package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Context import androidx.annotation.StringRes import android.text.Spannable import android.text.SpannableString import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.App1 import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.Pref import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.R import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.HighlightWord import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.* import jp.juggler.util.* import java.lang.ref.WeakReference import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.* import java.util.regex.Pattern import kotlin.collections.ArrayList import kotlin.collections.LinkedHashMap import kotlin.math.abs import kotlin.math.max import kotlin.math.min class FilterTrees( val treeIrreversible: WordTrieTree = WordTrieTree(), val treeReversible: WordTrieTree = WordTrieTree(), val treeAll: WordTrieTree = WordTrieTree() ) @Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanPrivate") class TootStatus(parser: TootParser, src: JsonObject) : TimelineItem() { val json: JsonObject // A Fediverse-unique resource ID // MSP から取得したデータだと uri は提供されずnullになる val uri: String // URL to the status page (can be remote) // ブーストだとnullになる val url: String? // 投稿元タンスのホスト名 val originalApDomain: Host get() = account.apDomain // 取得タンスのホスト名。トゥート検索サービスでは提供されずnullになる val readerApDomain: Host? // ステータスID。 // host_access が null の場合は投稿元タンスでのIDかもしれない。 // 取得に失敗するとINVALID_IDになる // Misskeyでは文字列のID。 val id: EntityId // misskeyではページングIDにRelation ID が別途提供されることがある internal var _orderId: EntityId? = null override fun getOrderId() = _orderId ?: id // The TootAccount which posted the status val accountRef: TootAccountRef val account: TootAccount get() = TootAccountMap.find(accountRef.mapId) //The number of reblogs for the status var reblogs_count: Long? = null // アプリから変更する。検索サービスでは提供されない(null) //The number of favourites for the status var favourites_count: Long? = null // アプリから変更する。検索サービスでは提供されない(null) // Whether the authenticated user has reblogged the status var reblogged: Boolean = false // アプリから変更する // Whether the authenticated user has favourited the status var favourited: Boolean = false // アプリから変更する // Whether the authenticated user has bookmarked the status var bookmarked: Boolean = false // アプリから変更する // Whether the authenticated user has muted the conversation this status from var muted: Boolean = false // アプリから変更する // 固定されたトゥート var pinned: Boolean = false // アプリから変更する //Whether media attachments should be hidden by default val sensitive: Boolean // The detected language for the status, if detected val language: String? //If not empty, warning text that should be displayed before the actual content // アプリ内部では空文字列はCWなしとして扱う // マストドンは「null:CWなし」「空じゃない文字列:CWあり」の2種類 // Pleromaは「空文字列:CWなし」「空じゃない文字列:CWあり」の2種類 // Misskeyは「CWなし」「空欄CW」「CWあり」の3通り。空欄CWはパース時に書き換えてしまう // Misskeyで投稿が削除された時に変更されるため、val変数にできない var spoiler_text: String = "" var decoded_spoiler_text: Spannable // Body of the status; this will contain HTML (remote HTML already sanitized) var content: String? var decoded_content: Spannable //Application from which the status was posted val application: TootApplication? val custom_emojis: HashMap? val profile_emojis: HashMap? // The time the status was created private val created_at: String? // null or the ID of the status it replies to val in_reply_to_id: EntityId? // null or the ID of the account it replies to val in_reply_to_account_id: EntityId? // null or the reblogged Status val reblog: TootStatus? //One of: public, unlisted, private, direct val visibility: TootVisibility private val misskeyVisibleIds: ArrayList? // An array of Attachments val media_attachments: ArrayList? // An array of Mentions var mentions: ArrayList? = null //An array of Tags var tags: List? = null // public Spannable decoded_tags; var decoded_mentions: Spannable = EMPTY_SPANNABLE var conversation_main: Boolean = false var enquete: TootPolls? = null // var replies_count: Long? = null var viaMobile: Boolean = false var reactionCounts: LinkedHashMap? = null var myReaction: String? = null var reply: TootStatus? val serviceType: ServiceType private val deletedAt: String? val time_deleted_at: Long private var localOnly: Boolean = false var myRenoteId: EntityId? = null // reblog,reply された投稿からその外側を参照する var reblogParent: TootStatus? = null // quote toot かどうか。 var isQuoteToot = false private var quote_id: EntityId? = null // このstatusがquoteだった場合、ミュート済みかどうか示すフラグ var quote_muted = false // Misskey 12.3 var isPromoted = false var isFeatured = false /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 以下はentityから取得したデータではなく、アプリ内部で使う class AutoCW( var refActivity: WeakReference? = null, var cell_width: Int = 0, var decoded_spoiler_text: Spannable? = null, var originalLineCount: Int = 0 ) // アプリ内部で使うワークエリア var auto_cw: AutoCW? = null // 会話の流れビューで後から追加する var card: TootCard? = null var highlightSound: HighlightWord? = null var highlightSpeech: HighlightWord? = null var highlightAny: HighlightWord? = null val time_created_at: Long var conversationSummary: TootConversationSummary? = null //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// init { this.json = src this.serviceType = parser.serviceType src["_fromStream"] = parser.fromStream when (parser.serviceType) { ServiceType.MISSKEY -> { val apiHost = parser.apiHost val misskeyId = src.string("id") this.readerApDomain = parser.apDomain val uri = src.string("uri") if (uri != null) { // リモート投稿には uriが含まれる this.uri = uri this.url = uri } else { this.uri = "https://$apiHost/notes/$misskeyId" this.url = "https://$apiHost/notes/$misskeyId" } this.created_at = src.string("createdAt") this.time_created_at = parseTime(this.created_at) = EntityId.mayDefault(misskeyId) // お気に入りカラムなどではパース直後に変更することがある // 絵文字マップはすぐ後で使うので、最初の方で読んでおく this.custom_emojis = parseMapOrNull(CustomEmoji.decodeMisskey, src.jsonArray("emojis"), log) this.profile_emojis = null val who = parser.account(src.jsonObject("user")) ?: throw RuntimeException("missing account") this.accountRef = TootAccountRef(parser, who) this.reblogs_count = src.long("renoteCount") ?: 0L this.favourites_count = 0L this.replies_count = src.long("repliesCount") ?: 0L this.reblogged = false this.favourited = src.optBoolean("isFavorited") this.localOnly = src.optBoolean("localOnly") this.visibility = TootVisibility.parseMisskey( src.string("visibility"), localOnly ) ?: TootVisibility.Public this.misskeyVisibleIds = parseStringArray(src.jsonArray("visibleUserIds")) this.media_attachments = parseListOrNull( ::TootAttachment, parser, src.jsonArray("files") ?: src.jsonArray("media") // v11,v10 ) // Misskeyは画像毎にNSFWフラグがある。どれか1枚でもNSFWならトゥート全体がNSFWということにする var bv = src.optBoolean("sensitive") media_attachments?.forEach { if ((it as? TootAttachment)?.isSensitive == true) { bv = true } } this.sensitive = bv this.reply = parser.status(src.jsonObject("reply")) this.in_reply_to_id = EntityId.mayNull(src.string("replyId")) this.in_reply_to_account_id = reply?.account?.id this.pinned = parser.pinned this.muted = false this.language = null // "mentionedRemoteUsers" -> "[{"uri":"https:\/\/\/users\/tateisu","username":"tateisu","host":""}]" this.tags = parseMisskeyTags(src.jsonArray("tags")) this.application = parseItem(::TootApplication, parser, src.jsonObject("app"), log) this.viaMobile = src.optBoolean("viaMobile") // this.decoded_tags = HTMLDecoder.decodeTags( account,status.tags ); // content this.content = src.string("text") var options = DecodeOptions( parser.context, parser.linkHelper, short = true, decodeEmoji = true, emojiMapCustom = custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = profile_emojis, attachmentList = media_attachments, highlightTrie = parser.highlightTrie, mentions = null, // MisskeyはMFMをパースし終わるまでメンションが分からない mentionDefaultHostDomain = account ) this.decoded_content = options.decodeHTML(content) if (this.highlightSound == null) this.highlightSound = options.highlightSound if (this.highlightSpeech == null) this.highlightSpeech = options.highlightSpeech if (this.highlightAny == null) this.highlightAny = options.highlightAny // Markdownのデコード結果からmentionsを読むのだった val mentions1 = (decoded_content as? MisskeyMarkdownDecoder.SpannableStringBuilderEx)?.mentions val sv = src.string("cw")?.cleanCW() this.spoiler_text = when { sv == null -> "" // CWなし sv.replace('\u0323', ' ').isBlank() -> parser.context.getString(R.string.blank_cw) else -> sv } // ハイライト検出のためにDecodeOptionsを作り直す? options = DecodeOptions( parser.context, parser.linkHelper, short = true, decodeEmoji = true, emojiMapCustom = custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = profile_emojis, attachmentList = media_attachments, highlightTrie = parser.highlightTrie, mentions = null, // MisskeyはMFMをパースし終わるまでメンションが分からない mentionDefaultHostDomain = account ) this.decoded_spoiler_text = options.decodeHTML(spoiler_text) if (this.highlightSound == null) this.highlightSound = options.highlightSound if (this.highlightSpeech == null) this.highlightSpeech = options.highlightSpeech if (this.highlightAny == null) this.highlightAny = options.highlightAny val mentions2 = (decoded_spoiler_text as? MisskeyMarkdownDecoder.SpannableStringBuilderEx)?.mentions this.mentions = mergeMentions(mentions1, mentions2) this.decoded_mentions = HTMLDecoder.decodeMentions(parser.linkHelper, this) ?: EMPTY_SPANNABLE // contentを読んだ後にアンケートのデコード this.enquete = TootPolls.parse( parser, TootPollsType.Misskey, this, media_attachments, src.jsonObject("poll"), ) this.reactionCounts = parseReactionCounts( src.jsonObject("reactions") ?: src.jsonObject("reactionCounts") ) this.myReaction = src.string("myReaction") val reblog = parser.status(src.jsonObject("renote")) this.reblog = reblog // めいめいフォークでは myRenoteIdというものがあるらしい // // 直近の一つのrenoteのIdを得られるらしい。 this.myRenoteId = EntityId.mayNull(src.string("myRenoteId")) if (myRenoteId != null) reblogged = true // しかしTLにRenoteが露出してるならそのIDを使う方が賢明であろう // 外側ステータスが自分なら、内側ステータスのmyRenoteIdを設定する if (reblog != null && parser.linkHelper.cast()?.isMe(account) == true) { reblog.myRenoteId = id reblog.reblogged = true } quote_muted = src.boolean("quote_muted") ?: false isQuoteToot = when (reblog) { // 別の投稿を参照していない null -> false // 別の投稿を参照して、かつこの投稿自体が何かコンテンツを持つなら引用トゥートである else -> content?.isNotEmpty() == true || spoiler_text.isNotEmpty() || media_attachments?.isNotEmpty() == true || enquete != null } this.quote_id = if (isQuoteToot) { reblog?.id } else { null } this.deletedAt = src.string("deletedAt") this.time_deleted_at = parseTime(deletedAt) if (card == null) { if (reblog != null && isQuoteToot) { // 引用Renoteにプレビューカードをでっちあげる card = TootCard(parser, reblog) } else if (reply != null) { // 返信にプレビューカードをでっちあげる card = TootCard(parser, reply!!) } } this.isPromoted = src.string("_prId_")?.isNotEmpty() == true this.isFeatured = src.string("_featuredId_")?.isNotEmpty() == true } ServiceType.NOTESTOCK -> { misskeyVisibleIds = null reply = null deletedAt = null time_deleted_at = 0L this.url = src.string("url") this.created_at = src.string("published") val apTag = APTag(parser, src.jsonArray("tag")) this.custom_emojis = apTag.emojiList.notEmpty() this.profile_emojis = apTag.profileEmojiList.notEmpty() this.mentions = apTag.mentions this.tags = apTag.hashtags val who = parser.account(src.jsonObject("account")) ?: throw RuntimeException("missing account") this.accountRef = TootAccountRef(parser, who) this.reblogs_count = null this.favourites_count = null this.replies_count = null this.readerApDomain = null this.uri = src.string("id") ?: error("missing uri") = findStatusIdFromUri(uri, url) ?: EntityId.DEFAULT this.time_created_at = parseTime(this.created_at) val apAttachment = APAttachment(src.jsonArray("attachment")) this.media_attachments = apAttachment.mediaAttachments.notEmpty() this.visibility = when (src.jsonArray("to")?.any { it == "" }) { true -> TootVisibility.Public else -> TootVisibility.UnlistedHome } this.sensitive = src.optBoolean("sensitive") // TODO APには inReplyTo と inReplyToAtomUri があるけど // リモート投稿のURLからサーバ内IDを計算するのはサーバへのリクエストなしでは無理 this.in_reply_to_id = null this.in_reply_to_account_id = null this.application = null this.pinned = parser.pinned || src.optBoolean("pinned") this.muted = false this.language = null this.decoded_mentions = HTMLDecoder.decodeMentions(parser.linkHelper, this) ?: EMPTY_SPANNABLE val quote = when { !parser.decodeQuote -> null else -> try { parser.decodeQuote = false parser.status(src.jsonObject("quote")) } finally { parser.decodeQuote = true } } this.quote_id = quote?.id ?: EntityId.mayNull(src.string("quote_id")) this.isQuoteToot = quote_id != null this.quote_muted = src.boolean("quote_muted") ?: false this.reblog = null this.card = if (quote != null) { // 引用Renoteにプレビューカードをでっちあげる TootCard(parser, quote) // content中のQTの表現が四角括弧の有無とか色々あるみたいだし // 選択してコピーのことを考えたらむしろ削らない方が良い気がしてきた // removeQt = ! Pref.bpDontShowPreviewCard(Pref.pref(parser.context)) } else { null } // content this.content = src.string("content") var options = DecodeOptions( parser.context, parser.linkHelper, short = true, decodeEmoji = true, emojiMapCustom = custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = profile_emojis, attachmentList = media_attachments, highlightTrie = parser.highlightTrie, mentions = mentions, mentionDefaultHostDomain = account, unwrapEmojiImageTag = true, // notestockはカスタム絵文字がimageタグになってる ) this.decoded_content = options.decodeHTML(content) if (this.highlightSound == null) this.highlightSound = options.highlightSound if (this.highlightSpeech == null) this.highlightSpeech = options.highlightSpeech if (this.highlightAny == null) this.highlightAny = options.highlightAny val sv = (src.string("summary") ?: "").cleanCW() this.spoiler_text = when { sv.isEmpty() -> "" // CWなし sv.isBlank() -> parser.context.getString(R.string.blank_cw) else -> sv } // ハイライト検出のためにDecodeOptionsを作り直す? options = DecodeOptions( parser.context, emojiMapCustom = custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = profile_emojis, highlightTrie = parser.highlightTrie, mentions = mentions, mentionDefaultHostDomain = account, unwrapEmojiImageTag = true, // notestockはカスタム絵文字がimageタグになってる ) this.decoded_spoiler_text = options.decodeEmoji(spoiler_text) if (this.highlightSound == null) this.highlightSound = options.highlightSound if (this.highlightSpeech == null) this.highlightSpeech = options.highlightSpeech if (this.highlightAny == null) this.highlightAny = options.highlightAny this.enquete = (src.jsonArray("oneOf") ?: src.jsonArray("anyOf"))?.let { try { TootPolls( parser, TootPollsType.Notestock, this, media_attachments, src, it ) } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex) null } } } else -> { misskeyVisibleIds = null reply = null deletedAt = null time_deleted_at = 0L this.url = src.string("url") // ブースト等では頻繁にnullになる this.created_at = src.string("created_at") // 絵文字マップはすぐ後で使うので、最初の方で読んでおく this.custom_emojis = parseMapOrNull(CustomEmoji.decode, src.jsonArray("emojis"), log) this.profile_emojis = when (val o = src["profile_emojis"]) { is JsonArray -> parseMapOrNull(::NicoProfileEmoji, o, log) is JsonObject -> parseProfileEmoji2(::NicoProfileEmoji, o, log) else -> null } val who = parser.account(src.jsonObject("account")) ?: throw RuntimeException("missing account") this.accountRef = TootAccountRef(parser, who) this.reblogs_count = src.long("reblogs_count") this.favourites_count = src.long("favourites_count") this.replies_count = src.long("replies_count") when (parser.serviceType) { ServiceType.MASTODON -> { this.readerApDomain = parser.apDomain = EntityId.mayDefault(src.string("id")) this.uri = src.string("uri") ?: error("missing uri") this.reblogged = src.optBoolean("reblogged") this.favourited = src.optBoolean("favourited") this.bookmarked = src.optBoolean("bookmarked") this.time_created_at = parseTime(this.created_at) this.media_attachments = parseListOrNull( ::TootAttachment, parser, src.jsonArray("media_attachments"), log ) this.visibility = TootVisibility.parseMastodon(src.string("visibility")) ?: TootVisibility.Public this.sensitive = src.optBoolean("sensitive") } ServiceType.TOOTSEARCH -> { this.readerApDomain = null // 投稿元タンスでのIDを調べる。失敗するかもしれない // FIXME: Pleromaだとダメそうな印象 this.uri = src.string("uri") ?: error("missing uri") = findStatusIdFromUri(uri, url) ?: EntityId.DEFAULT this.time_created_at = parseTime(this.created_at) this.media_attachments = parseListOrNull( ::TootAttachment, parser, src.jsonArray("media_attachments"), log ) this.visibility = TootVisibility.Public this.sensitive = src.optBoolean("sensitive") } ServiceType.MSP -> { this.readerApDomain = parser.apDomain // MSPのデータはLTLから呼んだものなので、常に投稿元タンスでのidが得られる = EntityId.mayDefault(src.string("id")) // MSPだとuriは提供されない。LTL限定なのでURL的なものを作れるはず this.uri = "https://${account.apiHost}/users/${who.username}/statuses/$id" this.time_created_at = parseTimeMSP(created_at) this.media_attachments = TootAttachmentMSP.parseList(src.jsonArray("media_attachments")) this.visibility = TootVisibility.Public this.sensitive = src.optInt("sensitive", 0) != 0 } ServiceType.MISSKEY, ServiceType.NOTESTOCK -> error("will not happen") } this.in_reply_to_id = EntityId.mayNull(src.string("in_reply_to_id")) this.in_reply_to_account_id = EntityId.mayNull(src.string("in_reply_to_account_id")) this.mentions = parseListOrNull(::TootMention, src.jsonArray("mentions"), log) this.tags = TootTag.parseListOrNull(parser, src.jsonArray("tags")) this.application = parseItem(::TootApplication, parser, src.jsonObject("application"), log) this.pinned = parser.pinned || src.optBoolean("pinned") this.muted = src.optBoolean("muted") this.language = src.string("language")?.notEmpty() this.decoded_mentions = HTMLDecoder.decodeMentions(parser.linkHelper, this) ?: EMPTY_SPANNABLE val quote = when { !parser.decodeQuote -> null else -> try { parser.decodeQuote = false parser.status(src.jsonObject("quote")) } finally { parser.decodeQuote = true } } this.quote_id = quote?.id ?: EntityId.mayNull(src.string("quote_id")) this.isQuoteToot = quote_id != null this.quote_muted = src.boolean("quote_muted") ?: false // Pinned TL を取得した時にreblogが登場することはないので、reblogについてpinned 状態を気にする必要はない // Hostdon QT と通常のreblogが同時に出ることはないので、quoteが既出ならreblogのjsonデータは見ない this.reblog = quote ?: parser.status(src.jsonObject("reblog")) val removeQt = false // 2.6.0からステータスにもカード情報が含まれる this.card = parseItem(::TootCard, src.jsonObject("card")) if (card == null && quote != null) { // 引用Renoteにプレビューカードをでっちあげる card = TootCard(parser, quote) // content中のQTの表現が四角括弧の有無とか色々あるみたいだし // 選択してコピーのことを考えたらむしろ削らない方が良い気がしてきた // removeQt = ! Pref.bpDontShowPreviewCard(Pref.pref(parser.context)) } // content this.content = src.string("content")?.let { sv -> if (removeQt) { log.d("removeQt? $sv") val reQuoteTootRemover = """(?:\s|
)*QT:\s*\[[^]]+]((?:)*)\z""".toRegex() sv.replace(reQuoteTootRemover) { it.groupValues.elementAtOrNull(1) ?: "" }.also { after -> log.d("removeQt? after = $after") } } else sv } var options = DecodeOptions( parser.context, parser.linkHelper, short = true, decodeEmoji = true, emojiMapCustom = custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = profile_emojis, attachmentList = media_attachments, highlightTrie = parser.highlightTrie, mentions = mentions, mentionDefaultHostDomain = account ) this.decoded_content = options.decodeHTML(content) if (this.highlightSound == null) this.highlightSound = options.highlightSound if (this.highlightSpeech == null) this.highlightSpeech = options.highlightSpeech if (this.highlightAny == null) this.highlightAny = options.highlightAny val sv = (src.string("spoiler_text") ?: "").cleanCW() this.spoiler_text = when { sv.isEmpty() -> "" // CWなし sv.isBlank() -> parser.context.getString(R.string.blank_cw) else -> sv } // ハイライト検出のためにDecodeOptionsを作り直す? options = DecodeOptions( parser.context, emojiMapCustom = custom_emojis, emojiMapProfile = profile_emojis, highlightTrie = parser.highlightTrie, mentions = mentions, mentionDefaultHostDomain = account ) this.decoded_spoiler_text = options.decodeEmoji(spoiler_text) if (this.highlightSound == null) this.highlightSound = options.highlightSound if (this.highlightSpeech == null) this.highlightSpeech = options.highlightSpeech if (this.highlightAny == null) this.highlightAny = options.highlightAny this.enquete = try { src.string("enquete")?.notEmpty()?.let { TootPolls( parser, TootPollsType.FriendsNico, this, media_attachments, it.decodeJsonObject(), ) } ?: src.jsonObject("poll")?.let { TootPolls( parser, TootPollsType.Mastodon, this, media_attachments, it, ) } } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex) null } } } this.reblog?.reblogParent = this } private fun mergeMentions( mentions1: java.util.ArrayList?, mentions2: java.util.ArrayList? ): java.util.ArrayList? { val size = (mentions1?.size ?: 0) + (mentions2?.size ?: 0) if (size == 0) return null val dst = ArrayList(size) if (mentions1 != null) dst.addAll(mentions1) if (mentions2 != null) dst.addAll(mentions2) return dst } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ユーティリティ // メディア表示を隠したかどうかのキーに使われる // APドメイン名 val hostAccessOrOriginal: Host get() = readerApDomain?.valid() ?: originalApDomain.valid() ?: Host.UNKNOWN val busyKey: String get() = "${hostAccessOrOriginal.ascii}:$id" fun checkMuted(): Boolean { // app mute val muted_app = muted_app if (muted_app != null) { val name = application?.name if (name != null && muted_app.contains(name)) return true } // word mute val muted_word = muted_word if (muted_word != null) { if (muted_word.matchShort(decoded_content)) return true if (muted_word.matchShort(decoded_spoiler_text)) return true } // reblog return true == reblog?.checkMuted() } fun hasMedia(): Boolean { return (media_attachments?.size ?: 0) > 0 } fun canPin(access_info: SavedAccount): Boolean { return reblog == null && access_info.isMe(account) && visibility.canPin(access_info.isMisskey) } // 内部で使う private var _filteredWord: String? = null val filteredWord: String? get() = _filteredWord ?: reblog?._filteredWord val filtered: Boolean get() = filteredWord != null private fun hasReceipt(access_info: SavedAccount): TootVisibility { val fullAcctMe = access_info.getFullAcct(account) val reply_account = reply?.account if (reply_account != null && fullAcctMe != access_info.getFullAcct(reply_account)) { return TootVisibility.DirectSpecified } val in_reply_to_account_id = this.in_reply_to_account_id if (in_reply_to_account_id != null && in_reply_to_account_id != { return TootVisibility.DirectSpecified } mentions?.forEach { if (fullAcctMe != access_info.getFullAcct(it.acct)) return@hasReceipt TootVisibility.DirectSpecified } return TootVisibility.DirectPrivate } fun getBackgroundColorType(access_info: SavedAccount) = when (visibility) { TootVisibility.DirectPrivate, TootVisibility.DirectSpecified -> hasReceipt(access_info) else -> visibility } fun updateKeywordFilteredFlag( accessInfo: SavedAccount, trees: FilterTrees?, checkIrreversible: Boolean = false ) { trees ?: return // status from me or boosted by me is not filtered. if (accessInfo.isMe(account)) { _filteredWord = null return } _filteredWord = isKeywordFilteredSub(if (checkIrreversible) trees.treeAll else trees.treeReversible) ?.joinToString(", ") reblog?.updateKeywordFilteredFlag(accessInfo, trees, checkIrreversible) } fun isKeywordFiltered(accessInfo: SavedAccount, tree: WordTrieTree?): Boolean { tree ?: return false // status from me or boosted by me is not filtered. if (accessInfo.isMe(account)) return false if (isKeywordFilteredSub(tree) != null) return true if (reblog?.isKeywordFilteredSub(tree) != null) return true return false } private fun isKeywordFilteredSub(tree: WordTrieTree): ArrayList? { var list: ArrayList? = null fun check(t: CharSequence?) { if (t?.isEmpty() != false) return val matches = tree.matchList(t) ?: return var dst = list if (dst == null) { dst = ArrayList() list = dst } for (m in matches) dst.add(m.word) } check(decoded_spoiler_text) check(decoded_content) return list } // return true if updated fun increaseReaction(reaction: String?, byMe: Boolean, caller: String): Boolean { reaction ?: return false synchronized(this) { if (byMe) { if (myReaction != null) { // 自分でリアクションしたらUIで更新した後にストリーミングイベントが届くことがある return false } myReaction = reaction } log.d("increaseReaction noteId=$id byMe=$byMe caller=$caller") // カウントを増やす var map = this.reactionCounts if (map == null) { map = LinkedHashMap() this.reactionCounts = map } when ( val key = reaction.takeIf { map.containsKey(it) } ?: MisskeyReaction.getAnotherExpression(reaction)?.takeIf { map.containsKey(it) } ) { null -> map[reaction] = 1 else -> map[key] = max(0, map[key]!! + 1) } return true } } fun decreaseReaction(reaction: String?, byMe: Boolean, caller: String): Boolean { reaction ?: return false synchronized(this) { if (byMe) { if (this.myReaction != reaction) { // 自分でリアクションしたらUIで更新した後にストリーミングイベントが届くことがある return false } myReaction = null } log.d("decreaseReaction noteId=$id byMe=$byMe caller=$caller") // カウントを減らす var map = this.reactionCounts if (map == null) { map = LinkedHashMap() this.reactionCounts = map } when ( val key = reaction.takeIf { map.containsKey(it) } ?: MisskeyReaction.getAnotherExpression(reaction)?.takeIf { map.containsKey(it) } ) { null -> map[reaction] = 0 else -> map[key] = max(0, map[key]!! - 1) } return true } } fun markDeleted(context: Context, deletedAt: Long?): Boolean { if (Pref.bpDontRemoveDeletedToot(App1.getAppState(context).pref)) return false var sv = if (deletedAt != null) { context.getString(R.string.status_deleted_at, formatTime(context, deletedAt, false)) } else { context.getString(R.string.status_deleted) } this.content = sv this.decoded_content = SpannableString(sv) sv = "" this.spoiler_text = sv this.decoded_spoiler_text = SpannableString(sv) return true } class FindStatusIdFromUrlResult( val statusId: EntityId?, // may null hostArg: String, val url: String ) { val host = Host.parse(hostArg) } companion object { internal val log = LogCategory("TootStatus") @Volatile internal var muted_app: HashSet? = null @Volatile internal var muted_word: WordTrieTree? = null const val LANGUAGE_CODE_UNKNOWN = "unknown" const val LANGUAGE_CODE_DEFAULT = "default" val EMPTY_SPANNABLE = SpannableString("") // val reHostIdn = TootAccount.reHostIdn // OStatus private val reTootUriOS = """tag:([^,]*),[^:]*:objectId=([^:?#/\s]+):objectType=Status""" .asciiPattern(Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) // ActivityPub 1 private val reTootUriAP1 = """https?://([^/]+)/users/\w+/statuses/([^?#/\s]+)""" .asciiPattern() // ActivityPub 2 private val reTootUriAP2 = """https?://([^/]+)/@\w+/([^?#/\s]+)""" .asciiPattern() // 公開ステータスページのURL マストドン private val reStatusPage = """\Ahttps://([^/]+)/@(\w+)/([^?#/\s]+)(?:\z|[?#])""" .asciiPattern() // 公開ステータスページのURL Misskey internal val reStatusPageMisskey = """\Ahttps://([^/]+)/notes/([0-9a-f]{24}|[0-9a-z]{10})\b""" .asciiPattern(Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) // PleromaのStatusのUri private val reStatusPageObjects = """\Ahttps://([^/]+)/objects/([^?#/\s]+)(?:\z|[?#])""" .asciiPattern() // PleromaのStatusの公開ページ private val reStatusPageNotice = """\Ahttps://([^/]+)/notice/([^?#/\s]+)(?:\z|[?#])""" .asciiPattern() // PixelfedのStatusの公開ページ // private val reStatusPagePixelfed = """\Ahttps://([^/]+)/p/([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/([^?#/\s]+)(?:\z|[?#])""" .asciiPattern() // returns null or pair( status_id, host ,url ) fun String.findStatusIdFromUrl(): FindStatusIdFromUrlResult? { // var m = reStatusPage.matcher(this) if (m.find()) { return FindStatusIdFromUrlResult(EntityId(m.groupEx(3)!!), m.groupEx(1)!!, this) } // m = reStatusPageMisskey.matcher(this) if (m.find()) { return FindStatusIdFromUrlResult(EntityId(m.groupEx(2)!!), m.groupEx(1)!!, this) } // m = reStatusPageObjects.matcher(this) if (m.find()) { return FindStatusIdFromUrlResult( null, // ステータスIDではないのでどのタンスで開くにせよ検索APIを通すことになる m.groupEx(1)!!, this ) } // m = reStatusPageNotice.matcher(this) if (m.find()) { return FindStatusIdFromUrlResult( EntityId(m.groupEx(2)!!), m.groupEx(1)!!, this ) } m = reStatusPagePixelfed.matcher(this) if (m.find()) { return FindStatusIdFromUrlResult( EntityId(m.groupEx(3)!!), m.groupEx(1)!!, this ) } return null } private val tz_utc = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC") private val reDate = """\A\d+\D+\d+\D+\d+\z""".asciiPattern() private val reTime = """\A(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)(?:\D+(\d+))?""" .asciiPattern() private val reMSPTime = """\A(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)""" .asciiPattern() fun parseTime(strTime: String?): Long { if (strTime != null && strTime.isNotEmpty()) { try { var m = reTime.matcher(strTime) if (m.find()) { val g = GregorianCalendar(tz_utc) g.set( m.groupEx(1).optInt() ?: 1, (m.groupEx(2).optInt() ?: 1) - 1, m.groupEx(3).optInt() ?: 1, m.groupEx(4).optInt() ?: 0, m.groupEx(5).optInt() ?: 0, m.groupEx(6).optInt() ?: 0 ) g.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, m.groupEx(7).optInt() ?: 0) return g.timeInMillis } // last_status_at などでは YYYY-MM-DD になることがある m = reDate.matcher(strTime) if (m.find()) return parseTime("${strTime}T00:00:00.000Z") log.w("invalid time format: %s", strTime) } catch (ex: Throwable) { // ParseException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException log.trace(ex) log.e(ex, "TootStatus.parseTime failed. src=%s", strTime) } } return 0L } private fun parseTimeMSP(strTime: String?): Long { if (strTime != null && strTime.isNotEmpty()) { try { val m = reMSPTime.matcher(strTime) if (!m.find()) { log.d("invalid time format: %s", strTime) } else { val g = GregorianCalendar(tz_utc) g.set( m.groupEx(1).optInt() ?: 1, (m.groupEx(2).optInt() ?: 1) - 1, m.groupEx(3).optInt() ?: 1, m.groupEx(4).optInt() ?: 0, m.groupEx(5).optInt() ?: 0, m.groupEx(6).optInt() ?: 0 ) g.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 500) return g.timeInMillis } } catch (ex: Throwable) { // ParseException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException log.trace(ex) log.e(ex, "parseTimeMSP failed. src=%s", strTime) } } return 0L } @SuppressLint("SimpleDateFormat") internal val date_format = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") @SuppressLint("SimpleDateFormat") internal val date_format2 = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") fun formatTime(context: Context, t: Long, bAllowRelative: Boolean, onlyDate: Boolean = false): String { val now = System.currentTimeMillis() var delta = now - t @StringRes val phraseId = if (delta >= 0) R.string.relative_time_phrase_past else R.string.relative_time_phrase_future fun f(v: Long, unit1: Int, units: Int): String { val vi = v.toInt() return context.getString( phraseId, vi, context.getString(if (vi <= 1) unit1 else units) ) } if (onlyDate) return when { delta < 40 * 86400000L -> f( delta / 86400000L, R.string.relative_time_unit_day1, R.string.relative_time_unit_days ) else -> formatDate(t, date_format2, omitZeroSecond = false, omitYear = true) } if (bAllowRelative && Pref.bpRelativeTimestamp(App1.pref)) { delta = abs(delta) when { delta < 1000L -> return context.getString(R.string.time_within_second) delta < 60000L -> return f( delta / 1000L, R.string.relative_time_unit_second1, R.string.relative_time_unit_seconds ) delta < 3600000L -> return f( delta / 60000L, R.string.relative_time_unit_minute1, R.string.relative_time_unit_minutes ) delta < 86400000L -> return f( delta / 3600000L, R.string.relative_time_unit_hour1, R.string.relative_time_unit_hours ) delta < 40 * 86400000L -> return f( delta / 86400000L, R.string.relative_time_unit_day1, R.string.relative_time_unit_days ) } // fall back to absolute time } return formatDate(t, date_format, omitZeroSecond = false, omitYear = false) } // 告知の開始/終了日付 private fun formatDate( t: Long, format: SimpleDateFormat, omitZeroSecond: Boolean, omitYear: Boolean ): String { var dateTarget = format.format(Date(t)) // 秒の部分を省略する if (omitZeroSecond && dateTarget.endsWith(":00")) { dateTarget = dateTarget.substring(0, dateTarget.length - 3) } // 年の部分が現在と同じなら省略する if (omitYear) { val dateNow = format.format(Date()) val delm = dateNow.indexOf('-') if (delm != -1 && dateNow.substring(0, delm + 1) == dateTarget.substring(0, delm + 1) ) { dateTarget = dateTarget.substring(delm + 1) } } return dateTarget } fun formatTimeRange(start: Long, end: Long, allDay: Boolean): Pair { val strStart = when { start <= 0L -> "" allDay -> formatDate(start, date_format2, omitZeroSecond = false, omitYear = true) else -> formatDate(start, date_format, omitZeroSecond = true, omitYear = true) } val strEnd = when { end <= 0L -> "" allDay -> formatDate(end, date_format2, omitZeroSecond = false, omitYear = true) else -> formatDate(end, date_format, omitZeroSecond = true, omitYear = true) } // 終了日は先頭と同じ部分を省略する var skip = 0 for (i in 0 until min(strStart.length, strEnd.length)) { val c = strStart[i] if (c != strEnd[i]) break if (c.isDigit()) continue skip = i + 1 if (c == ' ') break // 時間以降は省略しない } return Pair(strStart, strEnd.substring(skip, strEnd.length)) } fun parseStringArray(src: JsonArray?): ArrayList? { var rv: ArrayList? = null if (src != null) { for (i in src.indices) { val s = src.string(i) if (s?.isNotEmpty() == true) { if (rv == null) rv = ArrayList() rv.add(s) } } } return rv } private fun parseReactionCounts(src: JsonObject?): LinkedHashMap? { // カスタム絵文字などが含まれるようになったので、内容のバリデーションはできない var rv: LinkedHashMap? = null src?.entries?.forEach { entry -> val key = entry.key.notEmpty() ?: return@forEach val v = ?: return@forEach if (rv == null) rv = LinkedHashMap() rv!![key] = v } return rv } private fun parseMisskeyTags(src: JsonArray?): ArrayList? { var rv: ArrayList? = null if (src != null) { for (i in src.indices) { val sv = src.string(i) if (sv?.isNotEmpty() == true) { if (rv == null) rv = ArrayList() rv.add(TootTag(name = sv)) } } } return rv } fun validStatusId(src: EntityId?): EntityId? = when { src == null -> null src == EntityId.DEFAULT -> null src.toString().startsWith("-") -> null else -> src } private fun String.cleanCW() = CharacterGroup.reWhitespace.matcher(this).replaceAll(" ").sanitizeBDI() /* 空欄かどうかがCW判定条件に影響するので、trimしてはいけない */ // 投稿元タンスでのステータスIDを調べる fun findStatusIdFromUri( uri: String?, url: String? ): EntityId? { try { if (uri?.isNotEmpty() == true) { // var m = reTootUriAP1.matcher(uri) if (m.find()) return EntityId(m.groupEx(2)!!) // https://server/@user/(status_id) m = reTootUriAP2.matcher(uri) if (m.find()) return EntityId(m.groupEx(2)!!) // m = reStatusPageMisskey.matcher(uri) if (m.find()) return EntityId(m.groupEx(2)!!) // // tootsearch中の投稿からIDを読めるようにしたい // しかしこのURL中のuuidはステータスIDではないので、無意味 // m = reObjects.matcher(uri) // if(m.find()) return EntityId(m.groupEx(2)) // m = reStatusPageNotice.matcher(uri) if (m.find()) return EntityId(m.groupEx(2)!!) //,2017-12-19:objectId=5672321:objectType=Status m = reTootUriOS.matcher(uri) if (m.find()) return EntityId(m.groupEx(2)!!) log.w("findStatusIdFromUri: unsupported uri. $uri") } if (url?.isNotEmpty() == true) { // var m = reTootUriAP1.matcher(url) if (m.find()) return EntityId(m.groupEx(2)!!) // m = reTootUriAP2.matcher(url) if (m.find()) return EntityId(m.groupEx(2)!!) // m = reStatusPageMisskey.matcher(url) if (m.find()) return EntityId(m.groupEx(2)!!) // // tootsearch中の投稿からIDを読めるようにしたい // しかしこのURL中のuuidはステータスIDではないので、無意味 // m = reObjects.matcher(url) // if(m.find()) return EntityId(m.groupEx(2)) // m = reStatusPageNotice.matcher(url) if (m.find()) return EntityId(m.groupEx(2)!!) log.w("findStatusIdFromUri: unsupported url. $url") } } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "can't parse status from: $uri,$url") } return null } } }