package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.LogCategory; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.Utils; public class TootAttachment { public static class List extends ArrayList< TootAttachment > { } // ID of the attachment public long id; //One of: "image", "video", "gifv". or may null ? may "unknown" ? public String type; public static final String TYPE_IMAGE = "image"; public static final String TYPE_VIDEO = "video"; public static final String TYPE_GIFV = "gifv"; //URL of the locally hosted version of the image public String url; //For remote images, the remote URL of the original image public String remote_url; // URL of the preview image public String preview_url; // Shorter URL for the image, for insertion into text (only present on local images) public String text_url; public static TootAttachment parse( LogCategory log, JSONObject src ){ if( src == null ) return null; try{ TootAttachment dst = new TootAttachment(); = src.optLong( "id" ); dst.type = Utils.optStringX( src, "type" ); dst.url = Utils.optStringX( src, "url" ); dst.remote_url = Utils.optStringX( src, "remote_url" ); dst.preview_url = Utils.optStringX( src, "preview_url" ); dst.text_url = Utils.optStringX( src, "text_url" ); return dst; }catch( Throwable ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); log.e( ex, "TootAttachment.parse failed." ); return null; } } public static List parseList( LogCategory log, JSONArray array ){ List result = new List(); for( int i = array.length() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ){ JSONObject src = array.optJSONObject( i ); if( src == null ) continue; TootAttachment item = parse( log, src ); if( item != null ) result.add( 0, item ); } return result; } }