package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import android.os.SystemClock; //! リトライつきHTTPクライアント public class HTTPClient { static final boolean debug_http = false; public String[] extra_header; public int rcode; public boolean allow_error = false; public Map< String, List< String > > response_header; public HashMap< String, String > cookie_pot; public int max_try; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public int timeout_dns = 1000 * 3; public int timeout_connect; public int timeout_read; public String caption; public boolean silent_error = false; public long time_expect_connect = 3000; public boolean bDisableKeepAlive = false; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public HTTPClient( int timeout, int max_try, String caption, CancelChecker cancel_checker ){ this.cancel_checker = cancel_checker; this.timeout_connect = this.timeout_read = timeout; this.max_try = max_try; this.caption = caption; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public HTTPClient( int timeout, int max_try, String caption, final AtomicBoolean _cancel_checker ){ this.cancel_checker = new CancelChecker() { @Override public boolean isCancelled(){ return _cancel_checker.get(); } }; this.timeout_connect = this.timeout_read = timeout; this.max_try = max_try; this.caption = caption; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void setCookiePot( boolean enabled ){ if( enabled == ( cookie_pot != null ) ) return; cookie_pot = ( enabled ? new HashMap< String, String >() : null ); } /////////////////////////////// // デフォルトの入力ストリームハンドラ HTTPClientReceiver default_receiver = new HTTPClientReceiver() { byte[] buf = new byte[ 2048 ]; ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream( 0 ); public byte[] onHTTPClientStream( LogCategory log, CancelChecker cancel_checker, InputStream in, int content_length ){ try{ bao.reset(); for( ; ; ){ if( cancel_checker.isCancelled() ){ if( debug_http ) log.w( "[%s,read]cancelled!" , caption ); return null; } int delta = buf ); if( delta <= 0 ) break; bao.write( buf, 0, delta ); } return bao.toByteArray(); }catch( Throwable ex ){ log.e( "[%s,read] %s:%s" , caption , ex.getClass().getSimpleName() , ex.getMessage() ); } return null; } }; /////////////////////////////// // 別スレッドからのキャンセル処理 public CancelChecker cancel_checker; volatile Thread io_thread; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public boolean isCancelled(){ return cancel_checker.isCancelled(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public synchronized void cancel( LogCategory log ){ Thread t = io_thread; if( t == null ) return; log.i( "[%s,cancel] %s" , caption , t ); try{ t.interrupt(); }catch( Throwable ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } public byte[] post_content = null; public String post_content_type = null; public boolean quit_network_error = false; public String last_error = null; public long mtime; public static String user_agent = null; /////////////////////////////// // HTTPリクエスト処理 @SuppressWarnings("unused") public byte[] getHTTP( LogCategory log, String url ){ return getHTTP( log, url, default_receiver ); } @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") public byte[] getHTTP( LogCategory log, String url, HTTPClientReceiver receiver ){ // // // // HTTP connection reuse which was buggy pre-froyo // if( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.FROYO ){ // System.setProperty( "http.keepAlive", "false" ); // } try{ synchronized( this ){ this.io_thread = Thread.currentThread(); } URL urlObject; try{ urlObject = new URL( url ); }catch( MalformedURLException ex ){ log.d( "[%s,init] bad url %s %s", caption, url, ex.getMessage() ); return null; } /* // desire だと、どうもリソースリークしているようなので行わないことにした。 // DNSを引けるか確認する if(debug_http) Log.d(logcat,"check hostname "+url); if( !checkDNSResolver(urlObject) ){ Log.w(logcat,"broken name resolver"); return null; } */ long timeStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); for( int nTry = 0 ; nTry < max_try ; ++ nTry ){ long t1, t2, lap; try{ this.rcode = 0; // キャンセルされたか確認 if( cancel_checker.isCancelled() ) return null; // http connection HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlObject.openConnection(); if( user_agent != null ) conn.setRequestProperty( "User-Agent", user_agent ); // 追加ヘッダがあれば記録する if( extra_header != null ){ for( int i = 0 ; i < extra_header.length ; i += 2 ){ conn.addRequestProperty( extra_header[ i ], extra_header[ i + 1 ] ); if( debug_http ) log.d( "%s: %s", extra_header[ i ], extra_header[ i + 1 ] ); } } if( bDisableKeepAlive ){ conn.setRequestProperty( "Connection", "close" ); } // クッキーがあれば指定する if( cookie_pot != null ){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for( Map.Entry< String, String > pair : cookie_pot.entrySet() ){ if( sb.length() > 0 ) sb.append( "; " ); sb.append( pair.getKey() ); sb.append( '=' ); sb.append( pair.getValue() ); } conn.addRequestProperty( "Cookie", sb.toString() ); } // リクエストを送ってレスポンスの頭を読む try{ t1 = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if( debug_http ) log.d( "[%s,connect] start %s", caption, toHostName( url ) ); conn.setDoInput( true ); conn.setConnectTimeout( this.timeout_connect ); conn.setReadTimeout( this.timeout_read ); if( post_content == null ){ conn.setDoOutput( false ); conn.connect(); }else{ conn.setDoOutput( true ); // if( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB ){ // conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Length", Integer.toString( post_content.length ) ); // } if( post_content_type != null ){ conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", post_content_type ); } OutputStream out = conn.getOutputStream(); out.write( post_content ); out.flush(); out.close(); } // int rcode; try{ // Will throw IOException if server responds with 401. rcode = this.rcode = conn.getResponseCode(); }catch( IOException ex ){ String sv = ex.getMessage(); if( sv != null && sv.contains( "authentication challenge" ) ){ log.d( "retry getResponseCode!" ); // Will return 401, because now connection has the correct internal state. rcode = this.rcode = conn.getResponseCode(); }else{ throw ex; } } mtime = conn.getLastModified(); t2 = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); lap = t2 - t1; if( lap > time_expect_connect ) log.d( "[%s,connect] time=%sms %s", caption, lap, toHostName( url ) ); // ヘッダを覚えておく response_header = conn.getHeaderFields(); // クッキーが来ていたら覚える if( cookie_pot != null ){ String v = conn.getHeaderField( "set-cookie" ); if( v != null ){ int pos = v.indexOf( '=' ); cookie_pot.put( v.substring( 0, pos ), v.substring( pos + 1 ) ); } } if( rcode >= 500 ){ if( ! silent_error ) log.e( "[%s,connect] temporary error %d", caption, rcode ); last_error = String.format( "(HTTP error %d)", rcode ); continue; }else if( ! allow_error && rcode >= 300 ){ if( ! silent_error ) log.e( "[%s,connect] permanent error %d", caption, rcode ); last_error = String.format( "(HTTP error %d)", rcode ); return null; } }catch( UnknownHostException ex ){ rcode = 0; last_error = ex.getClass().getSimpleName(); // このエラーはリトライしてもムリ conn.disconnect(); return null; }catch( SSLHandshakeException ex ){ last_error = String.format( "SSL handshake error. Please check device's date and time. (%s %s)", ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage() ); if( ! silent_error ){ log.e( "[%s,connect] %s" , caption , last_error ); if( ex.getMessage() == null ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } this.rcode = - 1; return null; }catch( Throwable ex ){ last_error = String.format( "%s %s", ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage() ); if( ! silent_error ){ log.e( "[%s,connect] %s" , caption , last_error ); if( ex.getMessage() == null ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } // 時計が合ってない場合は Received authentication challenge is null なエラーが出るらしい // getting a 401 Unauthorized error, due to a malformed Authorization header. if( ex instanceof IOException && ex.getMessage() != null && ex.getMessage().contains( "authentication challenge" ) ){ ex.printStackTrace(); log.d( "Please check device's date and time." ); this.rcode = 401; return null; }else if( ex instanceof ConnectException && ex.getMessage() != null && ex.getMessage().contains( "ENETUNREACH" ) ){ // このアプリの場合は network unreachable はリトライしない return null; } if( quit_network_error ) return null; // 他のエラーはリトライしてみよう。キャンセルされたなら次のループの頭で抜けるはず conn.disconnect(); continue; } InputStream in = null; try{ if( debug_http ) if( rcode != 200 ) log.d( "[%s,read] start status=%d", caption, this.rcode ); try{ in = conn.getInputStream(); }catch( FileNotFoundException ex ){ in = conn.getErrorStream(); } if( in == null ){ log.d( "[%s,read] missing input stream. rcode=%d", caption, rcode ); return null; } int content_length = conn.getContentLength(); byte[] data = receiver.onHTTPClientStream( log, cancel_checker, in, content_length ); if( data == null ) continue; if( data.length > 0 ){ if( nTry > 0 ) log.w( "[%s] OK. retry=%d,time=%dms" , caption , nTry , SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - timeStart ); return data; } if( ! cancel_checker.isCancelled() && ! silent_error ){ log.w( "[%s,read] empty data." , caption ); } }finally{ try{ if( in != null ) in.close(); }catch( Throwable ignored ){ } conn.disconnect(); } }catch( Throwable ex ){ last_error = String.format( "%s %s", ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage() ); ex.printStackTrace(); } } if( ! silent_error ) log.e( "[%s] fail. try=%d. rcode=%d", caption, max_try, rcode ); }catch( Throwable ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); last_error = String.format( "%s %s", ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage() ); }finally{ synchronized( this ){ io_thread = null; } } return null; } //! HTTPレスポンスのヘッダを読む @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void dump_res_header( LogCategory log ){ log.d( "HTTP code %d", rcode ); if( response_header != null ){ for( Map.Entry< String, List< String > > entry : response_header.entrySet() ){ String k = entry.getKey(); for( String v : entry.getValue() ){ log.d( "%s: %s", k, v ); } } } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "ConstantConditions" }) public String get_cache( LogCategory log, File file, String url ){ String last_error = null; for( int nTry = 0 ; nTry < 10 ; ++ nTry ){ if( cancel_checker.isCancelled() ) return "cancelled"; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); try{ HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL( url ).openConnection(); try{ conn.setConnectTimeout( 1000 * 10 ); conn.setReadTimeout( 1000 * 10 ); if( file.exists() ) conn.setIfModifiedSince( file.lastModified() ); conn.connect(); this.rcode = conn.getResponseCode(); if( rcode == 304 ){ if( file.exists() ){ //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored file.setLastModified( now ); } return null; } if( rcode == 200 ){ InputStream in = conn.getInputStream(); try{ ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try{ byte[] tmp = new byte[ 4096 ]; for( ; ; ){ if( cancel_checker.isCancelled() ) return "cancelled"; int delta = tmp, 0, tmp.length ); if( delta <= 0 ) break; bao.write( tmp, 0, delta ); } byte[] data = bao.toByteArray(); if( data != null ){ FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( file ); try{ out.write( data ); return null; }finally{ try{ out.close(); }catch( Throwable ignored ){ } } } }finally{ try{ bao.close(); }catch( Throwable ignored ){ } } }catch( Throwable ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); if( file.exists() ){ //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored file.delete(); } last_error = String.format( "%s %s", ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage() ); }finally{ try{ in.close(); }catch( Throwable ignored ){ } } break; } log.e( "http error: %d %s", rcode, url ); if( rcode >= 400 && rcode < 500 ){ last_error = String.format( "HTTP error %d", rcode ); break; } }finally{ conn.disconnect(); } // retry ? }catch( MalformedURLException ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); last_error = String.format( "bad URL:%s", ex.getMessage() ); break; }catch( IOException ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); last_error = String.format( "%s %s", ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage() ); } } return last_error; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 複数URLに対応したリクエスト処理 public boolean no_cache = false; @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "ConstantConditions" }) public File getFile( LogCategory log, File cache_dir, String[] url_list, File _file ){ // if( url_list == null || url_list.length < 1 ){ setError( 0, "missing url argument." ); return null; } // make cache_dir if( cache_dir != null ){ if( ! cache_dir.mkdirs() && ! cache_dir.isDirectory() ){ setError( 0, "can not create cache_dir" ); return null; } } for( int nTry = 0 ; nTry < 10 ; ++ nTry ){ if( cancel_checker.isCancelled() ){ setError( 0, "cancelled." ); return null; } // String url = url_list[ nTry % url_list.length ]; File file = ( _file != null ? _file : new File( cache_dir, Utils.url2name( url ) ) ); // //noinspection TryWithIdenticalCatches try{ HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL( url ).openConnection(); if( user_agent != null ) conn.setRequestProperty( "User-Agent", user_agent ); try{ conn.setConnectTimeout( 1000 * 10 ); conn.setReadTimeout( 1000 * 10 ); if( ! no_cache && file.exists() ) conn.setIfModifiedSince( file.lastModified() ); conn.connect(); this.rcode = conn.getResponseCode(); if( debug_http ) if( rcode != 200 ) log.d( "getFile %s %s", rcode, url ); // 変更なしの場合 if( rcode == 304 ){ /// log.d("304: %s",file); return file; } // 変更があった場合 if( rcode == 200 ){ // メッセージボディをファイルに保存する InputStream in = null; FileOutputStream out = null; try{ byte[] tmp = new byte[ 4096 ]; in = conn.getInputStream(); out = new FileOutputStream( file ); for( ; ; ){ if( cancel_checker.isCancelled() ){ setError( 0, "cancelled" ); if( file.exists() ){ //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored file.delete(); } return null; } int delta = tmp, 0, tmp.length ); if( delta <= 0 ) break; out.write( tmp, 0, delta ); } out.close(); out = null; // long mtime = conn.getLastModified(); if( mtime >= 1000 ){ //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored file.setLastModified( mtime ); } // /// log.d("200: %s",file); return file; }catch( Throwable ex ){ setError( ex ); }finally{ try{ if( in != null ) in.close(); }catch( Throwable ignored ){ } try{ if( out != null ) out.close(); }catch( Throwable ignored ){ } } // エラーがあったらリトライ if( file.exists() ){ //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored file.delete(); } continue; } // その他、よく分からないケース log.e( "http error: %d %s", rcode, url ); // URLが複数提供されている場合、404エラーはリトライ対象 if( rcode == 404 && url_list.length > 1 ){ last_error = String.format( "(HTTP error %d)", rcode ); continue; } // それ以外の永続エラーはリトライしない if( rcode >= 400 && rcode < 500 ){ last_error = String.format( "(HTTP error %d)", rcode ); break; } }finally{ conn.disconnect(); } // retry ? }catch( UnknownHostException ex ){ rcode = 0; last_error = ex.getClass().getSimpleName(); // このエラーはリトライしてもムリ break; }catch( MalformedURLException ex ){ setError( ex ); break; }catch( SocketTimeoutException ex ){ setError_silent( log, ex ); }catch( ConnectException ex ){ setError_silent( log, ex ); }catch( IOException ex ){ setError( ex ); } } return null; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public boolean setError( int i, String string ){ rcode = i; last_error = string; return false; } public boolean setError( Throwable ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); rcode = 0; last_error = String.format( "%s %s", ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage() ); return false; } public boolean setError_silent( LogCategory log, Throwable ex ){ log.d( "ERROR: %s %s", ex.getClass().getName(), ex.getMessage() ); rcode = 0; last_error = String.format( "%s %s", ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage() ); return false; } //! HTTPレスポンスのヘッダを読む public String getHeaderString( String key, String defval ){ List< String > list = response_header.get( key ); if( list != null && list.size() > 0 ){ String v = list.get( 0 ); if( v != null ) return v; } return defval; } //! HTTPレスポンスのヘッダを読む @SuppressWarnings("unused") public int getHeaderInt( String key, int defval ){ String v = getHeaderString( key, null ); try{ return Integer.parseInt( v, 10 ); }catch( Throwable ex ){ return defval; } } static Pattern reHostName = Pattern.compile( "//([^/]+)/" ); static String toHostName( String url ){ Matcher m = reHostName.matcher( url ); if( m.find() ) return 1 ); return url; } }