package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table import android.content.ContentValues import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase import androidx.collection.LruCache import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.App1 import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootParser import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.EntityId import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootAccount import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootRelationShip import jp.juggler.util.LogCategory import jp.juggler.util.getInt import org.json.JSONObject class UserRelation { var following : Boolean = false // 認証ユーザからのフォロー状態にある var followed_by : Boolean = false // 認証ユーザは被フォロー状態にある var blocking : Boolean = false // 認証ユーザからブロックした var blocked_by : Boolean = false // 認証ユーザからブロックされた(Misskeyのみ。Mastodonでは常にfalse) var muting : Boolean = false var requested : Boolean = false // 認証ユーザからのフォローは申請中である var requested_by : Boolean = false // 相手から認証ユーザへのフォローリクエスト申請中(Misskeyのみ。Mastodonでは常にfalse) var following_reblogs : Int = 0 // このユーザからのブーストをTLに表示する var endorsed : Boolean = false // ユーザをプロフィールで紹介する // 認証ユーザからのフォロー状態 fun getFollowing(who : TootAccount?) : Boolean { return if(requested && ! following && who != null && ! who.locked) true else following } // 認証ユーザからのフォローリクエスト申請中状態 fun getRequested(who : TootAccount?) : Boolean { return if(requested && ! following && who != null && ! who.locked) false else requested } companion object : TableCompanion { const val REBLOG_HIDE = 0 // don't show the boosts from target account will be shown on authorized user's home TL. const val REBLOG_SHOW = 1 // show the boosts from target account will be shown on authorized user's home TL. const val REBLOG_UNKNOWN = 2 // not following, or instance don't support hide reblog. private val mMemoryCache = androidx.collection.LruCache(2048) private val log = LogCategory("UserRelationMisskey") private const val table = "user_relation_misskey" private const val COL_TIME_SAVE = "time_save" private const val COL_DB_ID = "db_id" // SavedAccount のDB_ID private const val COL_WHO_ID = "who_id" // ターゲットアカウントのID private const val COL_FOLLOWING = "following" private const val COL_FOLLOWED_BY = "followed_by" private const val COL_BLOCKING = "blocking" private const val COL_MUTING = "muting" private const val COL_REQUESTED = "requested" private const val COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS = "following_reblogs" private const val COL_ENDORSED = "endorsed" private const val COL_BLOCKED_BY = "blocked_by" private const val COL_REQUESTED_BY = "requested_by" override fun onDBCreate(db : SQLiteDatabase) { log.d("onDBCreate!") db.execSQL( """ create table if not exists $table (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ,$COL_TIME_SAVE integer not null ,$COL_DB_ID integer not null ,$COL_WHO_ID text not null ,$COL_FOLLOWING integer not null ,$COL_FOLLOWED_BY integer not null ,$COL_BLOCKING integer not null ,$COL_MUTING integer not null ,$COL_REQUESTED integer not null ,$COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS integer not null ,$COL_ENDORSED integer default 0 ,$COL_BLOCKED_BY integer default 0 ,$COL_REQUESTED_BY integer default 0 )""" ) db.execSQL( "create unique index if not exists ${table}_id on $table ($COL_DB_ID,$COL_WHO_ID)" ) db.execSQL( "create index if not exists ${table}_time on $table ($COL_TIME_SAVE)" ) } override fun onDBUpgrade(db : SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion : Int, newVersion : Int) { if(oldVersion < 30 && newVersion >= 30) { db.execSQL("drop table if exists $table") onDBCreate(db) } if(oldVersion < 32 && newVersion >= 32) { try { db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_ENDORSED integer default 0") } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } if(oldVersion < 34 && newVersion >= 34) { try { db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_BLOCKED_BY integer default 0") } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } if(oldVersion < 35 && newVersion >= 35) { try { db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_REQUESTED_BY integer default 0") } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } } fun deleteOld(now : Long) { try { val expire = now - 86400000L * 365 App1.database.delete(table, "$COL_TIME_SAVE) { val cv = ContentValues() cv.put(COL_TIME_SAVE, now) cv.put(COL_DB_ID, db_id) var bOK = false val db = App1.database db.execSQL("BEGIN TRANSACTION") try { for(src in src_list) { val id = cv.put(COL_WHO_ID, id) cv.put(COL_FOLLOWING, src.following.b2i()) cv.put(COL_FOLLOWED_BY, src.followed_by.b2i()) cv.put(COL_BLOCKING, src.blocking.b2i()) cv.put(COL_BLOCKED_BY, src.blocked_by.b2i()) cv.put(COL_MUTING, src.muting.b2i()) cv.put(COL_REQUESTED, src.requested.b2i()) cv.put(COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS, src.showing_reblogs) cv.put(COL_ENDORSED,src.endorsed.b2i() ) db.replace(table, null, cv) } bOK = true } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) log.e(ex, "saveList failed.") } if(bOK) { db.execSQL("COMMIT TRANSACTION") for(src in src_list) { val id = val key = String.format("%s:%s", db_id, id) mMemoryCache.remove(key) } } else { db.execSQL("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") } } fun saveListMisskey( now : Long, db_id : Long, src_list : List>, start : Int, end : Int ) { val cv = ContentValues() cv.put(COL_TIME_SAVE, now) cv.put(COL_DB_ID, db_id) var bOK = false val db = App1.database db.execSQL("BEGIN TRANSACTION") try { for(i in start until end) { val entry = src_list[i] val id = entry.key val src = entry.value cv.put(COL_WHO_ID, id.toString()) cv.put(COL_FOLLOWING, src.following.b2i()) cv.put(COL_FOLLOWED_BY, src.followed_by.b2i()) cv.put(COL_BLOCKING, src.blocking.b2i()) cv.put(COL_MUTING, src.muting.b2i()) cv.put(COL_REQUESTED, src.requested.b2i()) cv.put(COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS, src.following_reblogs) cv.put(COL_ENDORSED, src.endorsed.b2i()) cv.put(COL_BLOCKED_BY,src.blocked_by.b2i()) cv.put(COL_REQUESTED_BY,src.requested_by.b2i()) db.replace(table, null, cv) } bOK = true } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) log.e(ex, "saveList failed.") } if(bOK) { db.execSQL("COMMIT TRANSACTION") for(i in start until end) { val entry = src_list[i] val key = String.format("%s:%s", db_id, entry.key) UserRelation.mMemoryCache.remove(key) } } else { db.execSQL("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") } } fun saveList2(now : Long, db_id : Long, list : ArrayList) { val cv = ContentValues() cv.put(COL_TIME_SAVE, now) cv.put(COL_DB_ID, db_id) var bOK = false val db = App1.database db.execSQL("BEGIN TRANSACTION") try { for(src in list) { cv.put(COL_WHO_ID, cv.put(COL_FOLLOWING, src.following.b2i()) cv.put(COL_FOLLOWED_BY, src.followed_by.b2i()) cv.put(COL_BLOCKING, src.blocking.b2i()) cv.put(COL_MUTING, src.muting.b2i()) cv.put(COL_REQUESTED, src.requested.b2i()) cv.put(COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS, src.showing_reblogs) cv.put(COL_ENDORSED, src.endorsed.b2i()) cv.put(COL_BLOCKED_BY,src.blocked_by.b2i()) cv.put(COL_REQUESTED_BY,src.requested_by.b2i()) db.replace(table, null, cv) } bOK = true } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) log.e(ex, "saveList2 failed.") } if(bOK) { db.execSQL("COMMIT TRANSACTION") for(src in list) { val key = String.format("%s:%s", db_id, UserRelation.mMemoryCache.remove(key) } } else { db.execSQL("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") } } private const val load_where = "$COL_DB_ID=? and $COL_WHO_ID=?" private val load_where_arg = object : ThreadLocal>() { override fun initialValue() : Array { return Array(2) { null } } } fun load(db_id : Long, whoId : EntityId) : UserRelation { // val key = String.format("%s:%s", db_id, whoId) val cached : UserRelation? = mMemoryCache.get(key) if(cached != null) return cached val dst = load(db_id, whoId.toString()) mMemoryCache.put(key, dst) return dst } fun load(db_id : Long, who_id : String) : UserRelation { try { val where_arg = load_where_arg.get() ?: arrayOfNulls(2) where_arg[0] = db_id.toString() where_arg[1] = who_id App1.database.query(table, null, load_where, where_arg, null, null, null) .use { cursor -> if(cursor.moveToNext()) { val dst = UserRelation() dst.following = cursor.getBoolean(COL_FOLLOWING) dst.followed_by = cursor.getBoolean(COL_FOLLOWED_BY) dst.blocking = cursor.getBoolean(COL_BLOCKING) dst.muting = cursor.getBoolean(COL_MUTING) dst.requested = cursor.getBoolean(COL_REQUESTED) dst.following_reblogs = cursor.getInt(COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS) dst.endorsed =cursor.getBoolean(COL_ENDORSED) dst.blocked_by = cursor.getBoolean(COL_BLOCKED_BY) dst.requested_by = cursor.getBoolean(COL_REQUESTED_BY) return dst } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) log.e(ex, "load failed.") } return UserRelation() } // MisskeyはUserエンティティにユーザリレーションが含まれたり含まれなかったりする fun fromAccount(parser: TootParser, src : JSONObject, id:EntityId) { // アカウントのjsonがユーザリレーションを含まないなら何もしない src.opt("isFollowing") ?:return // プロフカラムで ユーザのプロフ(A)とアカウントTL(B)を順に取得すると // (A)ではisBlockingに情報が入っているが、(B)では情報が入っていない // 対策として(A)でリレーションを取得済みのユーザは(B)のタイミングではリレーションを読み捨てる val map = parser.misskeyUserRelationMap if( map.containsKey(id) ) return map[id] = UserRelation().apply { following = src.optBoolean("isFollowing") followed_by = src.optBoolean("isFollowed") muting = src.optBoolean("isMuted") blocking = src.optBoolean("isBlocking") blocked_by = src.optBoolean("isBlocked") endorsed = false requested = src.optBoolean("hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou") requested_by = src.optBoolean("hasPendingFollowRequestToYou") } } } }