView private lateinit var btnDiscard : View private lateinit var btnTest : View private lateinit var btnSave : View internal var stream_config_json : String? = null private var bLoading = false private val isTestRunning : Boolean get() = last_task?.isCancelled ?: false internal var last_task : AsyncTask? = null override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState : Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) App1.setActivityTheme(this, false) initUI() if(savedInstanceState != null) { stream_config_json = savedInstanceState.getString(STATE_STREAM_CONFIG_JSON) } else { load() } showButtonState() } override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState : Bundle?) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) outState ?: return outState.putString(STATE_STREAM_CONFIG_JSON, stream_config_json) } private fun initUI() { setContentView(R.layout.act_custom_stream_listener) Styler.fixHorizontalPadding(findViewById( etStreamListenerConfigurationUrl = findViewById( etStreamListenerSecret = findViewById( etStreamListenerConfigurationUrl.addTextChangedListener(this) etStreamListenerSecret.addTextChangedListener(this) tvLog = findViewById( btnDiscard = findViewById( btnTest = findViewById( btnSave = findViewById( btnDiscard.setOnClickListener(this) btnTest.setOnClickListener(this) btnSave.setOnClickListener(this) } private fun load() { bLoading = true val pref = Pref.pref(this) etStreamListenerConfigurationUrl.setText(Pref.spStreamListenerConfigUrl(pref)) etStreamListenerSecret.setText(Pref.spStreamListenerSecret(pref)) stream_config_json = null tvLog.text = getString(R.string.input_url_and_secret_then_test) bLoading = false } override fun beforeTextChanged(s : CharSequence, start : Int, count : Int, after : Int) { } override fun onTextChanged(s : CharSequence, start : Int, before : Int, count : Int) { } override fun afterTextChanged(s : Editable) { tvLog.text = getString(R.string.input_url_and_secret_then_test) stream_config_json = null showButtonState() } private fun showButtonState() { btnSave.isEnabled = stream_config_json != null btnTest.isEnabled = ! isTestRunning } override fun onClick(v : View) { when( { -> { etStreamListenerConfigurationUrl.hideKeyboard() finish() } -> { etStreamListenerConfigurationUrl.hideKeyboard() startTest() } -> { etStreamListenerConfigurationUrl.hideKeyboard() if(save()) { SavedAccount.clearRegistrationCache() PollingWorker.queueUpdateListener(this) finish() } } } } private fun save() : Boolean { if(stream_config_json == null) { showToast(this, false, "please test before save.") return false } Pref.pref(this).edit() .put( Pref.spStreamListenerConfigUrl, etStreamListenerConfigurationUrl.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' }) .put( Pref.spStreamListenerSecret, etStreamListenerSecret.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' }) .put(Pref.spStreamListenerConfigData, stream_config_json ?: "") .apply() return true } internal fun addLog(line : String) { runOnMainLooper { val old = tvLog.text.toString() tvLog.text = if(old.isEmpty()) line else old + "\n" + line } } @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") private fun startTest() { val strSecret = etStreamListenerSecret.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' } val strUrl = etStreamListenerConfigurationUrl.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' } stream_config_json = null showButtonState() val task = object : AsyncTask() { override fun doInBackground(vararg params : Void) : String? { try { while(true) { if( ! Pref.bpSendAccessTokenToAppServer(Pref.pref(this@ActCustomStreamListener))){ addLog("we won't use push notification until 'SendAccessTokenToAppServer' is not set.") break } if(strSecret.isEmpty()) { addLog("Secret is empty. Custom Listener is not used.") break } else if(strUrl.isEmpty()) { addLog("Configuration URL is empty. Custom Listener is not used.") break } addLog("try to loading Configuration data from URL…") var builder : Request.Builder = Request.Builder() .url(strUrl) var call = App1.ok_http_client.newCall( val response = call.execute() val bodyString : String? = try { response.body()?.string() } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) null } if(! response.isSuccessful || bodyString?.isEmpty() != false) { addLog( TootApiClient.formatResponse( response, "Can't get configuration from URL.", bodyString ) ) break } val jv : JsonValue = try { JsonValue.readHjson(bodyString) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) addLog(ex.withCaption("Can't parse configuration data.")) break } if(! jv.isObject) { addLog("configuration data is not JSON Object.") break } val root = jv.asObject() var has_wildcard = false var has_error = false for(member in root) { val strInstance = if("*" == strInstance) { has_wildcard = true } else if(reUpperCase.matcher(strInstance).find()) { addLog(strInstance + " : instance URL must be lower case.") has_error = true continue } else if(strInstance[strInstance.length - 1] == '/') { addLog(strInstance + " : instance URL must not be trailed with '/'.") has_error = true continue } else if(! reInstanceURL.matcher(strInstance).find()) { addLog(strInstance + " : instance URL is not like https://.....") has_error = true continue } val entry_value = member.value if(! entry_value.isObject) { addLog(strInstance + " : value for this instance is not JSON Object.") has_error = true continue } val entry = entry_value.asObject() val keys = arrayOf( "urlStreamingListenerRegister", "urlStreamingListenerUnregister", "appId" ) for(key in keys) { val v = entry.get(key) if(! v.isString) { addLog("$strInstance.$key : missing parameter, or data type is not string.") has_error = true continue } val sv = v.asString() if(sv.isEmpty()) { addLog("$strInstance.$key : empty parameter.") has_error = true } else if(sv.contains(" ")) { addLog("$strInstance.$key : contains whitespace.") has_error = true } if("appId" != key) { if(! reUrl.matcher(sv).find()) { addLog("$strInstance.$key : not like Url.") has_error = true } else if(Uri.parse(sv).scheme == "https") { try { addLog("check access to $sv …") builder = Request.Builder().url(sv) call = App1.ok_http_client.newCall( call.execute() } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) addLog(ex.withCaption("$strInstance.$key : connect failed.")) has_error = true } } } } } if(! has_wildcard) { addLog("Warning: This configuration has no wildcard entry.") if(! has_error) { for(sa in SavedAccount.loadAccountList(this@ActCustomStreamListener)) { if(sa.isPseudo) continue val instanceUrl = ("https://" + val v = root.get(instanceUrl) if(v == null || ! v.isObject) { addLog("Warning: $instanceUrl : is found in account, but not found in configuration data.") } } } } if(has_error) { addLog("This configuration has error. ") break } return bodyString } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) addLog(ex.withCaption("Can't read configuration from URL.")) } return null } override fun onCancelled(s : String?) { onPostExecute(s) } override fun onPostExecute(s : String?) { last_task = null if(s != null) { stream_config_json = s addLog("seems configuration is ok.") } else { addLog("error detected.") } showButtonState() } } last_task = task task.executeOnExecutor(App1.task_executor) } }