#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use feature qw(say); my $file = $0; $file =~ s/\.pl$/\.txt/; local $/=undef; my $text = ; # change multiple spaces and line feeds to single space # it required for F-droid android client. $text =~ s/[\x00-\x20]+/ /g; # remove head/tail space $text =~ s/\A //; $text =~ s/ \z//; # HTML block elements and "br". my $blockElements = join "|", qw( address article aside blockquote canvas dd div dl dt fieldset figcaption figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 header hr li main nav noscript ol p pre section table tfoot ul video br ); # Attributes part inside HTML tag. my $attrsRe = qr!(?:[^>/"]+|"[^"]*")*!; my $blockElementsRe = qr!(?:$blockElements)!i; my $trimElementsRe = qr!\s*()\s*!; # say $trimElementsRe; # while( $text =~ /$trimElementsRe/g){ # say "match: [$&]"; # } # trim spaces before/after block tags. also
$text =~ s/$trimElementsRe/$1/g; open(my $fh,">:utf8",$file) or die "$file $!"; say $fh $text; close($fh) or die "$file $!"; # apt-cyg install tidy libtidy5 system qq(tidy -q -e $file); __DATA__

Mastodon client for Android 8.0 or later.

Also this app has partially support for Misskey. But it does not include function to use message, drive, reversi, widget.

Multiple accounts, Multiple columns

Cross account action

Other information