package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.TextUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.HTMLDecoder; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.LogCategory; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.Utils; public class TootStatus { public static class List extends ArrayList< TootStatus > { } // The ID of the status public long id; // A Fediverse-unique resource ID public String uri; //URL to the status page (can be remote) public String url; // The TootAccount which posted the status public TootAccount account; // null or the ID of the status it replies to public String in_reply_to_id; // null or the ID of the account it replies to public String in_reply_to_account_id; // null or the reblogged Status public TootStatus reblog; // Body of the status; this will contain HTML (remote HTML already sanitized) public String content; // The time the status was created public String created_at; //The number of reblogs for the status public long reblogs_count; //The number of favourites for the status public long favourites_count; // Whether the authenticated user has reblogged the status public boolean reblogged; // Whether the authenticated user has favourited the status public boolean favourited; //Whether media attachments should be hidden by default public boolean sensitive; //If not empty, warning text that should be displayed before the actual content public String spoiler_text; //One of: public, unlisted, private, direct public String visibility; public static final String VISIBILITY_PUBLIC ="public"; public static final String VISIBILITY_UNLISTED ="unlisted"; public static final String VISIBILITY_PRIVATE ="private"; public static final String VISIBILITY_DIRECT ="direct"; // An array of Attachments public TootAttachment.List media_attachments; // An array of Mentions public TootMention.List mentions; //An array of Tags public TootTag.List tags; //Application from which the status was posted public String application; public long time_created_at; public Spannable decoded_content; public Spannable decoded_tags; public Spannable decoded_mentions; public static TootStatus parse( LogCategory log, JSONObject src ){ if( src == null ) return null; try{ TootStatus status = new TootStatus(); // log.d( "parse: %s", src.toString() ); = src.optLong( "id" ); status.uri = Utils.optStringX( src, "uri" ); status.url = Utils.optStringX( src, "url" ); status.account = TootAccount.parse( log, src.optJSONObject( "account" ) ); status.in_reply_to_id = Utils.optStringX( src, "in_reply_to_id" ); // null status.in_reply_to_account_id = Utils.optStringX( src, "in_reply_to_account_id" ); // null status.reblog = TootStatus.parse( log, src.optJSONObject( "reblog" )); status.content = Utils.optStringX( src, "content" ); status.created_at = Utils.optStringX( src, "created_at" ); // "2017-04-16T09:37:14.000Z" status.reblogs_count = src.optLong( "reblogs_count" ); status.favourites_count = src.optLong( "favourites_count" ); status.reblogged = src.optBoolean( "reblogged" ); status.favourited = src.optBoolean( "favourited" ); status.sensitive = src.optBoolean( "sensitive" ); // false status.spoiler_text = Utils.optStringX( src, "spoiler_text" ); // "",null, or CW text status.visibility = Utils.optStringX( src, "visibility" ); status.media_attachments = TootAttachment.parseList( log, src.optJSONArray( "media_attachments" ) ); status.mentions = TootMention.parseList( log, src.optJSONArray( "mentions" )); status.tags = TootTag.parseList( log, src.optJSONArray( "tags" )); status.application = Utils.optStringX( src, "application" ); // null status.time_created_at = parseTime( log, status.created_at ); status.decoded_content = HTMLDecoder.decodeHTML(status.content); status.decoded_tags = HTMLDecoder.decodeTags( status.tags); status.decoded_mentions = HTMLDecoder.decodeMentions( status.mentions); return status; }catch( Throwable ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); log.e( ex, "TootStatus.parse failed." ); return null; } } public static List parseList( LogCategory log, JSONArray array ){ List result = new List(); if( array != null ){ for( int i = array.length() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ){ JSONObject src = array.optJSONObject( i ); if( src == null ) continue; TootStatus item = parse( log, src ); if( item != null ) result.add( 0, item ); } } return result; } private static final SimpleDateFormat date_format_utc = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault() ); public static long parseTime( LogCategory log, String strTime ){ if( ! TextUtils.isEmpty( strTime ) ){ try{ date_format_utc.setTimeZone( TimeZone.getTimeZone( "GMT" ) ); return date_format_utc.parse( strTime ).getTime(); }catch( ParseException ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); log.e( ex, "TootStatus.parseTime failed." ); } } return 0L; } private static final SimpleDateFormat date_format = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault() ); public static String formatTime( long t ){ date_format.setTimeZone( TimeZone.getDefault() ); return date_format.format( new Date( t ) ); } }