package jp.juggler.subwaytooter import android.content.Intent import android.content.SharedPreferences import import import import import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.text.Editable import android.text.TextWatcher import android.util.JsonWriter import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.view.Window import android.widget.* import androidx.annotation.ColorInt import import androidx.appcompat.widget.SwitchCompat import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import androidx.core.content.FileProvider import import import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.dialog.DlgAppPicker import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.notification.PollingWorker import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.AcctColor import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.AsyncActivity import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.CustomShare import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.CustomShareTarget import import jp.juggler.util.* import import import import import import java.text.NumberFormat import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import import import kotlin.collections.ArrayList import kotlin.math.abs class ActAppSetting : AsyncActivity(), ColorPickerDialogListener, View.OnClickListener { companion object { internal val log = LogCategory("ActAppSetting") fun open(activity : ActMain, request_code : Int) { activity.startActivityForResult( Intent(activity,, request_code ) } private const val COLOR_DIALOG_ID = 1 private const val STATE_CHOOSE_INTENT_TARGET = "customShareTarget" // 他の設定子画面と重複しない値にすること const val REQUEST_CODE_OTHER = 0 const val REQUEST_CODE_APP_DATA_IMPORT = 1 const val REQUEST_CODE_TIMELINE_FONT = 2 const val REQUEST_CODE_TIMELINE_FONT_BOLD = 3 val reLinefeed = Regex("[\\x0d\\x0a]+") } private var customShareTarget : CustomShareTarget? = null lateinit var pref : SharedPreferences lateinit var handler : Handler private lateinit var lvList : ListView private lateinit var adapter : MyAdapter private lateinit var etSearch : EditText override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState : Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE) App1.setActivityTheme(this, noActionBar = true) this.handler = App1.getAppState(this).handler this.pref = pref() // val intent = this.intent // val layoutId = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_LAYOUT_ID, 0) // val titleId = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_TITLE_ID, 0) // this.title = getString(titleId) if(savedInstanceState != null) { try { val sv = savedInstanceState.getString(STATE_CHOOSE_INTENT_TARGET) customShareTarget = CustomShareTarget.values().firstOrNull { == sv } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.e(ex, "can't restore customShareTarget.") } } initUi() removeDefaultPref() load(null, null) } private fun initUi() { setContentView(R.layout.act_app_setting) App1.initEdgeToEdge(this) Styler.fixHorizontalPadding0(findViewById( lvList = findViewById( adapter = MyAdapter() lvList.adapter = adapter etSearch = findViewById( { addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher { override fun afterTextChanged(p0 : Editable?) { pendingQuery = p0?.toString() this@ActAppSetting.handler.removeCallbacks(procQuery) this@ActAppSetting.handler.postDelayed(procQuery, 166L) } override fun beforeTextChanged( p0 : CharSequence?, p1 : Int, p2 : Int, p3 : Int ) { } override fun onTextChanged( p0 : CharSequence?, p1 : Int, p2 : Int, p3 : Int ) { } }) } findViewById( { setOnClickListener(this@ActAppSetting) } } private fun removeDefaultPref() { val e = pref.edit() var changed = false appSettingRoot.scan { if(it.pref?.removeDefault(pref, e) == true) changed = true } if(changed) e.apply() } override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState : Bundle) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) val sv = customShareTarget?.name if(sv != null) outState.putString(STATE_CHOOSE_INTENT_TARGET, sv) } override fun onStop() { super.onStop() // Pull通知チェック間隔を変更したかもしれないのでジョブを再設定する PollingWorker.onAppSettingStop(this) } override fun onActivityResult(requestCode : Int, resultCode : Int, data : Intent?) { if(resultCode == RESULT_OK && data != null) { when(requestCode) { REQUEST_CODE_APP_DATA_IMPORT -> { data.handleGetContentResult(contentResolver).firstOrNull()?.uri?.let { importAppData2(false, it) } } REQUEST_CODE_TIMELINE_FONT -> { handleFontResult(AppSettingItem.TIMELINE_FONT, data, "TimelineFont") } REQUEST_CODE_TIMELINE_FONT_BOLD -> { handleFontResult(AppSettingItem.TIMELINE_FONT_BOLD, data, "TimelineFontBold") } } } super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) } override fun onBackPressed() { when { lastQuery != null -> load(lastSection, null) lastSection != null -> load(null, null) else -> super.onBackPressed() } } override fun onClick(v : View) { when( { -> { handler.removeCallbacks(procQuery) etSearch.setText("") etSearch.hideKeyboard() load(lastSection, null) } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private var pendingQuery : String? = null private val procQuery : Runnable = Runnable { if(pendingQuery != null) load(null, pendingQuery) } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private val divider = Any() private val list = ArrayList() private var lastSection : AppSettingItem? = null private var lastQuery : String? = null private fun load(section : AppSettingItem?, query : String?) { list.clear() var lastPath : String? = null fun addParentPath(item : AppSettingItem) { list.add(divider) val pathList = ArrayList() var parent = item.parent while(parent != null) { if(parent.caption != 0) pathList.add(0, getString(parent.caption)) parent = parent.parent } val path = pathList.joinToString("/") if(path != lastPath) { lastPath = path list.add(path) list.add(divider) } } if(query?.isNotEmpty() == true) { lastQuery = query fun scanGroup(level : Int, item : AppSettingItem) { if(item.caption == 0) return if(item.type != SettingType.Section) { var match = getString(item.caption).contains(query, ignoreCase = true) if(item.type == SettingType.Group) { for(child in item.items) { if(child.caption == 0) continue if(getString(item.caption).contains(query, ignoreCase = true)) { match = true break } } if(match) { // put entire group addParentPath(item) list.add(item) for(child in item.items) { list.add(child) } } return } if(match) { addParentPath(item) list.add(item) } } for(child in item.items) { scanGroup(level + 1, child) } } scanGroup(0, appSettingRoot) if(list.isNotEmpty()) list.add(divider) } else if(section == null) { // show root page val root = appSettingRoot lastQuery = null lastSection = null for(child in root.items) { list.add(divider) list.add(child) } list.add(divider) } else { // show section page lastSection = section lastQuery = null fun scanGroup(level : Int, parent : AppSettingItem?) { parent ?: return for(item in parent.items) { list.add(divider) list.add(item) if(item.items.isNotEmpty()) { if(item.type == SettingType.Group) { for(child in item.items) { list.add(child) } } else { scanGroup(level + 1, item) } } } } scanGroup(0, section.cast()) if(list.isNotEmpty()) list.add(divider) } adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() lvList.setSelectionFromTop(0, 0) } inner class MyAdapter : BaseAdapter() { override fun getCount() : Int = list.size override fun getItemId(position : Int) : Long = 0 override fun getItem(position : Int) : Any = list[position] override fun getViewTypeCount() : Int = SettingType.values().maxByOrNull { } !!.id + 1 override fun getItemViewType(position : Int) : Int = when(val item = list[position]) { is AppSettingItem -> is String -> divider -> else -> error("can't generate view for type ${item}") } // true if the item at the specified position is not a separator. // (A separator is a non-selectable, non-clickable item). override fun areAllItemsEnabled() : Boolean = false override fun isEnabled(position : Int) : Boolean = list[position] is AppSettingItem override fun getView(position : Int, convertView : View?, parent : ViewGroup?) : View = when(val item = list[position]) { is AppSettingItem -> getViewSettingItem(item, convertView, parent) is String -> getViewPath(item, convertView) divider -> getViewDivider(convertView) else -> error("can't generate view for type ${item}") } } private fun dip(dp : Float) : Int = (resources.displayMetrics.density * dp + 0.5f).toInt() private fun dip(dp : Int) : Int = dip(dp.toFloat()) private fun getViewDivider(convertView : View?) : View = convertView ?: FrameLayout(this@ActAppSetting).apply { layoutParams = AbsListView.LayoutParams( AbsListView.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, AbsListView.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ) addView(View(this@ActAppSetting).apply { layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams( AbsListView.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, dip(1) ).apply { val margin_lr = 0 val margin_tb = dip(6) setMargins(margin_lr, margin_tb, margin_lr, margin_tb) } setBackgroundColor(context.attrColor(R.attr.colorSettingDivider)) }) } private fun getViewPath(path : String, convertView : View?) : View { val tv : TextView = convertView.cast() ?: TextView(this@ActAppSetting).apply { layoutParams = AbsListView.LayoutParams( AbsListView.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, AbsListView.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ) val pad_lr = 0 val pad_tb = dip(3) setTypeface(typeface, Typeface.BOLD) setPaddingRelative(pad_lr, pad_tb, pad_lr, pad_tb) } tv.text = path return tv } private fun getViewSettingItem( item : AppSettingItem, convertView : View?, parent : ViewGroup? ) : View { val view : View val holder : ViewHolderSettingItem if(convertView != null) { view = convertView holder = convertView.tag.cast() !! } else { view = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.lv_setting_item, parent, false) holder = ViewHolderSettingItem(view) view.tag = holder } holder.bind(item) return view } private var colorTarget : AppSettingItem? = null override fun onDialogDismissed(dialogId : Int) { } override fun onColorSelected(dialogId : Int, @ColorInt colorSelected : Int) { val colorTarget = this.colorTarget ?: return val ip : IntPref = colorTarget.pref.cast() ?: error("$colorTarget has no in pref") val c = when(colorTarget.type) { SettingType.ColorAlpha -> colorSelected.notZero() ?: 0x01000000 else -> colorSelected or Color.BLACK } pref.edit().put(ip, c).apply() findItemViewHolder(colorTarget)?.showColor() colorTarget.changed(this) } inner class ViewHolderSettingItem(viewRoot : View) : TextWatcher, AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener, CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener { private val tvCaption : TextView = viewRoot.findViewById( private val btnAction : Button = viewRoot.findViewById( private val checkBox : CheckBox = viewRoot.findViewById( .also { it.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) } private val swSwitch : SwitchCompat = viewRoot.findViewById( .also { it.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) } val llExtra : LinearLayout = viewRoot.findViewById( val textView1 : TextView = viewRoot.findViewById( private val llButtonBar : LinearLayout = viewRoot.findViewById( private val vColor : View = viewRoot.findViewById( private val btnEdit : Button = viewRoot.findViewById( private val btnReset : Button = viewRoot.findViewById( private val spSpinner : Spinner = viewRoot.findViewById( .also { it.onItemSelectedListener = this } private val etEditText : EditText = viewRoot.findViewById( .also { it.addTextChangedListener(this) } private val tvDesc : TextView = viewRoot.findViewById( private val tvError : TextView = viewRoot.findViewById( val activity : ActAppSetting get() = this@ActAppSetting var item : AppSettingItem? = null private var bindingBusy = false fun bind(item : AppSettingItem) { bindingBusy = true try { this.item = item val name = if(item.caption == 0) "" else getString(item.caption) if(item.desc != 0) { tvDesc.text = getString(item.desc) if(item.descClickSet) { tvDesc.background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( activity, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp ) tvDesc.setOnClickListener { item.descClick.invoke(activity) } } else { tvDesc.background = null tvDesc.setOnClickListener(null) tvDesc.isClickable = false } } when(item.type) { SettingType.Section -> { btnAction.text = name btnAction.isEnabled = item.enabled btnAction.setOnClickListener { load(item.cast() !!, null) } } SettingType.Action -> { btnAction.text = name btnAction.isEnabled = item.enabled btnAction.setOnClickListener { item.action(activity) } } SettingType.CheckBox -> { val bp : BooleanPref = item.pref.cast() ?: error("$name has no boolean pref") // skip animation checkBox.text = name checkBox.isEnabled = item.enabled checkBox.isChecked = bp(pref) } SettingType.Switch -> { val bp : BooleanPref = item.pref.cast() ?: error("$name has no boolean pref") showCaption(name) // skip animation setSwitchColor(pref, swSwitch) swSwitch.isEnabled = item.enabled swSwitch.isChecked = bp(pref) } SettingType.Group -> { showCaption(name) } SettingType.Sample -> { llExtra.removeAllViews() layoutInflater.inflate(item.sampleLayoutId, llExtra, true) item.sampleUpdate(activity, llExtra) } SettingType.ColorAlpha, SettingType.ColorOpaque -> { val ip = item.pref.cast() ?: error("$name has no int pref") showCaption(name) vColor.setBackgroundColor(ip(pref)) btnEdit.isEnabled = item.enabled btnReset.isEnabled = item.enabled btnEdit.setOnClickListener { colorTarget = item val color = ip(pref) val builder = ColorPickerDialog.newBuilder() .setDialogType(ColorPickerDialog.TYPE_CUSTOM) .setAllowPresets(true) .setShowAlphaSlider(item.type == SettingType.ColorAlpha) .setDialogId(COLOR_DIALOG_ID) if(color != 0) builder.setColor(color) } btnReset.setOnClickListener { pref.edit().remove(ip).apply() showColor() item.changed.invoke(activity) } } SettingType.Spinner -> { showCaption(name) spSpinner.isEnabled = item.enabled val pi = item.pref if(pi is IntPref) { // 整数型の設定のSpinnerは全て選択肢を単純に覚える val argsInt = item.spinnerArgs if(argsInt != null) { initSpinner(spSpinner, { getString(it) }) } else { initSpinner(spSpinner, item.spinnerArgsProc(activity)) } spSpinner.setSelection(pi.invoke(pref)) } else { item.spinnerInitializer.invoke(activity, spSpinner) } } SettingType.EditText -> { showCaption(name) ?: error("EditText must have preference.") etEditText.inputType = item.inputType val text = when(val pi = item.pref) { is FloatPref -> { item.fromFloat.invoke(activity, pi(pref)) } is StringPref -> { pi(pref) } else -> error("EditText han incorrect pref $pi") } etEditText.setText(text) etEditText.setSelection(0, text.length) item.hint?.let { etEditText.hint = it } updateErrorView() } SettingType.TextWithSelector -> { showCaption(name) item.showTextView.invoke(activity, textView1) btnEdit.setOnClickListener { item.onClickEdit.invoke(activity) } btnReset.setOnClickListener { item.onClickReset.invoke(activity) } } else -> error("unknown type ${item.type}") } } finally { bindingBusy = false } } private fun showCaption(caption : String) { if(caption.isNotEmpty()) { tvCaption.text = caption updateCaption() } } fun updateCaption() { val item = item ?: return val key = item.pref?.key ?: return val sample : TextView = tvCaption var defaultExtra = defaultLineSpacingExtra[key] if(defaultExtra == null) { defaultExtra = sample.lineSpacingExtra defaultLineSpacingExtra[key] = defaultExtra } var defaultMultiplier = defaultLineSpacingMultiplier[key] if(defaultMultiplier == null) { defaultMultiplier = sample.lineSpacingMultiplier defaultLineSpacingMultiplier[key] = defaultMultiplier } val size = item.captionFontSize.invoke(activity) if(size != null) sample.textSize = size val spacing = item.captionSpacing.invoke(activity) if(spacing == null || ! spacing.isFinite()) { sample.setLineSpacing(defaultExtra, defaultMultiplier) } else { sample.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) } } private fun updateErrorView() { val item = item ?: return val sv = etEditText.text.toString() val error = item.getError.invoke(activity, sv) != null)?.text = error } fun showColor() { val item = item ?: return val ip = item.pref.cast() ?: return val c = ip(pref) vColor.setBackgroundColor(c) } override fun beforeTextChanged(p0 : CharSequence?, p1 : Int, p2 : Int, p3 : Int) { } override fun onTextChanged(p0 : CharSequence?, p1 : Int, p2 : Int, p3 : Int) { } override fun afterTextChanged(p0 : Editable?) { if(bindingBusy) return val item = item ?: return val sv = item.filter.invoke(p0?.toString() ?: "") when(val pi = item.pref) { is StringPref -> { pref.edit().put(pi, sv).apply() } is FloatPref -> { val fv = item.toFloat.invoke(activity, sv) if(fv.isFinite()) { pref.edit().put(pi, fv).apply() } else { pref.edit().remove(pi.key).apply() } } else -> { error("not FloatPref or StringPref") } } item.changed.invoke(activity) updateErrorView() } override fun onNothingSelected(v : AdapterView<*>?) = Unit override fun onItemSelected( parent : AdapterView<*>?, view : View?, position : Int, id : Long ) { if(bindingBusy) return val item = item ?: return when(val pi = item.pref) { is IntPref -> pref.edit().put(pi, spSpinner.selectedItemPosition).apply() else -> item.spinnerOnSelected.invoke(activity, spSpinner, position) } item.changed.invoke(activity) } override fun onCheckedChanged(v : CompoundButton?, isChecked : Boolean) { if(bindingBusy) return val item = item ?: return when(val pi = item.pref) { is BooleanPref -> pref.edit().put(pi, isChecked).apply() else -> error("CompoundButton has no booleanPref $pi") } item.changed.invoke(activity) } } private fun initSpinner(spinner : Spinner, captions : List) { spinner.adapter = ArrayAdapter( this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, captions.toTypedArray() ).apply { setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.lv_spinner_dropdown) } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Suppress("BlockingMethodInNonBlockingContext") fun exportAppData() { runWithProgress( "export app data", { val cache_dir = cacheDir cache_dir.mkdir() val file = File( cache_dir, "SubwayTooter.${android.os.Process.myPid()}.${android.os.Process.myTid()}.zip" ) // ZipOutputStreamオブジェクトの作成 ZipOutputStream(FileOutputStream(file)).use { zipStream -> // アプリデータjson zipStream.putNextEntry(ZipEntry("AppData.json")) try { val jw = JsonWriter(OutputStreamWriter(zipStream, "UTF-8")) AppDataExporter.encodeAppData(this@ActAppSetting, jw) jw.flush() } finally { zipStream.closeEntry() } // カラム背景画像 val appState = App1.getAppState(this@ActAppSetting) for(column in appState.columnList) { AppDataExporter.saveBackgroundImage( this@ActAppSetting, zipStream, column ) } } file }, { val uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile( this@ActAppSetting, App1.FILE_PROVIDER_AUTHORITY, it ) val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND) intent.type = contentResolver.getType(uri) intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "SubwayTooter app data") intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri) intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION or Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION) startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_OTHER) } ) } // open data picker fun importAppData1() { try { val intent = intentOpenDocument("*/*") startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_APP_DATA_IMPORT) } catch(ex : Throwable) { showToast(ex, "importAppData(1) failed.") } } // after data picked private fun importAppData2(bConfirm : Boolean, uri : Uri) { val type = contentResolver.getType(uri) log.d("importAppData type=%s", type) if(! bConfirm) { AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setMessage(getString(R.string.app_data_import_confirm)) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok) { _, _ -> importAppData2(true, uri) } .show() return } val data = Intent() = uri setResult(ActMain.RESULT_APP_DATA_IMPORT, data) finish() } fun findItemViewHolder(item : AppSettingItem?) : ViewHolderSettingItem? { if(item != null) { for(i in 0 until lvList.childCount) { val view = lvList.getChildAt(i) val holder : ViewHolderSettingItem? = view?.tag?.cast() if(holder?.item == item) return holder } } return null } fun showSample(item : AppSettingItem?) { item ?: error("showSample: missing item…") findItemViewHolder(item)?.let { item.sampleUpdate.invoke(this, it.llExtra) } } fun setSwitchColor() = setSwitchColor(pref, lvList) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fun formatFontSize(fv : Float) : String = when { fv.isFinite() -> String.format(defaultLocale(this), "%.1f", fv) else -> "" } fun parseFontSize(src : String) : Float { try { if(src.isNotEmpty()) { val f = NumberFormat.getInstance(defaultLocale(this)).parse(src)?.toFloat() return when { f == null -> Float.NaN f.isNaN() -> Float.NaN f < 0f -> 0f f > 999f -> 999f else -> f } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } return Float.NaN } private val defaultLineSpacingExtra = HashMap() private val defaultLineSpacingMultiplier = HashMap() private fun handleFontResult(item : AppSettingItem?, data : Intent, file_name : String) { item ?: error("handleFontResult : setting item is null") data.handleGetContentResult(contentResolver).firstOrNull()?.uri?.let { val file = saveTimelineFont(it, file_name) if(file != null) { pref.edit().put(item.pref.cast() !!, file.absolutePath).apply() showTimelineFont(item) } } } fun showTimelineFont(item : AppSettingItem?) { item ?: return val holder = findItemViewHolder(item) ?: return item.showTextView.invoke(this, holder.textView1) } fun showTimelineFont(item : AppSettingItem, tv : TextView) { val font_url = item.pref.cast() !!.invoke(this) try { if(font_url.isNotEmpty()) { tv.typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT val face = Typeface.createFromFile(font_url) tv.typeface = face tv.text = font_url return } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } // fallback tv.text = getString(R.string.not_selected) tv.typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT } private fun saveTimelineFont(uri : Uri?, file_name : String) : File? { try { if(uri == null) { showToast(false, "missing uri.") return null } contentResolver.takePersistableUriPermission(uri, Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION) val dir = filesDir dir.mkdir() val tmp_file = File(dir, "$file_name.tmp") val source : InputStream? = contentResolver.openInputStream(uri) if(source == null) { showToast(false, "openInputStream returns null. uri=%s", uri) return null } else { source.use { inStream -> FileOutputStream(tmp_file).use { outStream -> IOUtils.copy(inStream, outStream) } } } val face = Typeface.createFromFile(tmp_file) if(face == null) { showToast(false, "Typeface.createFromFile() failed.") return null } val file = File(dir, file_name) if(! tmp_file.renameTo(file)) { showToast(false, "File operation failed.") return null } return file } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) showToast(ex, "saveTimelineFont failed.") return null } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inner class AccountAdapter internal constructor() : BaseAdapter() { internal val list = java.util.ArrayList() init { for(a in SavedAccount.loadAccountList(this@ActAppSetting)) { if(a.isPseudo) continue list.add(a) } SavedAccount.sort(list) } override fun getCount() : Int { return 1 + list.size } override fun getItem(position : Int) : Any? { return if(position == 0) null else list[position - 1] } override fun getItemId(position : Int) : Long { return 0 } override fun getView(position : Int, viewOld : View?, parent : ViewGroup) : View { val view = viewOld ?: layoutInflater.inflate( android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, parent, false ) view.findViewById( = if(position == 0) getString(R.string.ask_always) else AcctColor.getNickname(list[position - 1]) return view } override fun getDropDownView(position : Int, viewOld : View?, parent : ViewGroup) : View { val view = viewOld ?: layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.lv_spinner_dropdown, parent, false) view.findViewById( = if(position == 0) getString(R.string.ask_always) else AcctColor.getNickname(list[position - 1]) return view } internal fun getIndexFromId(db_id : Long) : Int { var i = 0 val ie = list.size while(i < ie) { if(list[i].db_id == db_id) return i + 1 ++ i } return 0 } internal fun getIdFromIndex(position : Int) : Long { return if(position > 0) list[position - 1].db_id else - 1L } } private class Item( val id : String, val caption : String, val offset : Int ) inner class TimeZoneAdapter internal constructor() : BaseAdapter() { private val list = ArrayList() init { for(id in TimeZone.getAvailableIDs()) { val tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id) // GMT数字を指定するタイプのタイムゾーンは無視する。ただしGMT-12:00の1項目だけは残す // 3文字のIDは曖昧な場合があるので非推奨 // '/' を含まないIDは列挙しない if(! when { !'/') -> false == "Etc/GMT+12" -> true"Etc/") -> false else -> true }) continue var offset = tz.rawOffset.toLong() val caption = when(offset) { 0L -> String.format("(UTC\u00B100:00) %s %s",, tz.displayName) else -> { val format = if(offset > 0) "(UTC+%02d:%02d) %s %s" else "(UTC-%02d:%02d) %s %s" offset = abs(offset) val hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(offset) val minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(offset) - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(hours) String.format(format, hours, minutes,, tz.displayName) } } if(null == list.find { it.caption == caption }) { list.add(Item(id, caption, tz.rawOffset)) } } list.sortWith { a, b -> (a.offset - b.offset).notZero() ?: a.caption.compareTo(b.caption) } list.add(0, Item("", getString(R.string.device_timezone), 0)) } override fun getCount() : Int { return list.size } override fun getItem(position : Int) : Any { return list[position] } override fun getItemId(position : Int) : Long { return 0 } override fun getView(position : Int, viewOld : View?, parent : ViewGroup) : View { val view = viewOld ?: layoutInflater.inflate( android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, parent, false ) val item = list[position] view.findViewById( = item.caption return view } override fun getDropDownView(position : Int, viewOld : View?, parent : ViewGroup) : View { val view = viewOld ?: layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.lv_spinner_dropdown, parent, false) val item = list[position] view.findViewById( = item.caption return view } internal fun getIndexFromId(tz_id : String) : Int { val index = list.indexOfFirst { == tz_id } return if(index == - 1) 0 else index } internal fun getIdFromIndex(position : Int) : String { return list[position].id } } fun openCustomShareChooser(appSettingItem: AppSettingItem,target : CustomShareTarget) { try { val rv = DlgAppPicker( this, intent = Intent().apply { action = Intent.ACTION_SEND type = "text/plain" putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, getString(R.string.content_sample)) }, addCopyAction = true ) { setCustomShare(appSettingItem,target, it) } .show() if(! rv) showToast(true, "share target app is not installed.") } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) showToast(ex, "openCustomShareChooser failed.") } } fun setCustomShare(appSettingItem: AppSettingItem,target : CustomShareTarget, value : String) { val sp : StringPref = appSettingItem.pref.cast() ?: error("$target: not StringPref") pref.edit().put(sp, value).apply() showCustomShareIcon(findItemViewHolder(appSettingItem)?.textView1, target) } fun showCustomShareIcon(tv : TextView?, target : CustomShareTarget) { tv ?: return val cn = CustomShare.getCustomShareComponentName(pref, target) val (label, icon) = CustomShare.getInfo(this, cn) tv.text = label ?: getString(R.string.not_selected) tv.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(icon, null, null, null) tv.compoundDrawablePadding = (resources.displayMetrics.density * 4f + 0.5f).toInt() } fun openWebBrowserChooser(appSettingItem: AppSettingItem, intent:Intent, filter: (ResolveInfo) -> Boolean ) { try { val rv = DlgAppPicker( this, intent=intent, filter = filter, addCopyAction = false ) { setWebBrowser( appSettingItem,it) } .show() if(! rv) showToast(true, "share target app is not installed.") } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) showToast(ex, "openCustomShareChooser failed.") } } fun setWebBrowser(appSettingItem: AppSettingItem, value : String) { val sp : StringPref = appSettingItem.pref.cast() ?: error("${getString(appSettingItem.caption)}: not StringPref") pref.edit().put(sp, value).apply() showWebBrowser(findItemViewHolder(appSettingItem)?.textView1, value ) } fun showWebBrowser(tv : TextView?,prefValue:String) { tv ?: return val cn val (label, icon) = CustomShare.getInfo(this, cn) tv.text = label ?: getString(R.string.not_selected) tv.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(icon, null, null, null) tv.compoundDrawablePadding = (resources.displayMetrics.density * 4f + 0.5f).toInt() } }