package jp.juggler.subwaytooter; import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import; import; import; import; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.Window; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiResult; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootAccount; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootRelationShip; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootStatus; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.dialog.AccountPicker; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.dialog.LoginForm; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.dialog.ReportForm; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.ActionsDialog; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.HTMLDecoder; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.LinkClickContext; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.LogCategory; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.Utils; import okhttp3.Request; import okhttp3.RequestBody; public class ActMain extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener { public static final LogCategory log = new LogCategory( "ActMain" ); static boolean update_at_resume = false; // @Override // protected void attachBaseContext(Context newBase) { // super.attachBaseContext( CalligraphyContextWrapper.wrap(newBase)); // } SharedPreferences pref; @Override protected void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState ){ super.onCreate( savedInstanceState ); requestWindowFeature( Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE ); pref = Pref.pref( this ); initUI(); loadColumnList(); } @Override protected void onDestroy(){ super.onDestroy(); } @Override protected void onResume(){ super.onResume(); HTMLDecoder.link_callback = link_click_listener; // アカウント設定から戻ってきたら、カラムを消す必要があるかもしれない { ArrayList< Integer > new_order = new ArrayList<>(); boolean bRemoved = false; for( int i = 0, ie = pager_adapter.getCount() ; i < ie ; ++ i ){ Column column = pager_adapter.getColumn( i ); SavedAccount sa = SavedAccount.loadAccount( log, column.access_info.db_id ); if( sa == null ){ bRemoved = true; }else{ new_order.add( i ); } } if( bRemoved ){ pager_adapter.setOrder( pager, new_order ); } } // 各カラムのアカウント設定を読み直す { ArrayList< SavedAccount > done_list = new ArrayList<>(); for( Column column : pager_adapter.column_list ){ SavedAccount a = column.access_info; if( a == null || done_list.contains( a ) ) continue; done_list.add( a ); a.reloadSetting(); } } if( update_at_resume ){ update_at_resume = false; // TODO: 各カラムを更新する } if( pager_adapter.getCount() == 0 ){ llEmpty.setVisibility( View.VISIBLE ); } } @Override protected void onPause(){ HTMLDecoder.link_callback = null; saveColumnList(); super.onPause(); } static final int REQUEST_CODE_COLUMN_LIST = 1; boolean isOrderChanged( ArrayList< Integer > new_order ){ if( new_order.size() != pager_adapter.getCount() ) return true; for( int i = 0, ie = new_order.size() ; i < ie ; ++ i ){ if( new_order.get( i ) != i ) return true; } return false; } @Override protected void onActivityResult( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data ){ if( resultCode == RESULT_OK && requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_COLUMN_LIST ){ if( data != null ){ ArrayList< Integer > order = data.getIntegerArrayListExtra( ActColumnList.EXTRA_ORDER ); if( order != null && isOrderChanged( order ) ){ pager_adapter.setOrder( pager, order ); } if( pager_adapter.column_list.isEmpty() ){ llEmpty.setVisibility( View.VISIBLE ); }else{ int select = data.getIntExtra( ActColumnList.EXTRA_SELECTION, - 1 ); if( select != - 1 ){ pager.setCurrentItem( select, true ); } } } } super.onActivityResult( requestCode, resultCode, data ); } @Override public void onBackPressed(){ DrawerLayout drawer = (DrawerLayout) findViewById( ); if( drawer.isDrawerOpen( GravityCompat.START ) ){ drawer.closeDrawer( GravityCompat.START ); }else if( pref.getBoolean( Pref.KEY_BACK_TO_COLUMN_LIST, false ) ){ performColumnList(); }else if( ! pager_adapter.column_list.isEmpty() ){ performColumnClose( false, pager_adapter.getColumn( pager.getCurrentItem() ) ); }else{ super.onBackPressed(); } } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu( Menu menu ){ // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu ); return true; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected( MenuItem item ){ // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml. int id = item.getItemId(); //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement if( id == ){ return true; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected( item ); } @SuppressWarnings("StatementWithEmptyBody") @Override public boolean onNavigationItemSelected( MenuItem item ){ // Handle navigation view item clicks here. int id = item.getItemId(); if( id == ){ performAccountAdd(); }else if( id == ){ performAddTimeline( Column.TYPE_HOME ); }else if( id == ){ performAddTimeline( Column.TYPE_LOCAL ); }else if( id == ){ performAddTimeline( Column.TYPE_FEDERATE ); }else if( id == ){ performAddTimeline( Column.TYPE_FAVOURITES ); // }else if( id == ){ // performAddTimeline(Column.TYPE_REPORTS ); }else if( id == ){ performAddTimeline( Column.TYPE_PROFILE ); }else if( id == ){ performAddTimeline( Column.TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS ); }else if( id == ){ performAppSetting(); }else if( id == ){ performAccountSetting(); }else if( id == ){ performColumnList(); }else if( id == ){ performAddTimeline( Column.TYPE_SEARCH ); }else if( id == ){ openAppAbout(); }else if( id == ){ openOSSLicense( ); // Handle the camera action // }else if( id == ){ // // }else if( id == ){ // // }else if( id == ){ // // }else if( id == ){ // // }else if( id == ){ } DrawerLayout drawer = (DrawerLayout) findViewById( ); drawer.closeDrawer( GravityCompat.START ); return true; } ViewPager pager; ColumnPagerAdapter pager_adapter; View llEmpty; void initUI(){ setContentView( R.layout.act_main ); llEmpty = findViewById( ); // // toolbar // Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById( ); // setSupportActionBar( toolbar ); // navigation drawer final DrawerLayout drawer = (DrawerLayout) findViewById( ); // ActionBarDrawerToggle toggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle( // this, drawer, toolbar, R.string.navigation_drawer_open, R.string.navigation_drawer_close ); // drawer.addDrawerListener( toggle ); // toggle.syncState(); NavigationView navigationView = (NavigationView) findViewById( ); navigationView.setNavigationItemSelectedListener( this ); // floating action button FloatingActionButton fabToot = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById( ); fabToot.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick( View view ){ performTootButton(); } } ); // floating action button FloatingActionButton fabMenu = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById( ); fabMenu.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick( View view ){ if( ! drawer.isDrawerOpen( Gravity.START ) ){ drawer.openDrawer( Gravity.START ); } } } ); // ViewPager pager = (ViewPager) findViewById( ); pager_adapter = new ColumnPagerAdapter( this ); pager.setAdapter( pager_adapter ); } public void performAccountAdd(){ LoginForm.showLoginForm( this, null, new LoginForm.LoginFormCallback() { @Override public void startLogin( final Dialog dialog, final String instance, final String user_mail, final String password ){ final ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog( ActMain.this ); final AsyncTask< Void, String, TootApiResult > task = new AsyncTask< Void, String, TootApiResult >() { long row_id; @Override protected TootApiResult doInBackground( Void... params ){ TootApiClient api_client = new TootApiClient( ActMain.this, new TootApiClient.Callback() { @Override public boolean isApiCancelled(){ return isCancelled(); } @Override public void publishApiProgress( final String s ){ Utils.runOnMainThread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ progress.setMessage( s ); } } ); } } ); api_client.setUserInfo( instance, user_mail, password ); TootApiResult result = api_client.request( "/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials" ); if( result != null && result.object != null ){ // taは使い捨てなので、生成に使うLinkClickContextはダミーで問題ない LinkClickContext lcc = new LinkClickContext() { }; TootAccount ta = TootAccount.parse( log, lcc, result.object ); String user = ta.username + "@" + instance; this.row_id = SavedAccount.insert( instance, user, result.object, result.token_info ); } return result; } @Override protected void onPostExecute( TootApiResult result ){ progress.dismiss(); if( result == null ){ // cancelled. }else if( result.object == null ){ Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, true, result.error ); log.e( result.error ); }else{ SavedAccount account = SavedAccount.loadAccount( log, row_id ); if( account != null ){ ActMain.this.onAccountUpdated( account ); dialog.dismiss(); } } } }; progress.setIndeterminate( true ); progress.setCancelable( true ); progress.setOnCancelListener( new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel( DialogInterface dialog ){ task.cancel( true ); } } );; AsyncTaskCompat.executeParallel( task ); } } ); } public void performColumnClose( boolean bConfirm, final Column column ){ if( ! bConfirm && ! pref.getBoolean( Pref.KEY_DONT_CONFIRM_BEFORE_CLOSE_COLUMN, false ) ){ new AlertDialog.Builder( this ) .setMessage( R.string.confirm_close_column ) .setNegativeButton( R.string.cancel, null ) .setPositiveButton( R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick( DialogInterface dialog, int which ){ performColumnClose( true, column ); } } ) .show(); return; } int page_showing = pager.getCurrentItem(); int page_delete = pager_adapter.column_list.indexOf( column ); pager_adapter.removeColumn( pager, column ); if( pager_adapter.getCount() == 0 ){ llEmpty.setVisibility( View.VISIBLE ); }else if( page_showing > 0 && page_showing == page_delete ){ pager.setCurrentItem( page_showing - 1, true ); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // カラム追加系 public void addColumn( SavedAccount ai, int type, Object... params ){ // 既に同じカラムがあればそこに移動する for( Column column : pager_adapter.column_list ){ if( column.isSameSpec( ai, type, params ) ){ pager.setCurrentItem( pager_adapter.column_list.indexOf( column ), true ); return; } } // llEmpty.setVisibility( View.GONE ); // Column col = new Column( ActMain.this, ai, type, params ); int idx = pager_adapter.addColumn( pager, col ); pager.setCurrentItem( idx, true ); } private void onAccountUpdated( SavedAccount data ){ Utils.showToast( this, false, R.string.account_confirmed ); addColumn( data, Column.TYPE_HOME ); } void performOpenUser( SavedAccount access_info, TootAccount user ){ addColumn( access_info, Column.TYPE_PROFILE, ); } public void performConversation( SavedAccount access_info, TootStatus status ){ addColumn( access_info, Column.TYPE_CONVERSATION, ); } private void performAddTimeline( final int type ){ AccountPicker.pick( this, new AccountPicker.AccountPickerCallback() { @Override public void onAccountPicked( SavedAccount ai ){ switch( type ){ default: addColumn( ai, type, ); break; case Column.TYPE_SEARCH: addColumn( ai, type, "", false ); break; } } } ); } public void openHashTag( SavedAccount access_info, String tag ){ addColumn( access_info, Column.TYPE_HASHTAG, tag ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public interface GetAccountCallback { // return account information // if failed, account is null. void onGetAccount( TootAccount account ); } void startGetAccount( final SavedAccount access_info, final String host, final String user, final GetAccountCallback callback ){ final ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog( this ); final AsyncTask< Void, Void, TootAccount > task = new AsyncTask< Void, Void, TootAccount >() { @Override protected TootAccount doInBackground( Void... params ){ TootApiClient client = new TootApiClient( ActMain.this, new TootApiClient.Callback() { @Override public boolean isApiCancelled(){ return isCancelled(); } @Override public void publishApiProgress( final String s ){ Utils.runOnMainThread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ progress.setMessage( s ); } } ); } } ); client.setAccount( access_info ); String path = "/api/v1/accounts/search" + "?q=" + Uri.encode( user ); TootApiResult result = client.request( path ); if( result.array != null ){ for( int i = 0, ie = result.array.length() ; i < ie ; ++ i ){ TootAccount item = TootAccount.parse( log, access_info, result.array.optJSONObject( i ) ); if( ! item.username.equals( user ) ) continue; if( ! item.acct.contains( "@" ) || item.acct.equalsIgnoreCase( user + "@" + host ) ) return item; } } return null; } @Override protected void onCancelled( TootAccount result ){ super.onPostExecute( result ); } @Override protected void onPostExecute( TootAccount result ){ progress.dismiss(); callback.onGetAccount( result ); } }; progress.setIndeterminate( true ); progress.setCancelable( true ); progress.setOnCancelListener( new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel( DialogInterface dialog ){ task.cancel( true ); } } );; AsyncTaskCompat.executeParallel( task ); } public void openBrowser( SavedAccount account, String url ){ openChromeTab( account, url, false ); } Pattern reHashTag = Pattern.compile( "\\Ahttps://([^/]+)/tags/([^?#]+)\\z" ); Pattern reUserPage = Pattern.compile( "\\Ahttps://([^/]+)/@([^?#]+)\\z" ); public void openChromeTab( final SavedAccount access_info, final String url, boolean noIntercept ){ try{ log.d( "openChromeTab url=%s", url ); if( ! noIntercept ){ // ハッシュタグをアプリ内で開く Matcher m = reHashTag.matcher( url ); if( m.find() ){ // String host = 1 ); String tag = Uri.decode( 2 ) ); if( host.equalsIgnoreCase( ) ){ openHashTag( access_info, tag ); return; }else{ openHashTagOtherInstance( access_info, url, host, tag ); return; } } m = reUserPage.matcher( url ); if( m.find() ){ // final String host = 1 ); final String user = Uri.decode( 2 ) ); startGetAccount( access_info, host, user, new GetAccountCallback() { @Override public void onGetAccount( TootAccount who ){ if( who != null ){ performOpenUser( access_info, who ); return; } openChromeTab( access_info, url, true ); } } ); return; } } // ビルダーを使って表示方法を指定する CustomTabsIntent.Builder builder = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder(); builder.setToolbarColor( ContextCompat.getColor( this, R.color.colorPrimary ) ).setShowTitle( true ); // CustomTabsでURLをひらくIntentを発行 CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent =; customTabsIntent.launchUrl( this, Uri.parse( url ) ); }catch( Throwable ex ){ // ex.printStackTrace(); log.e( ex, "openChromeTab failed. url=%s", url ); } } // 他インスタンスのハッシュタグの表示 private void openHashTagOtherInstance( final SavedAccount access_info, final String url, String host, final String tag ){ ActionsDialog dialog = new ActionsDialog(); ArrayList< SavedAccount > account_list = new ArrayList<>(); for( SavedAccount a : SavedAccount.loadAccountList( log ) ){ if( host ) ){ account_list.add( a ); } } Collections.sort( account_list, new Comparator< SavedAccount >() { @Override public int compare( SavedAccount a, SavedAccount b ){ return a.getFullAcct( a ), b.getFullAcct( b ) ); } } ); for( SavedAccount a : account_list ){ final SavedAccount _a = a; dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.open_in_account, a.acct ) , new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ openHashTag( _a, tag ); } } ); } if( account_list.isEmpty() ){ // TODO ログインなしアカウントで開く選択肢 } // カラムのアカウントで開く { final SavedAccount _a = access_info; dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.open_in_account, access_info.acct ) , new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ openHashTag( _a, tag ); } } ); } // ブラウザで表示する { dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.open_web_on_host, host ) , new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ openChromeTab( access_info, url, true ); } } ); } this, "#" + tag ); } final HTMLDecoder.LinkClickCallback link_click_listener = new HTMLDecoder.LinkClickCallback() { @Override public void onClickLink( LinkClickContext lcc, String url ){ openChromeTab( (SavedAccount) lcc, url, false ); } }; private void performTootButton(){ Column c = pager_adapter.getColumn( pager.getCurrentItem() ); if( c != null && c.access_info != null ){ this, c.access_info.db_id, "" ); } } public void performReply( SavedAccount account, TootStatus status ){ this, account.db_id, status ); } public void performMention( SavedAccount account, TootAccount who ){ this, account.db_id, account.getFullAcct( who ) + " " ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void showColumnMatchAccount( SavedAccount account ){ for( Column column : pager_adapter.column_list ){ if( account.acct.equals( column.access_info.acct ) ){ column.fireVisualCallback(); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // favourite final HashSet< String > map_busy_fav = new HashSet<>(); boolean isBusyFav( SavedAccount account, TootStatus status ){ String busy_key = + ":" +; return map_busy_fav.contains( busy_key ); } public void performFavourite( final SavedAccount account, final TootStatus status ){ // final String busy_key = + ":" +; // if( map_busy_fav.contains( busy_key ) ){ Utils.showToast( this, false, R.string.wait_previous_operation ); return; } // map_busy_fav.add( busy_key ); // new AsyncTask< Void, Void, TootApiResult >() { final boolean bSet = ! status.favourited; TootStatus new_status; @Override protected TootApiResult doInBackground( Void... params ){ TootApiClient client = new TootApiClient( ActMain.this, new TootApiClient.Callback() { @Override public boolean isApiCancelled(){ return isCancelled(); } @Override public void publishApiProgress( final String s ){ } } ); client.setAccount( account ); Request.Builder request_builder = new Request.Builder() .post( RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED , "" ) ); TootApiResult result = client.request( ( bSet ? "/api/v1/statuses/" + + "/favourite" : "/api/v1/statuses/" + + "/unfavourite" ) , request_builder ); if( result.object != null ){ new_status = TootStatus.parse( log, account, result.object ); } return result; } @Override protected void onCancelled( TootApiResult result ){ super.onPostExecute( result ); } @Override protected void onPostExecute( TootApiResult result ){ map_busy_fav.remove( busy_key ); if( new_status != null ){ // カウント数は遅延があるみたい if( bSet && new_status.favourites_count <= status.favourites_count ){ // 星つけたのにカウントが上がらないのは違和感あるので、表示をいじる new_status.favourites_count = status.favourites_count + 1; }else if( ! bSet && new_status.favourites_count >= status.favourites_count ){ // 星外したのにカウントが下がらないのは違和感あるので、表示をいじる new_status.favourites_count = status.favourites_count - 1; if( new_status.favourites_count < 0 ){ new_status.favourites_count = 0; } } for( Column column : pager_adapter.column_list ){ column.findStatus( account,, new Column.StatusEntryCallback() { @Override public void onIterate( TootStatus status ){ status.favourited = new_status.favourited; status.favourites_count = new_status.favourites_count; } } ); } }else{ if( result != null ) Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, true, result.error ); } showColumnMatchAccount( account ); } }.execute(); showColumnMatchAccount( account ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // boost final HashSet< String > map_busy_boost = new HashSet<>(); boolean isBusyBoost( SavedAccount account, TootStatus status ){ String busy_key = + ":" +; return map_busy_boost.contains( busy_key ); } public void performBoost( final SavedAccount account, final TootStatus status, boolean bConfirmed ){ // final String busy_key = + ":" +; // if( map_busy_boost.contains( busy_key ) ){ Utils.showToast( this, false, R.string.wait_previous_operation ); return; } if( status.reblogged ){ // FAVがついているか、FAV操作中はBoostを外せない if( isBusyFav( account, status ) || status.favourited ){ Utils.showToast( this, false, R.string.cant_remove_boost_while_favourited ); return; } }else{ if( ! bConfirmed && account.confirm_boost ){ // TODO: アカウント設定でスキップさせたい new AlertDialog.Builder( this ) .setTitle( R.string.confirm ) .setMessage( R.string.confirm_boost ) .setPositiveButton( R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick( DialogInterface dialog, int which ){ performBoost( account, status, true ); } } ) .setNegativeButton( R.string.cancel, null ) .show(); return; } } // map_busy_boost.add( busy_key ); // new AsyncTask< Void, Void, TootApiResult >() { final boolean new_state = ! status.reblogged; TootStatus new_status; @Override protected TootApiResult doInBackground( Void... params ){ TootApiClient client = new TootApiClient( ActMain.this, new TootApiClient.Callback() { @Override public boolean isApiCancelled(){ return isCancelled(); } @Override public void publishApiProgress( final String s ){ } } ); client.setAccount( account ); Request.Builder request_builder = new Request.Builder() .post( RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED , "" ) ); TootApiResult result = client.request( "/api/v1/statuses/" + + ( new_state ? "/reblog" : "/unreblog" ) , request_builder ); if( result.object != null ){ // reblog,unreblog のレスポンスは信用ならんのでステータスを再取得する result = client.request( "/api/v1/statuses/" + ); if( result.object != null ){ new_status = TootStatus.parse( log, account, result.object ); } } return result; } @Override protected void onCancelled( TootApiResult result ){ super.onPostExecute( result ); } @Override protected void onPostExecute( TootApiResult result ){ map_busy_boost.remove( busy_key ); if( new_status != null ){ // カウント数は遅延があるみたい if( new_status.reblogged && new_status.reblogs_count <= status.reblogs_count ){ // 星つけたのにカウントが上がらないのは違和感あるので、表示をいじる new_status.reblogs_count = status.reblogs_count + 1; }else if( ! new_status.reblogged && new_status.reblogs_count >= status.reblogs_count ){ // 星外したのにカウントが下がらないのは違和感あるので、表示をいじる new_status.reblogs_count = status.reblogs_count - 1; if( new_status.reblogs_count < 0 ){ new_status.reblogs_count = 0; } } for( Column column : pager_adapter.column_list ){ column.findStatus( account,, new Column.StatusEntryCallback() { @Override public void onIterate( TootStatus status ){ status.reblogged = new_status.reblogged; status.reblogs_count = new_status.reblogs_count; } } ); } }else{ if( result != null ) Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, true, result.error ); } showColumnMatchAccount( account ); } }.execute(); showColumnMatchAccount( account ); } //////////////////////////////////////// private void performAccountSetting(){ AccountPicker.pick( this, new AccountPicker.AccountPickerCallback() { @Override public void onAccountPicked( SavedAccount ai ){ ActMain.this, ai ); } } ); } private void performAppSetting(){ ActMain.this ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // column list JSONArray encodeColumnList(){ JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for( int i = 0, ie = pager_adapter.column_list.size() ; i < ie ; ++ i ){ Column column = pager_adapter.column_list.get( i ); try{ JSONObject dst = new JSONObject(); column.encodeJSON( dst, i ); array.put( dst ); }catch( JSONException ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } return array; } private void performColumnList(){ Intent intent = new Intent( this, ActColumnList.class ); intent.putExtra( ActColumnList.EXTRA_ORDER, encodeColumnList().toString() ); intent.putExtra( ActColumnList.EXTRA_SELECTION, pager.getCurrentItem() ); startActivityForResult( intent, REQUEST_CODE_COLUMN_LIST ); } static final String FILE_COLUMN_LIST = "column_list"; private void saveColumnList(){ JSONArray array = encodeColumnList(); try{ OutputStream os = openFileOutput( FILE_COLUMN_LIST, MODE_PRIVATE ); try{ os.write( Utils.encodeUTF8( array.toString() ) ); }finally{ os.close(); } }catch( Throwable ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); Utils.showToast( this, ex, "saveColumnList failed." ); } } private void loadColumnList(){ try{ InputStream is = openFileInput( FILE_COLUMN_LIST ); try{ ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream( is.available() ); byte[] tmp = new byte[ 4096 ]; for( ; ; ){ int r = tmp, 0, tmp.length ); if( r <= 0 ) break; bao.write( tmp, 0, r ); } JSONArray array = new JSONArray( Utils.decodeUTF8( bao.toByteArray() ) ); for( int i = 0, ie = array.length() ; i < ie ; ++ i ){ try{ JSONObject src = array.optJSONObject( i ); Column col = new Column( ActMain.this, src ); pager_adapter.addColumn( pager, col ); }catch( Throwable ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } }finally{ is.close(); } }catch( FileNotFoundException ignored ){ }catch( Throwable ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); Utils.showToast( this, ex, "loadColumnList failed." ); } if( pager_adapter.column_list.size() > 0 ){ llEmpty.setVisibility( View.GONE ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public interface RelationChangedCallback { // void onRelationChanged( TootRelationShip relationship ); void onRelationChanged( ); } private void callFollow( final SavedAccount access_info, final TootAccount who, final boolean bFollow, final RelationChangedCallback callback ){ new AsyncTask< Void, Void, TootApiResult >() { @Override protected TootApiResult doInBackground( Void... params ){ TootApiClient client = new TootApiClient( ActMain.this, new TootApiClient.Callback() { @Override public boolean isApiCancelled(){ return isCancelled(); } @Override public void publishApiProgress( String s ){ } } ); client.setAccount( access_info ); TootApiResult result; if( bFollow & who.acct.contains( "@" ) ){ Request.Builder request_builder = new Request.Builder().post( RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED , "uri=" + Uri.encode( who.acct ) ) ); result = client.request( "/api/v1/follows", request_builder ); if( result != null ){ if( result.object != null ){ remote_who = TootAccount.parse( log, access_info, result.object ); Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, bFollow ? R.string.follow_succeeded : R.string.unfollow_succeeded ); }else if( bFollow && who.locked && result.response.code() == 422 ){ Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, R.string.cant_follow_locked_user ); }else{ Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, result.error ); } } }else{ Request.Builder request_builder = new Request.Builder().post( RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED , "" // 空データ ) ); result = client.request( "/api/v1/accounts/" + + ( bFollow ? "/follow" : "/unfollow" ) , request_builder ); if( result != null ){ if( result.object != null ){ relation = TootRelationShip.parse( log, result.object ); Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, bFollow ? R.string.follow_succeeded : R.string.unfollow_succeeded ); }else if( bFollow && who.locked && result.response.code() == 422 ){ Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, R.string.cant_follow_locked_user ); }else{ Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, result.error ); } } } return result; } TootRelationShip relation; TootAccount remote_who; @Override protected void onCancelled( TootApiResult result ){ onPostExecute( null ); } @Override protected void onPostExecute( TootApiResult result ){ // if( relation != null ){ // App1.relationship_map.put( access_info, relation ); // if( callback != null ) callback.onRelationChanged( relation ); // }else if( remote_who != null ){ // App1.relationship_map.addFollowing( access_info, ); // if( callback != null ) // callback.onRelationChanged( App1.relationship_map.get( access_info, ) ); // } if( relation != null ){ if( callback != null ) callback.onRelationChanged( ); }else if( remote_who != null ){ if( callback != null ) callback.onRelationChanged( ); } } }.execute(); } // acct で指定したユーザをリモートフォローする void callRemoteFollow( final SavedAccount access_info, final String acct, final boolean locked, final RelationChangedCallback callback ){ new AsyncTask< Void, Void, TootApiResult >() { @Override protected TootApiResult doInBackground( Void... params ){ TootApiClient client = new TootApiClient( ActMain.this, new TootApiClient.Callback() { @Override public boolean isApiCancelled(){ return isCancelled(); } @Override public void publishApiProgress( String s ){ } } ); client.setAccount( access_info ); Request.Builder request_builder = new Request.Builder().post( RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED , "uri=" + Uri.encode( acct ) ) ); TootApiResult result = client.request( "/api/v1/follows", request_builder ); if( result != null ){ if( result.object != null ){ who = TootAccount.parse( log, access_info, result.object ); Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, R.string.follow_succeeded ); }else if( locked && result.response.code() == 422 ){ Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, R.string.cant_follow_locked_user ); }else{ Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, result.error ); } } return result; } TootAccount who; @Override protected void onCancelled( TootApiResult result ){ onPostExecute( null ); } @Override protected void onPostExecute( TootApiResult result ){ if( who != null ){ // App1.relationship_map.addFollowing( access_info, ); // if( callback != null ) // callback.onRelationChanged( App1.relationship_map.get( access_info, ) ); if( callback != null ) callback.onRelationChanged( ); } } }.execute(); } // アカウントを選択してからユーザをフォローする void followFromAnotherAccount( final SavedAccount access_info, final TootAccount who, final RelationChangedCallback callback ){ AccountPicker.pick( ActMain.this, new AccountPicker.AccountPickerCallback() { @Override public void onAccountPicked( SavedAccount ai ){ String acct = who.acct; if( ! acct.contains( "@" ) ){ acct = acct + "@" +; } callRemoteFollow( ai, acct, who.locked, callback ); } } ); } //////////////////////////////////////// private void callMute( final SavedAccount access_info, final TootAccount who, final boolean bMute, final RelationChangedCallback callback ){ new AsyncTask< Void, Void, TootApiResult >() { @Override protected TootApiResult doInBackground( Void... params ){ TootApiClient client = new TootApiClient( ActMain.this, new TootApiClient.Callback() { @Override public boolean isApiCancelled(){ return isCancelled(); } @Override public void publishApiProgress( String s ){ } } ); client.setAccount( access_info ); Request.Builder request_builder = new Request.Builder().post( RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED , "" // 空データ ) ); TootApiResult result = client.request( "/api/v1/accounts/" + + ( bMute ? "/mute" : "/unmute" ) , request_builder ); if( result != null ){ if( result.object != null ){ relation = TootRelationShip.parse( log, result.object ); Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, bMute ? R.string.mute_succeeded : R.string.unmute_succeeded ); }else{ Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, result.error ); } } return result; } TootRelationShip relation; @Override protected void onCancelled( TootApiResult result ){ onPostExecute( null ); } @Override protected void onPostExecute( TootApiResult result ){ if( relation != null ){ // App1.relationship_map.put( access_info, relation ); // if( callback != null ) callback.onRelationChanged( relation ); if( callback != null ) callback.onRelationChanged( ); if( bMute ){ for( Column column : pager_adapter.column_list ){ column.removeStatusByAccount( access_info, ); } } showColumnMatchAccount( access_info ); } } }.execute(); } private void callBlock( final SavedAccount access_info, final TootAccount who, final boolean bBlock, final RelationChangedCallback callback ){ new AsyncTask< Void, Void, TootApiResult >() { @Override protected TootApiResult doInBackground( Void... params ){ TootApiClient client = new TootApiClient( ActMain.this, new TootApiClient.Callback() { @Override public boolean isApiCancelled(){ return isCancelled(); } @Override public void publishApiProgress( String s ){ } } ); client.setAccount( access_info ); Request.Builder request_builder = new Request.Builder().post( RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED , "" // 空データ ) ); TootApiResult result = client.request( "/api/v1/accounts/" + + ( bBlock ? "/block" : "/unblock" ) , request_builder ); if( result != null ){ if( result.object != null ){ relation = TootRelationShip.parse( log, result.object ); Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, bBlock ? R.string.block_succeeded : R.string.unblock_succeeded ); }else{ Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, result.error ); } } return result; } TootRelationShip relation; TootAccount remote_who; @Override protected void onCancelled( TootApiResult result ){ onPostExecute( null ); } @Override protected void onPostExecute( TootApiResult result ){ boolean bOK = false; if( relation != null ){ bOK = true; // App1.relationship_map.put( access_info, relation ); // if( callback != null ) callback.onRelationChanged( relation ); if( callback != null ) callback.onRelationChanged( ); }else if( remote_who != null ){ bOK = true; // App1.relationship_map.addFollowing( access_info, ); // if( callback != null ) // callback.onRelationChanged( App1.relationship_map.get( access_info, ) ); if( callback != null ) callback.onRelationChanged( ); } if( bOK ){ if( bBlock ){ for( Column column : pager_adapter.column_list ){ column.removeStatusByAccount( access_info, ); } } showColumnMatchAccount( access_info ); } } }.execute(); } public interface ReportCompleteCallback { void onReportComplete( TootApiResult result ); } private void callReport( final SavedAccount account, final TootAccount who, final TootStatus status , final String comment, final ReportCompleteCallback callback ){ new AsyncTask< Void, Void, TootApiResult >() { @Override protected TootApiResult doInBackground( Void... params ){ TootApiClient client = new TootApiClient( ActMain.this, new TootApiClient.Callback() { @Override public boolean isApiCancelled(){ return isCancelled(); } @Override public void publishApiProgress( String s ){ } } ); client.setAccount( account ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "account_id=" ) .append( Long.toString( ) ) .append( "&comment=" ) .append( Uri.encode( comment ) ) ; if( status != null ){ sb.append( "&status_ids[]=" ) .append( Long.toString( ) ) ; } Request.Builder request_builder = new Request.Builder().post( RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED , sb.toString() ) ); TootApiResult result = client.request( "/api/v1/reports", request_builder ); if( result != null ){ callback.onReportComplete( result ); } return result; } }.execute(); } private void openReportForm( final SavedAccount account, final TootAccount who, final TootStatus status ){ ReportForm.showReportForm( this, who, status, new ReportForm.ReportFormCallback() { @Override public void startReport( final Dialog dialog, String comment ){ callReport( account, who, status, comment, new ReportCompleteCallback() { @Override public void onReportComplete( TootApiResult result ){ //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if( result == null ){ // cancelled }else if( result.object != null ){ Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, R.string.report_completed ); dialog.dismiss(); }else{ // error Utils.showToast( ActMain.this, false, result.error ); } } } ); } } ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////// final RelationChangedCallback follow_comolete_callback = new RelationChangedCallback() { // @Override public void onRelationChanged( TootRelationShip relationship ){ // Utils.showToast( ActMain.this,false,R.string.follow_succeeded ); // } @Override public void onRelationChanged( ){ Utils.showToast( ActMain.this,false,R.string.follow_succeeded ); } }; // ステータスのmoreメニュー public void openStatusMoreMenu( final SavedAccount access_info, final TootStatus status ){ ActionsDialog dialog = new ActionsDialog(); final ArrayList< SavedAccount > tmp_list = new ArrayList<>(); for( SavedAccount a : SavedAccount.loadAccountList( log ) ){ if( ) ){ tmp_list.add( a ); } } if( ! tmp_list.isEmpty() ){ dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.favourite_from_another_account ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ AccountPicker.pick( ActMain.this, tmp_list, new AccountPicker.AccountPickerCallback() { @Override public void onAccountPicked( SavedAccount ai ){ if( ai != null ) performFavourite( ai, status ); } } ); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.boost_from_another_account ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ AccountPicker.pick( ActMain.this, tmp_list, new AccountPicker.AccountPickerCallback() { @Override public void onAccountPicked( SavedAccount ai ){ if( ai != null ) performBoost( ai, status, false ); } } ); } } ); } dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.follow ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callFollow( access_info, status.account, true ,null); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.follow_from_another_account ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ followFromAnotherAccount( access_info, status.account ,follow_comolete_callback); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.unfollow ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callFollow( access_info, status.account, false,null ); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.mute ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callMute( access_info, status.account, true ,null); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.unmute ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callMute( access_info, status.account, false,null ); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.block ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callBlock( access_info, status.account, true ,null); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.unblock ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callBlock( access_info, status.account, false ,null); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ openReportForm( access_info, status.account, status ); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.open_web_page ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ // 強制的にブラウザで開く openChromeTab( access_info, status.url, true ); } } ); this, null ); } public void openAccountMoreMenu( final SavedAccount access_info, final TootAccount who ){ ActionsDialog dialog = new ActionsDialog(); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.mention ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ performMention( access_info, who ); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.follow ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callFollow( access_info, who, true ,null); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.follow_from_another_account ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ followFromAnotherAccount( access_info, who,follow_comolete_callback ); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.unfollow ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callFollow( access_info, who, false ,null); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.mute ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callMute( access_info, who, true ,null); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.unmute ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callMute( access_info, who, false,null ); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.block ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callBlock( access_info, who, true ,null); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( R.string.unblock ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ callBlock( access_info, who, false ,null); } } ); dialog.addAction( getString( ), new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ openReportForm( access_info, who, null ); } } ); this, null ); } private void openOSSLicense(){ startActivity( new Intent(this,ActOSSLicense.class) ); } private void openAppAbout(){ startActivity( new Intent(this,ActAbout.class) ); } }