#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; sub cmd($){ print "+ ",$_[0],"\n"; my $rv=system $_[0]; if ($? == -1) { die "failed to execute: $!\n"; }elsif ($? & 127) { die "child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without'; }else { my $rv = $? >> 8; $rv and die "child exited with value $rv\n"; } } # ワーキングツリーに変更がないことを確認 open(my $fh,"-|","git status --porcelain --branch") or die "can't check git status. $!"; my @untrackedFiles; while(<$fh>){ chomp; if(/^\?\?\s*(\S+)/){ my $path =$1; next if $path =~ /\.idea|_Emoji|makeVersionTag.pl/; push @untrackedFiles,$path }elsif( /^##\s*(\S+?)(?:\.\.|$)/ ){ my $branch=$1; print "# branch=$branch\n"; $branch eq 'main' or die "current branch is not main.\n"; }else{ warn "working tree is not clean.\n"; cmd "git status"; exit 1; } } close($fh) or die "can't check git status. $!"; @untrackedFiles and die "forgot git add?\n",map{ "- $_\n"} @untrackedFiles; # 現在のバージョン番号を取得 my $buildFile = 'app/build.gradle'; `cat $buildFile` =~ /versionName\s+["']([\d\.]+)["']/ or die "missing versionName in $buildFile\n"; my($tag)="v$1"; print "# version=$tag\n"; # すでにタグがあるなら何もしない if( `git tag -l $tag` =~ /$tag/ ){ print "# tag $tag is already exists.\n"; }else{ cmd "git tag -a $tag -m $tag"; } cmd "git push"; cmd "git push --tags";