package jp.juggler.apng import import import import import import import android.util.Log import import java.util.ArrayList class ApngFrames private constructor( private val pixelSizeMax : Int = 0, private val debug : Boolean = false ) : ApngDecoderCallback { companion object { private const val TAG = "ApngFrames" // ループしない画像の場合は3秒でまたループさせる private const val DELAY_AFTER_END = 3000L // アニメーションフレームの描画に使う private val sPaintDontBlend = Paint().apply { xfermode = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC) isFilterBitmap = true } private fun createBlankBitmap(w : Int, h : Int) = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) private fun scale(max : Int, num : Int, den : Int) = (max.toFloat() * num.toFloat() / den.toFloat() + 0.5f).toInt() private fun scaleBitmap( size_max : Int, src : Bitmap, recycleSrc : Boolean = true // true: ownership of "src" will be moved or recycled. ) : Bitmap { val wSrc = src.width val hSrc = src.height if(size_max <= 0 || (wSrc <= size_max && hSrc <= size_max)) { return if(recycleSrc) { src } else { src.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, false) } } val wDst : Int val hDst : Int if(wSrc >= hSrc) { wDst = size_max hDst = Math.max(1, scale(size_max, hSrc, wSrc)) } else { hDst = size_max wDst = Math.max(1, scale(size_max, wSrc, hSrc)) } //Log.v(TAG,"scaleBitmap: $wSrc,$hSrc => $wDst,$hDst") val b2 = createBlankBitmap(wDst, hDst) val canvas = Canvas(b2) val rectSrc = Rect(0, 0, wSrc, hSrc) val rectDst = Rect(0, 0, wDst, hDst) canvas.drawBitmap(src, rectSrc, rectDst, sPaintDontBlend) if(recycleSrc) src.recycle() return b2 } private fun toAndroidBitmap(src : ApngBitmap) = Bitmap.createBitmap( src.colors, // int[] 配列 0, // offset src.width, //stride src.width, // width src.height, //height Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 ) private fun toAndroidBitmap(src : ApngBitmap, size_max : Int) = scaleBitmap(size_max, toAndroidBitmap(src)) @Suppress("unused") fun parseApng( inStream : InputStream, pixelSizeMax : Int, debug : Boolean = false ) : ApngFrames { val result = ApngFrames(pixelSizeMax, debug) try { ApngDecoder.parseStream(inStream, result) result.onParseComplete() return result.takeIf { result.defaultImage != null || result.frames?.isNotEmpty() == true } ?: throw RuntimeException("APNG has no image") } catch(ex : Throwable) { result.dispose() throw ex } } } private var header : ApngImageHeader? = null private var animationControl : ApngAnimationControl? = null // width,height (after resized) var width : Int = 1 private set var height : Int = 1 private set @Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate") val numFrames : Int get() = animationControl?.numFrames ?: 1 @Suppress("unused") val hasMultipleFrame : Boolean get() = numFrames > 1 private var timeTotal = 0L private lateinit var canvas : Canvas private var canvasBitmap : Bitmap? = null // 再生速度の調整 private var durationScale = 1f // APNGじゃなかった場合に使われる private var defaultImage : Bitmap? = null set(value) { field = value if(value != null) { width = value.width height = value.height } } private class Frame( internal val bitmap : Bitmap, internal val timeStart : Long, internal val timeWidth : Long ) private var frames : ArrayList? = null constructor(bitmap : Bitmap) : this() { defaultImage = bitmap } private fun onParseComplete() { canvasBitmap?.recycle() canvasBitmap = null val frames = this.frames if(frames != null) { if(frames.size > 1) { defaultImage?.recycle() defaultImage = null } else if(frames.size == 1) { defaultImage?.recycle() defaultImage = frames.first().bitmap frames.clear() } } } fun dispose() { canvasBitmap?.recycle() defaultImage?.recycle() frames?.forEach { it.bitmap.recycle() } } class FindFrameResult { var bitmap : Bitmap? = null // may null var delay : Long = 0 // 再描画が必要ない場合は Long.MAX_VALUE } // シーク位置に応じたコマ画像と次のコマまでの残り時間をresultに格納する @Suppress("unused") fun findFrame(result : FindFrameResult, t : Long) { if(defaultImage != null) { result.bitmap = defaultImage result.delay = Long.MAX_VALUE return } val animationControl = this.animationControl val frames = this.frames if(animationControl == null || frames == null || frames.isEmpty()) { // ここは通らないはず… result.bitmap = null result.delay = Long.MAX_VALUE return } val frameCount = frames.size val isFinite = animationControl.isFinite val repeatSequenceCount = if(isFinite) animationControl.numPlays else 1 val endWait = if(isFinite) DELAY_AFTER_END else 0L val timeTotalLoop = Math.max(1, timeTotal * repeatSequenceCount + endWait) val tf = (Math.max(0, t) / durationScale).toLong() // 全体の繰り返し時刻で余りを計算 val tl = tf % timeTotalLoop if(tl >= timeTotalLoop - endWait) { // 終端で待機状態 result.bitmap = frames[frameCount - 1].bitmap result.delay = (0.5f + (timeTotalLoop - tl) * durationScale).toLong() return } // 1ループの繰り返し時刻で余りを計算 val tt = tl % timeTotal // フレームリストを時刻で二分探索 var s = 0 var e = frameCount while(e - s > 1) { val mid = s + e shr 1 val frame = frames[mid] // log.d("s=%d,m=%d,e=%d tt=%d,fs=%s,fe=%d",s,mid,e,tt,frame.timeStart,frame.timeStart+frame.timeWidth ); if(tt < frame.timeStart) { e = mid } else if(tt >= frame.timeStart + frame.timeWidth) { s = mid + 1 } else { s = mid break } } s = if(s < 0) 0 else if(s >= frameCount - 1) frameCount - 1 else s val frame = frames[s] val delay = frame.timeStart + frame.timeWidth - tt result.bitmap = frames[s].bitmap result.delay = (0.5f + durationScale * Math.max(0f, delay.toFloat())).toLong() // log.d("findFrame tf=%d,tl=%d/%d,tt=%d/%d,s=%d,w=%d,delay=%d",tf,tl,loop_total,tt,timeTotal,s,frame.timeWidth,result.delay); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implements ApngDecoderCallback override fun onApngWarning(message : String) { Log.w(TAG, message) } override fun onApngDebug(message : String) { Log.d(TAG, message) } override fun canApngDebug() : Boolean = debug override fun onHeader(apng : Apng, header : ApngImageHeader) { this.header = header } override fun onAnimationInfo( apng : Apng, header : ApngImageHeader, animationControl : ApngAnimationControl ) { this.animationControl = animationControl this.frames = ArrayList(animationControl.numFrames) val canvasBitmap = createBlankBitmap(header.width, header.height) this.canvasBitmap = canvasBitmap this.canvas = Canvas(canvasBitmap) } override fun onDefaultImage(apng : Apng, bitmap : ApngBitmap) { defaultImage?.recycle() defaultImage = toAndroidBitmap(bitmap, pixelSizeMax) } override fun onAnimationFrame( apng : Apng, frameControl : ApngFrameControl, frameBitmap : ApngBitmap ) { val frames = this.frames ?: return val canvasBitmap = this.canvasBitmap ?: return val previous : Bitmap? = when(frameControl.disposeOp) { DisposeOp.Previous -> Bitmap.createBitmap( canvasBitmap, frameControl.xOffset, frameControl.yOffset, frameControl.width, frameControl.height ) else -> null } try { val frameBitmapAndroid = toAndroidBitmap(frameBitmap) try { canvas.drawBitmap( frameBitmapAndroid, frameControl.xOffset.toFloat(), frameControl.yOffset.toFloat(), when(frameControl.blendOp) { // all color components of the frame, including alpha, // overwrite the current contents of the frame's output buffer region. BlendOp.Source -> sPaintDontBlend // the frame should be composited onto the output buffer based on its alpha, // using a simple OVER operation as described in the "Alpha Channel Processing" section of the PNG specification [PNG-1.2]. BlendOp.Over -> null } ) val frame = Frame( bitmap = scaleBitmap(pixelSizeMax, canvasBitmap, recycleSrc = false), timeStart = timeTotal, timeWidth = Math.max(1L, frameControl.delayMilliseconds) ) frames.add(frame) timeTotal += frame.timeWidth when(frameControl.disposeOp) { // no disposal is done on this frame before rendering the next; // the contents of the output buffer are left as is. DisposeOp.None -> { } // the frame's region of the output buffer is to be cleared to fully transparent black // before rendering the next frame. DisposeOp.Background -> canvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR) // the frame's region of the output buffer is to be reverted to the previous contents // before rendering the next frame. DisposeOp.Previous -> if(previous != null) { canvas.drawBitmap( previous, frameControl.xOffset.toFloat(), frameControl.yOffset.toFloat(), sPaintDontBlend ) } } } finally { frameBitmapAndroid.recycle() } } finally { previous?.recycle() } } }