package jp.juggler.subwaytooter import android.annotation.SuppressLint import import import import import import import android.content.ComponentName import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.content.SharedPreferences import import import import android.os.Build import android.os.Handler import android.os.PowerManager import android.os.SystemClock import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification import import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiCallback import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootParser import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.EntityId import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootInstance import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootNotification import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.NotificationCache.Companion.getEntityOrderId import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.NotificationCache.Companion.parseNotificationType import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.* import jp.juggler.util.* import okhttp3.Call import okhttp3.Request import java.lang.ref.WeakReference import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference import kotlin.math.max import kotlin.math.min class PollingWorker private constructor(contextArg : Context) { interface JobStatusCallback { fun onStatus(sv : String) } enum class TrackingType(val str : String) { All("all"), Reply("reply"), NotReply("notReply"); companion object { fun parseStr(str : String?) : TrackingType { for(v in values()) { if(v.str == str) return v } return All } } } companion object { internal val log = LogCategory("PollingWorker") private const val FCM_SENDER_ID = "433682361381" private const val FCM_SCOPE = "FCM" const val NOTIFICATION_ID = 1 const val NOTIFICATION_ID_ERROR = 3 val mBusyAppDataImportBefore = AtomicBoolean(false) val mBusyAppDataImportAfter = AtomicBoolean(false) const val EXTRA_DB_ID = "db_id" const val EXTRA_TAG = "tag" const val EXTRA_TASK_ID = "task_id" const val EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE = "notification_type" const val EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_ID = "notificationId" const val APP_SERVER = "" internal val inject_queue = ConcurrentLinkedQueue() // ジョブID const val JOB_POLLING = 1 private const val JOB_TASK = 2 const val JOB_FCM = 3 // タスクID const val TASK_POLLING = 1 const val TASK_DATA_INJECTED = 2 const val TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR = 3 const val TASK_APP_DATA_IMPORT_BEFORE = 4 const val TASK_APP_DATA_IMPORT_AFTER = 5 const val TASK_FCM_DEVICE_TOKEN = 6 const val TASK_FCM_MESSAGE = 7 const val TASK_BOOT_COMPLETED = 8 const val TASK_PACKAGE_REPLACED = 9 const val TASK_NOTIFICATION_DELETE = 10 const val TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLICK = 11 private const val TASK_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION = 12 @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") private var sInstance : PollingWorker? = null fun getInstance(applicationContext : Context) : PollingWorker { var s = sInstance if(s == null) { s = PollingWorker(applicationContext) sInstance = s } return s } fun getDeviceId(context : Context) : String? { // 設定ファイルに保持されていたらそれを使う val prefDevice = PrefDevice.prefDevice(context) var device_token = prefDevice.getString(PrefDevice.KEY_DEVICE_TOKEN, null) if(device_token?.isNotEmpty() == true) return device_token try { // FirebaseのAPIから取得する device_token = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken(FCM_SENDER_ID, FCM_SCOPE) if(device_token?.isNotEmpty() == true) { prefDevice .edit() .putString(PrefDevice.KEY_DEVICE_TOKEN, device_token) .apply() return device_token } log.e("getDeviceId: missing device token.") return null } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "getDeviceId: could not get device token.") return null } } // インストールIDを生成する前に、各データの通知登録キャッシュをクリアする // トークンがまだ生成されていない場合、このメソッドは null を返します。 fun prepareInstallId( context : Context, job : JobItem? = null ) : String? { val prefDevice = PrefDevice.prefDevice(context) var sv = prefDevice.getString(PrefDevice.KEY_INSTALL_ID, null) if(sv?.isNotEmpty() == true) return sv SavedAccount.clearRegistrationCache() try { var device_token = prefDevice.getString(PrefDevice.KEY_DEVICE_TOKEN, null) if(device_token?.isEmpty() != false) { try { device_token = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken(FCM_SENDER_ID, FCM_SCOPE) if(device_token == null || device_token.isEmpty()) { log.e("getInstallId: missing device token.") return null } else { prefDevice.edit().putString(PrefDevice.KEY_DEVICE_TOKEN, device_token) .apply() } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "getInstallId: could not get device token.") return null } } val request = Request.Builder() .url("$APP_SERVER/counter") .build() val call = App1.ok_http_client.newCall(request) if(job != null) { job.current_call = call } val response = call.execute() val body = response.body?.string() if(! response.isSuccessful || body?.isEmpty() != false) { log.e( TootApiClient.formatResponse( response, "getInstallId: get /counter failed." ) ) return null } sv = (device_token + UUID.randomUUID() + body).digestSHA256Base64Url() prefDevice.edit().putString(PrefDevice.KEY_INSTALL_ID, sv).apply() return sv } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "prepareInstallId failed.") } return null } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // タスクの管理 val task_list = TaskList() fun scheduleJob(context : Context, job_id : Int) { val scheduler = context.getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE) as? JobScheduler ?: throw NotImplementedError("missing JobScheduler system service") val component = ComponentName(context, val builder = JobInfo.Builder(job_id, component) .setRequiredNetworkType(JobInfo.NETWORK_TYPE_ANY) if(job_id == JOB_POLLING) { val intervalMillis = 60000L * Pref.spPullNotificationCheckInterval.toInt(Pref.pref(context)) if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) { /// val minInterval = JobInfo.getMinPeriodMillis() // 15 min /// val minFlex = JobInfo.getMinFlexMillis() // 5 min val minInterval = 300000L // 5 min val minFlex = 60000L // 1 min builder.setPeriodic( max(minInterval, intervalMillis), max(minFlex, intervalMillis shr 1) ) } else { val minInterval = 300000L // 5 min builder.setPeriodic(max(minInterval, intervalMillis)) } builder.setPersisted(true) } else { builder .setMinimumLatency(0) .setOverrideDeadline(60000L) } val jobInfo = scheduler.schedule(jobInfo) } // タスクの追加 private fun addTask( context : Context, removeOld : Boolean, task_id : Int, taskDataArg : JsonObject? ) { try { task_list.addLast( context, removeOld, (taskDataArg ?: JsonObject()).apply { put(EXTRA_TASK_ID, task_id) } ) scheduleJob(context, JOB_TASK) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } fun queueUpdateNotification(context : Context) { addTask(context, true, TASK_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION, null) } fun injectData( context : Context, account : SavedAccount, src : ArrayList ) { if(src.isEmpty()) return val id = InjectData() id.account_db_id = account.db_id id.list.addAll(src) inject_queue.add(id) addTask(context, true, TASK_DATA_INJECTED, null) } fun queueNotificationCleared(context : Context, db_id : Long) { try { val data = jsonObject { putNotNull(EXTRA_DB_ID, db_id) } addTask(context, true, TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR, data) } catch(ex : JsonException) { log.trace(ex) } } private fun decodeNotificationUri(uri:Uri?):JsonObject?{ uri ?: return null return jsonObject { putNotNull( EXTRA_DB_ID, uri.getQueryParameter("db_id")?.toLongOrNull() ) putNotNull( EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE, uri.getQueryParameter("type")?.notEmpty() ) putNotNull( EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_ID, uri.getQueryParameter("notificationId")?.notEmpty() ) } } fun queueNotificationDeleted(context : Context, uri : Uri?) { try { val params = decodeNotificationUri(uri) ?: return addTask(context,false,TASK_NOTIFICATION_DELETE,params) } catch(ex : JsonException) { log.trace(ex) } } fun queueNotificationClicked(context : Context, uri:Uri?) { try { val params = decodeNotificationUri(uri) ?: return addTask(context, true, TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLICK, params) } catch(ex : JsonException) { log.trace(ex) } } fun queueAppDataImportBefore(context : Context) { mBusyAppDataImportBefore.set(true) mBusyAppDataImportAfter.set(true) addTask(context, false, TASK_APP_DATA_IMPORT_BEFORE, null) } fun queueAppDataImportAfter(context : Context) { addTask(context, false, TASK_APP_DATA_IMPORT_AFTER, null) } fun queueFCMTokenUpdated(context : Context) { addTask(context, true, TASK_FCM_DEVICE_TOKEN, null) } fun queueBootCompleted(context : Context) { addTask(context, true, TASK_BOOT_COMPLETED, null) } fun queuePackageReplaced(context : Context) { addTask(context, true, TASK_PACKAGE_REPLACED, null) } internal val job_status = AtomicReference(null) fun handleFCMMessage(context : Context, tag : String?, callback : JobStatusCallback) { log.d("handleFCMMessage: start. tag=$tag") val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() callback.onStatus("=>") // タスクを追加 val data = JsonObject().apply { try { putNotNull(EXTRA_TAG, tag) this[EXTRA_TASK_ID] = TASK_FCM_MESSAGE } catch(_ : JsonException) { } } task_list.addLast(context, true, data) callback.onStatus("==>") // 疑似ジョブを開始 val pw = getInstance(context) pw.addJobFCM() // 疑似ジョブが終了するまで待機する while(true) { // ジョブが完了した? val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() if(! pw.hasJob(JOB_FCM)) { log.d( "handleFCMMessage: JOB_FCM completed. time=%.2f", (now - time_start) / 1000f ) break } // ジョブの状況を通知する var sv : String? = job_status.get() if(sv == null) sv = "(null)" callback.onStatus(sv) // 少し待機 try { Thread.sleep(50L) } catch(ex : InterruptedException) { log.e(ex, "handleFCMMessage: blocking is interrupted.") break } } } } internal val context : Context private val appState : AppState internal val handler : Handler internal val pref : SharedPreferences private val connectivityManager : ConnectivityManager internal val notification_manager : NotificationManager internal val scheduler : JobScheduler private val power_manager : PowerManager? internal val power_lock : PowerManager.WakeLock private val wifi_manager : WifiManager? internal val wifi_lock : WifiManager.WifiLock private var worker : Worker internal val job_list = LinkedList() internal class Data(val access_info : SavedAccount, val notification : TootNotification) internal class InjectData { var account_db_id : Long = 0 val list = ArrayList() } init { log.d("ctor") val context = contextArg.applicationContext this.context = context this.connectivityManager = context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as? ConnectivityManager ?: error("missing ConnectivityManager system service") this.notification_manager = context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as? NotificationManager ?: error("missing NotificationManager system service") this.scheduler = context.getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE) as? JobScheduler ?: error("missing JobScheduler system service") this.power_manager = context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE) as? PowerManager ?: error("missing PowerManager system service") // WifiManagerの取得時はgetApplicationContext を使わないとlintに怒られる this.wifi_manager = context.applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE) as? WifiManager ?: error("missing WifiManager system service") power_lock = power_manager.newWakeLock( PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, ) power_lock.setReferenceCounted(false) wifi_lock = if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29) { wifi_manager.createWifiLock( WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_FULL_HIGH_PERF, ) } else { @Suppress("DEPRECATION") wifi_manager.createWifiLock( } wifi_lock.setReferenceCounted(false) // クラッシュレポートによると App1.onCreate より前にここを通る場合がある // データベースへアクセスできるようにする this.appState = App1.prepare(context) this.pref = App1.pref this.handler = Handler(context.mainLooper) // worker = Worker() worker.start() } inner class Worker : WorkerBase() { val bThreadCancelled = AtomicBoolean(false) override fun cancel() { bThreadCancelled.set(true) notifyEx() } @SuppressLint("WakelockTimeout") private fun acquirePowerLock() { log.d("acquire power lock...") try { if(! power_lock.isHeld) { power_lock.acquire() } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } try { if(! wifi_lock.isHeld) { wifi_lock.acquire() } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } private fun releasePowerLock() { log.d("release power lock...") try { if(power_lock.isHeld) { power_lock.release() } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } try { if(wifi_lock.isHeld) { wifi_lock.release() } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } override fun run() { log.d("worker thread start.") job_status.set("worker thread start.") while(! bThreadCancelled.get()) { try { val item : JobItem? = synchronized(job_list) { for(ji in job_list) { if(bThreadCancelled.get()) break if(ji.mJobCancelled_.get()) continue if(ji.mWorkerAttached.compareAndSet(false, true)) { return@synchronized ji } } null } if(item == null) { job_status.set("no job to run.") waitEx(86400000L) continue } job_status.set("start job " + item.jobId) acquirePowerLock() try { item.refWorker.set(this@Worker) } finally { job_status.set("end job " + item.jobId) item.refWorker.set(null) releasePowerLock() } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } job_status.set("worker thread end.") log.d("worker thread end.") } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ジョブの管理 // JobService#onDestroy から呼ばれる fun onJobServiceDestroy() { log.d("onJobServiceDestroy") synchronized(job_list) { val it = job_list.iterator() while(it.hasNext()) { val item = if(item.jobId != JOB_FCM) { it.remove() item.cancel(false) } } } } // JobService#onStartJob から呼ばれる fun onStartJob(jobService : JobService, params : JobParameters) : Boolean { val item = JobItem(jobService, params) addJob(item, true) return true // return True if your context needs to process the work (on a separate thread). // return False if there's no more work to be done for this job. } // FCMメッセージイベントから呼ばれる private fun hasJob(@Suppress("SameParameterValue") jobId : Int) : Boolean { synchronized(job_list) { for(item in job_list) { if(item.jobId == jobId) return true } } return false } // FCMメッセージイベントから呼ばれる private fun addJobFCM() { addJob(JobItem(JOB_FCM), false) } private fun addJob(item : JobItem, bRemoveOld : Boolean) { val jobId = item.jobId // 同じジョブ番号がジョブリストにあるか? synchronized(job_list) { if(bRemoveOld) { val it = job_list.iterator() while(it.hasNext()) { val itemOld = if(itemOld.jobId == jobId) { log.w("addJob: jobId=$jobId, old job cancelled.") // 同じジョブをすぐに始めるのだからrescheduleはfalse itemOld.cancel(false) it.remove() } } } log.d("addJob: jobId=$jobId, add to list.") job_list.add(item) } worker.notifyEx() } // JobService#onStopJob から呼ばれる fun onStopJob(params : JobParameters) : Boolean { val jobId = params.jobId // 同じジョブ番号がジョブリストにあるか? synchronized(job_list) { val it = job_list.iterator() while(it.hasNext()) { val item = if(item.jobId == jobId) { log.w("onStopJob: jobId=${jobId}, set cancel flag.") // リソースがなくてStopされるのだからrescheduleはtrue item.cancel(true) it.remove() return item.mReschedule.get() } } } // 該当するジョブを依頼されていない log.w("onStopJob: jobId=${jobId}, not started..") return false // return True to indicate to the JobManager whether you'd like to reschedule this job based on the retry criteria provided at job creation-time. // return False to drop the job. Regardless of the value returned, your job must stop executing. } internal class JobCancelledException : RuntimeException("job is cancelled.") inner class JobItem { val jobId : Int private val refJobService : WeakReference? private val jobParams : JobParameters? val mJobCancelled_ = AtomicBoolean() val mReschedule = AtomicBoolean() val mWorkerAttached = AtomicBoolean() val bPollingRequired = AtomicBoolean(false) lateinit var muted_app : HashSet lateinit var muted_word : WordTrieTree lateinit var favMuteSet : HashSet var bPollingComplete = false var install_id : String? = null var current_call : Call? = null val refWorker = AtomicReference(null) val isJobCancelled : Boolean get() { if(mJobCancelled_.get()) return true val worker = refWorker.get() return worker != null && worker.bThreadCancelled.get() } constructor(jobService : JobService, params : JobParameters) { this.jobParams = params this.jobId = params.jobId this.refJobService = WeakReference(jobService) } constructor(jobId : Int) { this.jobId = jobId this.jobParams = null this.refJobService = null } fun notifyWorkerThread() { val worker = refWorker.get() worker?.notifyEx() } fun waitWorkerThread(ms : Long) { val worker = refWorker.get() worker?.waitEx(ms) } fun cancel(bReschedule : Boolean) { mJobCancelled_.set(true) mReschedule.set(bReschedule) current_call?.cancel() notifyWorkerThread() } fun run() { job_status.set("job start.") try { log.d("( jobId=${jobId}") if(isJobCancelled) throw JobCancelledException() job_status.set("check network status..") val net_wait_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() while(true) { val connectionState = App1.getAppState(context).networkTracker.connectionState ?: break if(isJobCancelled) throw JobCancelledException() val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val delta = now - net_wait_start if(delta >= 10000L) { log.d("network state timeout. $connectionState") break } waitWorkerThread(333L) } muted_app = MutedApp.nameSet muted_word = MutedWord.nameSet favMuteSet = FavMute.acctSet // タスクがあれば処理する while(true) { if(isJobCancelled) throw JobCancelledException() val data = ?: break val task_id = data.optInt(EXTRA_TASK_ID, 0) TaskRunner().runTask(this@JobItem, task_id, data) } if(! isJobCancelled && ! bPollingComplete && jobId == JOB_POLLING) { // タスクがなかった場合でも定期実行ジョブからの実行ならポーリングを行う TaskRunner().runTask(this@JobItem, TASK_POLLING, JsonObject()) } job_status.set("make next schedule.") log.d("pollingComplete=${bPollingComplete},isJobCancelled=${isJobCancelled},bPollingRequired=${bPollingRequired.get()}") if(! isJobCancelled && bPollingComplete) { // ポーリングが完了した if(! bPollingRequired.get()) { // Pull通知を必要とするアカウントが存在しないなら、スケジュール登録を解除する log.d("polling job is no longer required.") try { scheduler.cancel(JOB_POLLING) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } else if(! scheduler.allPendingJobs.any { == JOB_POLLING }) { // まだスケジュールされてないなら登録する log.d("registering polling job…") scheduleJob(context, JOB_POLLING) } } } catch(ex : JobCancelledException) { log.e("job execution cancelled.") } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) log.e(ex, "job execution failed.") } finally { job_status.set("job finished.") } // ジョブ終了報告 if(! isJobCancelled) { { if(isJobCancelled) return@Runnable synchronized(job_list) { job_list.remove(this@JobItem) } try { val jobService = refJobService?.get() if(jobService != null) { val willReschedule = mReschedule.get() log.d("sending jobFinished. willReschedule=$willReschedule") jobService.jobFinished(jobParams, willReschedule) } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "jobFinished failed(1).") } }) } log.d(") jobId=${jobId}, cancel=${isJobCancelled}") } } private fun TrackingType.trackingTypeName()=when(this){ TrackingType.NotReply ->NotificationHelper.TRACKING_NAME_DEFAULT TrackingType.Reply -> NotificationHelper.TRACKING_NAME_REPLY TrackingType.All -> NotificationHelper.TRACKING_NAME_DEFAULT } internal inner class TaskRunner { lateinit var job : JobItem private var taskId : Int = 0 val error_instance = ArrayList() fun runTask(job : JobItem, taskId : Int, taskData : JsonObject) { try { log.d("(runTask: taskId=${taskId}") job_status.set("start task $taskId") this.job = job this.taskId = taskId var process_db_id = - 1L // when(taskId) { TASK_APP_DATA_IMPORT_BEFORE -> { scheduler.cancelAll() for(a in SavedAccount.loadAccountList(context)) { try { val notification_tag = a.db_id.toString() notification_manager.cancel(notification_tag, NOTIFICATION_ID) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } mBusyAppDataImportBefore.set(false) return } TASK_APP_DATA_IMPORT_AFTER -> { mBusyAppDataImportAfter.set(false) mBusyAppDataImportBefore.set(false) NotificationTracking.resetPostAll() // fall } } // アプリデータのインポート処理がビジーな間、他のジョブは実行されない if(mBusyAppDataImportBefore.get() || mBusyAppDataImportAfter.get()) return // タスクによってはポーリング前にすることがある when(taskId) { TASK_DATA_INJECTED -> processInjectedData() TASK_BOOT_COMPLETED -> NotificationTracking.resetPostAll() TASK_PACKAGE_REPLACED -> NotificationTracking.resetPostAll() // デバイストークンが更新された TASK_FCM_DEVICE_TOKEN -> { } // プッシュ通知が届いた TASK_FCM_MESSAGE -> { var bDone = false val tag = taskData.string(EXTRA_TAG) if(tag != null) { if(tag.startsWith("acct<>")) { val acct = tag.substring(6) val sa = SavedAccount.loadAccountByAcct(context, acct) if(sa != null) { NotificationCache.resetLastLoad(sa.db_id) process_db_id = sa.db_id bDone = true } } if(! bDone) { for(sa in SavedAccount.loadByTag(context, tag)) { NotificationCache.resetLastLoad(sa.db_id) process_db_id = sa.db_id bDone = true } } } if(! bDone) { // タグにマッチする情報がなかった場合、全部読み直す NotificationCache.resetLastLoad() } } TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR -> { val db_id = taskData.long(EXTRA_DB_ID) log.d("Notification clear! db_id=$db_id") if(db_id != null) { deleteCacheData(db_id) } } TASK_NOTIFICATION_DELETE -> { val db_id = taskData.long(EXTRA_DB_ID) val type = TrackingType.parseStr(taskData.string(EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE)) val typeName = type.trackingTypeName() val id = taskData.string(EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_ID) log.d("Notification deleted! db_id=$db_id,type=$type,id=$id") if(db_id != null) { NotificationTracking.updateRead(db_id, typeName) } return } TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLICK -> { val db_id = taskData.long(EXTRA_DB_ID) val type = TrackingType.parseStr(taskData.string(EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE)) val typeName = type.trackingTypeName() val id = taskData.string(EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_ID).notEmpty() log.d("Notification clicked! db_id=$db_id,type=$type,id=$id") if(db_id != null) { // 通知をキャンセル val notification_tag = when(typeName) { "" -> "${db_id}/_" else -> "${db_id}/$typeName" } if( id != null){ val itemTag = "$notification_tag/$id" notification_manager.cancel(itemTag, NOTIFICATION_ID) }else{ notification_manager.cancel(notification_tag, NOTIFICATION_ID) } // DB更新処理 NotificationTracking.updateRead(db_id, typeName) } return } } job_status.set("make install id") // インストールIDを生成する // インストールID生成時にSavedAccountテーブルを操作することがあるので // アカウントリストの取得より先に行う if(job.install_id == null) { job.install_id = prepareInstallId(context, job) } // アカウント別に処理スレッドを作る job_status.set("create account thread") val thread_list = LinkedList() for(_a in SavedAccount.loadAccountList(context)) { if(_a.isPseudo) continue if(process_db_id != - 1L && _a.db_id != process_db_id) continue val t = AccountThread(_a) thread_list.add(t) t.start() } while(true) { // 同じホスト名が重複しないようにSetに集める val liveSet = TreeSet() for(t in thread_list) { if(! t.isAlive) continue if(job.isJobCancelled) t.cancel() liveSet.add(t.account.hostAscii) } if(liveSet.isEmpty()) break job_status.set("waiting " + liveSet.joinToString(", ")) job.waitWorkerThread(if(job.isJobCancelled) 100L else 1000L) } synchronized(error_instance) { createErrorNotification(error_instance) } if(! job.isJobCancelled) job.bPollingComplete = true } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "task execution failed.") } finally { log.d(")runTask: taskId=$taskId") job_status.set("end task $taskId") } } internal inner class AccountThread( val account : SavedAccount ) : Thread(), CurrentCallCallback { private var current_call : Call? = null private val client = TootApiClient(context, callback = object : TootApiCallback { override val isApiCancelled : Boolean get() = job.isJobCancelled }) private val favMuteSet : HashSet get() = job.favMuteSet private lateinit var parser : TootParser private lateinit var cache : NotificationCache init { client.currentCallCallback = this } override fun onCallCreated(call : Call) { current_call = call } fun cancel() { try { current_call?.cancel() } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } override fun run() { try { // 疑似アカウントはチェック対象外 if(account.isPseudo) return // 未確認アカウントはチェック対象外 if(! account.isConfirmed) return client.account = account val wps = PushSubscriptionHelper(context, account) if(wps.flags != 0) { job.bPollingRequired.set(true) val (instance, instanceResult) = TootInstance.get(client) if(instance == null) { if(instanceResult != null) { log.e("${instanceResult.error} ${instanceResult.requestInfo}".trim()) account.updateNotificationError("${instanceResult.error} ${instanceResult.requestInfo}".trim()) } return } if(job.isJobCancelled) return } wps.updateSubscription(client) ?: return // cancelled. val wps_log = wps.log if(wps_log.isNotEmpty()) log.d("PushSubscriptionHelper: ${account.acctPretty} $wps_log") if(job.isJobCancelled) return if(wps.flags == 0) { if(account.last_notification_error != null) { account.updateNotificationError(null) } return } this.cache = NotificationCache(account.db_id).apply { load() request( client, account, wps.flags, onError = { result -> val sv = result.error if(sv?.contains("Timeout") == true && ! account.dont_show_timeout) { synchronized(error_instance) { var bFound = false for(x in error_instance) { if(x == sv) { bFound = true break } } if(! bFound) { error_instance.add(sv) } } } }, isCancelled = { job.isJobCancelled } ) } if(job.isJobCancelled) return this.parser = TootParser(context, account) if(Pref.bpSeparateReplyNotificationGroup(pref)) { var tr = TrackingRunner( trackingType = TrackingType.NotReply, trackingName = NotificationHelper.TRACKING_NAME_DEFAULT ) tr.checkAccount() if(job.isJobCancelled) return tr.updateNotification() // tr = TrackingRunner( trackingType = TrackingType.Reply, trackingName = NotificationHelper.TRACKING_NAME_REPLY ) tr.checkAccount() if(job.isJobCancelled) return tr.updateNotification() } else { val tr = TrackingRunner( trackingType = TrackingType.All, trackingName = NotificationHelper.TRACKING_NAME_DEFAULT ) tr.checkAccount() if(job.isJobCancelled) return tr.updateNotification() } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } finally { job.notifyWorkerThread() } } inner class TrackingRunner( var trackingType : TrackingType = TrackingType.All, var trackingName : String = "" ) { private lateinit var nr : NotificationTracking private val duplicate_check = HashSet() private val dstListData = LinkedList() internal fun checkAccount() { = NotificationTracking.load(account.db_id, trackingName) val jsonList = when(trackingType) { TrackingType.All -> TrackingType.Reply -> { when(parseNotificationType(account, it)) { TootNotification.TYPE_REPLY, TootNotification.TYPE_MENTION -> true else -> false } } TrackingType.NotReply -> { ! when(parseNotificationType(account, it)) { TootNotification.TYPE_REPLY, TootNotification.TYPE_MENTION -> true else -> false } } } // 新しい順に並んでいる。先頭から10件までを処理する。ただし処理順序は古い方から val size = min(10, jsonList.size) for(i in (0 until size).reversed()) { if(job.isJobCancelled) return update_sub(jsonList[i]) } if(job.isJobCancelled) return // 種別チェックより先に、cache中の最新のIDを「最後に表示した通知」に指定する // nid_show は通知タップ時に参照されるので、通知を表示する際は必ず更新・保存する必要がある // 種別チェックより優先する if(cache.sinceId != null) nr.nid_show = cache.sinceId } private fun update_sub(src : JsonObject) { val id = getEntityOrderId(account, src) if(id.isDefault || duplicate_check.contains(id)) return duplicate_check.add(id) // タップ・削除した通知のIDと同じか古いなら対象外 if(! id.isNewerThan(nr.nid_read)) return log.d("update_sub: found data that id=${id}, > read id ${nr.nid_read}") val notification = parser.notification(src) ?: return // アプリミュートと単語ミュート if(notification.status?.checkMuted() == true) return // ふぁぼ魔ミュート when(notification.type) { TootNotification.TYPE_REBLOG, TootNotification.TYPE_FAVOURITE, TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW, TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST, TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST_MISSKEY -> { val who = notification.account if(who != null && favMuteSet.contains(account.getFullAcct(who))) { log.d("${account.getFullAcct(who)} is in favMuteSet.") return } } } // 後から処理したものが先頭に来る dstListData.add(0, Data(account, notification)) } internal fun updateNotification() { val notification_tag = when(trackingName) { "" -> "${account.db_id}/_" else -> "${account.db_id}/$trackingName" } val nt = NotificationTracking.load(account.db_id, trackingName) val dataList = dstListData val first = dataList.firstOrNull() if(first == null) { log.d("showNotification[${account.acctPretty}/$notification_tag] cancel notification.") if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && Pref.bpDivideNotification(pref)) { notification_manager.activeNotifications?.forEach { if(it != null && == NOTIFICATION_ID && it.tag.startsWith("$notification_tag/") ) { log.d("cancel: ${it.tag} context=${account.acctPretty} $notification_tag") notification_manager.cancel(it.tag, NOTIFICATION_ID) } } } else { notification_manager.cancel(notification_tag, NOTIFICATION_ID) } return } val lastPostTime = nt.post_time val lastPostId = nt.post_id if(first.notification.time_created_at == lastPostTime && == lastPostId ) { // 先頭にあるデータが同じなら、通知を更新しない // このマーカーは端末再起動時にリセットされるので、再起動後は通知が出るはず log.d("showNotification[${account.acctPretty}] id=${} is already shown.") return } if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && Pref.bpDivideNotification(pref)) { val activeNotificationMap = HashMap().apply { notification_manager.activeNotifications?.forEach { if(it != null && == NOTIFICATION_ID && it.tag.startsWith("$notification_tag/") ) { put(it.tag, it) } } } for(item in dstListData.reversed()) { val itemTag = "$notification_tag/${}" if(lastPostId != null && item.notification.time_created_at <= lastPostTime && <= lastPostId ) { // 掲載済みデータより古い通知は再表示しない log.d("ignore $itemTag ${item.notification.time_created_at} <= $lastPostTime && ${} <= $lastPostId") continue } // ignore if already showing if(activeNotificationMap.remove(itemTag) != null) { log.d("ignore $itemTag is in activeNotificationMap") continue } createNotification(itemTag,notificationId = { builder -> builder.setWhen(item.notification.time_created_at) val summary = getNotificationLine(item) builder.setContentTitle(summary) val content = item.notification.status?.decoded_content?.notEmpty() if(content != null) { builder.setStyle( NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle() .setBigContentTitle(summary) .setSummaryText(item.access_info.acctPretty) .bigText(content) ) } else { builder.setContentText(item.access_info.acctPretty) } if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26) { var iv = 0 if(Pref.bpNotificationSound(pref)) { var sound_uri : Uri? = null try { val whoAcct = account.getFullAcct(item.notification.account) sound_uri = AcctColor.getNotificationSound(whoAcct).mayUri() } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } if(sound_uri == null) { sound_uri = account.sound_uri.mayUri() } var bSoundSet = false if(sound_uri != null) { try { builder.setSound(sound_uri) bSoundSet = true } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } if(! bSoundSet) { iv = iv or NotificationCompat.DEFAULT_SOUND } } if(Pref.bpNotificationVibration(pref)) { iv = iv or NotificationCompat.DEFAULT_VIBRATE } if(Pref.bpNotificationLED(pref)) { iv = iv or NotificationCompat.DEFAULT_LIGHTS } builder.setDefaults(iv) } } } // リストにない通知は消さない。ある通知をユーザが指で削除した際に他の通知が残ってほしい場合がある } else { log.d("showNotification[${account.acctPretty}] creating notification(1)") createNotification(notification_tag) { builder -> builder.setWhen(first.notification.time_created_at) var a = getNotificationLine(first) if(dataList.size == 1) { builder.setContentTitle(a) builder.setContentText( account.acctPretty) } else { val header = context.getString(R.string.notification_count, dataList.size) builder.setContentTitle(header) .setContentText(a) val style = NotificationCompat.InboxStyle() .setBigContentTitle(header) .setSummaryText( account.acctPretty) for(i in 0 .. 4) { if(i >= dataList.size) break val item = dataList[i] a = getNotificationLine(item) style.addLine(a) } builder.setStyle(style) } if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26) { var iv = 0 if(Pref.bpNotificationSound(pref)) { var sound_uri : Uri? = null try { val whoAcct = account.getFullAcct(first.notification.account) sound_uri = AcctColor.getNotificationSound(whoAcct).mayUri() } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } if(sound_uri == null) { sound_uri = account.sound_uri.mayUri() } var bSoundSet = false if(sound_uri != null) { try { builder.setSound(sound_uri) bSoundSet = true } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } if(! bSoundSet) { iv = iv or NotificationCompat.DEFAULT_SOUND } } if(Pref.bpNotificationVibration(pref)) { iv = iv or NotificationCompat.DEFAULT_VIBRATE } if(Pref.bpNotificationLED(pref)) { iv = iv or NotificationCompat.DEFAULT_LIGHTS } builder.setDefaults(iv) } } } nt.updatePost(, first.notification.time_created_at) } private fun createNotification( notification_tag : String, notificationId : String? = null, setContent : (builder : NotificationCompat.Builder) -> Unit ) { log.d("showNotification[${account.acctPretty}] creating notification(1)") val builder = if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) { // Android 8 から、通知のスタイルはユーザが管理することになった // NotificationChannel を端末に登録しておけば、チャネルごとに管理画面が作られる val channel = NotificationHelper.createNotificationChannel( context, account, trackingName ) NotificationCompat.Builder(context, } else { NotificationCompat.Builder(context, "not_used") } builder.apply { val params = listOf( "db_id" to account.db_id.toString(), "type" to trackingType.str, "notificationId" to notificationId ).mapNotNull{ val second = it.second if( second == null ){ null }else{ "${it.first.encodePercent()}=${second.encodePercent()}" } }.joinToString("&") setContentIntent( PendingIntent.getActivity( context, 257, Intent(context, { data = "subwaytooter://notification_click/?$params".toUri() // FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY を付与してはいけない addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) }, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) ) setDeleteIntent( PendingIntent.getBroadcast( context, 257, Intent(context, { action = EventReceiver.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_DELETE data = "subwaytooter://notification_delete/?$params".toUri() }, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) ) setAutoCancel(true) // 常に白テーマのアイコンを使う setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_notification) // 常に白テーマの色を使う builder.color = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.Light_colorAccent) // Android 7.0 ではグループを指定しないと勝手に通知が束ねられてしまう。 // 束ねられた通知をタップしても pi_click が実行されないので困るため、 // アカウント別にグループキーを設定する setGroup(context.packageName + ":" + account.acctAscii) } log.d("showNotification[${account.acctPretty}] creating notification(3)") setContent(builder) log.d("showNotification[${account.acctPretty}] set notification...") notification_manager.notify(notification_tag, NOTIFICATION_ID, } } } } private fun getNotificationLine(item : Data) : String { val name = when(Pref.bpShowAcctInSystemNotification(pref)) { false -> item.notification.accountRef?.decoded_display_name true -> { val prettyAcct = item.notification.accountRef?.get()?.acctPretty if(prettyAcct?.isNotEmpty() == true) { "@$prettyAcct" } else { null } } } ?: "?" return when(item.notification.type) { TootNotification.TYPE_MENTION, TootNotification.TYPE_REPLY -> "- " + context.getString(R.string.display_name_replied_by, name) TootNotification.TYPE_RENOTE, TootNotification.TYPE_REBLOG -> "- " + context.getString(R.string.display_name_boosted_by, name) TootNotification.TYPE_QUOTE -> "- " + context.getString(R.string.display_name_quoted_by, name) TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW -> "- " + context.getString(R.string.display_name_followed_by, name) TootNotification.TYPE_UNFOLLOW -> "- " + context.getString(R.string.display_name_unfollowed_by, name) TootNotification.TYPE_FAVOURITE -> "- " + context.getString(R.string.display_name_favourited_by, name) TootNotification.TYPE_REACTION -> "- " + context.getString(R.string.display_name_reaction_by, name) TootNotification.TYPE_VOTE -> "- " + context.getString(R.string.display_name_voted_by, name) TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST, TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST_MISSKEY -> "- " + context.getString( R.string.display_name_follow_request_by, name ) TootNotification.TYPE_POLL -> "- " + context.getString(R.string.end_of_polling_from, name) else -> "- " + "?" } } private fun processInjectedData() { while(true) { val data = inject_queue.poll() ?: break val account = SavedAccount.loadAccount(context, data.account_db_id) ?: continue val list = data.list NotificationCache(data.account_db_id).apply { load() inject(account, list) } } } private fun deleteCacheData(db_id : Long) { SavedAccount.loadAccount(context, db_id) ?: return NotificationCache.deleteCache(db_id) } private fun createErrorNotification(error_instance : ArrayList) { if(error_instance.isEmpty()) { return } // 通知タップ時のPendingIntent val intent_click = Intent(context, // FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY を付与してはいけない intent_click.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) val pi_click = PendingIntent.getActivity( context, 3, intent_click, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) val builder = if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) { // Android 8 から、通知のスタイルはユーザが管理することになった // NotificationChannel を端末に登録しておけば、チャネルごとに管理画面が作られる val channel = NotificationHelper.createNotificationChannel( context, "ErrorNotification", "Error", null, 2 /* NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_LOW */ ) NotificationCompat.Builder(context, } else { NotificationCompat.Builder(context, "not_used") } builder .setContentIntent(pi_click) .setAutoCancel(true) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_notification) // ここは常に白テーマのアイコンを使う .setColor( ContextCompat.getColor( context, R.color.Light_colorAccent ) ) // ここは常に白テーマの色を使う .setWhen(System.currentTimeMillis()) .setGroup(context.packageName + ":" + "Error") run { val header = context.getString(R.string.error_notification_title) val summary = context.getString(R.string.error_notification_summary) builder .setContentTitle(header) .setContentText(summary + ": " + error_instance[0]) val style = NotificationCompat.InboxStyle() .setBigContentTitle(header) .setSummaryText(summary) for(i in 0 .. 4) { if(i >= error_instance.size) break style.addLine(error_instance[i]) } builder.setStyle(style) } notification_manager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID_ERROR, } }